Wherever the wind takes us
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Wherever the wind takes us: Storm

T - Words: 1,453 - Last Updated: Dec 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/8 - Created: Dec 09, 2012 - Updated: Dec 27, 2012
568 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Descriptions of violence
'Hey Bl-'

'Rachel Berry I am going to kill you,' Blaine seethed.

Rachel stopped in her tracks.


'What part of 'I'm going on a date please do not message me at all', don't you understand?'

'It was New Year! I sent a group message to all my friends.' Rachel explained.

'So? You knew we were on a date, we could've been doing anything.' Blaine nearly shouted.

Rachel's eyes widened, taking in his messed up hair and flushed face.

'Oh my God did I inter-'

'No!' Blaine laughed nervously, 'It was our first real date, of course not! But we..I-'

'WHAT HAPPENED?' Rachel grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to the sofa, as she so often did.

'I- We were kissed. At midnight. And it was amazing. Like all the things they tell you about in movies and books, the whole 'ooh there will be fireworks' it was kinda like that but so much more...Kurt!'
Blaine saw Rachel smirking at him and realised he must have been drifting off into some sort of reverie.

'Then what happened?'

'Well, then my phone went off,' Rachel at least had the grace to look ashamed, 'And after I'd turned it off, the moment had been shot down dead and stabbed a couple of times to make sure. Then we unbuttoned our coat an-'

'Hold on, our coat?' Rachel blinked at him. 'What were you doing? Where the hell were you?'

Blaine rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, and started to explain.

By the end of it, Rachel was practically squealing.

'So for a first date, and a first kiss on the New Year I think that pretty much beats all love stories ever written, like, ever.'

'I know!' Blaine sighed.

However angry he had been at Rachel for interrupting, he could never stay angry with her for more than ten minutes.

Apart from that time when she 'borrowed' his hair gel for a week and he had to go to school looking like frankensteins uglier brother crossed with Borat on a bad day.

'So..what are you gonna do now?' Rachel asked.

'Well, now I'm going to go to bed and try and recall every last detail. Tomorrow, I'm gonna ask him out myself.'

And with that, he skipped merrily off to bed, his spirits higher than they had been in weeks.


Phone call. that’s the easiest way to go. tust take a deep breath, and dial. he kissed you, he’s not gonna say no

He pressed the button with as little pressure as possible, like it was a bomb.

It rung loudly and he screwed his eyes shut.

'Blaine!' Blaine's eyes flew open at the sound of Kurt's voice, and he sounded genuinely happy.

'This is Blaine right?'

'Oh, yeah, hi Kurt!'
There was a pause and Blaine curled his toes against the carpet.

'Um, I was wondering if you'd like to go out again?'
'I'd love to! Tonight? I'm free tonight!'

Blaine had to hold in his gleeful jubilation.

'Yeah, tonight's great! I was thinking, we could go to a bar? I haven't had a drink in ages..'

'Sound's good! I'll be at your place at 7pm.' Kurt hung up, and Blaine was left holding the phone to his ear.

The way Kurt just decided things, so easily, was one of the many traits Blaine adored in him.

He sighed and started imagining their wedding cake, before Rachel rudely interrupted his daydreams by singing at the very top of her lungs.


'You look gorgeous!' Blaine blushed all the way to his toes, and possibly further, as he stood in his doorway.

'Thanks. So do you. Of course. You always look stunning, and, um, I like your hair. I always do. But, er, tonight, it looks even better. Than usual. Even thought it looks great all the time.'



Kurt smiled easily at him. He obviously didn't mind Blaine's babbling, which Blaine was grateful for. Kurt offered him an arm and he took it.

'So, fair Blaine. Where art thou whisking me away to this fine eve.' Blaine snorted at the Shakespearian language.

'There's this bar/club in the Upper East Side, called Scandals. I've heard it's the place to be. So I'm taking you there. On a date.'

'Well, then, let's go.'


Blaine hiccupped and Kurt giggled.

'Blaine, how many tequila shots have you had?'

Blaine narrowed his eyes and stared at the sky. No, wait, that wasn't the sky. That was the ceiling. Ceiling. What a weird word.

Kurt. He looked at Kurt.

Ah, his eyes are like the sky. cause they’re blue and…stuff. wait, what did he say? shots?

Blaine tried to mentally count how many he had, but he got lost somewhere around five, so he counted on his fingers.

'Seven. Maybe nine.' He peered at Kurt and grinned dopily.

Kurt sighed and tried to pry Blaine's vice like grip from his arm.

'I'm just going to the bathroom. Don't drown in shots while I'm gone.' He placed a small kiss on Blaine's forehead and headed off to the right.

Blaine smiled as he thought of Kurt. Such as good friend. Or was he a boyfriend now?

He ordered a glass of water, knowing Kurt would be proud of him.

Wincing at the coldness, he sipped it and spun half round on his seat. Woah. There was a guy right in front of him. Or maybe he wasn't that close.

He had kind of brown hair, but it looked blue in the flashing lights. Like the sky..

His face was thin and he was looking right at Blaine, which was slightly unnerving.

'I couldn't help but notice how attractive you are.' The man said. Confused, Blaine tried to turn away, but the man caught his shoulder.

'My name's Sebastian.'

Something snagged in Blaine's mind.

Sebastian. the name was familiar…but from where? if I can’t remember it, then it’s probably not important

Blaine smiled. The man wasn't a stranger anymore. He was Sebastian.

'I'm Blaine.' He hiccupped again and held out his hand to be shaken, just like Kurt had when they had first met.

'Hi Blaine! Was that your boyfriend who just left?' He took Blaine's hand and shook it.

'Yeah. He's really cute, isn't he. His name's Kurt. It's such a pretty name. Like his eyes.' He fixed Sebastian with a serious look. 'His eyes are pretty. They look like the sky.'

Sebastian smiled kindly at him. Then Blaine realised that he hadn't let go of his hand.

Maybe he’s European

Blaine giggled.

'Let's go get some air, it's hot in here.' Sebastian tugged at his hand, and Blaine followed pliantly. Maybe he would be able to look at the sky.

Sebastian pushed through the throng of bodies, not caring if anyone fell over, and finally pulled Blaine through a back door, into an alley.

They leant against a wall.

'So, you're boyfriend's called Kurt, huh?' Sebastian was facing him, one of his arms bracketing Blaine against the wall.

Blaine nodded.

'I had a boyfriend called Kurt once. He wasn't a very good boyfriend.' Blaine looked at Sebastian, wondering what his point was.

'Well, my Kurt's a great boyfriend.'

'Your Kurt? He's yours? Are you sure?' Blaine furrowed his brow.

'Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but I think I'm going to go back inside now.'

Sebastian grabbed his arm.

'No no no. You can't leave. I still need to teach you a lesson.'

'What?' Blaine was feeling a little scared now.

'You need to learn, that stealing someone else's boyfriend is wrong.'

With that, Sebastian slammed a fist into Blaine's stomach. He flew backwards, gasping for breath but finding none.

As he lay curled in on himself, pain spasming through his abdomen, he heard Sebastian saying something.

He was hauled off the ground, only to have another fist delivered into his jaw, his chest, boots kicked at his shins and stamped on his feet. It was brutal and unprofessional, but agony nonetheless.

Somehow, through his alcohol sodden mind, a drop of information slipped through, a memory from his boxing lessons.

Right hook to the chest. winds opponent. broken ribs if powerful enough.

He swung his fist upwards with as much power as he could muster.

A choking noise. He'd missed, but had hit Sebastian's throat instead. Better than nothing, he thought.

But then Sebastian had his coat lapels and was holding his close.

'I'll say goodbye to Kurt for you.' He rasped and Blaine was trying to work out what he meant when-

A sharp squelching sound, wet and smooth, brought him to earth. Then he felt the icy coldness, the almost numbing pain spreading like wildfire through his body. He saw, rather then felt himself fall to the ground, not registering any pain.

As he lay there a hand loosely over his stomach, he watched through dim eyes Sebastian leave, throwing something shiny into the dumpster.

Ringing filled his ears, and he was finally succumbing to the dragging force of unconsciousness, when he heard a faint slam, before his vision faded out.


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I think I officially dislike Sebastian more than in other character. I just want to hug Blaine and tell him everything will be ok. I enjoyed Rachel and Blaine's interactions in this story and thought it was cute how excited she got for him and Kurt. I can't wait to see what happens next.