Kurt's blaine- Life
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Kurt's blaine- Life: Life and Love

E - Words: 5,723 - Last Updated: Apr 09, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Apr 09, 2015 - Updated: Apr 09, 2015
288 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I wanted Elandler as canon so much. It would have been the cutest to have Chandler bouncing off the walls with Elliott standing there off to the side being like yes, yes its exciting hun."

So yeah thats a ship that may or may not appear every so often in this verse.


I'm on the train, almost to our stop sweetheart. I expect you naked and on your knees when I get home.

Blaine grinned as he looked down at his phone, quickly moving to their bedroom. He shucked off his clothes, trying to keep his erection down as he shifted and the plug Kurt had put in this morning after their shower rubbed against his prostate. A jolt of pleasure ran through his body, but he pushed it aside. It wouldn't benefit him to get hard. There was no guarantee Kurt would relieve him of it if he did.

Blaine folded his clothes neatly and placed them on his dresser.

He looked around the room thoughtfully before grabbing the box containing his collar off the end table.  He couldn't wear it on days when he taught piano at the local community center because he worried that the parents of the kids he taught would think he was being inappropriate.  So on those days Sir removed it with a tiny smile of sympathy and replaced it with one of his bowties tied extra tight.

But Sir liked to put his collar back on the minute he got home. He knew how much his Blaine needed it to center him, when his bowties only did so much.

He hadn't had a collar for very long though. Before he married his gorgeous Sir he'd just had to rely on his bowties, which were almost exclusively tied by his Dom.  His Dom hadn't known back then though. It taken some time after they'd gotten back together and married before Blaine admitted his desire.  

His Dom had embraced it all, once they'd talked it all out and written their own contract. Sir presented him with a beautiful collar nervously when they'd both signed their contract.

It had a small bowtie in the front with the words ‘Kurt's blaine' written in Kurt's smooth cursive on a tiny metal plate. The best part of it all though, was the words written inside that rubbed against his skin. ‘sweetheart'.  Blaine had wept tears of joy in his Sir's comforting arms.  

Blaine headed out of their room and into the kitchen. He double checked that the oven was set on warm. He didn't want to burn dinner, but he also didn't want it to be cold for Sir.

Next, he headed to their front room.  Sir hadn't mentioned a particular place, so he knew he wouldn't mind if he waited for him on his pillow by the door. Blaine took his spot on his pillow, ducking his head in submission as he placed the box next to him. Soon he was the model of submission and he let his thoughts wander.

Blaine missed his Dom during the day, especially when he had classes. He had enjoyed them more when he had Kurt there with him. But that wasn't possible anymore. Blaine went to NYU, and Kurt went to NYADA.  But his Dom always took him to his first class of the day, even when it was a little out of the way. Kurt had even moved them to Queens knowing how much Blaine needed the calm of a much more family-friendly borough.  They commuted to Manhattan every weekday for classes.

He honestly didn't know that he could love his Dom anymore than he already did. But when Kurt showed him their new home, a little in need of repair but home nonetheless, Blaine's heart had soared. It had all the comfort of Kurt's home in Lima, with just enough of New York City to keep them focused on their present and future. It was completely freeing and not at all like how he'd felt when they lived in the loft in Brooklyn.

Blaine's eyes darted up unconsciously as he heard a key turning in the door. He looked back down, a smile forming on his face in delight that his beautiful gorgeous Sir was home.

The door opened and Kurt walked in with a tiny smile on his face, not looking down at Blaine. He closed the door, locking it as he removed his coat. Kurt opened the small closet behind the door and hung his coat and bag up. He turned around after the door was closed, eyes finally seeing Blaine.

“Hi sweetie! Did you have a good day?” He tilted Blaine's head up feeling him nod, knowing not to speak as he nuzzled against his Sir's hand. Kurt swooped down and kissed Blaine's lips in delight at the display of his perfect sub. Blaine closed his eyes letting the feeling of dominance in Kurt's kiss flow through him.

Kurt pulled away after a minute, his finger running across Blaine's cheek with a look of unadulterated love.  His eyes found the box sitting next to Blaine and he laughed. “Someone's a little eager today, aren't they?”

Kurt picked up the box, opening it and taking Blaine's collar out. “Do you want your collar, sweetheart?” Kurt grinned before adding, “You may speak.”

“Yes Sir! Please.” Blaine begged with a smile twinkling in his eyes.

Kurt tsked, bringing a hand down to run his fingers through Blaine's hair. “You'll have to try a little harder than that, honey.”  

Blaine's smile grew as his face filled with a look of pleading. “Please Sir. May I have my collar?” Blaine nuzzled his face into Kurt's crotch area and looked up at Kurt, eyes wide with innocent mischief. “I'll do anything Sir wants!”

Kurt laughed again. “Sweetheart, sometimes you're just too much.” Kurt tugged on Blaine's curls gently until he got the hint to bare his neck for Kurt. A jolt of arousal shot through Blaine as he saw Kurt undo the latch of his collar. “But I think a good boy like you deserves it.”

Kurt secured the collar around Blaine's neck expertly, kissing the spot directly above where it rest. “Gorgeous,” he assured, and walked out of the room to the kitchen. Blaine crawled, following him obediently.

“What did you make us for dinner, sweetie? That smells delicious.” Kurt complimented while taking a seat at the table.

“Just something simple tonight.” Blaine smiled, resting his head on Kurt's knee and closing his eyes in content as Kurt ran his fingers through his hair soothingly. “I knew I might get too distracted while I finished my paper.”

Kurt's hand paused and he tugged gently on Blaine's curls to make sure he hadn't drifted too far. “Oh? Did you finish it then? I know you were having a little trouble keeping it completely theory.”

“Elliott let me borrow a book. He said it helped him a lot when he was in Professors Nolan's class too. I did some studying while I was eating lunch, and added more to it on the train to the community center.” Blaine told him blissfully, letting his mind wander. “I was just putting the finishing touches on it when you texted me.”

“I'll have to thank him, then.” Kurt commented absently as he scooped Blaine up off the floor and into his lap. “As for you, I think you deserve a reward sweetheart! I know how hard you've been working and you've been such a good boy since we came back to New York. Taking your medicine, asking for help, not eating too much or too little, not letting the little insecurities get the best of us...”  Blaine hummed nuzzling against Kurt as Kurt listed off all his tiny, but important accomplishments. “How about we eat the delicious meal you made us and then go spend some time at Paddles?”

Blaine gave Kurt a grin as he nodded and threw his arms around Kurt's neck. “Thank You, Sir. I love you.”

“I love you too, honeybee.” Kurt kissed Blaine's forehead and then slapped Blaine's ass teasingly. “Let's eat. We can discuss what we might do at the club tonight.”

Blaine gave Kurt one more smile before climbing out of his lap and went to go prepare their plates. He wiggled his butt at Kurt as he walked and he heard his Dom laugh at his brief teasing.



Once they were done with dinner, Kurt led Blaine to the bedroom. He dressed Blaine in a pair of tight briefs along with one of his own old, but comfortable sweaters that hung loose on Blaine's frame. He let Blaine pull on a pair of worn Dalton sweatpants that accentuated his ass well. They'd be off soon enough, but he could enjoy the look regardless.

He chose his own clothes carefully. He needed to walk the fine line between turning his submissive husband on, while signaling others at the club that that neither of them was up for sharing. His Blaine was practiced with turning down the offers so far. But it sort of killed the mood he worked hard to maintain when another sub or Dom interrupted their scene.

Kurt settled for a pair of leather leggings he'd found at Barney's recently and tight v neck shirt. From the look in his subs eyes from where he was perched on the bed watching him, Blaine approved.

Kurt pressed a soft kiss to his lips as he walked over to their end table and opened up the top of drawer. His smile dropped slightly and he looked over at Blaine questioningly. “Sweetheart, did you forget to bring your collar's box back in here?”

Blaine blushed in embarrassment. “Oh! I'm sorry, Sir. I'll go get it now.” He stood up quickly and rushed into the front hallway. Kurt watched him rush out in fond amusement. In less than a minute Blaine was back and handing him the box.

“Sweetie, you know you can't just leave this laying around. It's really important.” Kurt admonished as he took the keys out that laid at the bottom of the box. One was for their box of playthings and the other for Blaine's medicine. Kurt trusted him to keep them safe.

“I know. I just got distracted.” Blaine admitted as he took a seat on their bed again, pulling his legs up underneath him.

“It's okay.  At least you remember where you put it this time.” Kurt teased as he pulled their box out from under the bed. Blaine blushed harder, remembering their move to their new house and the painful spanking Kurt gave him for losing the key to his medicine box. Kurt ended up having to cut the lock off, since they hadn't found the key until a few weeks later when they unpacked their last box. Blaine hadn't been able to sit comfortably for almost a week. And if that wasn't enough, Kurt refused to cut off the lock and play with him as a punishment for losing that key as well. He still got to have sex with his husband and enjoy his time with him, but Kurt's Dom side was firmly under lock and key much like their playthings.

Kurt set a lead and their handcuffs down next to Blaine. He relocked their case and put it back under their bed. He was about to stand up and lead Blaine out of their room, when his phone rang. Kurt handed the keys to Blaine instead and watched him put them away. He took a seat next to Blaine on the bed as he pulled out his phone.

“Hello?- Oh Hey Elliott- No, we're busy tonight.” Blaine leaned his head against Kurt's shoulder and Kurt's hands found their way into his. He let Blaine play with his cuff as he spoke. “Oh? Really.- You did?- Oh wow, congratulations.- Wait, let me tell Blaine.”

Kurt pulled the phone away from his ear and turned to Blaine. “Elliott's got a new boyfriend.”

Blaine's eyes snapped up to his, blinking a little in disbelief. “Wait, how does he know already? Where did they meet?”

“I don't know, sweetheart. Let me ask him.” Kurt smiled bringing Blaine's hand up his lips and kissing it as his phone returned to his ear. “Oh my god, Elliott!- No, I'm not you!- Really?- Aww, that's so cute!- Oh that's sad! But at least he said something- Oh we were actually going there tonight ourselves!- I don't know Elliott, I'll have to ask him if he wants to. It is his reward.- Yeah,  I'll see you. Bye.”

Kurt hung up his phone and turned to Blaine. “So apparently he goes to NYU with you two. And he's had a crush on Elliott for awhile now.”

Blaine gave him a thoughtful look and blushed suddenly. “I think I actually know who he is.”

Kurt turned his head questioningly a fond smile appearing on his face. “Oh?”

“There's this guy in my musical history class whose been looking at me weirdly all semester. So I confronted him about a month ago.” Blaine hide his face in Kurt's shoulder with an embarrassed laugh. “He thought I was Elliott's sub.”

Kurt kissed his head in amusement. “Well he does watch out for you for me a lot, honeybee.”

“Yeah, but Elliott.” Blaine giggled. “I didn't get much farther than telling him that my collar clearly didn't have Elliott's name out it and hadn't he noticed that? I don't think he ever sat close enough to me to make out your name to be honest.” Blaine babbled in amusement. “But then I just told him Elliott was my Dom's friend. He skipped off after that though. I'm sorry I don't have his name, Sir.”

“It okay, sweetheart. Elliott actually asked if we want to meet him tonight. You decide. He'll keep his distance at the club if you want them to. This is your night, B.”

“No, I want to meet him, Sir!” Blaine smiled climbing into Kurt's lap and hugging him tightly. “It might be nice to have Elliott's sub for a friend.”

“Alright,” Kurt hugged him close and kissed his forehead. His lips found their way to Blaine's ear and he nipped at it. “And if you're good, when we get home I'll tie you up and fuck you into our mattress until you come twice,  sweetheart.”

Blaine shivered in delight, feeling himself harden at Kurt's words. “I promise I will, Sir.”

Kurt adjusted Blaine in his arms and stood up. He grabbed what he took out of their trunk and carried Blaine to their door. He set him down on his feet and Blaine silently grabbed their jackets and shoes. He helped Kurt into his, then put his own on.

Kurt looked Blaine over making sure he hadn't forgotten anything important. He ran through Blaine's list. “Phone?” Blaine patted his pocket with a smile. “Keys?” Blaine took their house keys out of his jacket pocket and showed Kurt. “Wallet?” Blaine brought that out for him to see as well. “Good boy. Safeword?”

“Baby Penguin.” Blaine giggled and Kurt rolled his eyes fondly. Blaine had come up with it teasingly when they were coming up with their contract. At first Kurt was hesitant to use it because of the possible connotations. But Blaine insisted that the memory always reminded him that sometimes they weren't both on the same page, but if they slowed down and talked about it they could be.

Kurt kissed Blaine softly and took his hand leading him out of the house. “Now I expect you to behave, sweetheart. We don't want to embarrass Elliott too much yet. He seems to like this guy.” Blaine nodded in agreement. “But I still expect you to tell me if something bothers you, B. I know how open and vulnerable you get at Paddles.”

“I know, Sir. I promise.” Blaine smiled, squeezing Kurt's hand as they walked to the subway entrance.

They spent their subway ride people watching and making up stories about the people around them. There were a few tourists who had gotten lost, a mousy girl who looked relieved to have found a seat after a long day at work, even a pregnant women who looked ready to pop.



When they reached their stop they hurried off the train and back up to the road. The walk to Paddles was quick and soon they were walking into the discreet building and showing their IDs to prove they were over 18.

They headed over to check their coats. Blaine stripped down to his briefs, ring and collar happily checking the rest of his clothes.  

Kurt watched his sub fondly and snapped his lead on when Blaine was done.

“He's a bit of an overeager sub, isn't he?” The man behind the counter commented handing Kurt a ticket as Blaine dropped to his knees and nuzzled Kurt's hand.

Kurt stroked his fingers through Blaine's hair with a smile. “Well he gets to play and meet my friend's new sub tonight.” Kurt explained his eyes never leaving Blaine. “He has a lot to be eager about. Don't you sweetheart?”

“Yes Sir!” Blaine grinned happily as he looked around at the other occupants of the club going about their business in a safe judgement free zone. He shivered in anticipation of what Kurt planned to do for him out there.

“Come on, sweetheart. We can get some drinks while we wait for them.” Kurt gave a gentle tug on the lead and Blaine crawled forward, following Kurt over to a group of comfortable couches with fluffy cushions at the feet for subs to kneel at. Kurt took a seat at one of the armchairs. “You can in my lap, sweetheart. I don't want your knees to cramp down there.”

Blaine smiled and scurried up into Kurt's lap. Kurt's arms came around him to wrap him in a warm embrace. He kissed Blaine's forehead softly and then picked up a menu. “How about some apple juice for now, honeybee?” Blaine nodded eagerly.

“Well look what the cat dragged in!” A familiar voice cackled from their left. Kurt looked over at them with a glare.

“Sebastian Smythe? What the hell gave you the idea you were welcome here? This isn't Scandals, this is actually a respectful establishment. Do you think you live here too?”

“Watch it, Hummel. I'm sure there are a few Doms here who'd love to beat that attitude out of you. I'd do it, but your gayface and horrible taste in fashion is repellant.”

Blaine went to stand up and confront Sebastian for daring to speak to his Dom that way, but Kurt pulled him back. “He's not worth it, sweetheart.” Kurt warned.

“Oh! I see! You think you're the Dom?” Sebastian snickered “And is that Blainers?” He turned his attention to Blaine, ignoring Kurt. “How about you come with me and I'll show you what real Domming is.”

“No thank you,” Blaine responded uncomfortably as he saw Sebastian's eyes raking over his body. He hid his head in Kurt's shoulder.

“Didn't your pretend Dom teach you not to be disrespectful?” Sebastian demanded, reaching forward to touch Blaine. Kurt grabbed his hand quickly before he could.

“Did I tell you that you could touch him?” Kurt asked angrily bending back Sebastian's fingers until he was wincing in pain. “In case you haven't noticed by his collar, he is a claimed sub. I could get you thrown out of here in seconds for that.”  Kurt let go of his hand and pushed him away.

“You already fucking claimed him?” Sebastian asked in disbelief. “What's the point if you're not even going have any fun? Bet you don't even share.”

Kurt squeezed Blaine's shoulder to get his attention. “Sweetie would you go order us our drinks? Medium Apple Juice and a Water for me.” Blaine climbed out his lap with a quick, but nervous nod. “And Blaine?”

“Sir?” Blaine asked turning his head to the side questioningly. Sebastian leered at Blaine's state of undress, his eyes firmly on Blaine's ass.

“Could you tell Sebastian who you are?” Kurt gave him a look.

“I am Kurt's Blaine. Only Kurt's Blaine. Blaine's heart, body and soul belong to his Dom, his Kurt,” He waited for Kurt's nod of approval and gave him a smile before walking off.

“How the hell do you manage to get it so obedient? The subs I fuck barely listen. It helps to keep them from getting clingy and wanting to come back. But they'd be so much hotter like that.”

“Well it helps that I'm actually his Dom and not some idiot like you, lying and treating subs like they're just a quick lay.” Kurt snapped, rolling his eyes. “Don't expect that to work for much longer, subs talk. I'm surprised they even let you in here. They're very strict about keeping the subs that come here safe.”

Kurt's eyes tracked Blaine and he laughed. “Actually I'd probably get out of here now before they throw you out. Blaine seems to have taken it upon himself to warn the staff here.” Kurt pointed over at his sub who was talking to the man behind the concession stand and a few security guards.

“Whatever, this place is too tame anyway.” Sebastian relented before heading over to the coat check.

“Subs talk everywhere, Smythe. Sooner or later every single one in the city will know to stay away from your fake Dom ass.” Kurt called after him and Sebastian flipped him off.

Kurt turned his attention back to Blaine and saw him coming back with their drinks. Blaine resumed his spot in Kurt's lap.

“Thank you sweetheart.” Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek as he adjusted Blaine to be more comfortable. “I'm sorry he interrupted our night.” Kurt apologized after taking a sip of his water. “I don't understand why of all places in the world he choose to prey on subs where we play.”

“It's okay Sir. I just don't want someone to get hurt.”

“I know.” Kurt squeezed Blaine's shoulder softly. “That's why I know you weren't purposely disobeying me after I told you he wasn't worth it.”

“He was disrespecting you,” Blaine explained playing with Kurt's cuff.

“That's why I sent you to get our drinks, baby,” Kurt smiled sadly. “He was just going to keep acting like a neanderthal and make you uncomfortable with his slights at me. He knows you used to just relent in high school to get him to stop. He thinks he can steal you from me.”

“I wouldn't! I promise, Sir,” Blaine defended, looking up at Kurt with a sad pleading look.

“No, no shh, sweetheart. I know you wouldn't. It's okay. Drink your juice.” Kurt pulled him closer into his arms and held the straw for Blaine to take a sip.

“Well don't you two look adorable!” Elliott's voice rang out in amusement as he took a seat on the small loveseat close to them. Another man took a seat next to him and cuddled close.

Kurt smiled over at them, but froze in disbelief when he saw who it was.

“This is my friend Kurt and his husband/sub Blaine, Chandler.” Elliott introduced and Chandler held his hand out to shake not looking over at Kurt but practically bouncing in excitement nonetheless. Blaine noticed Kurt's hesitance and shook Chandler's hand himself.

“It's nice to meet you.” Blaine smiled “Well, again. Since we've met before.”

“The same to you and sorry for my confusion. Elly explained the whole thing.” Chandler grinned, his cheeks turning pink.

His eyes still hadn't found Kurt's. Elliott seemed to realize this suddenly. “You're allowed to look at other Doms, hun.” Elliott reassured softly and squeezed Chandler's hand. He didn't notice Chandler's eyes widen upon seeing Kurt. “Apparently this idiot we just ran into outside fed Chandler this line of bullshit about Doms a few months ago. He's been afraid of his own shadow since. I've been trying to helping him work through it. But seeing the guy again spooked him. ” Elliott rolled his eyes in annoyance. But it quickly disappeared when Chandler touched his cuff.

“The idiot didn't happen to have looked like a criminal chipmunk, would he?” Kurt asked snapping out of his disbelief at seeing Chandler Kiehl with Elliott.

Elliott laughed. “Yeah, that's sounds like the guy.”

“Blaine just chased him out of here.” Kurt said proudly kissing Blaine's forehead. “He's the guy who threw that rock salt slushie I told you about.”

“Good for you, Blaine.” Elliott smiled “You definitely deserve that victory.”

“Rock salt slushie?” Chandler wondered quietly.

“I'll tell you about it later,”  Elliott patted his arm.

“Okay.” Chandler smiled and then bit his lip nervously, “So are we going to ignore the giant elephant in the room?”

Elliott and Blaine gave him a look of confusion, but Kurt hide his head in Blaine's hair with a sigh. “I guess not.”

“Hun? What are you talking about? Do you and Kurt know each other?”

“At the end of my senior year I met Chandler at Between the Sheets. It's this music store in Ohio,” Kurt admitted and he felt Blaine stiffen in his arms.

“Yeah we texted for a few days but then Kurt told me to stop for some reason, Elly.” Chandler explained with a grin that fell off his face when he noticed Blaine's sharp glare. “Hey! It was a long time ago. He's yours now,” Chandler defended.

Mine.” Blaine muttered possessively crowding in closer to Kurt.  

“Sweetheart, he's right. I'm sorry it happened, but it was a long time ago.” Kurt soothed rubbing his hand across Blaine's back. “But he's Elliott's boyfriend now, so be nice.”

Blaine glare didn't lessen at all, neither did his grip on Kurt for the rest of their conversation.



Kurt waited until the conversation was over and Elliott was distracted with Chandler elsewhere in the club, before he confronted Blaine.

“Alright off, Blaine.” Kurt sighed frustrated. Blaine shot him a guilty frown, his hand coming up to run his fingers over the plate of his collar. “Don't make me tell you again, Blaine. On your knees.”

Blaine gave him a sadder look but climbed off of Kurt and took his place on floor. He tried to nuzzle his head against Kurt's knee, but Kurt gently pushed him away.

“None of that.” Kurt crossed his arms across his chest. “I asked you to be nice Blaine. But instead you acted like some attack dog and made Elliott and Chandler uncomfortable.”

“You did it to Sebastian.” Blaine muttered looking down at his knees guiltily.

Kurt blinked in disbelief “Blaine Devon, did you-” He took a deep breath and rubbed his fingers over his cuff to calm himself. “There is a difference between not liking someone who almost blinded you and actively tried to steal you away, and how you treated Chandler who you were being nice to before you realized he texted me for a few days 3 freaking years ago, Blaine!”

A few tears leaked out of Blaine's eyes in embarrassment. “I don't like being reminded of the feeling of almost losing you. And Chandler- He's a much better sub.”

Kurt sighed deeply and tried to tip Blaine's head up. “Sweetheart, look at me.” Blaine's eyes met Kurt's unhappily. “Honeybee, you aren't going to lose me. I know you know that.” He took Blaine's hand in his and traced his finger over Blaine's ring. “I married you because you are all I ever want and that's never ever going to change.” He tugged on Blaine's lead a little hard to jostle him and remind him of his collar. “And I gave you this because you are my perfect sub. No one else could ever be more perfect for me,” He wiped a tear out of Blaine's eye. “Even when you don't act like it.”

Blaine dropped his head in shame “I'm sorry, Sir.”

“I know you are, sweetheart,” Kurt ran his finger across Blaine's collar. “And I won't punish you for your insecurities.” Blaine shoulders sagged,  “But I am going to for how you disrespected Elliott and Chandler. Elliott was excited for us to meet him, Blaine. He wanted you to be friends with Chandler, and if I remember correctly so did you.”

“I know. I'm sorry Sir.”

“Alright up.” Kurt patted his lap gesturing for Blaine to lay over it. “You get 5 for how you disrespected Elliott and Chandler, 5 for that Sebastian remark. That was just a mean spirited way for you to try to make me feel guilty. And the last 5 is for you disrespecting yourself and our relationship. Then I expect you to go see Elliott and apologize to them.”

Blaine nodded briefly and followed Kurt's direction, laying across Kurt's lap ass on display. Kurt tugged down his brief and massaged Blaine checks before the first smack landed on his left cheek.

He alternated cheeks between smacks until the tenth when Blaine's ass was a pretty pink color. He landed the next harder on Blaine's sit spot and he heard Blaine let out a wet sob against the leg that he was clinging to.

“Four more, sweetheart” Kurt reassured, rubbing his finger over one of the hand shaped bruises forming on Blaine's ass. He could feel how hard Blaine had gotten and was still deciding whether he'd make Blaine wait till they got home to relieve it.

He landed the next in the middle of Blaine's ass and felt Blaine let out a shudder of painful pleasure as the plug still in his ass was pushed deeper. “Everyone's looking, Blaine. Wanting you, but you're all mine. They all watch because they know it's the closest they ever get.” Kurt murmured as he landed two more in the same spot as he felt Blaine throbbing against him. “So fucking gorgeous and mine,” He smacked the last two into each cheek and felt Blaine relax bonelessly against him.

Kurt gathered Blaine up delicately in his arms rubbing his hand gently over Blaine's ass and pulling his briefs back up to cover him. “I love you sweetheart.” He pressed a kiss to Blaine's forehead, nose and then to his lips. “My perfect sub.”

“I love you too Sir. Thank you.” Blaine sighed breathlessly as he desperately clung to Kurt through hazy eyes.

They sat silently for a few minutes, Kurt holding Blaine and whispering sweet words into his ears as Blaine floated back to the surface. Kurt offered Blaine his apple juice a few times, holding the straw up to his lips for him to drink.

Finally Blaine tapped Kurt's arms. “Wanna say sorry to Elliott now,” Blaine told him quietly.

“Okay, sweetheart.” Kurt helped him up and made sure he was balanced. He watched Blaine carefully, ready to come to his aid until he saw him with Elliott. Once he was satisfied Blaine was safe, he got up and went to the concession stand to buy a tube of lotion to prevent any bad bruising. They hadn't planned any pain play for tonight, so he hadn't thought to bring his own.

Once he had it, he headed back over to the sitting area and claimed a loveseat for them. He went back to watching Blaine and laughed. He could see how someone could confuse Elliott as Blaine's Dom if they didn't know them. Blaine had a lot of respect for Elliott since he was such a good friend and helped introduce them to the community.

Elliott hadn't had a sub back then and ended up Domming Blaine a few times to teach Kurt the proper way to use certain things without injuring Blaine. It had been the only exception to their no sharing rule. They'd since amended it, because all three of them agreed that it was only a learning experience and Elliott had no desire to come between them. But the experience had instilled a sense of respect for Elliott in Blaine.

He saw Blaine walking back to him and stood up with his arms out for Blaine.  Blaine fell into Kurt's arms a tear falling onto Kurt's shoulder. “Hey now, sweetheart. It's okay. You're forgiven.”

“But he seems nice and I was mean to him.” Blaine pouted looking up at Kurt.

Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's hair with a smile “I'm sure he knows why you did it. And you can get to know him now.”

“I tried to chase him away from Elliott. But Elliott's happy with him.” Blaine admitted with a sad blush.

Kurt picked him up and settled him on the couch on his belly.

“I know, sweetie.” Kurt smiled tugging down his briefs. “I'm not sure if you were actually listening or if you were just in full attack dog mode. But they've been together a month.” He started to liberally apply the lotion to Blaine's ass, massaging it as he went.

“What right do I have to be jealous of him when I-” Blaine started self-depreciatively, but stopped mid sentence when Kurt slapped his ass. He looked back at Kurt guiltily

“Hey none of that, sweetheart. You are allowed to feel any emotion no matter what you've said or done.” Kurt scolded. “You're just not allowed to be disrespectful to yourself or others when you feel them.”

Blaine nodded closing his eyes. He sighed when Kurt continued his massaging and let his mind drift for a few minutes

“Sweetie, you know you've got to forgive yourself and let go of those things at some point. God knows I long since have.” Kurt told him softly as he tugged Blaine's briefs up again. He pressed a kiss to Blaine hip.

Blaine nodded once more and lulled his head to the side to look back at Kurt. “Sir, I'm tired. Could we go home?”

“I thought you wanted me handcuff you up, sweetie?” Kurt asked fondly coming up to his head to press a kiss to his nose.

“Too tired. Just want to cuddle,” Blaine admitted, blinking his eyes sleepily. “Can still fuck me Sir. Just cuddle fucks.”

Kurt tried to hide the laughter running through his body as he patted Blaine's back and quickly got Blaine's clothes and his jacket.

When he came back he helped Blaine into his clothes with a besotted smile at his sub. He let Blaine lean on him on their way out of this club. “You're really the cutest, sweetheart.” Kurt confessed as they boarded the subway and took their seats, Blaine's head immediately falling onto his shoulder. “And you're the bestest, Sir.”


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