April 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
This chapter is a repost. Next chapter is new
Kurt sat on their couch staring down at Blaine's closed computer sadly. He'd picked it up to check his email, only to find smut. He thought they'd worked through Blaine needing to seek this type of thing elsewhere, but apparently he'd been wrong.
He heard a key turn in their front door and his eyes snapped up. Blaine came through the door with a smile.
“Hey Mr. Hummel-Anderson!” Blaine rushed over to give him a kiss, but he turned his head away. Blaine's smile dropped. “What's wrong?”
Kurt gave him an unimpressed look crossing his arms “I wanted to use your computer to check my email.”
Blaine nodded unclear about what Kurt was upset about.
“Well I opened the internet and- Am I not enough for you?”
Blaine gave him a confused look, but sat down and pulled Kurt into a hug. “Of course you're enough for me, Kurt.”
“Then why are you reading smut like some lonely housewife.” Kurt accused
Blaine thought for a minute and started giggling. “Smut, Kurt? Seriously? It's just fanfiction.”
“You read that stuff to Sam?!” Kurt said eyes wide with alarm.
“No, of course not. We read the lower rated stuff. Besides the only M rated fics Sam likes are heterosexual and you know how I feel about that type of thing.” Blaine wrinkled his nose adorably. “The type you apparently found, it's just a way to indulge in…weird kinks I wouldn't want to scare you with.”
“Try me.” Kurt said, the annoyance leaving his face replaced by curiosity.
“Excuse me?”
“We're married now, honeybee. And I want us to be open with each other like my therapist told me.” Kurt reassured taking Blaine's hand with a smile. “And maybe I have some weird kinks I might want to indulge in with you as well.”
“Oh really?” Blaine raised his eyebrow seductively. He placed his hand on Kurt's thigh slowly edging up. But Kurt stopped him.
“Don't try to distract me. You know I asked first.” Kurt teased kissing Blaine's cheek.
“Okay fine.” Blaine smiled trying to think of one of his tamer kinks. His cheeks turned a lovely shade of red and he ducked his head. “Alright well…you know how you're helping coach the New Directions?”
“Yeah?” Kurt smiled amused, but let Blaine continue.
“I see you taking charge and leading them… so hot.” Blaine explained leaned down and kissing Kurt's neck.
Kurt tilted his head to the side to give Blaine more access. “Is it a teacher thing?” Kurt let out a small moan. “Because you're a teacher too, honey.”
“I'm not sure” Blaine murmured trailing kisses up to Kurt's ear. He nibbled on it before whispering huskily. “That particularly kink didn't fully rear it's head until I saw you demanded Rachel stop trying to sneak her way into the New Direction's numbers.” Blaine's lips found their way to Kurt's. He kissed him hard, deepening the kiss as his arms made his way around Kurt's neck.
Kurt grinned into the kiss taking control as he picked him up and threw him onto his back. “What else. B?” Kurt gasped out between kisses.
Blaine pulled away moving his head away from Kurt teasingly “No, It's your turn Mr. Hummel”
Kurt laughed silently at Blaine's words, but quickly sobered up. “Okay, promise you won't laugh?”
Blaine brought his hands down around Kurt's waist, squeezing gently. “Of course I won't laugh”
Kurt nodded thoughtfully “Alright…I'm not sure if this is really a kink. But I sort of love it when you let me pick out your clothes…or when you help me in or out of mine.” Kurt blushed dropping his head into Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine gently nudged Kurt's head until he turned it to look at him, cheeks still a beautiful shade of red. “I think we share that one, Mr. Hummel” Blaine's eyes twinkled with amusement and happiness.
“Don't think that gets you out of telling me another, Blaine Anderson.” Kurt chided
“Hey! It's Hummel-Anderson.” Blaine grinned darting up to peck Kurt's lips.
Kurt brought his arms out around Blaine's head to balance and hold himself up. “So I'm Hummel now and you get to be Hummel-Anderson? How does that work?”
“Well you're the dashingly handsome and sexy te-” Blaine cut off with a thoughtful look. “Wait can I amend my earlier confession?”
“Of course.” Kurt smiled letting his weight fall a little more onto Blaine.
“Okay, first of all. This” Blaine gestured to Kurt on top of him. “I love this. I think it falls under the same category of your clothing kink though. It's not even really a sex thing. I just feel so comfortable and calm under you like this. I think I could easily fall asleep with just you on top of me for warmth” Blaine sighed happily “And secondly, I don't think it's just the teacher thing…you look so hot when you take charge. It makes me want to follow your every command, even when you're not even talking to me.”
“And you look so cute doing it too.” Kurt smiled kissing Blaine quickly. “Let's see it's my turn. How about…dirty talk?”
“We can if you want to, Mr. Hummel.” Blaine grinned giving Kurt an innocent look.
“You're going to have to stop being so adorable if you want me to…to fuck you.” Kurt blushed
“Oh, Mr. Hummel you're so daring” Blaine said letting out an exaggerated moan.
“I hate you and I want a divorce.” Kurt whined falling completely on to Blaine.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt holding him close and kissed his head. “I love you too. But maybe we should leave the dirty talk for after our clothes are off?”
“Yeah… that's probably for the best.” Kurt admitted “Your turn?”
Blaine thought for a few minutes. “Well, I've read some other things, but I don't know if I'm quite ready to confess them, let alone try them.”
“Well then how about we christen the living room then, Mr. Hummel-Anderson?”
“I like the way you think, Mr. Hummel-Anderson.” Blaine smiled cupping Kurt's face in his hands and placing a kiss on Kurt's lips.
Kurt was quick to deepen the kiss. He sucked on Blaine's lower lip until he got the moan he was searching for. His hands met Blaine and he pushed them above Blaine's head holding them in place. Kurt's lips left Blaine's and he trailed hard kisses down his jaw and down to his neck. He felt Blaine's hips instinctively push up when he found his pulse point. “You like that?”
“H-harder, Kurt” Blaine pleaded tilting his head farther to give him more room.
Kurt paused kissing the spot on his neck gently “Here? Not farther down?” He asked uncertain “I suppose you could wear one of my scarves.”
“No. Want people to see. Know I'm yours” Blaine confessed wiggling under Kurt trying to get him to do something.
“Mine?” Kurt asked reverently his body humming with arousal over the thought. He didn't wait for a response before his lips returned to Blaine's neck, sucking a large hickey onto his neck.
“Yours” Blaine confirmed with moan, his hips bucking up against Kurt. But still barely able to move due to Kurt's full weight holding him down.
Once Kurt was satisfied with the large hickey covering Blaine's neck, he kissed it once more before his lips continued down. He let out a growl of annoyance when he hit Blaine's bowtie. He brought one of his hands down from holding Blaine's in place over over his head. He tugged Blaine's bowtie off expertly and began to undo the buttons of Blaine's shirt, kissing the skin that he uncovered. “I don't know why you wear those everyday, when you know I'm just going to take it off of you when you get home.” Kurt muttered into his skin.
“Reminds me I'm yours.” Blaine confessed breathlessly, feeling a deep sense of calm settling in his mind.
Kurt wasn't sure what Blaine meant by that, so he made a mental note to bring it up later when they were more clear minded. He released Blaine's hands when he reached Blaine's waistband. He set to work undoing Blaine's pants, but couldn't help but press tiny kisses all over Blaine's belly. Finally Kurt tugged off Blaine's pants and his underwear came along with them. “I fucking love your body.” Kurt sighed leaving teasing kisses along his waist and his inner thighs, ignoring where he knew Blaine desperately wanted him.
Above him, Blaine had a hand tangled in his own hair as he let out desperate moans “Kurt, please?” Blaine begged reaching down to stroke himself, but Kurt batted his hand away.
“No, mine.” Kurt told him possessively and Blaine almost came completely untouched. Kurt teasingly ran his hand along Blaine's thigh, not quite touching him. “Beg for it, Blaine” Kurt demanded.
“Kurt, touch me!” Blaine pleaded bucking his hips up slightly, so Kurt's hand made contact with his cock.and he let out a whine at the sensation. Kurt slapped his thigh lightly.
“Look at you, like a cockslut. You want it so bad.” Kurt smiled finally stroking Blaine, and bringing a hand down to rub his still clothed cock. But Blaine froze, the calm feeling suddenly being ripped away and he tried to wiggle out of Kurt's hand, letting out a tiny whimper. Memories of his senior year of thinking of himself like that forming.
“My slut, so desperate for me to do anything to you.” Kurt continued.
“Kurt.” Blaine pleaded tears forming in his eyes. “Please stop, Kurt.”
Kurt's hands were off of him in seconds, and Kurt scooted up Blaine's body so he could see his face. He reached his hand up and wiped a tear away. “What's wrong, Blainey?” Kurt asked in sympathy. He lifted himself up off of Blaine “Is this okay?” Blaine nodded his arms coming up to coax Kurt back on top of him.
“I… I don't like it.” Blaine admitted sadly hoping Kurt wouldn't be disappointed.
“Don't like…” Kurt trailed off trying to think of everything they'd just been doing and what could've made his husband teary-eyed. “When I slapped your thigh?”
Blaine shook his head frantically, “No, I really loved that…It's just the dirty talk”
Kurt's heart fell as he realized how long he thought Blaine was trying to get his attention. “I'm sorry, honeybee. I thought you were enjoying it… You said you liked it when I took charge and I just assumed. God I shouldn't be assuming.”
“I loved that part, Kurt” Blaine reassured wrapping his arms around Kurt's middle “I'm not too keen on that term though. I mean I love being yours. But that word, Kurt. It makes me feel gross and unclean. Like I'm not good enough for you.”
“Oh honey.” Kurt sighed sadly, kissing his forehead, “ You don't ever have to think like that. I love you so much. But I promise no more of that word.” He ran a finger across Blaine's cheek wiping away the last tear. “Are there any other words we should add?”
“I love you too.” Blaine let out a breath of relief that Kurt was taking it so well, even if it prevented him from exploring part of his kink. Blaine felt a wave of shame hit him. “I don't think so, I don't want to limit you.”
Kurt tilted Blaine's head so he could look him in the eye. “Blaine Devon Hummel-Anderson, you know neither one of our therapist would approve of you doing that.”.
“Yeah, you're right.” Blaine nodded sadly, then looked back up at Kurt “I don't think I'd really like being called whore either.” He admitted before adding “Although I'm not opposed to you teasing me about how much I want.
Kurt kissed Blaine's lips softly. “Okay, sweetheart. I'll remember that.” Kurt shifted and suddenly became aware of Blaine still hard underneath him. He smiled laughing “That conversation clearly didn't kill your mood.”
Blaine reached between them grabbing onto Kurt and raising an eyebrow “You either.” He gave Kurt a cheeky wink “And may I say Mr. Hummel, you are wearing far too many clothes.”
Kurt lifted himself off of Blaine and stood up. “I think you better remedy that, Blaine.” He wiggled his finger telling Blaine to get up “Folded and on the loveseat, Blaine. Yours too.” Blaine shot him a delighted smile, quickly following directions.
Kurt meant to address Blaine's desire for him to be possessive once they had a clearer mind, but he got distracted. First they made dinner together, with only the very few required clothing they needed so nothing valuable got harm. And that quickly devolved into heavy makeout session against the refrigerator, until the timer beeped.
He knew he could have brought it up over dinner, but they'd got too caught up talking about their respective days, their students and a couple at Dalton so cute, Kurt swore they were trying to one up them. By the time the thought occurred to him, Blaine was cleaning their plates and handing him the remote so Kurt could pause The Bachelor while he finished cleaning up.
They ended up missing their nightly routine, by falling asleep cuddled on the couch under a blanket. Blaine woke him at 1am and helped him to bed and into his pajamas, knowing Kurt would get a crick in his neck if he laid there any longer.
The next time Kurt thought of Blaine's words, he was just leaving Glee club for the day. On his drive home, a idea formed in his head and he vowed to at least try to get ideas as to what Blaine needed from him before he got home from Dalton for the day.
“Hey, husband” Blaine grinned closing the door to their apartment and seeing a much happier husband than the day before.
“Hi honeybee” Kurt smiled turning his head expectantly up from Blaine's computer to meet his hello kiss. When they pulled away, Kurt patted the spot next to him. “Come here, I've been doing some research.”
“Oh? Should I be concerned?” Blaine asked hesitantly hoping no one they knew was sick or hurt. Kurt liked to go on research binges whenever someone he loved was in trouble, and he really hoped it wasn't Kurt's dad.
“No, no. Everything's fine. I was just thinking about a few things you said yesterday. And I wanted to look up a few things to make sure I wasn't missing something important.” Kurt assured kissing Blaine's forehead softly once he sat down. Kurt turned his body so he was looking at Blaine, the computer still on his lap. “Okay honey, I'm going to ask you some questions and feel free to say yes or no. And you don't have to give me an explanation if you don't want to. I won't judge you either way, I promise.”
Blaine bit his lip nervously, but nodded after a minute.
“Okay. So I made a list, and we can go one by one.” Kurt nodded to himself, taking a deep breath to prepare himself. He look up at Blaine once he was ready and started “Alright, bondage!” Kurt's face went completely red and he ducked his head into his hands. “Oh my god, I didn't mean to jump into it so quickly like that.”
Blaine gave him a fond smile, reaching out and taking Kurt's hand off his face. “It's just you and me. There's nothing to be embarrassed about.” Blaine bit his lip bracing himself for his confession. “And yes. I like the thought of you tying me up and all of that. And when you wore those bondage outfits in high school, god that was so unfairly hot.” Blaine got a dreamy far away look on his face.
“I never wore bondage outfits in high school!” Kurt argued in confusion.
Blaine snapped back to the present. He looked at Kurt carefully before responding. “You did, Kurt. Many times. Pretty much almost every time I begged to skip Glee and just go back to my house instead… A few times even before we started having sex”
Kurt gaped at him in shock.
“Um… Please tell you know about the hanky code?” Blaine asked looking like the world had been pulled out from underneath him.
“Is that some fashion thing I somehow missed?” Kurt asked nervously.
“Oh my god!” Blaine put his head in his hands shaking his head. “Our first time makes so much more sense now! I'm such an idiot” Blaine looked back up at Kurt embarrassed. “I'm sorry, Kurt. I thought you were trying to send me signals.”
Kurt took a breath, he'd already prepared himself for this type of conversation. He could do this. “And um what signals was I sending.”
Blaine blushed embarrassed. “Well I honestly should've known when you didn't seem to care how we had our first time, just that we were together. And I didn't mind which way we did it either. But you kept wearing a red hanky in your left back pocket.” Blaine twisted his wedding band around his finger nervously. “That means that you're a top-” Blaine cut off as he heard Kurt start laughing into his hand.
Kurt moved the computer off his lap, putting it on the coffee table. He scooted over and brought Blaine into his arms. “Aw, honey. I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know.” He felt Blaine relax into his arms laughing as well.
“That's actually a little bit of a relief, Kurt. Because well…the other part of it isn't exactly a kink of mine. But I decided that I'd still do it for you, since you were being so open about it.”
“What was the other part?” Kurt asked curiously.
“It's ah- fisting?” Blaine blushed, and Kurt's face went completely pale. “I just assumed you weren't ready to ask for it.”
“Oh my god! Do you think anyone else knew what it meant? They can't right, or they would have teased us about it” Kurt worried.
“Well, Elliott thinks he knows. Not specifically that kink, but he's made a few comments that makes it seem like he knows a little bit more about our sex lives than either of us would have shared.”
Kurt put his head on Blaine's shoulder in embarrassment, closing his eyes “Santana? Puck?”
“I think Puck might suspect, but at the same time he's Puck and he gave us a package of bulk condoms for our second engagement.” Blaine shook his head a little amused. “Santana definitely doesn't though. She wouldn't keep making comments about our “boring” sex life if she did.” He reassured, and then bit his lip nervously. “Sam knows though.”
Kurt lifted his head off Blaine's shoulder and gave him a look of annoyance “You told Sam?!”
Blaine froze in shock, wanting to quickly defuse the situation and make Kurt happy again. “No, no. Sam worked at a male strip club remember? It was something he saw at least twice a week.”
Kurt let a small sigh of relief, relaxing against Blaine again. “Okay. That's… alright. He didn't judge us right?”
“Um, well at first he kept asking me weird questions. Now he thinks it's his role to ‘get me laid'” Blaine said with finger quotes, his cheeks still slightly pink.
“He doesn't do a very good job of it” Kurt muttered quietly thinking of all the times Sam couldn't get the hint that he wanted to be alone with Blaine. Kurt pulled Blaine closer so he was sitting on his lap and spoke conversationally “And for the record, I might want to do a lot of things to your perfect ass, but fisting is not one of them.” Kurt demonstrated by taking a grip on one of Blaine's round cheeks. Blaine jumped slightly at the squeeze, and relaxed back against Kurt, mind a little calmer.
“So should we get back to my list honeybee?” Kurt grinned, Blaine nodded eagerly.
“Sure! But I want to clarify the bondage thing. It's not just that I want you to tie me up. It's… Well I know you enjoy being in control, and I know sometimes when I freely give it to you. It's like my mind is put at ease, like all the days events float away and all I have to think about is letting you do what you need. And being tied up, even if it's just scarves. It's like a physical reminder that you're there and I trust that you'd only do what's best for both of us.” Blaine explained, hoping he wasn't scaring Kurt with his revelation.
Kurt's heart filled with shame at Blaine's words “But I haven't always done what's best for us.”
“Neither have I, Kurt.” Blaine said softly looking down at him from his position on Kurt's lap. “But I think if our last break up taught us anything, it's that you will. You might not have known how before, but you came back for me, Kurt. And even when I'd almost completely given up, you wanted the best for us and you fought for it. And I trust that you're always going to try. In the end that's all I can ask of you, Kurt.”
Kurt nodded sadly, but tightened his grip on Blaine and changed the subject. “So…is it about me being… I think the term was Dominant?”
Blaine scanned Kurt's face for any sign of disgust or judgement. When he was satisfied Kurt just wanted to understand, he nodded.
“Is it…do you want me or you to play a specific role? I mean I kind of got the idea this was it, and you didn't know how to tell me, so I looked further into it. And well, I found different types. Like um Daddy and baby? animal and Owner? slave and Master? And then just Dominant and submissive.” Kurt looked a little unsure. “If you want any of that, I'm willing to try, honey.”
Blaine wiggled a little in Kurt's lap trying to decide how to explain exactly what he wanted, but happy that Kurt seemed so accepting to try. “I… the animal play doesn't really interest me. I really like the innocence of the Daddy/baby roles, and the punishment part of the Master/slave seems appealing. But overall it's really the Dominant/submissive aspect that I want.”
Kurt tightened his hold on Blaine and kissed his forehead. “Okay, that seems manageable and frankly when I was reading about it, the animal play didn't interest me either. But the Dominant/submissive part, it seemed really appealing to me.” His hand found it's way into Blaine's hair, stroking his fingers through it. “Can I ask, what about punishment appeals to you though?”
Blaine smiled happily on Kurt's lap, grateful he was taken this so well. “I just get so worried that I'm going to do something wrong. Having rules and consequences set in place, it puts my mind at ease. And if I do something wrong, being told exactly what it was, then being punished and forgiven. I just love the thought of it. Knowing exactly what I did wrong, it keeps my mind from going over it a million times. And I'd be lying if I said the thought of you punishing me hasn't entered my mind when I was jerking off.”
“And you like the thought of serving me?” Kurt clarified breathlessly as his mind supplied him with an image of him spanking Blaine, as Blaine nodded eagerly at Kurt's words.
“It's my absolute favorite thing to do, Kurt!” Blaine told him excitedly “It makes me really happy.”
“Okay, honeybee. Then that's what we'll do.” Kurt told him pressing a kiss to his lips. When he pulled away he slapped Blaine's ass once. “Now you go change into some more comfortable clothes and start dinner. I'm going to do some more research now that I know exactly what you need. I saw something about contracts and claiming I think I need to look over.”
Blaine hopped off his lap grinning widely “Thank you Si- Kurt”
Kurt reached out and grabbed his hand before he could leave. “You can call me Sir if you want to, honey”
“I love you sir!”
“I love you too, Blainey. Now go do what you're told.” Kurt watched Blaine walk off with a delighted smile, happy that he could fulfill what his husband needed. It might have started with a talk about kinks, but it became clear to him, that Blaine was hiding a part of himself for fear of Kurt's reaction. But it didn't bother him, it just made his husband's actions over the years since they'd become a couple at Dalton, make more sense.