Sept. 11, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2014, 7 p.m.
Chapter 5
At five Blaine and Kurt knocked on Nicks door.
"Hey Honey.", Kurt said just after they knocked, "I left my scarf on the bed would you go get it?"
Blaine smiled at Kurt, "Sure thing, babe.", he leaned down and kissed Kurt before heading back towards their apartment. Just then the door swung open. The man standing there had auburn/reddish hair and a cheery smile.
"You must be Nick.", Kurt said with a smile holding out his hand.
"I am.",Nick said, "And you are..."
"Im Kurt. Im your new neighbor. Well me and my boyfriend. Hes grabbing my scarf for me."
"Oh, cool.", said Nick, "Well, wont you come in Kurt? Jeff almost has supper done." Just then Blaine arrived back.
"Heres your scarf, sweetie.", he said handing Kurt a silvery scarf. He turned to Nick
"Hey Nick.", he said smiling. Nick looked at Blaine then Kurt then back to Blaine.
"Blaine?", he said his eyes filling with tears.
"Yeah. Its me Nick.", Blaine said smiling softly. Nick hugged him tightly.
"I though Id never see you again.", he said. "When we heard the guards coming I thought for sure your father had figured it out."
"Yeah, I just told the guards I was taking an evening walk.", Blaine shrugged, "Somehow they believed me."
"Nick are Blaine and Kurt here yet?", Jeff asked from inside the apartment.
"Yes, dear their here.", Nick said rolling his eyes. He knew his husband could hear their voices from the kitchen.
"Well, bring everybody in suppers ready.", said Jeff happily. Nick smiled, "Follow me, guys." He led them to the dining room. Where Jeff was just setting a bowl of spaghetti down on the table.
"Alright guys lets eat!", Jeff said.
A couple months later Kurt and Blaine were still living in the apartment next to Nick and Jeff. Kurt had gotten a job at a little diner down the street. One day while Kurt was at work Blaine decided to go visit Jeff who was on maternity leave, with his and Nicks daughter, Blaire.
Blaine knocked on the door.
"Its open!", Jeff called from inside. Blaine opened the door and walked in.
"Blaine!", Jeff said upon seeing him standing in the doorway. Jeff got up and hugged him. "I had a feeling youd be stopping by today."
Blaine smiled and rolled his eyes, "Of course you did Jeff. I called you last night to ask if I could come by and talk." Jeff smiled and motioned for Blaine to follow him as he moved into the living room. He sat down on the couch, and Blaine sat down on a chair to the left of him.
"So what did you want to talk about?", asked Jeff coriously.
"Well," Blaine began nervously, "Kurt and my six month anniversary is next week."
"You arent breaking up with him are you?!", Jeff shouted worriedly.
"No, Jeff, no. The opposite actually.", Blaine said. He watched in amusement, as Jeffs eyes went from panic to confusion, to shock, and then to happy excitement.
"Your going to propose?!", he squealed excitedly.
"Yes Jeff. Im going to propose.", Blaine said laughing at his friends antics. "And I wanted your thoughts on when I should do it. Im afraid I already told Nick he could help me choose out the ring."
Jeff stood up, and Blaine did too.
"Im so happy for you, Blainey.", Jeff said hugging Blaine, "You deserve this."
"Thanks Jeff.", Blaine said getting choked up, "That means a lot to me.