March 21, 2012, 11:55 a.m.
March 21, 2012, 11:55 a.m.
Blaine and Kurt were curled up in the corner of Kurt and Finn's joint graduation party, holding each other tightly; next week, Kurt was leaving for New York.
Kurt kissed Blaine's head as he sniffed, murmuring "I don't want to lose you."
Kurt hugged him closer "You won't. I promise. You won't lose me. I'll be home some weekends and in the holidays, and other times you can visit me. And its only a year, and then you'll be in New York with me."
Blaine nodded slowly, nuzzling his head into Kurt's neck "I love you so much."
Kurt kissed his boyfriend's curls "I love you too, Blaine. I told you before. I'm never saying goodbye to you."
That moment had been a year ago. They'd made it through their time apart by visiting whenever they could, and skype dates every night. They'd made it through, and now Blaine was finally flying out to New York to be with Kurt.
Blaine bounced impatiently in his seat as his plane landed in New York, sat next to his mother. Elizabeth smiled softly at him "Calm down, BB."
Blaine's legs twitched again "I can't, Mom. I've missed him so much. I'm so happy to be back with him again."
Elizabeth laughed softly and kissed his cheek "I'm happy for you, Blainers."
Blaine smiled "Thanks, Mom."
Blaine rushed off the plane as soon as they were able, waiting impatiently at baggage reclaim to grab his belongings before rushing out to the waiting area, his mother following behind.
Blaine looked around, beaming as he spotted Kurt, running over to him.
Kurt's face broke into a wide smile as he saw Blaine, opening his arms for him.
Blaine scooped Kurt into his arms, lifting him and hugging him tightly "I missed you."
Kurt smiled, stroking his fingers through his gel-less curls "I missed you too baby."
Blaine set him down slowly, lacing their fingers together "Where's Rachel?"
Kurt smiled "At the apartment, preparing lunch for us all. Come on baby; let’s get you settled in at home."
Blaine beamed at Kurt's words "Home."
This was going to be the start of the rest of his life.
And Kurt would be right there by his side.
Blaine couldn't be happier.