March 21, 2012, 11:55 a.m.
March 21, 2012, 11:55 a.m.
Blaine held his white cane out in front of him as he stepped into his boyfriend's house "Hi Kurt."
Kurt gently hooked an arm around Blaine's waist, pressing a light kiss to his cheek "Hi Blaine."
Blaine smiled; a boyfriend was something he never thought he'd have. After he lost his sight after the attack at the Sadie Hawkins dance, he never thought anyone would want to be with him.
Which was what made meeting Kurt all the more remarkable.
Blaine walked through the coffee shop, his cane out in front of him to help guide him, his friends from the Warblers on either side of him.
When he was stood in the queue, Wes went to get a table, and David waited with him.
And this was when Kurt had tried to duck past him, to get to the table where Rachel was waiting for him.
Kurt apologised when he bumped into Blaine, and then he gasped softly.
Blaine's eyebrows furrowed, ready for someone else to tease him about his lack of eyesight or his cane, but then Kurt surprised him.
"I'm sorry, I just, you're really, oh God, I have to go."
David had seen the flustered look on Kurt's face and reached out to stop him "Hey, wait. He's gay too."
Kurt turned to look at Blaine and asked "You are?"
Blaine nodded slowly, curious as to where all this was leading.
Unseen by Blaine, Kurt smiled softly "In that case, can I take you out sometime?"
And it had now reached the point where they had been dating each other for two months, and Kurt's parents had asked to meet Blaine.
Kurt guided Blaine into the front room, knowing the house was unfamiliar to him "Dad, Carole? I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Blaine."
Blaine cleared his throat and whispered "Hi."
A gruff voice from the right side of the room spoke up, and Blaine instinctively turned towards "Hi. Nice to meet you, kid."
Blaine nodded and said "You too, sir."
Blaine jumped slightly as he felt a presence of another person step close to him, and a female voice said "Hi, Blaine."
She gave him a gentle hug, one Blaine found himself returning with his hand that wasn't holding his cane "Hi, Mrs Hummel."
Carole smiled and released him, saying to him "You should come and sit down, sweetheart."
Kurt led Blaine towards the sofa, guiding him carefully to sit down.
Burt sat up straighter, turning to Blaine "So, Blaine. What sort of things are you into?"
Blaine cleared his throat again and replied "I like singing, sir. And college football. I used to go watch, but then-"
Blaine gestured to his eyes before continuing "So now I mostly just listen to it."
Kurt squeezed Blaine's waist softly, and Carole stood up "Dinner's almost ready. I'll just go dish up."
Blaine started to stand up "I can help, Mrs Hummel."
Carole smiled "Don't be silly Blaine, you're our guest. Please. I'll only be a few moments."
Blaine nodded, starting to sink back into his seat, Kurt's arm winding around his waist again.
Kurt looked at his Dad "Dad, after dinner, would Blaine and I be okay to go up to my room?"
Burt nodded "Sure. But remember what we talked about."
Kurt sighed "Yes, Dad, I know. Door open."
Blaine flushed red and Burt chuckled "Relax, its not that I don't trust you, kid. I say the same to Finn when he has girls over. Rules are rules."
When Carole called back through announcing that dinner was ready Blaine got to his feet, Kurt keeping a hold on his waist, leading him through to the dining room. Kurt pulled the seat out for him, helping his boyfriend lower himself into the seat before assisting him in pushing the chair under the table, dropping a small kiss to the top of his head.
Carole smiled at him before calling upstairs to Finn, who came downstairs, sitting at the table.
Kurt touched Blaine lightly on the shoulder "Blaine, this is my stepbrother, Finn. Finn, this is Blaine."
Finn grinned "Nice to meet you."
Blaine smiled softly "You too. Thank you."
The people gathered around the table started to eat, chatting amicably, Blaine eating slowly but efficiently, due to the many years of practice he has had.
After the meal Carole said "Finn, its your turn to do the dishes tonight."
Finn sighed "But Mom, I have to call Rachel."
Carole chuckled "You call or see Rachel every night. Its not often your brother has a guest over. Its your turn."
Finn sighed "Fine. Later bro, later Blaine."
Blaine smiled "Bye Finn."
Kurt turned to Blaine and asked "Shall we go upstairs?"
Blaine nodded and Kurt wrapped an arm around his waist again, starting to lead him up the stairs.
Blaine held onto the banister with one hand, clutching his cane with the other.
Kurt smiled "Relax honey. I won't let you fall."
Blaine nodded "I know, its just, your house is unfamiliar to me. I'm still getting my bearings."
Kurt kissed his cheek, leading him up the stairs "I've got you."
Blaine smiled softly "I know."
Kurt led Blaine into his bedroom, sitting him down on the edge of the bed before sitting beside him.
Blaine sighed, leaning into Kurt "Thank you."
Kurt smiled again "For what?"
Blaine replied "For being with me. Despite the fact that I can't see."
Kurt smiled "Stop it. I should be the one thanking you. You don't even know what I look like. I could be ugly."
Blaine rounded on him, an incredulous look on his face "Kurt, I may not be able to see you, but you are far from ugly. I can tell by touch to know that you are not ugly in any way. Plus, David described you to me after our first meeting. I've never forgotten what he said."
Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek softly "Oh? And What did he say?"
Blaine moved his hands through the air, trying to find Kurt's face. Once Kurt had caught on to what he was doing, he took hold of Blaine's hands, guiding them to their destination.
Blaine stroked his thumb over Kurt's cheekbones "Striking blue eyes. Like looking into galaxies. Defined cheekbones, a bright smile, a cute little button nose, soft, stylish brown hair and pale, flawless skin."
Kurt chuckled, nuzzling his nose against Blaine's "I think you should be concerned. You might have competition."
Blaine smiled softly "Never. Even if he was straight."
Kurt laughed softly "You're awfully confident."
Blaine smiled "I love you. That's why."
Kurt looked momentarily shocked before smiling, leaning in and placing a chaste, gentle kiss on his boyfriend's lips "I love you too."
Blaine grinned widely "You do?"
Kurt smiled "I do. And right now, in this moment, I've never been happier. You're my first boyfriend, Blaine. But is it too much to say I want you to be my only?"
Blaine shook his head quickly "No. I feel the same. You're my first boyfriend, too. And one day, I want all of my firsts to be with you. You're the only person I've trusted this much, in a long time."
Kurt smiled softly, pressing another kiss to Blaine's lips "I want that, Blaine. One day, I want all of that."
Blaine asked quietly "Can we lie on the bed? Just to cuddle."
Kurt nodded, manoeuvring Blaine's cane to the floor before helping Blaine shift up the bed so they were both laid on the covers, facing each other.
They laced their fingers together, Kurt moving close to Blaine.
Blaine smiled "You can kiss me again, if you like."
Kurt leaned in, lightly pressing his lips against Blaine's, their hands still clasped together.
Kurt moved one of his hands to cup Blaine's cheek as the two leaned further into the kiss, smiling as their lips moved together gently.
Blaine whispered softly "I love you."
Kurt pressed another light kiss to Blaine's lips "I love you too."