May 30, 2012, 12:38 p.m.
May 30, 2012, 12:38 p.m.
I haven't been much of a vampire since Blaine's been around. He sees so much good in me I can't let him down.
In the back of my mind I worry about Sebastian, with Rachel around it hurts to think what he and his wolves would do to her. She already is disliked by my older vampire friends, she's a year and some months older then Blaine. I'm thrilled that she can be with me, hang with my friends and still enjoy herself.
Above all, I want to keep Blaine safe. From other vampire, Sebastian, his father, any one that could hurt my love would have to go through me. Because it seems like all through life rather, all through my existence I ran. I rarely got to enjoy myself, and even then I looked over my shoulder most the time in fear of too much fun.
Sebastian has killed some of my closest friends, he killed my maker first just showing how absolutely heartless he is. I couldn't think of him anymore, I finished off the human and returned home to be with Blaine even though he might not be home for a few more hours.
I was surprised when I got to the apartment and Rachel was pacing the living room tapping her nails to her teeth. "What happened?" I asked as the door hit the frame.
"I met Blaine's dad he was at the restaurant we went to, Kurt, he is horrible. Blaine has been locked in the room since we got home. He won't talk to me," she said quickly with tears welting in her eyes. "I didn't do anything. I was shocked I just I just stood and listened." She began to squeak so I crossed the room and pulled her in a tight hug.
"It's okay Rachel, its okay now. I'm going to talk to him, I just need to know that you're okay."
"I'm okay I just need to know he is okay." She stammered.
"I'll go check." I kissed the top of her head and disappeared down the hall. I opened the door and saw Blaine sitting on the floor with pencils around him, white headphone blasting unsettling rock music into his ears. He looked up from the picture he was drawing and saw me.
He pulled the headphones out and stood up to give me a hug, "you're finally home."
"I'm sorry I was gone so long I though you and Rachel would be out longer." I said.
"I wanted to come home, I wasn't in the mood to shop." He said in a low voice.
"She already told me," I said. He shrugged and returned to his place on the floor. I sat in front of him and stared at the lily in the vase he was drawing. "You never told me you drew."
"I don't, well just lilies but I'm no artist."
"Why only lilies?" I asked.
"My little sister. Well I never knew her, she was a still born and I was 6 when it happened. Cooper was really hurt by it so he drew lilies and told me about her. Lillian was her name." Blaine signed the corner of the picture and removed it from the sketch book. "I was giving it to Rachel."
"She'll like that a lot." I said, "will you tell me what happen?"
Blaine sighed, "We got to St. Clairs and he was already there we didn't see him though. Then the waitress told us our meal was being paid by him and he bought me a cherry pie. We decided to go we I did she followed but he stopped us outside." His hand absently tracing finger bruises on his wrist. "He just talked, said Rachel was too pretty for me, called me a fagot and said some stupid things about my mom then Rachel snapped at him and we left." I hated that Blaine gave me the soft watered down version of stories.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"I'm not upset anymore I'm just angry. I don't like being weak and unable to do things." He said.
"Blaine you're not weak." I protest but he cuts me off.
"Yes I am, Kurt. I can't do anything for myself. people walk all over me I've got no backbone. I'm so weak it is pathetic. I couldn’t stand up to those stupid kids in middle school, the pushed and pushed until I couldn't take any anymore, just like what he is doing and if I let him win, then what would Cooper have saved me for?" Blaine shook his head and looked at me, "What does it all mean? life I don’t know, I just don’t."