Swan's Song
What Lies Ahead Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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Aug. 24, 2013, 12:49 p.m.

Second Chances

Swan's Song: What Lies Ahead

M - Words: 1,225 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jul 15, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
285 0 0 0 0

Blaine and I returned after our much needed trip out of town late the next evening. Blaine stayed down stairs at the bar as pianist for the night as Rachel pulled me away to the loft.
"I don't normally say this but you look like shit Kurt." She said as soon as she closed the door.
"Blaine is getting worse." I said sitting down, "he can't keep down animal blood anymore and face it he'd rather starve and die then to let Michael feed. So, I gave him my blood."
"Kurt?" She exclaimed, "already, I thought we were going to make a bigger deal about it? I mean I guess its on schedule but that's why you two went camping?"
"Not quite, I haven't had his blood. I'm giving him mine until this full moon. Well I hope its this one, Mercedes has yet to call me back." I sighed yawning, "I just need to hunt really fast."
"Wait. You've been telling me and anyone who walks by, he's the one since you first met him. I don't think bonding is a smart or good thing to do but I also can't see why you two haven't already." She walked closer to me.
"Well, I want to do it after he is cured, fixed, normal." I looked away from her. "You know what its like being bonded. Maker bond is stronger but you feel so much more as two connecting to be one."
"Blaine and I were just talking about the makers bond. He said to me, everyone he knew was in love with their makers but he wasn't in love with me, or I to him so what was the end for us." She smiled, "I told him there was no end. And to think of me more like his mother then the over told story's about makers who changed humans for immortal companions."
"What did he say back?" I pressed.
"He thought for a second then said, 'erich Fromm once said, The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother's side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent." That going to happen to us. You will teach me what I know then I'll see you every few decades or centurys.' I told him that sounded about right." She sighed.
"You know, he is smarter then what we give him credit for." I said. "I'd be linked into that mind, connected to those feeling. I want to bond with him but I'm scared too. I've done it once, and honestly I think it was more out of experimenting then true love."
"Well I'll be damned, the fearless Kurt is scared of a little raw emotion." Rachel walked over to the door, "go feed before Blaine drains you dry."
"Yes mommy dearest." I muttered causing her to throw me the middle finger. I sat for a moment thinking about that bond. It was experimental with Chandler, he was great but bonding was a big thing back then. I want to bond with Blaine. No one does it anymore and I think it will be a beautiful way to prove our love.
While I was out hunting, I got the phone call I had been waiting for since I gave the witch all that damn money.
"Okay its all ready." She said when I answered.
"You don't need anything else?" I asked.
"I need Blaine on the full moon, I also will need those things I asked for." She said. "Lets meet at 7 to prepare, I look forward to seeing you."
"Likewise." I hung up the phone and sighed. I returned to Midnight Sun and sat at the bar talking to Santana.
"I need to call in that favor from last year." I started.
She handed me my usual, "what is it." She asked.
"Not here." I looked over my shoulder and saw Jesse was here with a lot of his buddy's. Santana nodded her head.
"Sam was running late but otherwise its my night off. I have no intentions on staying so when he gets here we can bounce." She said.
"Okay, I'm going to talk to Blaine." I thanked her for the drink and walked up to the pianist. "Hey there handsome."
"Hello gorgeous." He smiled and kissed me. "You're late." He commented changing song.
"I know, and I'm not staying." I said, "lots of wolfs out tonight."
"Of course, its 3 days from the full moon. This month went by really fast." Blaine commented.
"Yeah, you know the full moon means something for us too." I said. He nodded his head, "are you scared?"
"A little bit, but I know it needs to be done if I want to be happy for all eternity with you." He said.
"I'll be right there with you, and I'm going to talk Rachel into coming, she is needed as your maker so why not you know." I said.
"Tomorrow night is vampire night, all the weres leave town to shift and its just us. We should sing a song together." Blaine said.
"I love that idea." I smiled Santana walked up and patted Blaine on the shoulder.
"I'm off, are you staying for the monsters ball?" She asked.
"I'll be here for another hour then I'm leaving." Blaine said.
"I'm going to Santana's I'll tell you all about it when I get home." I said. He kissed me goodbye and returned to the keys as Santana and I walked out.
"So what do you need?" She asked as we left the bar and started walking to her apt.
"Well, its tricky, you see, this witch is fixing Blaine and she needs a bone of a supernatural preferably a werewolf or shifter." I said, "there's no way I'm going to go out and try to find and kill one tonight, one I stopped my quarrel with your people when we killed Sebastian, but I do need this bone for Blaine. You know I put everything behind him and his well being." I took a second to think, "what I wanted to know was where did Sebastian bury his fallen soldiers."
Santana looked away for a moment, "well, most the time he burned them, until I became in charge of that stuff. I sent most back to their families but those still in were form I buried and marked graves for across Ohio. That lake where you took out over 10 they are all still there."
"Thank you Santana." I said.
"I'm not counting that as your favor," she said with a smile, "one day you're going to hate someone so much you'll want me to bite them. Getting information is not a favor." She slowed down as we approached her place.
"Okay, I doubt that day will ever come. But thank you." I said, I like Santana we were friends even though she didn't care for vampires and I hated werewolves. There was nothing but goodbye, no hugs or handshakes it was nice. "Enjoy your weekend."
"I'm going up with this cutie newbie named Dani to hunt in Maine. Wish me luck." She smiled and closed her door.
I left right for Ohio, I needed to focus on something else and getting those bones to save Blaine was good enough for me.


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