June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
"Did you know that your dating a drug addict?" She asked.
"Excuse me?" Kurt said shocked at the words that left her mouth.
"Yes the little prancing smurf was having withdrawals yesterday, did you not notice his rapid blink or the way he twitched every ten seconds?" Santana said.
"That's ridiculous Santana why would you say something like that."
"Because its true, if his nose bleeds he snorts if he can deep throat he pops pills. You can take my word for it dump the zero and get with a hero or wait and see for yourself." She shrugged and walked away
Kurt shook his head vigorously as he thought back to ever time he and Zaiah hung out and started noticing the small tic he does along with the eye thing. And sometimes when they are outside his pupils are at full dilation or constriction. Kurt ran to the bathroom and dry heaved, he was dating a drug addict and never noticed.
"Kurt?" Blaine's voice echoed in the bathroom as the tardy bell rang.
"Go away." Kurt ordered crying. Instead Blaine pulled some napkins and wet them holding them under the stall for Kurt to take. The kindness made Kurt cry more as he accepted the napkins and wiped his face. A moment later Kurt came out the stall and saw Blaine leaning by the sink.
"Are you alright?" Blaine asked. Kurt shook his head no and started crying again. He was suddenly wrapped in Blaine's warm protective arms. Blaine smelt floral but with a masculine musk and Kurt relaxed fully in his arms.
Kurt was stupid. How did he miss every notion that Blaine was the guy for him. Kurt was the stubborn one, he pushed and pushed until there was no way Blaine could still want him. Yet here they are, Blaine comforting Kurt not daring to speak in case he said something wrong.
A few minutes pasted in the arms of superman before Kurt pulled away.
"I'm just going to do home," Kurt sniffled. Blaine handed him a handkerchief, "want me to take you?"
Kurt took the cloth napkin and wiped the tears from his cheeks, "No, I will be fine alone." Kurt stuttered.
"Text me or Rachel when you get in just so I don't have to worry about you." He said pulling a piece of paper from his bag scribbling his number on it.
Kurt took it, "I will. Thank you." He walked out the bathroom and hurried to the student parking to go home. He drove straight home stopping at the shop to tell Burt he wasn't feeling well and he was going to lie down.
Once in his room he sent Blaine a text.
(11:18) to (509-453-9010)
Kurt: I'm home....
(11:19) to Kurt
Blaine: okay, if you need anything day or night call me.
Kurt didn't leave his room or even bother texting Zaiah back. He left Kurt 26 messages and called him 7 times.
Kurt wasn't going to break up with him over the phone, there was no way he would be one of those people.
Burt brought Kurt some noodle soup, "its not as good as you or your mother but at least its not Campbells." He warned.
"Thank you dad," Kurt said taking the ginger ale and sipping.
"What's wrong, you have been acting strange these last few days?" Burt asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
Kurt shrugged, "boy troubles..."
"Do I need to knock some heads?" Burt asked, Kurt shook his head with a small smile.
"How did you and mom meet?" Kurt hadn't heard the story since Burt told it at her funeral.
"It was a long time ago back when I had hair," Burt started making Kurt smile. "It was my senior year in college and my room mate got sick or something, I don't remember him really, but we went to the university hospital and she was his nurse. I used all the cheesey pick up lines, and jokes I'll never say today and by the end of his check up she told me to never tell her a joke again and gave me her number. 7 years later you're here."
"You never told me she hates your jokes." Kurt said.
"Everyone hates my jokes son, I heard one today that you might like. I did a theatrical performance on puns, it was a play on words." He chuckled.
Kurt shook his head and laughed, "that was pretty funny dad, you'll have to tell it to Rachel."
"I will, say isn't the district Football championship game tomorrow?" Burt rose to his feet.
"Yeah, did you want to go?" Kurt asked.
"I did, one of the boys on the team invited me after I hired him." Burt said. Kurt's eye brows shot up in shock.
"Finn Hudson? Tall kid brown hair, his mom is a lovely lady." Burt said.
"Oh he joined Glee club this week." Kurt said relaxing a bit after knowing it wasn't Blaine. Kurt's phone rang and Burt passed it to him.
"Call me if you need anything." Burt walked up the stairs and Kurt answered the phone.
"Kurt where what you been I called you a million times." Zaiah said.
"Sorry I don't feel well." Kurt said in a low voice.
"Baby what's the matter." Zaiah changed his tone to sympathetic and worried.
"We tell each other everything right. You're not keeping anything from me." Kurt asked.
"Of course not. Anything you want to know I will tell you." Zaiah said.
"I feel really stupid for asking but Santana said something and I can't shake it off."
"What is it babe?"
"Are you...." Kurt sighed and changed the wording to the question, "do you do drugs?"
Zaiah laughed, "no I don't babe."
"Good." Kurt sighed feeling like shit for believing Santana.
"You should come over tomorrow, my mom leaves at 6 for west Virgina for a wedding, she'll be gone all weekend."
"McKinley's district finals are tomorrow, my dad and I are going, but you can come if you want."
"No, I don't like organized sports. And I thought you hated football players and cheerleaders." Zaiah said.
"I do, but I'm going with my dad," Kurt said, "I'll come over Saturday night. I'll even ask Rachel or Mercedes to cover for me and spend the night."
"Okay I guess we can do that." Zaiah said.
"I'm going to lie back down."
"Wait, I haven't talked to you all day." Zaiah complained.
"Zaiah, I told you I don't feel well." Kurt said.
"Then lay down I'll talk. Or not we can just sit on the phone and listen to each other breathe." Zaiah said.
"That's creepy," Kurt laughed.
"That's romantic, I'll be here til you fall asleep." Zaiah promised. So Kurt took another drink of his ginger ale then lied down and fell asleep quicker then he imagined.