June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.
"She did the same to me opening night."
Blaine shook his head and pulled out a mug and several different types of tea before writing: worse, sore throat):
"Oh no, I'm so sorry. How?" Kurt asked seeing why Rachel would panic.
Blaine shrugged and wrote, sleep+snore+window open.
"Yeah that will do it. I'm sure whatever she has given you will work." Blaine nodded his head, "I better get going, and if Rachel sees us I will get a white board and vow of silence as well."
Blaine wrote hug on the white board and grinned. Kurt laughed and gave Blaine a lingering hug.
"See you at lunch," Kurt said Blaine shook his head and wrote :going to Rachel’s 4 meds. Kurt frowned and sighed, "Then I will save you a seat on the bus." Blaine nodded and waved Kurt goodbye.
Blaine still had the white board when he got on the bus only this time Rachel was there to threaten all that talked to him, which didn't last long after puck started flirting with her. Kurt and Blaine played hangman and tic tac toe during the 25 minute drive to the auditorium. As soon as Blaine touched this foot and the pavement he turned to Kurt, "finally. I hate not talking."
Kurt laughed and led the way into the auditorium. They were competing against three other schools and were last, Rachel sat between Kurt and Blaine watching the competition intently. Intermission approached and the new directions were sent to the green room. Rachel was in the corner doing some performance ritual and the trouble tones were talking about how much better they are then the others Santana leading the conversation. Football team were cracking jokes with Artie while mike and Tina were chatting off to the side. Kurt was passing in front of Blaine before sitting beside him, "I'm nervous and I don't know why, I have 4 lines in Born For This then we duet another 4 and I am just freaking out."
Blaine took Kurt’s hand and looked at him, "we have this, when you get up there just relax and sing to me, there is no crowd no judges were all just having fun in the auditorium again alright."
Kurt nodded his head and lost his train of thought in Blaine’s gaze. "I love you." He said quietly but before Blaine could react the lights flickered and Mr. Schuster called a Circle.
"Alright guys, this is what we have been practicing all week for. I believe in every single one of you. I've never seen so much talent in one group. Win or lose, I'm proud of every single one of you."
"Let’s kick some ass!" Puck said throwing his hand in the middle. Everyone followed and cheered, "New Directions!"