How Strong Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.

Burn the Night Away

How Strong Do You Think I Am?: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,145 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Jun 03, 2012 - Updated: Jun 21, 2012
1,211 0 2 0 0

Kurt was walking down the hall when Blaine called after him.

"Hey, come watch my performance, everything is already set up." Blaine smiled wide that light caused his hazel eyes to glow gold green and pulled Kurt into them.

"Okay," Kurt said hesitantly following Blaine. Rachel was waiting at the door her own smile could not be contained.

"Ready," she said giddy as can be. Blaine nodded putting is yellow sunglasses on stepping out to the warm fall air. The trio walked to the step as the band started. Rachel jumps up and down as the jazz horns joined. Kurt smiled weakly realizing the song. Blaine started dancing cheesily as Rachel grabbed Kurt's arm and pulled him down the stairs. Tina was sitting next to mike at the football table while Mercedes was no where to be found. Artie wheeled himself closer.

Blaine started singing and the steps began to clear. Rachel and Kurt took seats by the football team who were confused at their wide receiver sudden urge to sing and dance. Blaine was adorable Kurt smiled and couldn't help but to move around in his seat. Blaine threw his sunglasses towards Kurt who caught them and laughed though no one was more excited then Rachel.

Out of no where cheerios began to dance around him as Santana ran to the stairs to join the number. She whispered something into Blaine's ear and ran behind him. He turned around and was amazed at the cheerios dancing behind him.

Kurt's jaw dropped, he really couldn't believe Blaine could get the cheerios to join him. He looked like a natural even if Santana was showing him the moves right then and there. The cheerio ran into the crowd as Blaine and Santana stood in front of Kurt still dancing. The band ended and cheers erupted. Blaine smiled and waved as the students returned to there lunch.

"Wow, I didn't expect a reaction that positive." Kurt said handing Blaine back his sun glasses.

"Me neither," Blaine said slightly out of breath. He turned to Santana and hugged her. "Thanks Tana,"

"You sing like a dream Blaine, I didn't tell them to join in the number, they just did." Santana smiled as Brittany and Quinn came over to the tables.

"Hey what room is glee in, I want to join," Quinn asked Kurt.

"The choir room at the end of junior hall," Kurt said smiling.

Finn stood from behind Kurt and walked over to Quinn, "we'll be there." He commented before pulling Quinn another way.

Rachel was ecstatic pulling Kurt and Blaine into a tight hug. Kurt caught the cologne Blaine was wearing and melted away in it. He pulled from the hug quickly and shook his head clearing it. "I think we can eat now."

"Good plan." Rachel led the way as Blaine and Kurt walked side by side talking softly.

"When are you going to sing? I loved Wicked I can't wait to hear you again." Blaine asked Kurt. Kurt smiled at him softly.

"Soon, I hope, with the new members I'm sure we'll do a lesson." Kurt said.

"What do you mean by lesson?" Blaine asked.

"Mr. Schuester teaches us things, sometimes its vocals, but Rachel and I usually just go to the drama troupe and work on what ever musical they are doing." Kurt said as they entered the cafeteria. "We do genres or themes it really helps if we want to talk to each other but we don't have the words. I haven done any thing this year with Wicked and all, but I'm sure Monday we will do something fun."

"I can't wait. Do you have any plans this weekend?" Blaine asked Kurt looking only at his salad.

"No, I'm free." Kurt answered. "Do you have plans for the weekend?"

"Yeah, my brother is driving up tonight from Columbus with his wife and their daughter." Blaine said with a smile. He gave the lunch lady money and waited for Kurt to pay. Blaine started walking to Blaine.

"Wait," Kurt put his hand on Blaine's muscular arm. Blaine turned to Kurt, "lets sit alone," Kurt turned to and Rachel. "See you glee club," he said to them before leading Blaine to a empty table.

Blaine tried to hid his smile as he sat in front of Kurt. "Why did you move here from Columbus?" Kurt started.

"My dad volunteered to start a new branch of his company in Lima. I like it here, its pretty lots of lakes." Blaine said suddenly not wanting to eat but rather talk to Kurt.

"I've never been out side of the Lima metro area." Kurt confessed. "I want to though, I'd love to see an ocean, or at least a great lake."

Blaine smiled, "its overrated if you ask me, debate nationals were in Miami the year I won, I sat on the beach drinking virgin pi�a colas with my brother."

"Wait debate nationals?" Kurt interrupted Blaine.

"Yeah, your looking at 2010 national Lincoln Douglas champion. My partner got a scholar ship that year. McKinley doesn't have a team though. It kind of sucks, McKinley doesn't have anything." Blaine said.

"Its true, this is the smallest school in the district, but we have a huge football team." Kurt said, "if your a national debate champion how did you start playing football?" Kurt question.

"I've always loved football growing up. My brother and dad played I was so busy with my other clubs to join in Columbus but I've always appreciated the sport." Blaine gladly answered.

"What other clubs were you in?" Kurt asked intrigued by this conversation. Blaine blushed.

"You won't believe me," Blaine commented bringing a hand to his rosy cheeks.

"That scares me, I'll have to guess now, umm student council? Poetry club? Honor society?" Blaine kept shaking his head.

"You'll never guess," Blaine smiled, "I was president and founder of the chess club, and member of the bowling team." Kurt couldn't stop laugh at this point.

"You're right I don't believe you," Kurt said looking at Blaine thinking he was a completely different person then the guy that asked him out the beginning of the week.

"Well its true, I have trophies in my living room to prove it." Blaine informed Kurt just as the bell rang.

"You'll have to prove it," Kurt conceded standing up. "What do you have next?"

"Weight training," Blaine said with a grimace, "you?"

"French 4, its really boring." Kurt said.

"We can ditch." Blaine said. "Grab a cup of coffee maybe."

"I've never ditched before." Kurt said honestly.

"Oh," Blaine said, "its cool. Ill see you in glee club then."

"See ya," Kurt said. He turned to walk to class. Blaine was amazing. Kurt didn't want to believe Blaine was this Perfect. Kurt still preferred to ignore him, at least then his heart wouldn't be on the line.


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just to tell you lima isnt the smallest town in ohio it's actually one of the bigger ones but good story

Yeah, I know... but i said it for the story lol. I'm glad you like it.