How Strong Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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June 21, 2012, 1:37 p.m.

Burn the Night Away

How Strong Do You Think I Am?: Chapter 17

T - Words: 1,243 - Last Updated: Jun 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Jun 03, 2012 - Updated: Jun 21, 2012
934 0 0 0 0

The week was suddenly over the last two days flown by for Kurt. He’d go to his classes, sit at the head table during lunch, attend Glee practice, and end his day at work, or home if he wasn't scheduled to work. Friday he had the day off so he decided to bake these Oreo cheesecake bites he saw online. Just as he checked the small cakes to see if they were done, Burt came inside.
"Hey son, Blaine is here should I let him in?" Burt asked watching his son grow excited.
"Yeah defiantly." Kurt smiled as Burt returned to the shop and Blaine walked into the house. "I'm in the kitchen." Kurt called as Blaine turned the corner grinning.
"It smells great in here, what are you making?" He asked setting his jacket over the back of the chair.
"This cheese cake recipe I found on the internet, it’s got Oreos in it." Kurt said. "Why are you here? Not that I mind or anything I'm glad you are."
"It’s been such a busy week we barely talked and I'm hiding from Rachel." Blaine smiled.
Kurt snorted and laughed. "What is she doing?"
"We have rehearsed are ballad at least 80 times since picking it. I pressed two keys on accident and she made us redo the whole song." Blaine said, "She’s like a drill sergeant."
"That's typical Rachel, she made me rehearse with her over the phone every night during wicked." Kurt said smiling.
"Thanks for the warning. I'm going to Columbus in the morning for state I'll ignore her calls."
"Oh that's rights. Good luck please doesn’t break a leg or pull anything." Kurt said making Blaine smile.
"I'll try." The oven beeped and Kurt quickly pulled the treats out the oven smiling at their visual appearance. "Do you need help with anything?" Blaine offered.
"No I got it, I just have to sprinkle Oreos over the top then set them in the freezer to chill." Kurt said picking up a bowl of crumbled cookies, "besides you said you couldn't cook." Kurt threw over his shoulder.
"Yeah, but I'm sure there’s something I won’t ruin, like licking the bowl." He laughed and Kurt shook his head.
"It has uncooked eggs in it you'll get sick." Kurt said.
"Uncooked eggs make you sick?" Blaine said shocked.
"You're joking right? How did you not know that?" Kurt asked.
"I told you I didn't cook." Blaine said blushing. Kurt could help but find his ignorance adorable.
"Will you open the freezer door for me?" Kurt asked as he picked up the tray of cheesecakes.
"Certainty." Blaine replied opening the door then closing it when they were in.
"I can clean up later; let’s sit in the living room. How long are you here?" Kurt asked Blaine leading him around the corner.
"Until you want me to go." Blaine shrugged, "my parent already left to Columbus."
"Why didn't you go with them?" Kurt asked sitting on the couch tucking his feet underneath him.
"I have to ride with the school. Plus, I wanted to see you before I left." Blaine said sitting down.
Kurt blushed a bit and turned to look at the mail on his coffee table. "What college did you apply for?" He asked staring at the OSU junk mail.
"I only applied to University of New York, but I've got 8 academic scholarships, and 3 athletic one for OSU. But I'm not playing college football." Blaine shrugged.
"You can go to 8 different schools for free and you just applied to nyu." Kurt shook his head, "why?"
"I want to go to a performing arts school, but study polisci I don't really know, I love New York and that's where I want to spend a few years of my life. To sit in at Yankees game or watch Eli play at a foot ball game. No other place I’d want to be."
"And Broadway is there," Kurt chimed.
"And to party in time square during the holidays. There is no better city in the world. “Blaine said.
"I agree 100%," Kurt smiled, "wait what is polisci?"
"Political science." Blaine laughed then leaned into the chair. "Sophomore year I wanted to become the first gay president, but now it’s almost routine to say study polisci, because I get asked by all of my father’s friends. But honestly, I'm not sure anymore."
Kurt smiled sympathetically, "once you get to college I'm sure you will figure it out. You're good at everything Blaine." Kurt said Blaine smiled but looked lost in doubt. "Besides Abe Lincoln was the first gay president."
Blaine snorted and turned his head to laugh. "What about you? Where will you be this fall?"
"New York being dragged around by Rachel to make callbacks while attending NYADA." Kurt grinned.
"I just love watching you perform," Blaine said, Kurt rolled his eyes.
"You are the performer here, everyone just loves you."
"No I'm a musician, you sing and dance at the same time, and I just play instruments."
"I can also twirl knives, and circus gymnastic, but I'm not bragging." Kurt joked. Blaine’s phone rang in his pocked so he pulled it out and laughed.
"Its Rachel.... you should answer it and tell her I'm not here." Blaine joked thrusting the phone to Kurt.
"Hello," Kurt answer holding back laughter. Blaine covered he mouth.
"Kurt? What are you doing with Blaine’s phone?" Rachel asked confused.
"Nothing." He said plainly.
"Oh my god he's is over there now isn't he." She squalled.
Kurt smiled at Blaine rolling his eyes, "Yes Rachel."
"Okay well I'll let you two finishes. Tell him to call me when he leaves your place. And no kissing it spreads germs and I can't have him sick. It’s already bad enough he's going to be on a bus with a bunch of stinky foot ball player for 6 hours."
"Oh my god I'm hanging up now." Kurt said blushing as he hung up on Rachel as her voice still carried on the phone.
"What did she say?" Blaine asked turning his phone on silent and setting it aside.
"She wants you to call her, and not to get sick, and then I hung up on her as she started listing things you can't have." Kurt said.
"What can't I have?" Blaine asked interested.
"Well there's a long list of things her and I don't do before we perform. We don't touch door knobs, or talk to people, no kissing, don’t drink milk or lemonade."
"Are you serious?" Blaine’s eye brows shot up, Kurt nodded his head and Blaine pouted. "So I can't have a cheesecake?"
Kurt giggled, "I won’t tell her. Besides they are just precautions, she can knock a cold out in 12 hour or less."
"That's scary." Blaine commented.
“I never got to properly thank you about the whole Zaiah thing.” Kurt said looking into Blaine’s soft eyes.
“Don’t worry. He hasn’t bother you has he?” Blaine asked, Kurt quickly shook his head, “Good, I probably would be able to stop myself from knocking his snarky little smile off his face.”
“I was honestly surprised you did nothing, I’ve seen your living room, and I know you can.”
“that’s not the way I like to act. I was the robin hood at my old school but that was really no better than the bullies.”
“Well if there is a next time, I don’t mind watching you hurt him.” Kurt smiled softly, Blaine chuckled.
“I'll keep that in mind.”


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