Trusting In Your Name
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Trusting In Your Name: Chapter 9

T - Words: 2,882 - Last Updated: Sep 02, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jun 13, 2014 - Updated: Jun 13, 2014
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Epilogue hopefully up next weekend. Thanks for reading :)

"What?" Kurt asked, taking in Sebastians desperate panic. "What is it?"

David looked a little concerned.

"Nothing. Nothing," Sebastian said, quickly standing up and brushing over the whole issue. "I need to go out. Dont wait up."

And he left, leaving Kurt and David looking at each other in confusion.

"Do you know what that was all about?" David asked.

"Not a clue," Kurt answered. "Hes always been a little bit of a mystery."

Kurt walked to the kitchen to drop the subject and continue dinner, but David followed.

"It was after I mentioned my soulmate though," David continued. "Do you think he knows Mark?"

"I dont think so," Kurt said nonchalantly. "Hes never mentioned him and I dont know him. Unless he was someone he met outside of my acquaintance…" Kurt mused out loud, but quickly tried to backtrack when he saw Davids expression. "Im sure its nothing, I mean Sebastian meets loads of people. Maybe hes got him muddled up with someone else?"

And David was left to paint a picture of his soulmate before he had even met him.

"You need to see me right away," Sebastian shouted down the phone. "I dont care what youre doing, just drop it and meet me at the coffee shop."

"But Im just about to—"

"No, Mark, I mean it."

Sebastian was met by silence. Mark knew Sebastian wasnt one to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion. In fact, hed never heard Sebastian like this.

"Okay, Ill be there in ten minutes."

It was a rush, but Mark made it and Sebastian already sat there, constantly drinking his cup of coffee, giving the impression that it was the cause of his jittery hand action and wide eyes.

"You look crazed," Mark said sitting down. "Whats up?"

Sebastian looked torn. Now he was here, opposite Mark, he couldnt do it. The idea of meeting your soulmate wasnt supposed to be pre-meditated. It was a spontaneous expression of love when you met the love of your life. Mark wouldnt have the meeting he deserved if Sebastian told him now.

"What is it Seb?" Mark said, getting annoyed. "I was busy when you called me and now theres silence."

Sebastian took a deep breath.

"If I told you I know your soulmate and how to meet him, would you want to know?"

"What?" Mark looked at Sebastian as if hed grown another head. "What are you talking about?"

"I know who he is; I know where to find him."

"Ive never told you his name," Mark said, shaking his head, looking pissed off. "You couldnt know…"

"David Karofsky," Sebastian said calmly, interrupting Mark, who stopped short. "Is that correct?"

Mark looked like hed seen a ghost. "How do you know?" he whispered.

"I met him tonight in my apartment. He was Kurts tormentor at school. Turned out he was gay and wanted to apologise to Kurt for being a shit. Ive known of the guy for years, but tonight he mentioned your name."

"Where is he now?"

"Still at my apartment, I guess," Sebastian said, not at all worried about keeping any secrets from Mark now. "I dont know if hes staying in New York or living here."

Marks eyes roved the tabletop quickly, trying to come up with a solution. He looked to Sebastian.

"What do I do?"

"What do you do?" Sebastian asked incredulously. "You meet him, you idiot. Hes your soulmate for crying out loud." Mark looked even more panicked.

"But weve been fooling around," Mark said. "Hes going to wonder how we know each other."

"We met at a bar, got to talking, I dont know. Make something up," Sebastian said, getting more frustrated.

Mark sighed. "This looks bad, Seb, this looks really bad."

"So youre going to let him walk away?"

"No, but I cant meet him like this. I need to sort myself out."

"Okay, what does that mean?"

"It means we stop this, you dont see me again," Mark said calmly, avoiding Sebastians eyes, matter-of-fact. "Youll get me his whereabouts, find out from Kurt if he lives here, where he works. Ill construct a meeting."

Sebastian watched him work it all out and said nothing.

"Im gonna go, but call me when you know more," Mark said, standing and leaving quickly with the merest kiss on Sebastians cheek to signify the end of a relationship that had lasted three weeks.

"Where have you been?" Kurt asked as soon as Sebastian entered the apartment. "Dinners still in the oven if you wanted to heat it up."

Sebastian shook his head and shrugged off his jacket.

"Whats wrong? You look pretty rough."

Sebastian finally looked up, seeing the concern on Kurts face. The longest silence was punctuated only by Sebastian sitting.

"Wheres David?"

"He left after dinner, ages ago. What is wrong?"

"I did something stupid," Sebastian said calmly. Kurt was about to make a wise-crack before he saw the look on Sebastians face. He said nothing. "I know Davids soulmate."

"Oh," Kurt said, elongating the sound. "I thought you might, but I tried to cover it up."

"You did?" Sebastian looked visibly relieved. "Thanks, but I dont think it was necessary. Theyll meet eventually. Does David live in New York?"
"Yeah, but I dont know where. He works for a sports agent."

"You know Davids number?" Kurt nodded.

"Whats this about Bas? How do you know him?"

"In the worst way possible," Sebastian said, pulling a face of disgust at his own actions. He got up to get a beer from the fridge. "Thank god Ive always looked older," he said, taking a sip of his beer.

"Is it over?" Kurt asked, trying to sound kind.

"Yeah," Sebastian said bitterly. "Its over."

"You always knew this would happen," Kurt said quietly.

"Yeah, I know, but it doesnt stop it hurting when it does," Sebastian said, taking another sip of his beer. After a few more gulps it seemed to give the courage Sebastian needed. He looked more sure and ready.

"Well I need to text Mark Davids contact information so he can meet him when hes ready, then Im done."

He got the dinner out of the oven and ate it, despite it being lukewarm at best.

"Dont keep doing this to yourself," Kurt said, taking his plate and warming it up in the microwave. "Youre worth more than this."

Sebastian watched Kurt become all domestic in silence until he was eventually given his plate of food.

"Whats it like? To meet your soulmate, I mean," Sebastian said, as Kurt joined him at the table.

"Its like youre finally complete," Kurt said and for once Sebastian didnt roll his eyes. "Not because you need them to complete you, or because you dont matter on your own. But your soulmate understands you like no other and when you meet, the search ends."

"I dont really believe in soulmates," Sebastian said sadly and Kurt took his hand and opened it up so the palm was clearly visible. "Gabriel Clarke is out there somewhere and completely perfect for you. If you cant believe that, then there really is no point in searching for love. It didnt feel right with Mark did it?"

Sebastian thought it over, the many nights theyd spent together, the conversations.

"No, I guess not. It was good at times, the sex was satisfying." Kurt rolled his eyes. "But I suppose afterwards I was always left wanting more. I guess it was like an imitation. Good enough but not perfect."

Kurt looked pleased with the analogy. "Exactly. Just dont bother with the cheap knock-offs. Wait for the real thing."

"It gets lonely waiting though," Sebastian said quietly and although he was much taller than Kurt, he had never looked smaller. Kurt felt his own eyes fill until he blinked them away. Sebastian did not need his pity.

"But in the meantime you have fabulous friends and a career to plan and build. Make sure that youre the best person you can be, no matter how long you have to wait."

"Thanks Kurt," Sebastian said standing up. "I think Ill head to bed."

"Okay, sleep well."

"You too."

"Im telling you, Blaine. Ive never seen him look so sad," Kurt was saying the following evening at Blaines apartment. Blaine was cooking him dinner as he replayed the events of the day before.

"So Sebastians been dating Davids soulmate?" Blaine asked, trying to catch up. "Thats kind of mixed up."

"I know, but I dont know if I could have waited as long as him to meet my soulmate. Its not fair. The universe throws this idea out into the world that theres only one but what if you have to wait years to meet them? Are you destined to be lonely until you meet them? Maybe there isnt just one."

"Of course there is," Blaine said. "If you look back over your life has there ever been any other?"

Kurt smiled. "No, I guess not, but we met when we were little. It was easy for us, because we were lost little boys together. Even before we knew, there was always easiness about us; I could tell you anything."

"But do you have that with other friends?"

"Yeah sure, Sebastians probably the only one thats come close, but Ive never found him attractive. At all." Blaine laughed at Kurts expression.

"I am very glad to hear that, but when did you realise you were attracted to me?"

Kurt blushed a little. Although they had made-out numerous times, the idea of talking so freely about it made Kurt feel embarrassed. Blaine smiled.

"Ive seen you naked Kurt, there is really no need to feel ashamed. Ill tell you," Blaine said matter-of-factly. "It was our freshman year in high school before I left. You dropped your pencil one day and innocently picked it up, bending down. Id never thought of you like that, but I checked you out and no matter how hard I tried, I kept thinking of you in those situations. Your eyes have always been beautiful and I remember whenever you spoke Id try to work out all the many shades of blue that existed in those two orbs."

"You thought of me in that way?" Kurt asked innocently, but getting increasingly turned on.

"Are you crazy?" Blaine said, laughing. "I loved you as a friend then Kurt, loved talking to you, but I was a teenage boy. You were always beautiful, but then you became hot." Kurt laughed, a great melodious noise that made Blaine beam. "I went to the Sadie Hawkins dance and I remember just wanting to kiss you and take you in my arms for real, but I thought you might slap me around the face." Kurt pretended to be affronted. "You were fierce back then!"

"I wouldnt have done that," Kurt said quietly, looking seriously at Blaine. "I thought you were way out of my league. You were so effortlessly gorgeous, I idolised you, Blaine. There was no way I was ever going to tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because you were my best friend, I didnt want to jeopardise that. You were everything to me in that god-forsaken place."

"Im sorry I left," Blaine said quietly.

"Dont be, it made me fight for myself and not rely on anyone. I could find myself, but I needed to find you."

"I still missed all those years…"

"We have so many way ahead of us," Kurt said smiling, so much, his eyes filled with happy tears. Blaine came closer, hovering over Kurt so his lips could be pressed against any area of skin he could find. He kissed his forehead, his eyes as they closed and worked his way to his cheek and over to his prominent jaw. Kurt sighed in pleasure.

"Let me make it up to you," Blaine whispered near his ear as he kissed him there too. Kurt looked up, his eyes wide and blue.

"Do you mean..?"

"Sex? Only if you want to, I know weve been taking it slow, which is fine…"

"No Im ready for a little more, let me show you…"

As Kurt dressed, Blaine lay in bed watching him, with a smile dancing on his lips.

Do you have to leave the bed?"

"Yes, I need to rescue the dinner you so woefully started," Kurt said, laughing. "Join me?"

"In a moment, the view here is quiet stunning."

Kurt blushed, loving to hear the praise, dressing a little slower.

Blaine joined him a little later in the kitchen.

"So how do you think we should set up David with Mark? I dont really like leaving it up to Sebastian to sort out." Kurt shook his head over the congealed pasta.

"Mark?" Blaine asked absently.

"Yeah, Davids soulmate."

"Mark who?" Blaine said, suddenly interested. "Next youll be telling me his soulmate is Foreman." He laughed until he saw Kurts face.

"You know him?" Kurt shouted, coming closer until Blaine was kissing distance again.

"Of course I know him," Blaine said, getting louder. "Hes my roommate! Are you telling me Sebastian and Mark have been fooling around all this time and we didnt know?"

Blaine sat down at the kitchen table, utterly confused. After a while Kurt stopped seeing the funny side.

"How did we end up with such lonely roommates? What are we going to do?"

"Arrange a meet up with David and Mark where they dont know. Ill suggest a coffee shop to Mark, tell you when hes going to college and hope that you can message David in time for them to meet."

"No too risky, well never manage it," Kurt said shaking his head.

"Trust me, just rave about the coffee shop to David and the rest will happen."

They chose a coffee shop that was near enough to Davids workplace and not inconvenient for Mark who attended NYU. Kurt raved about it, met David there once or twice and Blaine did the same with Mark. Although it did take a few weeks, eventually Blaine got his way. They collided.

David was waiting patiently in line though Mark was slightly behind him and desperate for coffee.

"Fuck, is that the time?" Mark said to himself as he looked at his watch.

"You want to go ahead of me?" David said, turning around as he came to the counter to be served. "Im in no hurry."

"Thank you," Mark said, relief obvious on his face as he came forward. "I was sure I was going to be late for class."

Mark casually brushed past him, not meaning to bump, but thinking of being late and getting his coffee. His body realised the collision before his mind could register what was happening.

Marks eyes grew wider as he took in Davids surprised face.


David smiled, his smile growing as he realised this guy was his soulmate. He came closer as everyone knew the significance. They watched, awestruck as the two men hugged and felt the tingle along their spines.

"It does feel pretty awesome," Mark said incredulously. "I thought they exaggerated it all." He whispered, but David seemed to understand. He turned again to the barista and ordered two coffees, nice and simple without worrying if he had the correct order. They moved to one side after a generous round of applause and sat in a vacant booth.

"Youre David Karofsky?" Mark asked again. "I didnt think youd be so burly." Mark looked impressed. His own very slim figure was always something he wanted to improve on.

"Not quite like Sebastian I guess," David said shrugging. Mark looked alarmed.

"You know about Sebastian?"

"Im friends with his roommate, Kurt, and I guessed in his eagerness to arrange a meeting that Sebastian told him. Sebastian freaked out when I told him the name of my soulmate."

"Yeah, he came to tell me you were in New York. Does that ruin the magic?"

"The magic?" David smiled. "I dont believe thats dependent on Sebastian. But you were together?"

Mark nodded.

David considered this for a moment.

"I suppose we all have our baggage. Im no saint."

"Good, that would be so dull," Mark said smiling.

"So do you want to tell Kurt and Blaine? I guess they have a lot running on this, probably taking bets."

"Let them sweat it out for a while, keep it between us; our little secret."

"Good idea, dont want them to have all the fun."

Marks wink told David all he needed to know and he smiled.


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