April 9, 2013, 8:18 a.m.
April 9, 2013, 8:18 a.m.
"How did you and granddad fall in love?"
It was a simple question that had Blaine and Kurt smiling. Their youngest granddaughter Ellie, bored of her personal device and finished watching movies, had come to sit on Blaine's knee to demand entertainment. At the grand old age of 76 Kurt was finishing a cake in the kitchen with Blaine sitting to watch and sip his tea after planting new bulbs in their garden. He could never get enough of Kurt baking, the smell, the movements of his arms, the concentrated look on his face, with his tongue slightly protruding. Blaine never tired of their life together and thinking back to the first time he realised he had fallen in love with Kurt was amazing too. Upon hearing Ellie's question, Kurt had turned round from his baking to face Blaine and smile. He knew Blaine would need to be the one to explain the beginning as it was such a fantastic story from his point of view.
Ellie looked at him impatiently, demanding an answer and Blaine chuckled.
"Well it's a very long story Ellie," Blaine said, "But I first realised I loved your granddad when he sang a song called Blackbird."
"That song you sing when you sing me to sleep?" Ellie asked Kurt.
"That's the one," Kurt said smiling.
"So when did you know that you were in love with Grandpa?" Ellie asked Kurt.
"Oh that took a little longer," Kurt said sadly, "I knew I loved your Grandpa way before he did, when we sang our first Christmas duet but things happened and we broke up for a while." Kurt hated telling this part of the story but Ellie seemed oblivious to any pain in the telling and just kept asking her questions.
"So when did you really know?" she pressed.
"I think I always knew, your Grandpa is a special guy," Kurt said smiling at Blaine, who watched Kurt happily. He knew their past hurt Kurt more than it did Blaine. Kurt had never really forgiven himself for taking so long to realise, for wasting so much time they could have had together.
"Granddad and I were best friends for the whole time in between, we just took a little while to get married," Blaine said.
"So how do you know if you love someone?" Ellie asked trying to sound innocent but Kurt and Blaine already knew that she had been spending a lot of time with a boy called Henry. At the tender age of eight, it looked like she was getting her first taste of love, the innocent and perfect love given by children.
"Well you feel all fuzzy when you see them," Blaine said smiling at Kurt.
"And you can't wait to see them and any time you're apart you miss them like crazy," Kurt continued.
"They make you laugh and smile," Blaine said.
"And they give the warmest hugs," Kurt said as Ellie pulled a disgusted face.
"Well I can't be in love then," she said simply, "I don't want to hug Henry, I just want to play and he's really nice to me."
"That is perfect Ellie," Kurt said, "Grandpa and I didn't meet until I was 16 and he was 15. You don't have to worry just yet." Ellie looked happy with this answer and jumped off Blaine's knee to inspect the cake that Kurt had just finished.
"Can I lick the bowl?" she asked Kurt giving her most cheeky but adorable begging face.
Kurt looked at Blaine and smiled, knowing what answer he just had to give. Blaine smiled and nodded.
It was as Ellie was licking the bowl, totally engrossed in using all fingers to scoop out as much as possible that Kurt came closer to Blaine, stroking his back as he remained seated.
"You still make me feel fuzzy," Kurt said, his eyes twinkling.
"And I miss you like crazy when we're apart," Blaine said, leaning into Kurt's touch as he continued to rub his tired back.
"I love you Grandpa," Kurt said leaning in for a tender kiss.
"I love you more Granddad."