Hang With Me
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Hang With Me: Chapter 4

T - Words: 1,854 - Last Updated: May 03, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 03, 2014 - Updated: May 03, 2014
162 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Blaine and Kurt

Blaine was nervous.

He had walked home from the theater after catching a bus only half of the journey, his leg bouncing up and down so much it worried the guy sitting nearby. His nervous energy hadnt dissipated by the time he had got home, despite the brisk walk in the cold air, and he made a decaffeinated coffee, only to pour boiling water on the kitchen counter. He took it to his dorm room, grateful that Brad was out, and booted up his laptop.

His fingers twitched over the keys and instead of watching the chat option or his skype page, he looked online to posts that were reblogged and comments on pictures he had posted. It made him smile that he made a little impact, that regular people spotted his news online and seemed to like his efforts in photography. He briefly wondered if any of them would be friends in real life but then smiled that it didnt matter. Friends that commented were still friends though only at a surface level. His eyes would go every so often to the skype icon on his desktop and he would watch for a new caller. Just as he realised he also had the opportunity to initiate the call, Kurt called him and waited.

Blaine let his fingers hover over the mouse on his laptop for just a few seconds before he pressed the accept button.

Kurts face didnt appear like he had expected. Instead the uniform dark blue screen appeared with a simple icon Kurt used on many of his online forums. Blaine was surprised then messaged, typing rather than revealing his voice.


Hi Blaine

Are you ok?


Sorry, just packing all my books away. How was the end of the movie?

Great, thanks. I do love Bette Davis very much.

We will have to have the movie diva discussion soon.

Do you have a lot of work? I dont want to keep you.

Dont be silly, I get to finally see your face and have a proper chat. I wouldnt turn that down for silly essays on the history of the theater!

Is it silly that Im nervous?

It is silly isnt it?

No I know its silly but Im nervous too. I feel like I know your face already, Ive spoken to you for so long…

That sounds silly, doesnt it?

No I feel the same!

Maybe we should describe the picture we have in our head of what the other person looks like. Itll be funny!

You better not picture a hunky blonde or a Tom Hardy look-a-like… I will cause much disappointment, Im sure.

You go first, what do you think I look like?

Why do I get to go first?! What if I insult you?

You wont. What do you imagine I look like?


Im thinking…

I picture you thinking most of all, I think. I already know you wear glasses and Im guessing theyre big, maybe too big for your face and you have dark hair but Im playing it safe!

Good guesses.


Well what?

Are you going to tell me if Im right?!

No, youll have to wait and see! Do you want to me to tell you how I picture you?

Be nice…

Of course.

I think you have blue eyes, I dont know why. Do you?

Youll have to wait too…


Justice is served.

Do you want to switch the webcam on?

Do you?

This is silly. People meet all the time and loads of people chat online, it doesnt matter if we were strangers before.

I know, exactly. People meet everyday.

Maybe we should count to three?


Ok… ten, nine, eight…

Seven, six, five…

Four, three, two…



The images flickered once the webcams were moved, correctly revealing both faces fully on the computer screen and breathing hitched. Blaine was surprised. Although he had guessed correctly, he wasnt expecting such eyes of blue green grey that made him immediately search his mind for a defining colour. He had no idea that Kurt was trying to fathom the colour of his eyes too.

"Oh hi," Kurt breathed after a while and a nervous giggle escaped his lips. "Not what you were expecting?" Blaine said when he had finally realised his mouth was slightly open.

"Oh no, well I wasnt sure what to expect," Kurt said, slightly flustered and sitting up in his chair. "Do I disappoint?"

"No definitely not," Blaine said, eagerly coming forward in his chair so his face suddenly loomed a little bigger and then he realised how it sounded and tried to backtrack. "I mean Im not sure what I was expecting."

Kurt laughed again.

"Well hi," he said and he tried to extend his hand by touching the screen, "Nice to finally meet you Blaine."

Blaine stretched his hand out too and pretended to shake it, beaming a bright smile. He really wasnt sure what he was expecting but those eyes of blue, the perfectly coiffed hair and the sweet button nose caused his heart to stop a beat. Kurt was really far more beautiful then he could ever imagine.

"Nice to meet you too," Blaine said, "I was right about the eyes." He smiled though he would never say that they were so much more than simply blue.

"And I was right about the glasses," Kurt said smiling, "They really suit you."

Blaine grimaced. "No they dont," he said, "But Ive got used to them now I guess."

"Have you ever considered contacts?" Kurt suggested, then backtracked again. "I mean if your glasses make you feel uncomfortable."

"Yeah I guess I could," Blaine said, seriously pondering the option.

"Let me see your eyes without them," Kurt suddenly said and with nervous fingers Blaine took them off, waiting patiently for Kurts opinion.

Kurt swallowed.

"You should definitely get contacts," Kurt finally said then he changed the subject, leaving Blaine a little surprised.

"Is your roommate around?"

"No, hes out," Blaine said, "Is Rachel in?"

Kurt nodded his head. "Shes in bed, still not feeling right after Finn."

Blaine nodded sadly. "I dont even know how that must feel, I cant even imagine."

Kurt said nothing, a lump forming in his throat.

"Lifes short," Blaine said sadly, his eyes flitting wherever they could, never focusing on Kurts face. "I waste mine."

Kurt frowned slightly, his face showing his confusion.

"Why do you say that? Youre living my dream Blaine," he said, "Youre in New York, you get to see and photograph amazing places and people as well as sing and hopefully make it big on Broadway or whatever you put your mind too. Youre in the place of dreams."

Blaines smile grew on him like a slow wave.

"I never thought of it like that," Blaine said, "I guess I worry that my shyness has ruined so many opportunities."

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked.

"I sing, dance, perform when I have to and in the privacy of my dorm room, only when Im on my own. I never come out of my comfort zone, never challenge myself. Im just a curly haired baby with over-sized glasses and a shyness that cripples me."

"But your voice is amazing," Kurt exclaimed, "You pretty much sang me to sleep after a stressful and beyond sad week, Blaine. I dont think your shyness can stop real talent."

"But thats in the safety of my room, doing what I know Im good at. I dont challenge myself, I dont push my boundaries. I just am."

"Theres nothing wrong with that."

"I know but I dont want to grow stale and boring. Dont you want to be the best version of yourself?"

Blaine would never know, after conversations with Rachel, how fitting his saying was and how desperate Kurt was to improve and become better. He knew hed become boring, safe in the knowledge that he was successful in areas he wanted to be and nothing more. Rachel demanded change and improvement and Kurt didnt want to be left behind.

"Yeah," Kurt simply said, "Youre right." He nodded slowly, letting his idea manifest itself fully then he smiled. "I think we can help each other."

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked.

"Set each other challenges, make sure we get evidence that we were successful, push our boundaries," Kurt said excitedly. His face lit up and he edged closer to the screen. "Yeah I get it now, we need to push each other and make sure we do certain challenges that will make us better performers and artists. You know that One Republic song Counting Stars? Its like that – everything that kills me makes me feel alive."

Blaine thought it over.

"So we set challenges for each other and collect evidence? What kind of challenges?" Blaine asked.

"I dont know," Kurt said, thinking. "Costumed performances, imitations of artists we admire but are completely different from our own style, public performance? Anything and everything." Kurt was now in his element and was getting excited at the thought.

"I dont know…" Blaine said, his voice trailing away in trepidation.

"Its perfect Blaine," Kurt said, "Rachel said I was becoming boring and I know my routine has become stale and predictable. I need to mix it up, I need to become the better version of myself."

Blaine smiled ruefully. He knew his phrase would turn around and bite him.

"Can I go first?" he said nervously, "Can I set you a challenge first?"

"Of course," Kurt said smiling, "But we must provide evidence of meeting the challenge. We cant just take our word for it."

"Of course," Blaine said nodding solemnly.

"So whats the first challenge?" Kurt said eagerly. Blaine thought about it, not wanting to suggest something too risky or nerve wracking. He smiled as the perfect suggestion came to mind.

"Singing," Blaine said and Kurts face fell that it would be so ordinary and well within his comfort zone. "Singing on the subway," Blaine finished. "I challenge you to sing randomly on the train, out loud and without warning. A song of your choice."

Kurts eyes widened but he nodded, apparently accepting the challenge.

"How do I record the challenge whilst singing?"

"Press record on your video phone and press it into someones hand, insist they record and sing your heart out."

Kurts eyes darted to several places on the screen as he planned and went through song lists in his head. He smiled.

"Challenge accepted Blaine Anderson."

Blaine beamed.


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