Not Alone
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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Not Alone: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,408 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2011
464 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey Guys, I've changed my mind, since some of the early chapters were so short due to writer's block, the story will end up being seven chapters. This one will be more fluffy I think of Klaine as very romantic, not like smutty, so yeah, I'm also wondering whether I should write some one shots, or like another long story, or if I should continue Lucky, but I don't really like that one, but I guess I could if I was totally out of ideas... anyway PLEASE REVIEW, I'm not sure if you like it or not so I'm freaking out! I'm sorry this took so long, I haven't had much MOTIVATION! Just Kidding! I looove yoouu (but seriously review!)
(Kurt's POV)

Kurt didn't quite know how to feel... he was scared...he was happy... he was still in pain... he was in love... but knew that he couldn't leave the house alone. That was for sure. At least Blaine will be here soon, Blaine... Kurt sighed; He took out his journal and began doodling hearts, with "Blaine" written inside of each one.

(Blaine`s POV)

I can`t stop worrying about Kurt... Is he OK? Is he regretting life, or his sexuality? What if he decides it's not worth it... No Blaine, don't even go there... no... That would never happen. But, maybe if I finish the song he will feel better... somehow... Blaine spent all day working out the most of the lyrics and the musical arrangements for the song. He put his heart and soul into it. Before he knew it, it was 5pm, time for him to go over to Kurt's. He was really excited, probably over-excitrd about getting to live with him for a whole week, but he was scared that Kurt would find the song insulting or something... No Blaine don't go there either.

(Later That Evening Blaine's POV)

Blaine sat on Kurt's bed leaning onto the headboard. Kurt had his head resting on Blaine's shoulder, peacefully. They both closed their eyes and let their hearts beat as one. "I love you, Kurt" Blaine said as he reached up to stroke Kurt's hair, he opened his bright blue eyes, which made Blaine melt, "I love you too..." Kurt replied and he curled his legs up to his chest and laid his head down on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his head.

They stayed like that, locked in each other's embrace until Blaine broke the silence, "You have to tell him you know" Kurt lifted his head and glanced at Blaine, who continued, "Your Dad, about what's been happening..." All Blaine could see in those (gorgeous) eyes was guilt, nervousness and pain, it made him want to beat the living crap out of anybody who ever made him feel bad, but then he remembered the Jeremiah incident... Kurt looked down at his feet guiltily for a few seconds before finally responding "I...I didn't know what to say... and his heart... and..." He rambled on, but Blaine took Kurt shoulders in his hands and turned him to face him, "You're just making excuses, you know you have to tell him." Kurt turned back around to sit on the edge of the bed, "God, Blaine... I know you're right, but I just... I don't know..." Blaine sighed and sat next to him on the edge of the bed.

Blaine put an arm around his boyfriend and held him close, whispering in his ear, "Courage"... But he was interrupted by Burt calling them downstairs. "Coming"! Kurt yelled back. He stood up and took Blaine's hand. "I'll tell him, don't worry." Blaine smiled hesitantly and stood up, following Kurt down the stairs.

(Kurt's POV)

Burt was rushing around making sure he hadn't forgotten anything "Ok Kurt, so I left mine and Carole's number's on the fridge, and umm... Finn will be at Pucks, and don't do anything... uhhh... well you know what I mean..." Kurt glanced at Blaine for reassurance who nodded at him and pushed him forward. "Dad-" Kurt tried to interrupt his father's ramblings "What, huh? And... we need sunscreen, although I hear it's foggy there..." Burt continued, only partially aware of his son "DAD"! Kurt yelled, "I know, you can take care of yourself Kurt... he rushed out the door, "Bye Kiddo, bye Blaine!" And the door closed on Kurt, as he watched them drive away through the small window. "Well, that went well"

Kurt didn't know what to do... his father had left, for the entire week leaving Kurt alone. Blaine took Kurt's hand in his own. Well Maybe not totally alone, but parentless. "Well, what do we do Know?" Blaine asked. The taller boy looked over, at an obvious attempt at seductiveness, "I have an idea..." The two boys looked at each other. "Disney Movies"! Kurt and Blaine screamed in unison, laughing hysterically they plopped down onto the overstuffed Couch.

(Many hours of Singing along to movies Such as, The Little Mermaid, The Lady and the Tramp, and the Lion King and several bags of spilt popcorn later...)

(Blaine`s POV)

As I lay here in Kurt`s bed... (Oh my gosh I`m in Kurt`s bed!) I can`t help but wonder what he`s dreaming about... Is he having nightmares about them like I did after the Sadie Hawkins Dance? But these bullies, they're following him, I just can't imagine... My thoughts were interrupted suddenly by Kurt, screaming and thrashing beside me. "NO! DON'T HURT HIM! NOO!" He turned from side to side so violently, it was terrifying.


Blaine jumped on top of Kurt and shook him awake. "Kurt! Kurt, wake up!" He started to try pushing Blaine off of him before suddenly coming to the realisation that his dream had, in fact, not been real, and that Blaine was not being stabbed repeatedly in the stomach, while Kurt was held helpless. Kurt threw his arms around his boyfriend's neck and held him close, never wanting to let go. "Kurt! What happened! Why were you screaming?" Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes, full of worry, and explained. "They were... the bullies... they kidnapped us; and... they held me against a wall... but..." He pulled Blaine close once again, so grateful that it hadn't been real. Blaine spoke into Kurt's ear, "What did they do Kurt"? Kurt nuzzled his face into Blaine's hair. "They were killing you."

(Blaine's POV)

Don't get me wrong, I'm no mind-reader, but I think that the dream meant more than that he was scared of the Bullies... he was more scared for ME! Hadn't Kurt been the one they were chasing? Isn't he the one he should be scared for? This just isn't right...

(Kurt's POV)

"Cedes! I am so happy to see you!" It was Sunday night after a day of relaxing at home with... who else? Blaine! Mercedes was coming to sleep over, while Blaine went over to Wes's for some Summer Warbler stupid meeting all night thing. To be honest I didn't even care. "It's felt like forever white-boy!" She squealed as she rushed up to hug me. We almost ran up the stairs, to my room. Blaine was still there, almost ready to leave. "Hey, I'm leaving now!" he said as he stuffed some socks into his Warbler's bag, he turned around, "Mercedes!" Blaine hugged my best friend. "Blaine, have you been good to my boy"? She asked when they let go. He looked over at me, I was still leaning in the doorway. "I try my hardest to be the very best boyfriend I can, but I still don't think I deserve him..." We smiled lovingly at each other, until Mercedes broke the silence, "Aww, get out of here before I barf..." She pushed Blaine towards the door. I pulled him into a quick kiss before I pushed him away, too.

Mercedes told him all about her life at home, and what had been going on with her family before asking the dreaded question "How are you?" How does one answer a question, that has no direct answer, he was happy, to be with Blaine, Sad that he wouldn't go to the same school as him next year happy that it was summer, and oh yeah, TERRIFIED FOR HIS AND HIS BOYFRIENDS LIFES! I hesitated, and Mercedes, being an excellent judge of my behaviour, jumped on it.

(Blaine's POV)

I was almost out the door before I remembered that I had forgotten my guitar, Silly Blaine... So I walked back up the stairs and peeked into Kurt's room. What I saw shocked me, he was sitting on the carpet sobbing onto Mercedes' shoulder, wait, no he was talking... I know it's not right to spy, but I couldn't resist... "...I just don't know what to do 'Cedes... I can't stand watching them hurt Blaine and my body can't take any more, they're following me! I can't leave the house! My dad didn't even stop to ask what was wrong, If I tell Blaine he will surely make me promise not to take the blow for him like I did last time... 'Cedes... I feel so alone... (N)

That's what made Blaine's Heart drop. Kurt felt ALONE. He needed to know that he wasn't alone. That's it, the name for the song... Not alone...

End Notes: Love youuu


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