Baby Tonight
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Baby Tonight: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,881 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Apr 09, 2013 - Updated: Jul 30, 2013
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Author's Notes: Sooo contest!Alright, I need some more Tumblr followers so if you have one go there and leave an anwer to the question I'm gonna ask. Follow me while you're there too! BayBayKlaine.Winners to the question get a sneak peek of Tuesdays chapter, and let me tell you its a bigish one!Question you need to answer. : I live in one of the most BIPOLAR states(US) ever. Weather wise! Guess which one it is!Next Chapter1) Ryan2) Isabella3) July Fourth

The sky had been a dark gray color all day, a few small showers here and there. Kurt loved this type of weather. And today it seemed like the perfect overcast to accompany his plan. He was at Dalton today. Puck had seemed rather impressed that he decided to go through with the whole 'spying plan', but truth be told, now that he was here, he was nervous. He was walking slowly toward the front of the school when he was bumped and his belongings went flying. He sighed, thinking the person wouldn't stop and help, but when he saw another set of hands helping him clean-up he had to stop and stare. And boy was he glad he did. The man in front of him was young, attractive, and tan. He was staring when the other boy started speaking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm just kinda in a rush, but that's no excuse, I'm just so - so sorry." The Dalton student looked up and Kurt blushed, the hazel eyes staring back at him.

"I-its okay." Kurt said shyly.

"I'm Blaine, are you new here?"

Kurt was about to answer when a loud crack of thunder ran across the sky and it started raining. Hard. Blaine quickly grabbed Kurt's hand and started running toward the building. Once they were inside the building, the beautiful foyer making Kurt drop his mouth, Blaine turned back to him.

"Wow, it hasn't rained that hard in ages."

Kurt just nodded, not really paying attention, still completely mesmerized by the high ceilings and the amazing architect of the building.

"I'm guessing you aren't new here?" Blaine said with a laugh.

Kurt blushed, shaking his head; small droplets of water falling to the floor. "How'd you guess?"

"Well, each student usually gets a tour of the building before they come here, you just seem shocked by everything here."

Kurt laughed awkwardly. "Yea...I don't.. I don't go here."

"What's your name?"

Kurt's head shot up. "You aren't going to beat me up?"

Blaine pulled a confused face, then it changed to complete understanding. "Come with me." He said holding out a hand. "I have a surprise you might like."

Kurt looked at his hand, took a deep breath and took his hand. "I'm Kurt by the way."

"Nice to meet you Kurt." Then he was being dragged to a large common room.

Kurt sat on the couch, the TV playing some show he wasn't paying attention to. He was skimming his fingers back and forth on his ever growing belly; smiling when a light kick would happen.

The windows were wide open, a slight breeze flowing into the small apartment. It was raining outside. It was Kurt's favorite time of the year: summer rain. He had so many memories in the rain. With his mom, other members of his family, the Glee Club at McKinley and Blaine. And every year - the rain made him smile, no matter his mood.

"Blaine!" Kurt yelled from the middle of the street in Blaine's neighborhood.

"Kurt!" Blaine yelled back to his insane friend from his front door. "You're crazy! It's pouring rain!!"

Kurt smiled wide. "I know, come here!"

Blaine rolled his eyes but none the less ran to join Kurt under the warm summer rain. They ran around for a while, the drops soaking them both.

Kurt finally stopped running around and just stood, head lifted to the sky and arms out, letting the water cascade over him. Blaine joined a minute later, but he just stood staring at Kurt. He quickly moved forward and into Kurt's arms. Kurt made a noise of surprise and opened his eyes to see Blaine.

"Dance with me?" Blaine asked, already pulling Kurt closer and wrapping his arms around his waist.


They danced slowly in the rain. Not talking, just staring at one another. Blaine had this look in his eyes Kurt had never seen before, and that intrigued him. He was going to question it. Ask Blaine what he was thinking about, but he never got the chance because a pair of warm lips gently touched his and he was completely gone. It was only a small peck - light yet strong enough to know it was there. Kurt had always wondered what his first kiss would be like; this was better than anything he could have ever thought of. Blaine's lips were slightly chapped, but they were warm and plump so it didn't even matter.

They both pulled away soon after and started at each other. Blain with wide clear eyes. They only stayed like that for a few seconds before both were lunging in again for their second kiss.

"A lot has happened in the rain little boy." Kurt said to his stomach.

Not a second later Blaine was rushing through the door, hair wet and curly. "Hey."

"Hi." Kurt said from his spot on the couch.

"It's really pouring out there." Blaine said, noting the wide open windows.

"I know. I love it."

Blaine smiled and made his way over to Kurt. He lightly placed his hand on Kurt's belly. "I know you do." He said quietly, a look of guilt quickly crossing his eyes.

Kurt knew he was thinking about the last time they had been in the rain together.

It had been an unusually wet October for New York. Most New Yorkers hated it, carrying around umbrellas for anytime a midafternoon thunderstorm would hit.

Kurt on the other hand loved it. And what made today better was that he was walking through the park with Blaine during one. It was only lightly sprinkling but it was still a storm. Rain was their thing. So many of their best memories happened during afternoon showers. Today felt a little different though. Blaine was quiet, not really looking at Kurt when they talked, and his eyes were red and puffy, like he'd been crying before he came.

"Blaine? Look at me please?" Kurt said, stopping in the middle of the path.

Blaine stopped as well, looking up to Kurt, his eyes full of pain and guilt.

"What's wrong?" Kurt could barely ask - Blaine's eyes full of pain and guilt.

"I was with someone."

That's when Kurt's entire world crashed around him. He only remembered yelling and crying and then nothing but being cold - extremely cold. From his rained soaked clothes or his broken heart he wasn't sure. Probably both. He just remembers not being about to cuddle with Blaine after they got back to the apartment. They always cuddled after being in the rain, and now that would never happen again.

"I'll just go make dinner." Blaine said, getting up and taking off his jacket. For June he had been wearing one a lot lately.

"Wait! Do me a favor first?" Kurt said, struggling to get off the couch. He almost fell but a pair of strong hands were there to help him up.

"Careful. Okay - what'd you need?"

Kurt walked over to the small stereo in the corner of their living room and turned it on. Then he turned to Blaine with a large smile. "Dance with me?"

Blaine giggled. "Uhm - sure."

They wrapped their arms around each other and Kurt leaned his head on Blaine's shoulder, smiling at the smell that was so - Blaine.

"You know - we first kissed while dancing in the rain." Kurt said. The rain pattering on the roof. Blaine's strong, warm hands running up and down his back, circling over his baby bump.

"I remember. It was wet."

Kurt laughed loudly. "Well we were outside, and not inside with the windows open."

Blaine just hummed and continued to dance, pulling Kurt a little closer. Kurt let out a content sigh and closed his eyes. He wanted to stay in these arms forever.

"Well - uhm I guess you could, but I really should cook dinner." He heard Blaine say.

"What?" Kurt said.

"You uhm said...never mind." Blaine started pulling back.

"No," Kurt said pulling him back. "What did you say?"

Blaine was blushing! He never blushed. "It's just that, you said you wanted to stay 'in these arms forever' and well I guess you could, I wouldn't be complaining, but uhm I need to cook dinner and..."

"Blaine!" Kurt said blushing himself, because he definitely didn't mean to say that out loud.


"You're rambling."

Blaine blushed harder. "I'm sorry I should just maybe stop talking. Yea I should stop mmph."

Kurt kissed him. Really he had been wanting to do it for a few weeks, ever since they had moved in together. Now just seemed like the perfect time. Blaine was too adorable for his own good.

Kurt pulled back first, needing air.

"Uhm - I should - uh." Blaine rambled again, not doing a good job at hiding his large smile.

"Blaine!" Kurt shouted again.


"Come here."

And then they were kissing again. It felt amazing. Like they were picking up right where they left off. A crack of thunder rumbling through the apartment brought them back to reality.

"Maybe we should talk." Was the first thing Blaine said after they pulled apart.

Kurt nodded in agreement and they headed to sit on the couch.


"You kissed me."

"I did." Kurt said.

"Okay, well I guess, why did you kiss me?"

Kurt could tell by just looking at Blaine that he was trying not to get excited. Like maybe he thought Kurt kissed him on accident. Or that the kiss didn't mean the same to Kurt as it did to Blaine.

Kurt moved closer to Blaine and laced their fingers together. "Because I wanted to, because I like you Blaine, because I want us back."

"You want us back?" Blaine asked, his voice small.

"I want to try us again Blaine. I never got over you. I was just scared, but I'm not anymore. I trust you Blaine, and I want this to happen again." He motioned between them.

Blaine smiled so big. "Kurt that's all I've ever wanted! For you to trust me again." He pulled Kurt in for a hug and sighed when it was returned.

"So, we're trying us again?" Kurt asked hopeful.

"Of course we are." Blaine happily replied.

After kissing in the rain, the two teenage boys made their way inside. Kurt was eternally grateful Blaine's parents weren't home. He didn't want to meet them the same day he had had his first kiss with their son. They walked upstairs to Blaine's room and once inside Blaine threw Kurt a towel and started going to his dresser.

"Here." Blaine said, throwing a pair of sweats and an old Dalton shirt to Kurt. "Why don't you change and then we can talk"

"I like that idea."

Both quickly changed and fifteen minutes later they sat on Blaine's bed. They were looking awkwardly at their hands, neither really sure what to say.

"Kurt?" Blaine finally said.

"Yes?" His head shot up.

Blaine shakily took both of Kurt's hands. "I just-." He sighed. "I really like you Kurt. More than a friend. And kissing you just seemed to make everything fall into place. I would really love it if maybe you'd be my boyfriend. You know - if you felt the same." He quickly added.

"I like you too Blaine. A lot."

"You do?" Blaine asked, genuinely surprised.

"Duh - I've had a massive crush on you since we first met a few months ago."

"That's adorable."

Kurt just giggled and moved closer.

"So, we're going to try us?" Blaine asked, pulling Kurt down onto the bed so they were laying.

"Of course." Kurt said kissing Blaine.


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