Baby Tonight
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Baby Tonight: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,584 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Apr 09, 2013 - Updated: Jul 30, 2013
1,090 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey readers! I'm back! I decided that I'll be updating every week on Tuesday, and maybe if I have time, a surprise chapter every now and then.Thanks for the continued feed back! I love seeing what you all think!Enjoy this chapter and read the note at the end!

Blaine woke up to the sound of keys on the keyboard tapping away. He grunted and rolled over, seeing that the clock only read two am. He sighed heavily, flipping on the lamp by Kurt's bed side and looking over to the man in question. He had a blanket around his shoulders, and the computer screen was glowing on his face, which showed that he was frowning.


Kurt's head shot up, looking over to Blaine. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

Blaine sighed and dropped his head. "Kurt, what are you doing?"

At first he didn't answer. He just kept typing, flipping between a word document and two or three websites Blaine couldn't read the names of. He was about to ask again when Kurt finally turned around, his eyes watering, and his shoulders shaking.

"I-I'm making a pro/con list." He said, a tear falling down his red blotchy cheek.

Blaine nodded, slowly getting up and going over to where Kurt sat at his desk, kneeling next to the chair. He whispered quietly. "Okay, and what's on this list?"

"Uhm s-schools. Well its New York versus Ohio, and Blaine, Ohio is winning." Kurt said just as quietly.

Kurt was crying again, just looking at the screen. Blaine immediately shut the laptop and pulled Kurt up from the chair and into a strong hug. He walked them to the bed and put Kurt down, his body still shaking from crying. Blaine got in to bed next to Kurt, pulling him into his arms and trying to soothe him until he fell asleep again. They would have to discuss the rest of this in the morning, when Kurt maybe wasn't as emotional.

Blaine walked up the Hummel's drive way one day in early spring. The birds were out and chirping, the weather was perfect, not to cold but not blistering hot. He let himself in like he always did and made his way up the stairs to Kurt's room.

"Hey bro!" Finn shouted from where he was walking down the hallway and to the bathroom.

"Hey Finn." Blaine waved and then turned back to Kurt's door, lightly knocking but opening it at the same time. He was expecting Kurt to still be in bed, considering it was only a little after ten, but he found Kurt wide awake. He was staring at the computer screen sitting on the bed in front of him. His hand was covering his mouth as a sob escaped and tears were falling silently down his cheeks.

"Kurt?" Blaine questioned from the door.

Kurt didn't move. He just kept staring at the screen. Blaine slowly trekked across the room and sat next to him on the bed.

On the screen was a list of pros and cons to moving to New York and staying in Ohio. Most of the things were usual, like under New York read the line "acceptance" and under Ohio read "family". Blaine couldn't understand why Kurt was crying as he read through the list, it clearly showed that New York was winning this contest. Kurt had always wanted to move to New York. But then as he got to the bottom, he finally understood. In the middle of both lists, read "Blaine."

"Kurt? You have to go to New York."

Kurt's head finally shot up. He looked at Blaine. "Y-you...but Blaine..."

Blaine just shook his head. "Babe, we've talked about this. You are meant for New York. So I'm not there for a year? We'll still talk, Skype; do...things. And of course you'll visit and we'll see each other. Then I'll move there when I graduate and we'll start our joint lives in New York."

"I can't Blaine, I need to be able to see you every day."

"Then we'll Skype every day. Kurt you're going to New York and you're going to show them how incredibly talented you are."

Kurt nodded and sniffled. "I love you."

Blaine smiled and caressed Kurt's cheek, wiping away the tears. He leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips, then pulled away and rested their foreheads together. "I love you too."

Kurt slowly padded down the stairs and started making his way to the kitchen where he heard voices. He knew Blaine was already up and probably sitting at the table nursing a cup of coffee because he wasn't in bed when Kurt woke up. And he guessed his dad and Carole were there too, waiting for him to talk about both his and Blaine's future.

He took a deep breath before walking through the door and making his way directly to the coffee pot before stopping immediately and sighing; his head dropping. "I can't drink coffee."

"Nope kiddo. Caffeine isn't good for babies."

He turned around then, the smell of coffee making the situation worse. "Okay then, orange juice it is." Kurt poured a small glass of juice then walked toward the table, taking a seat next to Blaine and across from Carole. His father quickly followed and soon all four were sitting at the table, the silence deafening.


"I know what you're going to say dad."

Burt looked surprised. "I highly doubt that."

"You're gonna say that I need to move back here and do college here, and raise this baby here."

Burt started laughing, and Kurt frowned. "Kurt, kiddo, you're an adult. I'm not gonna tell you to do something, or force you away from the one place you love. I'm gonna be here for you one hundred percent, no matter what you chose to do."

Kurt's eyes started watering again and he let out a breath he had been holding in. "Really?"

"Of course sweetie," Carole said from beside Burt. "This is your decision, and we are supporting you no matter what."

Kurt smiled and rushed over to hug his parents, grateful he had the best ones. They hugged him back and he just quietly let them, loving that feeling he always used to get in his heart. The warm fuzzy, good feeling. As they pulled apart he looked at Blaine, who was staring into his cup of coffee.

"Hey Blaine?"

His head shot up and he immediately made eye contact with Kurt. "Yea?"

"Get over here."

Blaine didn't need to be told twice, he was up and hugging the other three quickly.

Later that day, after Burt went to the shop, and Carole went to her shift, and once Finn had left, but not before finding out and yelling "Dude! That's beyond awesome!" Kurt and Blaine laid in bed, staring at each other, but with more than enough room to not make the moment to intimate.

"So what are you going to do?" Blaine asked.

Kurt sighed. "Can I be honest?"
Blaine nodded. "Kurt, you can always be honest with me."

"Okay, the thing is, I would love to be in New York, and get to be with the friends I have already made there, but my family is here. Your family is here, and so are some of the greatest friends I've ever had. Its like - I know what I want, my brain is telling me to stay in New York, but my heart is winning. I want to move back here, and raise our baby here. I looked at colleges here with fashion design programs, and some of them are really great. And I just - this is it. I think Ohio, no matter how much I hated it before, is the place for me and you and this baby. But the only thing I worry about is college for you Blaine. I mean clearly you didn't plan for this."

"Can I be honest?" Blaine said, stealing Kurt's line.

"Of course."
"I was - uhm only going to New York because you were there. I applied to a lot of places. I even applied to places right here in Ohio, believe it or not. Listen Kurt, I know that maybe you don't fully trust me, or you haven't forgiven me yet for what I did, but I still love you and I want this baby, and I'll be here for you and the little peanut growing inside you," He stated, moving closer and placing his hand atop Kurt's tiny bump. "I'll be here for as long as you need me." He said, looking straight into Kurt's eyes.

Kurt almost did it. He almost leaned in and kissed Blaine right then and there. But he stopped himself. He knew that Blaine was right. No matter how many times he said that he believed Blaine, he still hadn't forgiven him completely. But he was getting there. And when that happened, he would be willing to try them again. Because Blaine would always own his heart.

"So, we're really gonna do this? Live in Ohio and raise a baby?"

"It would seem so." Blaine said smiling.

Kurt couldn't help himself, he scooted closer to Blaine and hugged him. He smiled as he smelt coffee and cinnamon hit his noise.

"Wait, where were you thinking for colleges?" Blaine asked, backing up a little so he could look at Kurt.

"Oh well University of Cincinnati is high on my list - why are you looking at me like that?" Kurt asked, noting the strange look Blaine was sporting.

"Because! Kurt that's where I applied!" Blaine rushed forward and hugged Kurt again, squeezing him.

"Oh!" Kurt said in a surprised tone.

"Uhm," Blaine coughed awkwardly, scooting back again. "Does this mean that we are living in Cincinnati Ohio with a baby?"

"Yes." Kurt said. "Oh my god Blaine, we're actually doing this!!"

"I know!" Blaine said just as enthusiastically. "Now, all I need to do is graduate, and oh, we need to tell my parents."

Kurt froze and looked at Blaine with wide-eyes. "Shit."

End Notes: Next Chapter...1) Blaine Graduates2) The Anderson's find outand... 3) "You're have a..."HELP! I haven't decided on a sex for their baby, and I'm willing to see what all you want. So drop me a review with a vote 'boy' or 'girl' and I'll use the winning sex.!Have a great week!


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Great story! It should be a girl :)

Man. I just love this story :3 I'm so glad to picked another town, other than Westerville and Lima. There's so much more of Ohio lol A little boy! Because then if they ever have any more kids, they'll have a big brother to look after then, in the ways I imagine Kurt and Blaine both longed for. Can't wait for next Tuesday!

Ok ok love this story! Anderummel should be boy and one takes after Blaine and girl after Kurt just saying! By the way would love to see this on Glee!