July 30, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
July 30, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
"Yea we can come." Kurt said into the phone while dressing Izzy. She fussed a little, not wanting to put on her pink butterfly shirt.
"Great, room 212, thanks Kurt." There was a mall click then the line went dead.
"Well little girl, let's go see your daddies."
Izzy smiled and finished getting dressed, with help from Kurt, and then quickly ran from the room. Kurt followed with a fond smile.
In the living room Izzy sat on Blaine's lap, babbling about something - Blaine trying his hardest not to laugh.
"Hey, Andrew called. We need to get going to the hospital."
"Did they have her?" Blaine asked, standing up and placing Izzy on his hip.
"Not yet, but they want us to head on over for when her grandparents come."
Blaine and Kurt put their shoes on, Izzy putting up a little fight but eventually putting her shoes on as well. They rushed out the door and made it to the hospital twenty minutes later. When they made it inside, Izzy squealed when she saw her dad standing in the waiting room.
"Daddy!!" She ran up and jumped into his arms, laughing happily when he tickled her side.
"Hi baby girl." He looked over to Kurt and Blaine tiredly. "Thanks so much."
"Our pleasure." Kurt automatically said.
"Daddy, Blaine played Barbie's with me! He's the best Ken!"
Andrew laughed loudly and looked over at Blaine. "You are very brave. Ryan is the only one who really plays Barbie's with her."
"It was fun."
Andrew was about to reply when Izzy's grandparents walked through the door. Andrew went up and hugged them, Izzy following quickly behind. They chatted for a few minutes, then Andrew happily introduced Blaine and Kurt. Andrew's Mom, Wendy, instantly took a liking to Blaine.
They chatted a while longer before the grandparents took Izzy back home, promising to be back when the baby was actually here. When they had finally gone, Andrew turned back to the young couple.
Andrew smiled. "Would you like to see Ryan?"
"Oh," Kurt said. "We wouldn't want to intrude."
"You won't be! Come on."
They walked to the room silently.
"Hi baby." Andrew said, walking over to the bed. Ryan looked up to him and smiled. "I brought you some visitors for you."
"Hi." Kurt said from the door.
"Kurt! Blaine!" He held out his arms and both boys laughed and hugged him.
"How are you feeling?" Blaine asked, taking a seat by the bed.
"Pretty good right now."
"That's good." Kurt said.
Ryan was about to reply when a look of pain washed over his face. Andrew got up right away and held out his hand, which Ryan took gratefully.
"Whoo, whoo, ow ow, god this fucking - ow - hurts." He groaned and fell back on to the pillows in the hospital bed.
"You good?" Andrew asked.
"Yea, yea it wasn't that - ow." He clutched his stomach. "Andrew, wait - its - something doesn't feel right."
"Okay, I'll be right back." Andrew rushed out of the room.
Kurt was standing awkwardly in the corner of the room, while Blaine stood up.
"Do you want us to leave?" He asked Ryan.
"No! No this w-will be good for you t-to see."
"O-okay. We can stay." Kurt said, unsure.
Suddenly Andrew ran back in, followed by three nurses.
"Hi Ryan, we're just gonna take a look alright?" One of the nurses said.
Ryan nodded, tears welling in his eyes as the nurse checked him.
"Alright, looks like we're gonna have a baby really soon. I'll go call Dr. Young and we'll get you all set up."
Ryan and Andrew nodded.
"Hello boys." Dr. Young said walking in dressed in bright blue scrubs. "How's it going?"
Ryan rolled his eyes at his doctor's attempt at a joke. "I'm in a lot of pain."
"Then let's get this baby out."
After that everything moved quickly. Blaine and Kurt were pushed to the corner of the room - forced to watch the birth from there. Ryan was moved into an awkward standing position, and told to push every time he had a contraction. There was a lot of yelling and screaming. Andrew was standing right next to Ryan, soothing him every time he wailed.
"You can do this baby, you can. Push come on push."
Dr. Young was yelling commands to the dozen nurses around her but through all the commotion the loud cry of a baby was finally heard.
Blaine was smiling at the happy couple as the baby girl was placed on Ryan's chest and Andrew cut the cord. He looked over to Kurt expecting to see and equally excited man but instead was met with an unpleasant look on his boyfriends face.
He moved closer to Kurt. "Hey what's wrong?"
As if being pulled out of some day dream Kurt looked over to Blaine with a large smile. "Nothing."
Blaine knew he was lying. He could see it written all over Kurt's face, but he didn't want to fight with him right now so he just nodded and looked back to Ryan.
He was happily smiling down at a baby swaddled in a bright pink blanket. They were one beautiful family.
"Well I'm completely exhausted. I'm gonna go to bed." Kurt said once they were finally home from the hospital. They stayed and hung around the hospital, each of them holding Sutton before they let the family be and made their way home.
Blaine had been biting his tongue the entire day, but now that they were home he let it all go. "What is wrong with you?"
Kurt stopped suddenly from where he was in the hallway and turned around. "What?"
Blaine sighed. "Kurt - I know you better than anyone else. You can lie to them but not to me. I saw you at their house, I saw you at the hospital. Your face tells all. What's wrong?"
"Kurt! Stop lying! Talk to me! I thought we were past the lying. I know we had the whole Sebastian issue but I thought we got over that. I mean I got over that and we went to coffee with him and his boyfriend so I don't really see the issue he-."
"I'm scared!" Kurt shouted over Blaine's rant.
"You're - what?" Blaine asked.
Kurt quietly walked to the living room and sat on the couch, sighing. "I'm terrified. Of going through labor or whatever and having to deal with all the commotion around me. You and I both know I'm not good with pain endurance. I cried like a baby the first time we had sex."
Kurt looked up to him with huge eyes, filled with unshed tears. "What if I can't do it?"
Blaine squatted down in front of Kurt, running his hands up and down Kurt's thigh. "Kurt, you can do this. I know you can. Right now it might seem scary now - but when it's happening you'll be able to do it, and you know why?"
"Why?" Kurt choked out.
"Because you are the strongest person I know."
"Blaine -."
"It's true. You can do anything. I know you can. And you can always get an epidural."
That caused Kurt to giggle.
"Ah that's what I like to hear. And see."
That made Kurt smile even more. "I guess seeing Ryan just scared me."
"Which is understandable. But he did a natural birth. We don't have to do it exactly like them."
"I know." Kurt nodded.
"Are you okay?"
Kurt nodded. "Yea, but I really am tired."
Blaine stood up and helped pull Kurt off the couch. He placed a light kiss on his lips, then took his hand. "Then let's get to bed."
"I love you Blaine. I don't say it enough but I do. Very much."
Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt's knuckles. "I love you too."