July 30, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
July 30, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
"Daddy? Can I ask you something?"
Burt looked over to Kurt, who was sitting on the couch next to his chair, hands folded in his lap. On the TV was the big game. "Can it wait till after the game Kurt?"
"Sure." He replied quietly.
Burt noticed the look of hurt that crossed his sons face and immediately felt bad. He turned the game on mute and moved so his full attention was on his child. "What's up buddy?"
Kurt looked up and took a deep breath. "Can we talk about marriage?"
Burt's eyes grew wide. His son was only ten, why would he want to talk about getting married. "Uhm - okay. Sure."
"Mommy changed her name to yours right? Julie said all mommies do that for their daddies."
"Yea they do kiddo."
"Okay, but what if the daddy changed his name for the mommy. Would that be okay?"
Burt was really confused about where all this was going, but he continued to answer his ten year olds questions. "It's whatever the parents want to do."
Kurt nodded. "So it would be okay if I changed my last name when I get married?"
Oh. "Kurt - you can do whatever you want. It's your choice. And whoever you marry - no matter what - will understand if you want to change your name to theirs." Kurt might not understand the whoever part now, but soon he will.
Kurt smiled brightly at his dad. "Okay. It's not that I don't love our last name though daddy!"
Burt laughed. "I know kiddo, I know." He pulled Kurt in for a hug. He knew.
"...and we need to figure out which name goes best with your last name..."
Blaine had been sitting in the driver's seat for an hour already, driving towards Lima with Kurt in the passenger spot, talking about the baby. They finally decided to start making a list of names and what better place to do it then in a two hour drive. The last part of the sentence however threw Blaine off.
"Wait - my last name?"
Kurt just nodded. "He'll have Anderson as his last name babe." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. For Blaine however it wasn't. He thought their son would definitely have the Hummel last name. At least until they were married - to which it would then be changed to Hummel - Anderson.
"I thought his last name would be Hummel."
"Why?" Kurt asked, clearly not understanding Blaine's side.
"That's your last name Kurt."
"I know, but you're the father and I want him to have your last name."
Blaine looked over to Kurt. "What about both of our last names? That's how it will be when we get married anyway."
Kurt's eyes grew wide. "Oh."
"Oh?" Blaine asked, suddenly not liking the tone of Kurt's voice.
Kurt sighed. "Yes oh. It's just that I - okay, so for the longest time I wanted to change my last name when I was the one getting married. Like instead of my wife taking my last name I would take hers. Well clearly I'm not having a wife - but I still feel the same way with my future husband. You. Hopefully. I love the idea of having my husband's name, and while the whole taking both last names and putting a hyphen in the middle is sweet, I just don't like it."
"Wait, so you want our son to have my last name because that's what you see your last name being in the future?"
Kurt suddenly grew very quiet. "If we were to get married - yes."
Blaine immediately took Kurt's hand in his, pulling it across the consul and up to his lips where he kissed his knuckles. "Kurt, we are going to get married."
Kurt's smile grew and he blushed. "Then yes, I want our baby's last name to be Anderson."
"Okay - oh wait."
Kurt groaned. "What?"
Blaine gave a small laugh. "Will it be okay with your family? You're Burt's only child, I would think he might want you to carry on the family name."
"Oh my god Blaine its 2013 not 1850. It'll be fine. And I sorta talked to him about it."
Kurt nodded. "Well yes - when I was ten but still -."
"Kurt! That was nine years ago!"
Kurt sighed. "Blaine I know. But it still stands. I want to change my name. No mushing two last names together or adding a hyphen okay?"
Kurt smiled towards Blaine. "Thank you. Now names. I'm thinking we each come up with some and then veto the ones we don't like."
"We should each only get around five vetoes because I know you Kurt Hummel."
"Fine." He said with an eye roll. "My first name is Alexander, Alex for short of course."
"Veto." Blaine said right away.
"Kurt if his last name is going to be Anderson, his first name can't start with the same letter! That's absolutely horrible."
"Ugh fine. I also really like Joseph."
"Hmm, I actually like that one."
"Oh good, I'll write it down." He quickly pulled out a notebook and scrawled down the name. "Do you have any?"
"I have a few. I like Daniel and Ryan."
"Veto. To both."
"Why?" Blaine asked.
"Just don't like those names. I never have I don't think."
"You are so complicated."
"I am not!!"
"Whatever." Blaine said, training his eyes on the road.
"What about Thomas?"
"No way."
"Wait why?"
"Long story, but bad experience with a kid that had that name and just no Kurt no. How about...mmm I really like the name Noah."
Kurt perked up. "Oh I like that one too."
"Then write it down!" Blaine told with a large smile.
They went through a few more names, only writing down one more name, Samuel, before finally making their exit to Lima. As they were driving Blaine's phone buzzed. He turned to Kurt and smiled.
"You can check it."
Kurt shook his head. "I trust you."
"Kurt, check it."
He sighed but pulled out Blaine's phone reading the message.
(12:37): Hey, do you wanna get together since you'll be in Lima? Kurt can come! I haven't seen him in forever and Christian really wants to meet both of you.
"It's Sebastian."
Kurt made an hmmm noise and started replying.
(12:39): Sounds good! The Lima Bean good?
(12:40): Yep! Tomorrow at 4?
(12:41): Alright, see you then!
Blaine watched out of the corner of his eye as Kurt typed on his phone. It made him nervous. "What's up?"
"We are having coffee with Sebastian and Christian tomorrow."
"We are?" Blaine asked truly surprised.
"Mhmm. Oh don't miss the turn." Kurt said.
"I won't." Blaine replied, still shocked to hear that they were both having coffee with Sebastian.
Kurt rolled his hips to meet with Blaine's, eliciting a groan.
"Kurt - Kurt," Blaine panted. "We can't," He said rolling his hips to mimic Kurt's. "Your dad is down stairs."
"Just be quiet." Kurt moaned, rolling his hips faster and kissing down the side of Blaine's neck, leaving a hickey there.
Blaine just groaned and moved his hands down Kurt's body, grabbing his ass and pushing him closer. They both kept moving their hips fast, trying to push each other to the edge. Kurt came first with a long whine, his nails digging into Blaine's exposed shoulders. He threw his head back, a blissed out look on his face.
That look pushed Blaine over the edge and he came hard in his pants with a low moan, squeezing Kurt's ass. Kurt fell on top of Blaine, and just laid there, running his fingers through Blaine's sweaty curls.
"I love you." Blaine whispered.
"Mmm love yo-."
"Boys!! Blaine needs to head home, you both have school tomorrow!" They heard yelled from downstairs. Kurt groaned and rolled over, hiding his face in his pillow.
"Coming Mr. Hummel!"
"We already have." Kurt joked.
Blaine just rolled his eyes. "New rule. No sexual acts while parents are in the house."
"Oh fine, ruin the fun."
"Bye. Love you." He placed a light kiss on Kurt's lips.
"Love you too. See you tomorrow."
Kurt loved being pregnant. It was something he had never experienced before and he wouldn't trade it for anything. Except for right now. He was hot, horny, getting huge and did he mention hot. He was lying in bed, his bed, in his dad's house beyond horny. And right now being pregnant was the worst thing ever. All it did was make him fat, and hot because it was fucking summer and horny! And Blaine's hand resting on his stomach wasn't helping. Just his warm touch was getting Kurt going.
"Blaine." He whispered loudly.
"Mmm 'hat?" He mumbled.
"Get up!" Kurt said, hitting his shoulder.
Suddenly Blaine jumped up and looked at Kurt with wide eyes. "Are you okay? Is it the baby?"
"What? No - no just come here."
Blaine cocked an eyebrow but fell onto the bed again. "What?"
"Kiss me?"
"Kurt - what?"
Kurt rolled over and straddled Blaine's legs. "The thing with being pregnant is that I'm horny all the time. And I need to have sex before I explode. So kiss me."
That's when Blaine noticed Kurt's raging hard on pressing through his pajama pants. "Oh, Kurt we're at your parents' house!"
"Blaine! Come on." He rolled his hips and leaned down to kiss Blaine hard on the mouth.
Blaine made a low mmm noise and pulled Kurt closer.
"Blaine - Mmph - Blaine I read - ah - I read that it's more comfortable - oh god - on our sides."
Blaine stopped his attack at Kurt's neck and pushed him back a little. "Like spooning?"
"Yea, it's just - I'm getting bigger - stop shaking your head Blaine I'll be thirty weeks pregnant next week and I read that it's more comfortable for me because I don't have to carry all the weight." Kurt plopped down in the open space next to Blaine and stared at the hazel eyes.
Blaine simply looked back before he sat up and tugged his shirt over his head. He pushed Kurt down and slowly undressed him. "I'll go slow." He leaned down and pressed a light kiss to Kurt's lips.
"Okay." Kurt replied with quietly.
Blaine rolled Kurt over onto his side and quickly got up, rushing to his suit case to get the lube before running back and slicked up his fingers. He then scooted up right behind Kurt and opened him up with one finger then two, finally adding a third when Kurt started whining.
"Blaine - Jesus come on please. Please."
"Bossy." Blaine whispered lightly in his ear, running his free hand down and around Kurt's baby bump. He didn't give Kurt time to reply, he pushed in until he was finally bottomed out. Kurt gasped.
"Mmm - god yes." Kurt moaned into the pillow, not wanting to wake up the rest of the house.
Blaine started thrusting, his hand still splayed across Kurt's pregnant belly.
"Oh - Oh Blaine, shit, oh fu -." Kurt rolled his head into the same pillow suppressing a scream. He needed to come. He reached for Blaine's hand that was on his belly and led it down to his throbbing cock. "Make me come. Now. Make me come Blaine."
Blaine just grunted and continued to thrust into Kurt, while working him over with his hand.
Kurt came first, a muffled scream coming out of his mouth. Blaine comes quickly after Kurt, Kurts name being chanted into his ear.
They stay like that, spooning, for a few minutes before Kurt needs to move. "Blaine."
"Can we like -?"
"Oh! Oh yea." Blaine pulled out and got up to get a wash cloth from the in suite bathroom. He cleaned them both off and threw the cloth toward the hamper. Kurt was already cuddling around a body pillow with a small grin on his face.
Blaine quickly pulled on a pair of clean boxers and laid down behind Kurt, pilling him into his arms, placing his hands back on his belly. "I love you." He whispered, not sure if Kurt was already sleeping.
"Love you too."
"We broke the rule." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt let out a loud laugh and turned his head so he could see Blaine. "We did."
"That's okay though." He said, placing a kiss to Kurt's cheek.
"It was so okay."
Blaine laughed. "Sleep now."
"Mhmm." Kurt hummed, going back to snuggling his body pillow.
"This is going to be so awkward Blaine." Kurt said, holding Blaine's hand tighter.
"Hey, you're the one who said we would come."
Kurt nodded. "I know, but still."
Blaine just gave a short laugh and opened the door to the Lima bean. "We only have to be here a while. We have dinner plans with the whole family remember?"
Kurt knew Blaine was right. He just didn't know what to talk about with Sebastian.
"Hello! What can I get you?"
"I'll take a medium drip and he'll have a green tea."
'Stacie' as her nametag read took their order and gave them a smile as she handed them their cups.
"Are they here yet?" Kurt asked, turning around to look amongst the groups of people.
"Right there." Blaine said, taking his free hand and leading them to the table where Sebastian and who Kurt assumed was Christian sat.
"Hey Sebastian, Christian."
Sebastian looked up and smiled. "Hey you two."
Kurt smiled. He could do this.
"That was actually really fun!" Kurt said, jumping in the passenger seat on the way to dinner with both the Anderson/Hummel crowd.
"I'm glad you enjoyed that." Blaine replied, taking Kurt's hand.
"Christian is just perfect for Seb. Blaine you did such a great job with setting them up. Really great. And they are hilarious and wow, I just enjoyed that so much."
"Good." Blaine kissed Kurt's knuckles. "Now let's go have dinner with the family."
They entered the small Italian restaurant and made their way to both sets of parents and Finn sitting around a large table.
"Boys!" Clarissa said, waving them over. She got up and hugged them, Carole following.
"Hey Blaine, Kurt." Finn said, taking a sip of whatever fruity drink he had.
"Finn." Blaine said, taking a seat next to him.
Kurt sat next to Blaine and they both opened their menus, making small talk as they waited to have their orders taken. Blaine was talking with Finn and Kurt was in deep conversation with Carole and Clarissa about the nursery when Mitchell cleared his throat.
"Boys," He started out. "Burt and I talked -."
"Oh god, last time you said that you bought us our apartment." Blaine said.
"Blaine!" Clarissa scolded.
"As Mitchell was saying, we talked it over and we want you two to go on a baby moon."
"What's a baby moon?" Kurt asked.
"It's a vacation before the baby arrives. You two deserve it." Carole said.
"All expense paid as well." Clarissa added.
"No, no we couldn't. What about Finn -." He motioned toward his brother.
"What about me?"
"You have college, I can't keep taking your money."
"Kurt sweetie," Carole placed a warm hand on his shoulder. "Finn is set with money for college. His father - well it was covered. And we are all helping pay for this. You don't need to worry about Finn."
"Yea bro, I'm good. You should do this."
Kurt looked over to Blaine. "What do you think?"
"I think," Blaine sighed. "I don't know Kurt, maybe we should. I've been working like crazy and you need a break too. We could do this before we start school."
"Okay." Kurt said.
"Perfect! All you have to do is decide where you want to go and we'll go from there." Clarissa said with excitement.
"Alright. Thank you so much." Blaine said. He then turned back to Finn to finish their conversation.
Once the check was paid for everyone went their separate ways, Blaine and Kurt saying good-bye to Blaine's parents and thanking them again for the trip.
"I'll see you soon mom."
Clarissa hugged Blaine closer. "Okay sweetie. I love you both."
"We love you too!"
When they finally arrived back to the Hummel's household, Carole and Burt went to bed and Finn left for a night out with the boys, leaving Kurt and Blaine on the couch, a late night show playing on the TV. Kurt put up his feet and Blaine, being the great boyfriend that he is, started rubbing them.
"So a baby moon?" He said.
"Yea I guess." Kurt said, happy that he was getting a foot massage.
"Where do you wanna go?"
Kurt was about to answer when his phone buzzed. He opened it and let out a noise of excitement. "Aww look!" He turned the phone to Blaine. On the screen was Isabella and Charlie. He was sleeping in her arms.
"That's adorable."
"Mmm." Kurt said sleepily.
"A little."
Blaine pulled Kurt into a standing position. "Let's go to bed."
Blaine held his hand as they walked upstairs. They had plenty of time to talk about the baby moon later.