The Beginning of Forever
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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The Beginning of Forever: Chapter 3

K - Words: 2,521 - Last Updated: Jul 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Jul 28, 2013 - Updated: Jul 28, 2013
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Author's Notes: The inspiration for the Green Tavern Inn is based on Tavern on the Green in NYC. The details of the Green Tavern Inn are based on my memories of my brother's wedding reception at Tavern on the Green. I also wanted to use 'Forever' by The Beach Boys. I think it's an incredibly romantic song. Here's the version of the song that I had in mind as I wrote it into the story; sung by John Stamos: you for reading my story. Reviews please?
Burt Hummel knocked on the door to the dressing room. "Hey Kurt, Blaine. Are you guys awake?" he called.

There was no response. No flurried activity, no panicked whispers, nothing. Burt knocked again. After a momentary pause, he cautiously opened the door and peeked into the room.

The sight that greeted him filled his heart with warmth. Stretched out on the sofa, fast asleep, were his sons. Yes, he considered Blaine his son, too; the marriage ceremony was just a formality. Kurt was stretched out on the sofa and Blaine was snuggled half on top of him. Blaine was using Kurt's chest as a pillow and his left hand was resting gently on Kurt's chest; the light was gleaming off his newly minted wedding band. Kurt had his right hand on Blaine's hip and his left arm wrapped around his back so that his hand rested on Blaine's chest. Both men had a look of peaceful serenity on their faces.

Burt went over to the sofa and put his hand on Kurt's shoulder and shook him gently. "Kurt, it's time to wake up!"

Kurt's head rolled back and forth a few times as he mumbled incoherently. Then he opened his eyes, blinking rapidly until his eyes adjusted to the light. "Wha..." he mumbled.

"Morning, sleepyhead! Time to rise and shine! This is your wake up call, as requested!"

After Kurt shook his head sharply a couple of times, his focus became much clearer. He tried to roll his body to the edge of the sofa so he could get up, but he found that he couldn't move because he was pinned under Blaine's body. When Blaine felt the movement, he burrowed into Kurt even tighter, thus trapping him even more. Kurt looked sheepishly at Burt.

"Um...yeah. Thanks for the alarm call. Why don't you go back to the party? I'll get him up and we'll be there soon," he said, gesturing to Blaine. Burt simply nodded and closed the door as he left the room.

Kurt shook Blaine gently, lovingly. "Sweetheart, time to get up."

"Don' wanna..." Blaine mumbled sleepily.

"Baby, wake up," Kurt repeated, this time a little more authoritatively.
"We have a room full of friends and family wondering where we are."

"...'oo comfy. Can' we just stay here?" Blaine murmured. Kurt noticed that Blaine's speech was becoming more cohesive and lucid–a clear sign that he was waking up, as much as he pretended that he wasn't.

Kurt made one last ditch effort to rouse his husband. "Sweetie, you have to get up now. I love you, but so help me, if you don't get up right now, I will find your favorite bowtie, cut it to shreds, and then I will flush the pieces!"

Blaine's head shot up from its pillow in alarm and he shot a worried look at his husband. "I'm up! I'm up! No need to threaten helpless articles of clothing!"

Kurt shrugged. "I had to do what I had to do. So sue me."

For the next half hour, the couple took the time to freshen up and to prepare themselves for the reception. Each man washed and remoisturized his face to remove some of the fatigue of the day's events and to help bring back that joyful and happy glow. As Blaine freshened up their jackets, Kurt continued to work on his face at the vanity. When he was done, he went over and helped Blaine into his jacket and then Blaine did the same for Kurt. Kurt turned towards his husband as he readjusted his own silver bowtie and smoothed down his silver waistcoat.

""What do you think?" Kurt asked.

Blaine reached out to slightly brush the bowtie. "You are as beautiful as an angel." Kurt leaned forward and brushed his lips to Blaine's in a silent gesture of thanks. Blaine held his arms out and asked, "What about me?"

Kurt tilted his head to the side and evaluated him critically. After a moment, Kurt reached out to unravel the forest green bowtie. He draped the untied ends over Blaine's collarbones and let them rest on his chest. He quickly skimmed his hands over the matching forest green paisley waistcoat. After running his hands through Blaine's lightly gelled curls, Kurt replied, "There. Now you're absolutely perfect."

Blaine took his husband's hand and intertwined their fingers together. "Are you ready for this?"

Kurt took a breath. "As ready as I'll ever be." They walked out of the dressing room, ready to join their guests in the grand room.


"Ladies and gentlemen...introducing the Hummel–Andersons!" Charlie announced to the occupants of the grand room.

The guests all cheered enthusiastically and the couple waved to the crowd in acknowledgment and then moved over to the bar. As Blaine ordered their drinks, white wine for both, Kurt scanned the crowd for their parents.

The guests were clustered into small groups of four or five people each. All were talking, laughing, and enjoying the appetizer buffet, bar, and background music. Blaine came up to Kurt and handed him his wine. Kurt led them over to their parents. Burt, Carole, and Jenna were talking with Cooper and Kurt's aunt and uncle. The grooms joined in the conversation.

Kurt and Blaine had made the decision to have the wedding party start to eat their dinners half an hour before the guests. This way, the two grooms and the wedding party would be able to move throughout the dining area to visit and socialize with the guests at each of the tables while the guests ate their dinners. Charlie came over to the two families and informed them that their dinner was ready.

Kurt and Blaine took care in deciding their menu. They had consulted with the Charlie several months earlier, and together, a menu was created that would accommodate their guests–Rachel being a vegetarian and Kurt wouldn't neglect that fact–and that was relatively easy for the kitchen staff to prepare. When the invitations were mailed out, the RSVP included a section to record each person's choice for their meal. Each person had the choice of roasted red pepper soup, green salad, or caesar salad for the first course. For the second course, they had the choice of roasted chicken with lemon and rosemary, grilled salmon with a lemon-dill sauce, or eggplant parmesan. Additionally, they had the choice of two of six different side dishes: steamed broccoli, steamed asparagus, steamed green beans, mashed potatoes, rice pilaf, and couscous.

Charlie took the wedding party over to their table, which ran the whole length of the dais that it was sitting on. The table was beautifully decorated with a white tablecloth, a silver and forest green table runner that ran the length of the table. Six vases of assorted floral bouquets were lined down the center of the table. Next to each bouquet sat a silver candlestick holder holding lit candles. At each place setting there was a name card and a lit votive candle.

Kurt and Blaine were seated in the middle of the table. To Kurt's right, in order, sat Rachel, Burt, Carole, and Finn; to Blaine's left, in order, sat Sam, Jenna, and Cooper. The wedding party's meals were set in front of them and they began to eat, while the guests continued to mill around. Kurt and Blaine would frequently lean into each other to share whispered secrets just as eight year-olds would. They fed bites of their dinners to the other–chicken fed to Blaine and salmon fed to Kurt. Whenever the couple thought they were not being watched, they would share stolen kisses; however, unknown to them, the guests were witnesses to these kisses and would sigh in happiness for the couple. Once the wedding party had finished their dinners, the guests were seated and served their meals. Kurt, Blaine, and the wedding party moved throughout the dining room making conversation with their guests. Blaine stepped back for a few moments just to watch his husband; he smiled because Kurt was in his element as a host.

After a half hour of chatting with the guests as they ate, Kurt walked to the back of the dining room and just looked out over the whole panorama view. Blaine slipped behind Kurt, wrapped his arms around his waist, and whispered, "What are you thinking?"

Kurt leaned back against his husband's chest and answered, "I'm thinking about how this venue was the perfect choice for our reception. This grand room is so beautiful, well, not the dining side because it kind of feels like a cafeteria, but the ballroom side."

Blaine looked over to the other half of the grand room. The walls and ceiling were made completely out of glass. Through the glass, everyone could see the beauty of the greenery, flowerbeds, the manicured lawn, and the tree overhead, which had tiny white Christmas lights strung throughout its bare branches. It was also a very clear night, so the (full) moon's beams were shining onto the dance floor. Blaine could not wait to dance with Kurt under the moonlight. "With all the greenery, lights and moonlight, it really is beautiful and romantic," Blaine murmured as he squeezed Kurt a little tighter with his arms.

"I can't wait to dance with you under the moonlight," Kurt cooed into Blaine's ear.

Blaine grinned. "Great minds think alike."


"Yep. I was just thinking about what it would be like sharing our first dance under the moonlight," Blaine answered.

Kurt didn't know what to say, so he simply leaned over to kiss Blaine again. As soon as Kurt's lips met Blaine's, Blaine melted into the kiss as much as possible, considering that he was hugging Kurt in front of his body.

Blaine's lips were so soft, his kisses so gentle, that Kurt didn't think he would ever get tired of them. He sighed in utter joy and contentment.


"To Kurt and Blaine!" Rachel and Sam cried in unison, holding up their flutes of champagne.

"To Kurt and Blaine!" the guests cried back as everyone turned towards the dais where the happy couple sat. The guests, Sam, and Rachel tipped their glasses towards the husbands and then took a sip. After the grooms finished their sips, Kurt leaned in towards Blaine and they shared a sensual kiss. Their guests aww'ed, cooed, and clapped all the while they hoped that there would be no rude catcalls (yeah, I'm glaring at you, Puck!).

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for Kurt and Blaine's first dance as husbands," Sam announced. "Kurt was the one who oversaw all the wedding details...all except for one. Blaine begged to choose the song for their first dance and Kurt happily agreed to let him," Sam finished.

As Sam was speaking, the former members of the New Directions quietly made their way over to the raised platform at the side of the grand ballroom.

Rachel took the microphone from Sam and continued as Finn sat behind the drum set, Tina at the piano, and Sam and Puck collected their guitars. She continued, "Blaine contacted all of us who were in the New Directions, our glee club from when we were in high school. He asked that we provide the backing vocals and music for the song he will sing as he and Kurt share their first dance."
Rachel set the microphone in the stand located in front of the risers and took her place between Santana and Quinn.

Blaine stood up from the table and held his hand out to Kurt. Kurt grasped Blaine's hand and allowed himself to be led out to the dance floor. When they got to the center of the floor, Blaine released Kurt's hand and went over to Puck and took the earpiece microphone that he was holding. Once Blaine had the earpiece comfortable in his ear and the microphone in front of his mouth, he began to speak.

"As most of you probably know, I can't verbalize my feelings very well. I communicate my feelings and emotions much better through song." Blaine turned to look at his husband. "Kurt, you and I, we are 'Forever'."

Blaine took Kurt into his arms. He rested his left hand on Kurt's hip, while he felt a hand rest on his shoulder and the other grasped his right hand. The minimal lighting around the walls of the ballroom was dimmed even further. The moonlight that was beaming in through the glass roof acted as a spotlight on the married couple. Standing there, Kurt was positively glowing from the luminescence of the moonlight reflecting off the silver and white he was wearing. Blaine looked into his eyes; silvery clear eyes locked onto slivery gray ones. Blaine began to sway Kurt as the music began to play. And then, Blaine began to sing.

If every word I said
Could make you laugh
I'd talk forever
(New Directions) together my love

I'd ask the sky just what we had
Ooh oh, it showed forever
(New Directions) together my love (Tina) my my my my my my my my

If the song I sing to you
Could fill your heart with joy
I'd sing forever
(New Directions) together my love (Tina) my my my my my my my my

(New Directions) Forever, forever
I've been so happy loving you

Puck began a brief guitar interlude as the two grooms continued to dance across the floor. Blaine reached up to gently wipe the tear that had fallen down Kurt's cheek. Then he lifted Kurt's arm and spun him around slowly.

(New Directions) together my love

Let the love I have for you
Live in your heart
And be forever
(New Directions) together my love

(New Directions) Forever, forever
I've been so happy loving you

Puck broke into a longer guitar interlude. Kurt led Blaine across the dance floor in wide, grand, and sweeping steps. Towards the end of the interlude, Blaine regained the lead and spun Kurt around into a dip. After he pulled Kurt out of the dip, they both froze and gazed deeply into each other's eyes.

(Blaine and Tina) If every word I said
Could make you laugh
I'd talk forever

(Tina) Na na na na na na,
na na na na na na...
Na na na na na na,
na na na na na na...
oh-oh-oh our heart

(New Directions) Forever, forever
I'll be so happy loving you

Continuing to hold the gaze, Blaine leaned in and gave Kurt what Kurt thought was the most perfect kiss, slow, soft, gentle, and sensual. The grooms continued to kiss as the applause grew louder and louder, eventually building into a crescendo. They pulled apart reluctantly and gazed into each other's love-filled eyes. They were again, briefly, lost in their own little world.

They remained in their little world until Finn came over and threw his arm around Kurt's shoulders and announced to the guests, "That was 'Forever' by The Beach Boys, now and forever known as Klaine's song!"

Kurt, who was firmly ensconced in his husband's arms, looked at Blaine, tears of intense joy trickling down his face. When the noise died down, Kurt whispered softly to Blaine, "I promise you...forever." Blaine's heart swelled with emotion as he gazed at the look of love and devotion in Kurt's blue eyes. Kurt surged forward and crashed his lips to Blaine's in a deeply passionate kiss.

That night, Kurt and Blaine swept each other away on passion-filled waves of love and intimacy.

They lived happily ever after...forever.


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