The Beginning of Forever
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The Beginning of Forever: Chapter 1

K - Words: 1,869 - Last Updated: Jul 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Jul 28, 2013 - Updated: Jul 28, 2013
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Author's Notes: I started writing this just after the airing of TBU. I was really, really upset that Blaine would ever cheat on Kurt. So Blaine's vows are my "revenge" against him for breaking Kurt's heart in TBU.Reviews please?

"Kurt...I give to you my heart, my body, and my soul." Blaine looked directly into Kurt's eyes; hazel eyes locked onto blue. It was important that Kurt hear, really hear, and understand the next part of Blaine's vow. "I pledge to you, and only you, my love, my loyalty, and my fidelity."

Kurt blinked his eyes rapidly, trying desperately to keep his tears from falling. Kurt understood the meaning of Blaine's vow. He gave Blaine a slightly wobbly smile and then took a couple of breaths to calm himself down.

"Kurt?" the minister prompted.

"Blaine. I give to you my heart, my body, and my soul." He took a quick breath and continued, his voice wavering slightly. "I pledge to you, and only you, my love, my loyalty, and my fidelity."

Blaine swallowed really hard and then sniffled a bit. Still looking into Kurt's blue orbs, he squeezed the hands that were clasped in his.

A silence fell over the chapel. Small sounds could be heard: a quiet sniffle here, a nose being quietly blown there. It was a significant pause; it was time used to absorb the significance of the promises that Blaine and Kurt had just made to each other.

After an appropriate amount of time passed, the minister continued. "May I have the rings, please?" he instructed.

Kurt turned to Rachel, his best woman, and took the ring she held out to him in his right hand. He mouthed "thanks" to her, to which Rachel smiled. Sam, Blaine's best man, placed the ring into Blaine's right palm. Blaine smiled his thanks to Sam, and Sam nodded slightly in return. The grooms then turned back towards each other.

"Blaine, place this ring on Kurt's finger and then repeat after me... I, Blaine Devon, take thee Kurt Elizabeth to be my husband. And with this ring, I thee wed," the minister instructed in a strong and clear voice.

Blaine swallowed nervously and took Kurt's hand into his own. He slipped the white gold and diamond ring on Kurt's finger. He looked up at Kurt to see him give him a watery smile. With tears of happiness pooling in his eyes, Blaine recited, "I, Blaine Devon, take thee Kurt Elizabeth to be my husband." A pause. Blaine's voice cracked as he softly said, "And with this ring...I thee wed." A tear escaped Blaine's eye and slid down his cheek.

"Kurt, place this ring on Blaine's finger and then repeat after me. I, Kurt Elizabeth, take thee Blaine Devon to be my husband. And with this ring, I thee wed."

Kurt held out his left hand. Blaine slid his hand into Kurt's. Kurt slid the yellow gold and diamond ring onto Blaine's finger. Kurt's voice was no louder than a whisper as he recited, "I, Kurt Elizabeth, take thee Blaine Devon to be my husband. And with this ring...I thee wed." Kurt's face exuded so many emotions–happiness, joy, giddy excitement, deep love–that Blaine couldn't help but mirror those emotions back in a teary smile.

"With the power vested in me and by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and husband!" The minister's voice got louder and higher pitched as he spoke. "You may now kiss the groom!"

Time stood still. The grooms stood, hands still entwined, gazing deeply at each other. The rest of the room and the guests faded away as Kurt and Blaine continued to look into each other, completely lost in each other. To the grooms, that moment felt like an eternity, where there was only KurtandBlaine! and no one else, but in actuality, it was only a few seconds. Kurt and Blaine were simply enjoying the delicious anticipation of their first kiss as husbands.

Then, with no conscious awareness of their movement, the grooms moved towards each other until their lips touched. Kurt's arms automatically snaked around Blaine's shoulders, while Blaine's hands found their home on Kurt's hips.

The kiss was soft, sensual, and sweet. It held the promise of forever in it. As the guests started to applaud while they got to their feet, Blaine deepened this kiss and Kurt melted into his embrace. The guests started cheering and whispering quietly, letting the grooms enjoy their moment, until a catcall echoed throughout the chapel.

"Get it Hummel!" Puck cheered obnoxiously loud.

Quinn, who was standing next to him, slapped Puck upside the head–hard. "Noah!" she hissed at him, shooting him a mortified and disapproving look.

"Ow...that hurt!" he exclaimed quietly in her direction. He started to rub where Quinn had slapped him.

"Serves you right. You just interrupted a romantic and memorable moment for our friends!" Quinn hissed back.

When the guests looked back at the altar, the grooms had separated, but they were holding each other's hands and were lost in their own little world. The grooms snapped out of their trance when they felt the minister put a hand in each of their lower backs. The slight push he gave to them directed them to turn towards the guests. Once facing their friends and family, Kurt grasped Blaine's right hand and entwined their fingers. They each smiled happily at their guests.

"It is my extreme pleasure to introduce to you... Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Anderson!" the minister announced. At this, Blaine led himself and Kurt down the altar's steps, down the aisle, and out into the lobby where they would receive their friends and family.


Out in the lobby, the wedding party formed a line to greet the guests: Burt and Carole, Jenna Anderson, Sam and Rachel, and Blaine and Kurt. For the next forty-five minutes, the line of friends and family moved along the wedding party line sharing handshakes, hugs, kisses, and conversation.

Finn came up to Blaine and gave him a bro-hug, which Blaine happily returned. Finn then turned to Kurt and pulled him up into a genuine you're-my-brother-and-I-love-you hug. "I'm really happy for you guys!"

"Thanks Finn. We're really happy for us, too!" Blaine told him. "Thank you for being here for us, Finn. It means more to us than I can put into words." Kurt added.

Santana and Brittany were the next to approach the grooms. Kurt nudged Blaine's arm and silently gestured at their linked hands; they both smiled.

"My two favorite dolphins are married now!" Brittany exclaimed as she gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. In unison, the grooms each planted a kiss on Brittany's cheeks.

Santana looked at Kurt and Blaine. There was a pause as she collected her thoughts, because she wanted to get right what she wanted to say to them. "I know that we haven't always been friends or even particularly close, but I want to say thank you." She paused. "Thank you for the hope that you have given me. The hope that someday I can be as happy as the two of you are right now."

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other in muted surprise. Santana Lopez was being... sincere? The two grooms exchanged a silent conversation through their glances. Santana was looking at them and their marriage as a model for happiness and contentment for her own future. Needless to say, they were both touched.

"That means so much to us, Santana. Thank you." Blaine told her as he kissed her cheek. Santana then turned to Kurt.

"Santana. I am 10,000% sure that when the time comes, you will be as happy with Britt as I am with Blaine right now. Also, when the time comes for you and Britt get married, Blaine and I will be right there in the front row loving, cheering, and supporting you!" Kurt gave Santana a soft smile.

"And I had better be your wedding planner!" Brittany, Santana, and Blaine chuckled softly at this. The moment had gotten emotionally heavy and it was slightly awkward. Kurt's pseudo-order made the heaviness fade away.

Emotions were flooding Santana's face and they were choking her. She nodded at Kurt, which he seemed to understand. After a brief pause, Santana hurled herself into Kurt for a hug. They simply held each other for several long moments. As they broke apart, Santana swiped at the tears in her eyes. She took Brittany's hand and told them that they would see them at the wedding reception.

After greeting other friends and family, Kurt and Blaine received their last friend.

A teary voice said, "Oh, my boos!" as both grooms were pulled into a hug. When they pulled apart, Mercedes spoke to Blaine first.

"Thank you for making my boo here so happy!" she told him, gesturing to Kurt.

"Thank you for being his friend at the time in his life when he needed a friend the most." Blaine pulled her into a hug and whispered, "I will never be able to thank you enough for that." They broke apart and then Mercedes turned to Kurt.

"Kurt, I know that our friendship has faded some over the years. But I want you to know, you are still my BFFL!"

Tears welled up in Kurt's eyes as the thought of their friendship and the friendship that had indeed faded. But through it all, she was his first BFFL and he would never give that up. Never! "Sweetie, as soon as Blaine and I get back from our honeymoon and get settled into our new life, you and I are going to have a girls' weekend! That includes the works–massage, facials, manicures, pedicures, shopping, movie marathons, and gossiping. And I won't take no for an answer!"

Mercedes smiled as she replied, "You got yourself a date!" She pulled him into one more bone-crushing hug. She whispered into his ear, "Go. Be happy.
Be happy with him." She kissed him on the cheek as she let him go. She then joined the other guests on the outside steps of the church.

Kurt and Blaine thanked the minister for his service. The minister accepted their thanks and then moved off to his office. They were the only two left in the lobby. Blaine took Kurt's hand, squeezed it, and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yep, let's go! I'm starved and ready to eat dinner!" He gave Blaine a contented look as he added lovingly, "My first dinner with my husband."

"I love the sound of that–your husband." Blaine moved forward into Kurt and gave him a soft and tender kiss. They eventually pulled back, joined hands, and together they opened the front door of the church.

On the front steps, their friends and family were holding tiny bottles of bubble solution. The grooms hadn't wanted to leave a huge mess for the church's maintenance staff to have to clean up, so they elected to not throw the traditional rice, but rather blow bubbles as the couple descended down the steps. As the grooms stepped outside, the bubbles began to float around them on the gentle breeze. They ran down the steps, still hand-in-hand, to the awaiting limo. They were ushered inside, the door was closed, and they were whisked away to the horrible noise of tin cans being dragged along the ground. On the back windshield, it said, "Just Married–Legally!"

Burt moved up to the top of the stairs and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Friends! This celebration will continue in an hour at the Green Tavern Inn, where the reception will be held. See you soon!"


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