Vena Amoris
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June 19, 2013, 7:47 p.m.

Vena Amoris: Catch

K - Words: 2,266 - Last Updated: Jun 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Dec 11, 2012 - Updated: Jun 19, 2013
153 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: Someone commented that they wanted more backstory. This fic is pretty much a bunch of one-shots put together. I will do my best in the future to fill the gaps, but this is how the story came to me. If you have any questions please ask me. Enjoy.
"Blaine, you are in the Warblers, soccer, debate club, and take boxing classes. On top of all of that you make sure to get perfect grades. You must be stressed. What are you even planning on doing when you grow up?"

"That's the thing, Kurt, I don't know what I want to do. Law would be most practical, so I suppose that's it," Blaine shrugged.

"But what do you like doing the most?"

Kurt waited while Blaine fidgeted.

"You already know," he mumbled.

" I still want you to say it," said Kurt gently, placing his hand on Blaine's shoulder.

"I like singing. I like the feel of feeding off the audience after just giving a performance. I like spilling my heart out into a song. I like creating a new song and messing with the melody."

"So do that then."

"I can't."

"Why not?" Kurt pushed back.

"I'm not good enough," Blaine said rubbing his neck anxiously.

Kurt pursed his lips. "Do you know what I see when you perform?"

Blaine shook his head.

"You light up the stage. Even when you are singing in the back everyone's eyes immediately flicker to you because you hold so much charisma and light. You draw people in and pull focus without even meaning to. They cannot not look at you. Your voice is incomparable. It holds so much depth." He pulled Blaine's chin up to look him in the eyes. A slight blush colored his cheeks. "Blaine, you were meant to perform. And not sing in the back, like you have been, but shine in the center."

"Do you really mean that?" asked Blaine, his eyes drawn hopeful.

"Of course, I would never lie to you," he smiled broadly.
Blaine looked down, thinking for a moment before whispering as if sharing a deep secret to long hidden, "Do you know what I really want?"

"What?" Kurt whispered back.

"I want a solo."

"Then try out Monday," Kurt took Blaine's hands in his own lending him comfort as if he could send his own strength directly to this beautiful self-conscious boy before him simply with that connection.

But Blaine shook his head, the head of curls seemingly to wilt with his shoulders in dismay, "It's not that simple."

"Of course it is."


"No buts. You are going to try out and you will get a solo."

Blaine gulped and nodded.

"Are you going to try out?" Blaine asked slightly changing the subject.

"I don't need to try out, they are going to pick me anyways. And if they don't, whatever."

"Kurt, you have to try out or you won't get anything."
Kurt shrugged as if he didn't care. But Blaine could feel that he did and a slight fear that was hidden beneath the nonchalance.

Blaine gulped in air standing in front of the Warblers, trying to steady his racing heart. Sweat clung to his clothes and his hands shook, but upon looking into Kurt's eyes he found strength. Drawing what he needed from Kurt, Blaine calmed his nerves and gained confidence. Quickly he reviewed the conversation he had with Kurt just last week. He could do this. If Kurt, his soulmate who knew more about himself than even he realized, knew Blaine could do this than he could. His shaky hands now stilled, the flip-flopping of nerves and butterflies calmed.

He smiled at Kurt who smiled back with a slight nod. And while he may not know it, Kurt was offering exactly what Blaine needed. And so, with a confidence that Blaine never had before, he began singing.

Last Friday Night.

He was alive. He danced on table tops, pointed at various Warblers, and smiled. Everyone started clapping with the song. A few of the warblers started singing backup and everyone soon dancing with him. Soaking in the energy, Blaine sang louder and fuller confidence gaining with every note. The Warblers were more of a united group with this one song, Blaine leading the way, than they ever had been before.

Kurt was right, this was exactly what he should be doing.
When finished, the group gathered around Blaine clapping and cheering him for more. Kurt stood apart giving him a quiet secret smile.

"That felt great!" exclaimed Blaine to Kurt afterwards.

"I'm so proud of you," Kurt hugged him.
Kurt's lay in bed doing his homework. But no position felt right and he couldn't focus on the one subject that always came so easily to him. French. Why was this so hard for him tonight? Hoping tea would calm him down he headed to the kitchen before his phone rang.

It was Blaine. Wish an smile Kurt couldn't quite control he answered, "Hey, Bla-" But he was cut off by fast muttering he couldn't for the life of him understand.

"Whoa, whoa, Blaine. Slow down. What happened?" asked Kurt.

"Did you not hear me during the audition? I messed up. I didn't sing loud enough. I'll never be chosen. How can an audience hear me if I'm not loud enough."

"Where is this coming from. You were all confidence and now you are a mess."

"They aren't going to chose me. They can't chose me. Why did I audition again?"

"Okay, first of all take a deep breath and let it out slowly." A loud breath of air fuzzed the phone. "Now, you auditioned because you love singing, you are good at singing, and love performing. The council loved you, the Warblers loved you, and I'm pretty sure there were some ears against the door that loved you. You drew everyone in and they couldn't let go. There is no way you won't get a solo."

"What if I don't?" he asked.

"You are going to get it," exclaimed Kurt.
And to Blaine's surprise he felt confidence drift in through the bond. This was different than just looking at Kurt and gaining confidence from him. No, he actually felt it through the bond because Kurt wanted to make Blaine feel better. Because he wanted to help more than just telling him.

Unbeknownst to Kurt, his block was becoming weaker.
Blaine relaxed. He could do this.

"Okay," he said smiling a little bit into the phone.

"Good, I can't wait to hear our names be called tomorrow." Kurt took a sip of his tea and felt better.
"And the semi-finalists for the audition are Blaine, Nick, Trent, and David. Now, as you all know there can only be three leads so prepare well for the next set of rounds."

"Congrats, Blaine!" exclaimed Kurt.

"You weren't called," said Blaine flat faced.

Kurt shrugged, "That's okay. I'm going to be a star someday anyway."

"You can't be a star unless you work at it."
"It doesn't matter."

But Blaine looked at Kurt with such sad eyes that Kurt felt a fire grow inside of him. A fire to be better. A fire that told him he needed to at least try. And as the day wore on, the fire wouldn't cease. Kurt needed to be the best, and be the best for Blaine.

For the past years, ever since his parents died, Kurt just let everything happen to him. He forgot that he was in control of his future. He forgot to care.

Blaine, with everything he was, reminded him that he deserved to at least try.

And so, that evening, Kurt knocked on the choir room door, interrupting a Warbler council meeting.

"Kurt, you know the rules, no one interrupts a council meeting except in extreme circumstances. This better be good," demanded Wes.

"I would like to audition," explained Kurt.

"Auditions are over," said David.

But Kurt didn't listen. He popped in a tape and sang Blackbird.

This was his moment to finally free himself. To take a chance and to let his wings go. To actually soar instead of thinking someday will be his day. To fly now instead of always later. He pretended it was pride for so long, but it wasn't pride. It was complete fear. And maybe he wasn't ready to let go of everything in his past completely. Maybe he was still a little bit broken. But right now, in this moment, he wanted to try. To try for Blaine. And maybe, just maybe, for himself to.

With tears streaming down his face, Kurt ended the song, feeling more exposed than he ever felt before.

"Thank you, Kurt," spoke Wes. "Please step outside while we consider your audition."

A few agonizing moments later, and a tap came on his shoulder, they beckoned him inside.

"Kurt," said Wes, "we will let you audition in the finals."

"Thank you," exclaimed Kurt.
In his room, Blaine watched a movie, but he couldn’t focus on the screen. Stress and tension rolled its way through the bond. Blaine knew Kurt had been working hard on his performance piece, and on top of catching up on academics, Kurt was bound to be under a lot of pressure. As much as he pretended to be fine, Blaine knew that was far from the case. With a sigh, he pushed himself off of his bed, collected blankets, a basket, and proceeded to walk to the store. Mission distress Kurt had begun.

Their bond was growing stronger and it was time to push the limits.

“Hey, Kurt, how’s it going?” asked Blaine when Kurt answered.

Groans of frustration and frantic rustling emanated from the phone.

“Alright,” said Kurt distractedly. “I can’t talk right now; I have to get this note correct. Can I call you back?”

“Kurt, you are stressed and tired. You came in at a difficult part of the year, almost right before exams start. Come on, take a break, and go on a picnic with me.” At the mention of the word, ‘picnic’, Blaine Felt a rush of joy from Kurt. But then resignation.

“A… what? Really? No. No, Blaine, I can’t. I would love to, but I have…”

“It’s Saturday. You are stressed beyond the ability to function. Take a break, you need it. Besides, I have everything already set up. There is no saying no here. Meet me at the park by the library,” said Blaine through the phone.

“Fine,” said Kurt. While the boy sounded irritated, Blaine Felt gratefulness and he smiled. “But if I fail this upcoming exam I’m blaming you.”
“Hey, Kurt,” greeted Blaine as Kurt stepped out of the car. He placed a comforting hand on his soul mate’s shoulder. Under his hand, the muscles relaxed ever so slightly, but Kurt himself remained as tense as ever.

“The fresh air is rather nice,” said Kurt smiling.

“Follow me good sir, and I’ll take you to our fine dining area,” Blaine bowed and stuck out his hand for Kurt to take. Kurt giggled, rolled his eyes, and grabbed Blaine’s hand. He quickly released it afterwards and a shot of nerves exploded though the bond. Blaine did his best to hide a smirk. Not to be overdone, Blaine let Kurt drop his hands.

In the meadow, a plaid blanket laid out in front of them. A basket of crumpets and a tea pot rested just to the side. Roses and daisies surrounded the blanket in a careful arrangement. It was really a shame Blaine couldn’t control the weather to arrange a rainbow behind them. Or command butterflies. And in this real life scenario there would be no flying horse to ride on afterwards. But he did the best job he could manage with what he had, and from what Blaine Felt from Kurt, he loved it.

“Oh, Blaine, this is wonderful. But… why are you doing this?”

Blaine’s face fell instantly, Kurt didn’t recognize the setting. He hoped that by replicating as close as possible their second dream together, the one Kurt imagined, his soul mate would remember. Remember who he was. But as close as they were getting now, and as much as Kurt’s Block was dropping, it still had not dropped enough. Had Kurt intentionally forgotten their past together?

Quickly recovering, he smiled, “I just want to let you know that I-I'll always be here when you need me. And right now, you,” Blaine tapped him on the nose, "need a break." And I really want you to know that I love you But Blaine could hardly add that last part in.

“Is it that obvious how stressed I am?” asked Kurt drawing lines on the back of Blaine's hands.

“Not really," said Blaine softly sighing at the contact Kurt willingly offered, "I’m just good at being able to tell.”

“I’ve been trying to hide it. I don’t want everyone to know how difficult I’ve been finding the course work and how hard I've been working on my audition. Everyone here is so competitive,” Kurt's body screamed for Blaine's comfort and so Kurt scooted closer and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.

“No one is expecting you to get everything right away. Can I let you in on a secret?”

Kurt nodded and Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt. He whispered in Kurt’s ear as though other people were around to hear, “Wes failed his first semester.”

Kurt leaned back and gasped, “Wes, the perfect rule-abiding Wes, failed his first semester?”

Blaine nodded, smiling because he Felt hope in Kurt, “David told me. Besides, I heard you are a rockstar in French.”

Kurt grinned, “Of course, I am fluent you know.”

“Say something,” Blaine demanded eagerly.


“Say something in French.”

“What do you want me to say?”


“Okay,” Kurt thought for a moment. “You are the most beautiful person I have ever met.”

Blaine’s eyes sparkled, “What did you say?”

Kurt blushed, “Uhm… Thank you for setting this up.”

Blaine knew Kurt was lying, but he didn’t press the matter. “It was only my pleasure, Mr. Hummel. Crumpet?”
Kurt smiled and took one that Blaine offered. He leaned into his friend while Blaine held his hand fingers interlaced as though they always belonged there.

And, just then, the song Kurt wanted to sing for his audition came to him.



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