Vena Amoris
Ice and Sun Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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June 19, 2013, 7:47 p.m.

Vena Amoris: Ice and Sun

K - Words: 1,650 - Last Updated: Jun 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Dec 11, 2012 - Updated: Jun 19, 2013
619 0 1 0 0

"All the warblers are going to karaoke at the coffee house tonight. You should come with us?" Blaine asked Kurt that morning on the elegant marble staircase.

Kurt shook his head tightly. Hanging out with Blaine was one thing, hanging out with a whole group of people was entirely different. He couldn't go. Anxiety welled up in him and Blaine cocked his head sensing Kurt's worry through the bond.

"Kurt," Blaine offered his hand and Kurt held it. Maybe if Kurt couldn't feel Blaine trying to comfort him this small gesture would help calm him down. Almost immediately the anxiety drifted away. "I'll be there. The warbers are great guys. We'll have fun." He smiled up at Kurt.

Kurt sighed looking into those golden eyes his resolved melted with the rush of pure trust that flooded his veins. "Okay. I'll go," he said weakly.

Yes?" said Blaine bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Kurt stifled a laugh, "Yes."

"Relax," Blaine whispered to him with a gentle rub to his back as they sat down.

But Kurt couldn't relax, he was on the verge of a panic attack in the middle of the coffee shop. His breathing became ragged and harsh, his hands shook on their own accord as the crowd grew thicker.

Blaine, feeling the anxiety strum through their bond, reached out and held his hand. To steady it and offer comfort. I'm here and you'll be okay, I promise. Blaine looked Kurt into his eyes, grounding him. Kurt leaned in, soaking in his steadiness and confidence while the warblers chatted around him. The panic attacked melted away. Kurt was ice, cold unwavering, and hidden away for isolation. But Blaine was a sunny day cheerful, happy, relaxed.

Kurt felt awkward, but maybe with Blaine here he could actually do this. Blaine slowly melted and morphed Kurt into a puddle of water that could flow with the current.

"Blaine, lookin' good with some colorful clothes and a bow tie. It's about time you got some new clothes those white shirts and black pants were starting to get very old," said Jeff.

Blaine laughed blushing ever so slightly, "Bow ties are kind of my new obsession. Well, an old obsession that's back with a vengeance." He glanced at Kurt and they shared a private smile, because really, it was all thanks to Kurt.

"And, woah, nice butt you've got there, Blaine. Finally some pants that actually fits you," Nick told him.

Kurt shot Nick the most vile of glares he could muster. Nick held up his hands in defense and kissed Jeff on the cheek as if to say, 'See, I love Jeff and am not about to steal your man.'

Whispering in Blaine's ear, Kurt said, "See, I told you that you have stuff to flaunt." A statement that immediately made Blaine turn beat red and Kurt too for his own boldness surprised him.

As the night wore on, Kurt observed with awe Blaine chatting to everyone around him with ease. There was never an awkward pause or a moment when either Blaine or the person he conversed with felt uncomfortable. Everything he said was interesting, but he made sure to listen to the other person, pause and then thought about his answer before he responded. Kurt sat there amazed.

"Hey, Kurt!" Nick greeted him as he sat down after singing.

"Hi," said Kurt smiling tightly.

"What have been your favorite songs so far?" he asked.

Blaine carried on a conversation with Wes while he gently squeezed Kurt's hand; a reminder that Blaine was still there. An ever present rock for Kurt to lean on if and when he needed it.

Nick's eyes became teasing, "And you better say me."

Kurt took a deep steadying breath. He could do this. With Blaine here, he could do this. "I actually really did like yours and Jeff's rendition of We are Young."

"Oh! Are you top 40's fan?"

"Not particularly. I'm more of a musical fan myself. I've been singing songs from Wicked for as long as I can remember. And don't get me started on Greece."

"Oh yes, I used to dance on my couch pretending it was the car. I broke my foot when I jumped off of it one time."

Kurt choked out a laugh, "I always tried to do the hand jive, but failed horrifically. It usually ended up with me hitting my hand on my face or something."

Blaine now joined in the conversation, "I still can't believe my mom let me watch that movie. It is not a movie for little children!" Then, loudly, Blaine sang, "You know that I aighn't braggin', she's a real pussy wagon!"

Kurt couldn't keep in this laugh. It came bursting out full of energy, and Kurt sang back, "Grease lightning. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" He laughed some more when Blaine poked him with each go.

Talking to those around him became easier that night. Blaine would jump in seemingly automatically whenever Kurt became uneasy or didn't know how to respond. How this wonderful person sensed his modes astounded Kurt. His sixth sense was uncanny.

One the way home Kurt realized that Blaine never once got up to sing.

Kurt sat in the commons during his free period with all his work spread out on the table in an organized disarray. Bogged down with homework, he tried to play catch up. He sang quietly to himself as he set up his work.

"Kurt! Hi, may I join you?"

Kurt looked up to see a beaming Blaine.

"Of course," Kurt smiled fondly as he gestured for Blaine to sit.

"I heard you singing. You have a wonderful voice. Have you thought about joining the Warblers?"

"Of course I have a wonderful voice and I don't need to join a singing group to prove that."

Blaine asked with his hands on his hips, "How do you plan on being on Broadway without some performance experience?"

"They'll love me the moment I open my mouth, simple."

Blaine rolled his eyes fondly at Kurt, "Could you at least come to practice with me this evening? You don't have to join, just to watch? I'd really love to have you there." Blaine gave Kurt his biggest pleading puppy dog eyes.

"Those are my weakness!" exclaimed Kurt. "No, Blaine stop." But Blaine continued adding in a little pout. Kurt's chest tightened ever so slightly and he caved immediately. "Fine, fine, I'll come watch! Don't you dare use that on me ever again."

Blaine clapped, "Thank you, Kurt. You'll love it I promise."

"You," said Blaine greeting Kurt, "would make one terrible spy." Blaine eyed Kurt's mock warbler outfit.

"Well, it's a good thing I was invited here. And totally not a spy."

"Oh, hey, Kurt! Blaine finally convinced you to come watch?" asked Jeff entering the room.

"I was done fighting when Blaine figured out my weakness for puppy dog eyes."

"Are you sure its puppy dog eyes in general or just him?" asked Nick suggestively.

Kurt looked at him confusedly. Blaine shot Nick a warning glare.

Wes called attention. "Welcome, members of the warblers, and welcome our guest, Kurt. Today we will be practicing Teenage Dream for which…"

Kurt leaned over to Blaine and whispered in his ear, "Is he always so formal like that?"

Blaine nodded, "He takes his title very seriously."

Wes paused mid speech, and Kurt and Blaine looked up as though they had been caught. "Now if you two are done chitchatting, Blaine please get in your place so we can begin."

Blaine nodded shyly and stood up.

"Thank you."

As soon as Blaine opened his mouth Kurt was mesmerized. And even though Blaine only sang duapping in the back, that boy filled the room with infectious charisma. The clumsy awkward teen was replaced by a hidden confidence Kurt wasn't sure Blaine knew he had. Kurt swallowed thickly and could only watch as Blaine sang directly at him. His whole body glowed with light as he sang. This was what he was meant to be doing. The one problem Kurt had with this whole set up was that the other warblers drowned out Blaine's beautiful voice. He supposed that was by design, but Kurt would have really liked to hear just him sing.

Nick reached out a hand to pull Kurt in while Kurt shook his head no. But no wasn't an answer when Blaine threw another puppy dog look at him from behind Jeff. Kurt really shouldn't have mentioned his weakness and glowered at Blaine joining in their singing and side-stepping.

He laughed when Blaine turned at skin tight jeans' giving him the most devilish of looks. And Kurt joined in snapping and doing the two step while Blaine nodded at him as though it was perfect.

At the end of the song, Blaine turned to him, his awkward demeanor back and shyly asked, "So what did you think?"

"You were wonderful, Blaine. I'll admit," Kurt began looking at Blaine's eagerness, "that was pretty fun."

"So, you'll try out?" Blaine's eyes big and pleading full of hope.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Fine, yes, I'll try out." Muttering under his breath he added, "I need to learn how to say no to you."

"Thank you!" Blaine exclaimed tackling Kurt with a hug.

Kurt's whole body immediately filled with such warmth he never wanted to pull away. Blaine must have felt the same because enthusiastic joy was replaced by a contented sigh as he nuzzled his head into Kurt's shoulder. Puzzle pieces. Kurt breathed in deeply and it took all his might, but he reluctantly pulled back leaving him slightly confused as to what just happened.

Kurt didn't even try at his audition. He sang something 'Defying Gravity' with little to no emotion. He didn't really care that much as he knew he would get in. And if he didn't, well, at least he gave an attempt.

The Warbers stood up clapping, but when Kurt saw Blaine's face his stomach dropped in an ugly sinking feeling. Instead of a broad smile, which Kurt was so used to, Blaine frowned at him, his demeanor drawn in distaste.

Somehow, Blaine could tell Kurt hadn't even tried.

And for once, Kurt was disappointed in himself.


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I really hope that he still gets into the glee club. I don't understand why he didn't sing as well as he normally does, he is so depressed and I just want to give him a massive hug!!! Please update soon xxx I love this story