Vena Amoris
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June 19, 2013, 7:47 p.m.

Vena Amoris: Meeting

K - Words: 1,847 - Last Updated: Jun 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Dec 11, 2012 - Updated: Jun 19, 2013
600 0 3 0 0

Kurt sat in chemistry class trying to avoid eye contact with anyone and everyone while the teacher made them pair up to start an experiment. Anxiety filled him at his teacher's words. He took deep calming breaths to settle his racing heart as his anxiety increased. No one knew him here, no one knew what he had done. As long as it stayed that way he would be okay.

A boy that had been looking at him from across the room headed his way. Kurt eyed him skeptically as he now stood next to him.

“Hey, I’m Nick. Do you already have someone to work with?” he asked snapping Kurt back to reality.

Kurt shook his head shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
“Want to be my partner?”

No, not really, but Kurt did not have much of a choice, so he shrugged. Nick pulled out a seat and began arranging the materials.

“How are you finding Dalton?” he asked.

“It’s okay."

"That's good. When I first came here I found the academics to be a bit overwhelming. In fact, it still is overwhelming at times. Where did you transfer from?"

“Lima.” Why was Nick being overly friendly and inquisitive? Why couldn't they just do their work and get it over with?

“I’ve never heard of it,” said Nick.

"It's small." Kurt paused for a moment. He needed an excuse to get out. To get away from the prying questions of this boy he didn't know and didn't want to know and didn't want to know him. "I'm going to go get the ingredients." And Kurt walked away with a huff.

From there they worked in silence, that is until the instructions called to wait thirty minutes while the ingredients reacted.

"So, Kurt, what do you do for fun?" asked Nick sitting across from him.

"Sing, mostly."

"Really" Nick asked with a raised eyebrow. "You know, we have quite a group of singers here called the Warblers. You should join, or at least come to a meeting."

Immediately fear gripped Kurt, but he rolled his eyes to try to brush off Nick and keep him from asking questions. No, he couldn't join. They would find out and they would hurt him. The less interaction he had the better.
"I think you'd like it," Nick said softly slightly confused at Kurt's demeanor. "What was your old school like?"

"Why are you asking me all these questions? What does it matter to you?" snapped Kurt.

" I'm just trying to be friendly," Nick mumbled visibly taken aback.

"Well stop," Kurt told him briskly.

In their English class, Jeff relayed the whole conversation to Blaine as it was happening under the pretense of working on their paper.

"He sounds very standoff-ish," said Jeff.

"He's new," defended Blaine. With that the bell rang and Blaine all but dashed out of his classroom to catch up with Nick and Kurt.

Nick laughed when he spotted the breathless Blaine. "Hi, Blaine, what brings you here in such a hurry. It must be important as running in the halls is a no-no." His eye sparkled with mirth, but Blaine wasn't paying attention. For Kurt stood before him.

"Hi, I'm Blaine," said Blaine sticking out his hand for Kurt to shake.

Kurt's whole world turned upside down when he really looked into the boy's eyes. Eyes that held such fondness, Kurt couldn't wrap his head around it. His head buzzed and an undeniable urge to melt into this strangely captivating person overcame him. To pull him into his arms, hold him close, and never ever let go. His breath caught and lingered right at the edge of his throat. And yet it felt like he was truly breathing for the first time. There was also something vaguely familiar about Blaine, but Kurt, for the life of him couldn't place it.

He shook himself and frowned up at Blaine. "Have I met you before?" he asked a little confused looking down and scrunching his face. As if trying to remember a distant memory fading away into mist before he can truly grasp it.
Blaine gave him a pained expression. "Did you attend McKinley or- wait. Did you go to Bettely Elementary?" Blaine shook his head, his eyes held affection but still bore into him. They seemed to almost wish, or beg him, for something. "Maybe you just look like someone I know. I'm Kurt, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. What brought you to Dalton?" asked Blaine his honey eyes were warm as he looked up through his eye lashes.

Kurt was immediately smitten and any pretense at keeping to himself were gone in a puff of smoke. He would give Blaine the world if he asked. "My uncle got a new job here in Westerville after being promoted and he thought that Dalton, with their good academics, would be a good school. I couldn't really argue with him, so I agreed to come."
"I hope you like it here," said Blaine full of sincerity squeezing Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt leaned into the contact. His body begging for more. But Kurt stood his ground trying to keep himself within reason. "I do, I really do like it so far. The classes are harder, but so far the people are nicer. It feels, strangely, kind of like home here. Almost like I- I don't know, belong here." Kurt smiled weakly at Blaine.

Blaine's gaze lingered on Kurt before turning back to a beaming Nick.

"Shut up!" he exclaimed pushing his friend's shoulder.
Nick held his hands up, "I didn't say anything."

"I can tell when you are Communicating, you know, even when you try your best to hide it."

Communicating? Oh, right. Soul mates. Finally Kurt snapped back to reality. He couldn't let Blaine know he wasn't connected to his. He couldn't let Blaine hate him.
"Oh!" exclaimed Kurt, "I've got to go. My soul mate needs help in French and it takes a lot of concentration."

"But I'm not..." began Blaine exchanging confused glances with Nick.

"See you guys later!"

"Wait, Kurt!" called Blaine.

Kurt felt a tug, and even if he wished to walk away he couldn't, not from Blaine. So, he turned around.
"I- Would you like to go shopping tomorrow?"
"Huh?" asked Kurt.

"I-I just. I need more clothes. Please go with me?" he asked again. Blaine's whole body pleaded with Kurt. From the way his eyes grew puppy-like to the slight pout of his lips. Kurt could even see Blaine's muscles tighten in anticipation of Kurt's response.

"Uhm o-okay," stuttered Kurt. Looking into Blaine's eyes he could hardly deny him anything. Kurt walked away, his step having a little more bounce in it than before.

"I can't believe I finally met him...," said Blaine watching with love struck eyes.

"Aaaaand I've lost lover boy."


Kurt couldn't sleep that night, his thoughts clouded over with warm eyes, a bright smile, and dark curly hair.
"Where are you going?" his uncle asked when Kurt headed out the door that Saturday morning.

"Blaine and I are going shopping."

"Who is Blaine?" inquired his uncle.

"A friend," Kurt said. The word felt foreign and strange on his tongue, and Kurt couldn't even pretend to hide his smile.

"You haven't hung out with anyone in- I can't even remember when."

How could Kurt explain that Blaine drew him in. How could he explain that his body practically craved to be closer to him. How could he explain that since he saw the curly haired boy that was all his mind focused on? How could he explain that he trusted Blaine instantly despite never being able to trust anyone?

And so Kurt shrugged.

"Well, have fun. Don't stay out too late."


"Blaine," asked his mom, "why are you so nervous?"
Blaine paced back and forth in their kitchen his fingers drumming on the sides of his arms. The nervous energy bounced off of him in waves.

"Kurt. Kurt is going to be here soon."

"I'm not following," she said.

"Kurt's my soul mate. He transferred to Dalton. He's going to be here soon. What do I wear!?" Blaine tugged at his pajamas.

"There's always the Dalton uniform," she teased. "Wait, you met your soul mate!?" she exclaimed. Blaine looked up at her and nodded biting his lip and smiling slightly. "Oh, honey, I'm so very glad. I have to leave for dance class, but when I get back I expect a full report."

She grabbed her coat and kissed Blaine on the cheek, "This is wonderful. And don't worry about what you wear. He'll love you in anything."

She hurried out the door leaving Blaine more at a loss of what to wear then before. With a groaning sigh and a toss of his head to the ceiling, he put on his Warbler uniform.


Kurt felt a rush of relief when Blaine greeted him at the door with a hug. Being without Blaine felt like being stranded in a desert with no water. And finally, Kurt had the water and he drank it up through the hug. Taking in Blaine's appearance he giggled. Blaine blushed.

"Come on, show me your closet. We'll pick out something a little more mall worthy."

Kurt opened Blaine's closet and to greet him were rows of black slacks and white button up shirts. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you needed new clothes." Kurt digged a little deeper and found some colors. "I like this blue top and how about these red pants?"

"Kurt, I can't wear those."

"And why not? They are in your closet."

"I'll stand out," said Blaine shaking his head.

Kurt regarded him for a moment. "What are clothes for if not to help you stand out, feel more confident, and flaunt what you have?"

"But I don't have anything to flaunt," said Blaine looking down.

"Not if you are going to hide behind Dalton clothes. Go on, put these on in the bathroom. I'll be right here."
Blaine put the clothes on and looked himself in the mirror. He couldn't go back out there. He felt exposed, like everyone could see him now. He could hide behind the Dalton uniform, he couldn't hide behind this.

"Blaine, I'm sure you look fabulous. Come out, I want to see you," Kurt called outside the door.

Slowly Blaine opened the door. Kurt stood there staring at him and then he smirked a little, "Blaine, you look wonderful."

"You really think so?" Blaine asked tugging at his shirt, blushing slightly.

"Yes, but something is still missing," Kurt said tapping his chin trying to figure out what it was.

Hidden away in the corner Kurt saw a bin covered in dust and inside held a collection of bow ties. Kurt pointed to them and asked, "When was the last time you wore one?"
"It's been a while. They're kind of silly, I guess."

"They aren't silly. They are adorable," said Kurt. He pulled out the box and opened it. Shuffling through the bow ties he picked the perfect one that fit the outfit, a red one with blue stripes. "Here," said Kurt handing it to him.

Blaine put it on and his back straitened a little more. He looked a little more sure of himself in the bow tie and Kurt standing in front of him beaming.

"Now off to do some shopping and fill that wardrobe of yours!"

Blaine chucked and allowed himself to be pulled away by Kurt. God, he was perfect.

End Notes: Yes, Blaine has his own set of problems too : )


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So, despite blocking his soulmate, Kurt still can't totally stop reacting to Blaine's proximity. Lovely chapter and I would love to hear more on their interaction.

This chapter was awesome. It was so nice to see that even if Kurt tried he couldn't stay away from Blaine. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Poor Kurt, he is so alone :( I can't believe if your soul mate dies so do you. I want to cry again :)