The No Name Regular
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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Dec. 19, 2011, 2:54 p.m.

The No Name Regular: Chapter 3

K - Words: 1,356 - Last Updated: Dec 19, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Dec 11, 2011 - Updated: Dec 19, 2011
1,157 0 4 0 0

Kurt's room looked like a tornado busted through a clothing store. His clothes were everywhere, on his stand, his bead, and even hanging from the top of the door. How did that even get up there? Kurt lightly tossed shirts and pants searching for the perfect combination. In order to impress Blaine further, he had to look perfect. It was a good thing that Kurt began this process an hour earlier or else Blaine would've thought he'd stood him up. Finally, Kurt was satisfied with his layered outfit. He took a deep breath trying to still the flip flops in his stomach. Although, it was no use, the flip flopping only increased when he turned off the lights to drive to Breadsticks. This was a common date place, and not out of budget range while still having delicious food.

The snow was lightly falling around him, coating everything in a white blanket. Breadsticks was light up with Christmas lights that flickered, dances, and moved. He opened the door to the restaurant and saw Blaine immediately. His eyes were sparkling with the inner joy of first date. In his hand, he held pale blue flowers. Kurt took a seat next to him, all smiles.

"I don't know if you'd like these flowers," Blaine said handing them to him, "but I thought they were nice and since you were buying I wanted to contribute to the date somehow. I saw these when I went grocery shopping and I thought of you because they are blue, and so are your eyes. Which are rather captivating, I should say. But, maybe, they weren't a good idea. I mean, I don't really like flowers myself. Why …," Blaine said reaching for them to take them away from Kurt.

Kurt turned away slightly so Blaine couldn't reach them. It was incredibly thoughtful of him to get flowers for Kurt. It made him feel valued and adored. He imagined the boy going grocery shopping last night, seeing the flowers and thinking of Kurt. Kurt smiled inwardly at the thought of anyone thinking of him romantically. Briefly, he wondered if Blaine was as nervous about their date as Kurt was. The butterflies made their presence once again known when Blaine told him he thought his eyes were captivating. Holding the flowers up to his nose, he took a deep breath, "These are absolutely lovely, Blaine."

Blaine blushed and smiled at the same time, his fears abated for the time being. The two ordered their food, and conversation went on as they learned about each other. Sometimes, as with all first dates, there were awkward pauses or times when neither knew what to say to the other. Other times, however, conservation flew at a fast pace, especially when the two learned about their mutual love for music and Vogue. Occasionally, Blaine would stutter when Kurt would compliment him. And sometimes Kurt would be so struck by how attractive Blaine was that he was literally rendered speechless. It was a new experience, to know that another person, another guy, would reach out to hold hands and flirt shamelessly. Overall, , the date went rather well.

Together, they walked hand in hand out of the restaurant. The snow lightly danced around them as the flakes drifted silently to the ground. Blaine held out his arms to hug Kurt, but before he reached him, he fell slipped on some ice. Noticing him losing his balance, Kurt held onto his hand tighter so Blaine didn't fall. Once he stood solidly, he looked at Kurt sheepishly. His face once again red, as was a common sight during the date.

"I've never dated anyone before," Blaine practically blurted out. "This was my first date, actually. Usually, I am much too shy. I tried to sing to someone before, because when I perform, I'm much more comfortable. But then the person got mad about it, and I never tried it ever again." Blaine looked up at Kurt from beneath his eye lashes, shy and vulnerable. "I hope that I was okay."

Kurt wanted to hug all the worry and insecurity out of Blaine. The boy was just too adorable. "Blaine if you ever want to sing to me, please, do so. I told you about being in Glee Club. I would love to hear your voice sometime." They reached their cars; the date was drawing to an end. The boys stood in facing each other, a little awkwardly, unsure if they should just hug, say goodbye, or what. Was it proper to kiss someone on the first date? Did the other person want to be kissed? They kissed each other on the cheek, sure, but what about the lips? Kurt took a deep breath and bundled up his courage before it had a chance to scurry away. The butterflies took flight once again. Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine on the lips, to close the final distance between the two.

One moment Kurt was kissing a standing Blaine, the next moment Kurt was standing there lips to air while Blaine lay collapsed on the ground. Kurt looked down a little surprised to see Blaine sprawled in snow, he held out a hand to help him up. "Blaine, this kinda needs to stop happening. I don't want to end up killing you or something," he said as thoughts of what would happen to Blaine if they ever had sex flashed through his mind. Kurt blushed, it was lucky he could blame the cold. Blaine, on the other hand, there was no way that red of a face could be blamed on the cold. Quite frankly, he looked like a tomato.

"I can't help it, Kurt. You are there and so handsome. I can't believe you even want to be around me, let alone kiss me. And then you do that, and I can't think. My brain goes all fuzzy."

The only thought in Kurt's head was how he had never felt so adored. Then Blaine started singing, and Kurt's mind went absolutely and utterly blank. Barely even remembering to breath, Kurt's ears were filled the melodious sound of his voice. Blaine just stood there, in the middle of the parking lot looking straight into Kurt eyes. Hazel eyes staring at blue, intese and filled with sweet honesty. His beautiful voice washed over Kurt, immobilizing him.

Your eyes whispered "Have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

Finally, Kurt came to his senses a little bit, and joined in Blaine's singing. Harmonizing, the boys let the moment take them away. Their voices entwined while snowflakes dances around them to their song.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Kurt didn't remember Blaine being so close, as the boy's warm breath tickled his cheek a stark contrast to the cold around him. Finally, their lips met, briefly, but oh so profound. No words were needed to express their feelings. The snow continued to fall, the ground was sparkling, and the magic of the moment filled Kurt. He was in a fairy tale, a wintery wonderland, with a beautiful boy. Both were enchanted tonight.

Kurt pulled back and chuckled, "So, in order for you not to hurt yourself, you have to sing first." Blaine flushed. "I can live with that. You have an incredible voice, Blaine."

"You too," Blaine said simply.

Kurt leaned in to kiss his cheek as they parted their separate ways, but not before making plans for another date. This time, Kurt would bring flowers, a green rose to be exact, which would bring out the green specks in Blaine's eyes. Blaine would pay for dinner. Many more dates would follow. Blaine would serenade him many more times, with Kurt occasionally joining in. A few times Kurt would also sing to Blaine. Their language became one of gestures and song.

End Notes: Finite!


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I absolutely love this chapter! I also love the Taylor Swift song ' Enchanted'. I was lucky enough to see Taylor in concert in October and she was amazing performing in person! Thanks again for writing and posting such a great story.

Blaine falling over from Kurt's kisses is beyond adorable ommmmmgggg<3 -xoxo

more?? please??!! i LOVE IT!! it was soo adorable!! :D

I wish I had more to write, but thats it.