The No Name Regular
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Dec. 19, 2011, 2:54 p.m.

The No Name Regular: The Game

K - Words: 1,318 - Last Updated: Dec 19, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Dec 11, 2011 - Updated: Dec 19, 2011
1,224 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Thank you to everyone who reviewed. HUGS!
"How many guesses do I get?" Kurt asked while handing him a napkin to clean off at least some of the coffee. Kurt couldn't keep throwing names out there for all eternity.

The boy sitting across from him smiled, "Thank you. How about we do twenty questions?" He dabbed himself with the napkin, trying to soak up all the coffee he could.

"Alright," said Kurt, pondering for a second, "does it have S in it?" S was one of the most commonly used non-vowels in the English language, but Blaine shook his head. His curls lightly bounced when he did and it was utterly adorable. Kurt looked past him at his coworkers to keep his thoughts at least somewhat coherent. And all of them, embarrassingly enough, were spying on him. Of course they were. One of the baristas muttered in another's ear, who subsequently rushed to the back. He glared at them wondering what they could be up to before turning back to his crush.

"Does it start with A?" Kurt asked. There were plenty of names that started with A… Andy, Austin… wait no, that has an S in it... The boy smiled and shook his head again. Kurt took several more guesses each ending with the curly head shaking from side to side. Until finally, Kurt discovered that his name had an E and started with B.

"If you don't guess correctly soon, Kurt, you are going to have to pay for dinner," the boy teased lightly. Since the game had started, he managed to say 'Kurt' in every sentence he uttered.

"You know, mister, you don't have to address me every time you speak. I'm beginning to think you are trying to rub in the fact that you know my name and I don't know yours," Kurt said folding his arms angrily, narrowing his eyes, while a slight smile gave away his bluff.

"Why, Kurt, whatever do you mean?" he asked in a tone of mock confusion, emphasizing his name.

Kurt childishly stuck his tongue out at the boy who promptly copied him. Kurt took another wrong guess when 'Kiss the Girl' from The Little Mermaid started playing on the intercom. His coworkers were such trolls.

Glancing up at the giggling lot, he told the boy whose named started with a B, "Excuse, me, I have some coworkers to kill." He pulled away from the boy. But before he could get up, the boy grabbed his hand. Kurt's stomach was full of, no not butterflies, dinosaurs. He leaned in close, scratch that, his stomach was full of roaring dinosaurs, and kissed him on the cheek. The peck was feather light, almost a ghost of a kiss, but the presence could not be denied. Kurt looked at him in surprise, mouth hanging open. Fairly sure he resembled some sort of fish out of water, it went without saying; the regular had rendered him speechless. The boy was blushing the brightest red Kurt had ever seen.

His crush went to take a seat, but missed by a couple of inches and he landed flat on his butt. Kurt quickly grabbed his hand to help the guy up. Feeling the chair, the boy carefully sat down and buried his face into his hands. Sitting down as well, Kurt covered his hands over the boy's and gently lowered them from his face. If his face was red before, it was nothing compared to now. It was endearing to say the least, and Kurt was beginning to get the idea that the boy was very klutzy. He wondered if it was possibly due to him, Kurt secretly hoped that it was.

"I'm sorry, so so very sorry. If that was too forward or something... But the song was playing, and I really love The Little Mermaid, that scene is one of my all-time favorites. And I didn't want you to leave and I really did want to kiss you. Gosh, I probably shouldn't have done that in front of all your coworkers. I probably shouldn't have done that at all, you probably didn't want me to. Oh no! You aren't going to get fired because of me are you? 'Cause that actually happened once, its long story but…"

Interrupting the words spilling out of his mouth at a mile a minute, Kurt gently squeezed the boy's hands. It was plainly obvious that the boy was embarrassed. Whether that was from falling on his very nice looking butt (NOT that Kurt ever looked, okay, maybe he did…) or from the actual kiss, Kurt couldn't tell. "Blake?" Kurt tried another name while addressing him at the same time. The boy cocked an eyebrow then shook his head. The air around them was calmer than before, but Kurt still sensed the boy's apprehension. "It's okay! I thought it was sweet." At those words, he visibly relaxed. A small smile, that he looked to be fighting against, escaped. Kurt grinned and continued to hold his hands.

"I don't know what happened with the person who got fired, but luckily everyone who works here is not homophobic. Wait, no, that's a lie. There is one whom is 'afraid to catch the gay', but we don't speak his name. Besides, he isn't working today. Anyway, my coworkers have been trying to get me to make some sort of move for a while now as I never shut up about you. Firing me for a kiss on the cheek is the last thing that is going to happen. I'm sorry I stared at you, but I was surprised. I'm not mad in the least! Although, I will blame you for the teasing that is bound to happen when I clock back in."

"You can never shut up about me?" the boy asked in disbelief.

Now it was Kurt's turn to blush as he silently berated himself, of course that would be the one point in the conversation he would notice. However, the information was out in the open, and unfortunately there was nothing Kurt could do to take it back. He nodded, the boy was grinning like an idiot. Kurt started grinning too and then he was laughing. Next, they were both laughing. The two did not really know why, just that the tension was completely gone and both were at ease again. The simple fact was, they both now knew that the other liked him, and the dinner wasn't just an excuse to get free food, (as had been the suppressed silly fear of both) they could move forward with a little less fear and little more confidence.

"I think you only have one guess left, Kurt," he said, smirking and biting his lip.


"You are so close! It's Blaine. Guess you are buying?" he asked with a lift of an eyebrow.

Kurt agreed with a short nod, "I guess so, Blaine. It's great to finally know your name. Besides, my break is, sadly, over. Here's my number. You can text me yours and we'll figure out when and where to meet."

Blaine took Kurt's number and pocketed it. "Sounds like a plan."

Still holding Blaine's hand, Kurt bent down slightly and kissed Blaine firmly on the cheek. Kurt did not even dare to think about how his coworkers would react, as they were surely still watching. The fluttering was still wild in his stomach, but they were more the size of really large butterflies than that of dinosaurs. He said goodbye to the leaving form of the coffee stained Blaine… whose shoulder just run into the door frame. Kurt chuckled while clocking back in and took deep slow breaths. He was not quite ready to face the inquisition about to hit him full on. Soon after, and while everyone was asking questions and teasing Kurt, he got a text.

I can't wait for our date. Ha, that rhymed. -Blaine

Reading the text out loud sent everyone off again, but nothing would be able to shake the smile off of Kurt's face the rest of the day.


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