The No Name Regular
Mystery Man Next Chapter Story
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Dec. 19, 2011, 2:54 p.m.

The No Name Regular: Mystery Man

K - Words: 1,390 - Last Updated: Dec 19, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Created: Dec 11, 2011 - Updated: Dec 19, 2011
1,545 0 8 0 0

Kurt's voice rang out through the coffee shop, "Tall peppermint white mocha!" The petite girl walked up to grab her coffee and gave Kurt quick thanks. He had been working at the shop for almost a year now, and knew regulars by name and order. While he didn't make much money, working here did help his dad with financial problems. Since the recession hit, the two of them had been running even lower on money. When the point came where they were eating pasta and beans almost every night, Kurt decided it was time for him to get a job.

He didn't mind working here much. While it could get monotonous, he loved getting to know the regular customers and the stories they came in with. They made his job a little less boring, and a little more interesting. An elderly couple came in once a week on a Tuesday afternoons, and when it was a slow day, Kurt would sit on one of the couches and listen to their tales of the Vietnam War, and their never ending love. Then there was a mother and child; the mother would order coffee and get a smoothie for her daughter. Sometimes the child brought in a picture she colored just for Kurt. He always hung it up on the back wall, her little face would light up whenever she saw it.

The bell of the door rang as his favorite customer walked in; Kurt immediately smiled at the cute boy with curly hair and hazel eyes. Even though Kurt had been making drinks, the current cashier glanced slyly at him and the two traded places. Everyone at the shop knew Kurt had a crush on the regular. His smile only got wider as the boy galloped to the cash register in his normal cheerfulness. Kurt just had to wonder why he even got coffee twice a week. The teen didn't really need it.

"Hey, Kurt!" the boy greeted.

"Hey, Mr. Mystery Name. Who shall you be today?" And here was the catch. Kurt didn't actually know his name. This boy had been coming twice a week for as long as Kurt could remember and he didn't even know his name. Every time he came in to order his coffee he did so under a different alias. His first one was Aladdin, which is what got Kurt's interest. After that it was Dobby, then Skywalker, next Nemo, and so on. The boy was a nerd, and Kurt was smitten.

The boy adorably tapped his chin looking up at the ceiling in mock thought. Kurt suspected that he always had a name planned out before he arrived though. The light hitting off his hazel eyes made them sparkle and Kurt immediately lost all train of thought staring at the gorgeous person in front of him. A tap on his shoulder from a coworker behind him brought him back to reality as the regular made up his mind.

"Mozart," said the teen. Kurt didn't even know if his crush was gay, as the boy didn't give off those obvious vibes, like Kurt did. But there were days at the coffee shop when girls would flirt with him and the boy would shrug them off like he was annoyed at their advances. And while Kurt was gay, some of those girls were quite attractive. So, either he was gay, or he was taken. However, occasionally, his coworkers would tell Kurt that the boy was staring at him. Kurt never saw this, of course, but his coworkers wouldn't lie to him about this. This debate always ran around Kurt's head, until he was dizzy.

Shutting up his circle of thoughts, Kurt grinned and bravely gave Blaine a wink, "One medium drip for Mozart coming right up." Yes, of course Kurt knew his coffee order. Out of the corner of his eye, Kurt saw 'Mozart' run into the side of the counter. And there were times like that which Kurt thought maybe he really did have a chance as he tried to hide his smile.

His coworker chuckled quietly and whispered into Kurt's ear, "Pulling the ol' Kurt charm on him are we?"

Kurt blushed furiously and retorted, "Just make the coffee."

She let out an audible laugh at that but didn't make a witty reply as she continued to make the coffee. He called out the teen's order and Kurt handed him is coffee, making sure that their hands touched. Okay, call him a little ridiculous, but he was going to take any point of contact he could get. Besides, in his book, a touch of the finger tips was pretty darn sexy.

The nameless boy took his coffee and went to a corner table to read his book. Kurt looked over and sighed as his beautiful face was scrunched in concentration. If only that boy could be his. Smiling at the next customer, he was ready to take their order before his boss stopped him. "Kurt, why don't you take a break? You haven't taken yours yet, have you?"

"What? But, it isn't my turn. I'm not scheduled for another hour or so."

"Kurt," his coworker called, "take the hint." She looked at him and then pointedly looked at the teen in the corner.

Kurt actually hugged his boss who awkwardly patted him on the shoulder and he quickly joined his crush at the table. Kurt could do this; it was just words, talking. Simple. The boy put down his book looking surprised as Kurt sat down next to him. "Hey," the regular greeted.

"My boss let me go on an early break, so I thought I would join you, if that is, you didn't mind." Now Kurt was a little worried, because of course they didn't know each other well, and he was interrupting a good read. And man, he always hated it when people interrupted him when he was reading. Oh goodness, what had he gotten himself into? Kurt was just about to leave when the boy finally answered him.

"Oh, no, not at all. I'd love to have some company."

All the worry ceased to exists. "So, will I ever know your name?" he asked.

His crush looked startled at this statement and his face formed one of confusion as he cocked his head to the side, "You don't know my name?"

"Well," said Kurt, "you always give fake names. And it changes every time you come in. So, what is it?"

"Why don't you take a stab and try to guess it then?" the boy asked taking a sip of coffee and smirking slightly. Kurt almost died.

Form coherent words, Kurt, come on. "Uhm… like a game?" he managed to reply.

The boy chuckled, "Sure, a game."

"If it's a game, then I have to win something. What do I win if I guess right?" Kurt asked.

The curly haired teen sat back into his chair contemplating for a moment, cheek resting in his fist staring at Kurt. Seemingly to judge him. Calculating his next move. Kurt was holding his breath, hoping, waiting. He opened his mouth, as he took a deep breath to gather his courage before a wave of doubt flitted across his face and he settled with, "Well, I don't know, Kurt. What do you want?"

Kurt also took a moment to judge the situation. It was obvious that he might have a chance. His mind flickered to their previous encounters especially the most recent when the boy ran into the counter after Kurt winked at him. And before that, his coworkers had caught the regular looking at Kurt on more than one occasion. So, gathering his courage, Kurt smiled up at the boy and said, "How about… you buy me dinner?"

The grin that Kurt was now receiving was completely adorable, and Kurt was giddy with excitement. He had obviously guessed right, he was interested.

"Alright, I can definitely do that." And Kurt's stomach flipped at the word definitely. "And, if you can win, that also means you can lose right?" Kurt nodded. "Which means, that I win. Do I get to chose what I get if I win?"

Kurt nodded again, this time matching nameless boy's grin. "Then for my prize, you could buy me dinner?"

"This sounds like a fair deal." A fair deal that sealed in a date for Kurt. A date with an adorable charming boy. Who just spilt coffee all over himself… a date with an adorable charming albeit awkward boy.


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Ahhhh, it's just the beginning, but I can feel that it's so good already! This is adorable to no bounds.

I love this! So cute. Can't wait to read more!

Adorable! This gave me so many smiles.

This is absolutely adorable!!! >w< I am dying for the next update

ahhh! so cute and fluffy! (:

it's so fluffy and cute I want to die!!!!

this was so good you should write more! this really shy Blaine character you created is so intriguing!

This is so cute, it's like Klaine meets Rumplestiltskin but instead of giving away their firstborn, they get a date.