June 9, 2012, 7:43 a.m.
June 9, 2012, 7:43 a.m.
Blaine looked up to Burt curiously. It would be interesting to see how a game actually went. He had never been to one, had never had the chance to watch one or let himself watch one. Throughout the years the piano became his only companion, even on the rare occasion he was allowed to watch television, he wasn’t ever present. Blaine nodded slightly, because if it was anything like practice going to a game would be alright. Burt beamed. “There is going to be a lot of noise tonight, Blaine, and a lot of people. You sure you still want to go?”
The teen nodded again, but apprehension filled him. This time he only agreed because he knew Burt wanted to go. They had done so much for him already. All he had ever done was ruin their house. Blaine needed to give back somehow.
“Let me know if it gets to be a little too much. Promise?” Burt looked at his foster child in earnest, making sure that he understood Burt would leave as soon as Blaine made any indication he was uncomfortable. Blaine nodded again. “Alright, kiddos, let’s get this night rolling.”
On the drive there, Blaine wondered how much noise a simple game could make. While there was some yelling at practice, it was all at a distance and nothing Blaine couldn’t handle. Along with the physical distance, he was always mentally distant too.
Burt gave Kurt a hug before dropping him off at warm ups, “Knock em dead, kid.”
Kurt beamed. “Always. I’m really glad you are here tonight, Dad,” he said before trotting off to the locker rooms. Blaine promised himself that no matter what happened, he would stay for Burt and for Kurt. He wouldn’t be a burden like he had been for so many other families. He wouldn’t get put into another foster care because of his fears.
In the locker room getting suited up Finn greeted him, “Hey, Kurt, ready do to some serious kicking?”
“Always, they’ll never know what happened,” said Kurt in reply. Kurt was perhaps the biggest reason they had gotten this far. Kurt, Finn, and their new coach who got everyone into shape fairly quickly, had gotten them through the season. Despite all of that, they were going into the semifinals as the underdogs, and really had to prove something in order to win.
“It’s kind of a shame they know what you are made of. You used to be our secret weapon. Now everyone knows.”
“Doesn’t mean they can stop me though, does it?” said Kurt with a little smirk. It was Finn who managed to get him on the football team this year after practically begging him to try out. Well that, and Coach who took him on right away when she saw his kicking skills. At first the boys were skeptical of Kurt’s talent, but when he practically won the game for them with kicks that should have been impossible, Kurt gained their respect. The bullying stopped and Kurt’s life was good.
“Of course not,” came Coach’s voice. They all hurried to huddle for the pregame strategies and warm-ups. Kurt knew what he was supposed to do, and while everyone got pumped, Kurt got bored.
Burt turned to Blaine, “Come on, let’s find us some seats before it gets too packed.”
Burt paid for their tickets and headed up to the stands. Only a few people were there right now, all of which were family members of those playing tonight. It was still early. Following orders from Kurt, Burt placed them in the stands next to marching band in the hopes to provide Blaine some comfort if things got a little chaotic. Apprehension filled Burt reconsidering the idea entirely, but he looked over to Blaine. He seemed to be doing okay so far.
The band started setting up their equipment, the pit crew right in front of him. Blaine was mesmerized by the xylophones as they warmed up. Comparing it to his piano, he found the two instruments were similar but completely different. The high notes of the xylophone tinkered and the low notes honked. Every note the instrument produced was short and staccato and while there were different notes, all of them produced relatively the same almost comical sound. His piano had different moods, these did not. They couldn’t create the dynamic differences his piano could. Joy, sadness, fear. Xylophones were probably the most static instrument Blaine had ever encountered. However, watching the players hit the different notes with their mallets in synchrony was captivating and Blaine found he could hardly look away.
This was the main reason how the teen kept ignorant to the stands filling in around him. As he sat next to the band on the side of the stands, no one beside Burt was able to sit next to him. Blaine snapped out of his trance when the band finished their warm up. It didn’t take him long to realize that there were a ton of people around him. Only a thin string kept him holding on rather than spiraling down. As the noise grew and more people gathered the string became more and more tense. His breathing labored and chest constricting. Sounds of chatter, laughter, and yelling pressed down on him straining his hold.
“You okay there?” asked Burt.
Blaine looked over at him, fear evident in his eyes. But Burt was here for Kurt, and Blaine must bottle all of his fears and hide them as long as he could. He didn’t want to be a hindrance, he couldn’t be a hindrance. A new fear overcame him, he couldn’t lose them. They were too good to Blaine to not be able to do this one thing. Blaine nodded slightly, letting the noise surrounding him mutate into a buzz as closed his eyes. He focused on the piano and its feel under his fingertips. The piano strengthened his string. Now, the notes he produced were the only thing he could hear. As long as nothing too dramatic happened, as long as this was the most it got while he was here, his string while fragile, would keep him. The buzzing became part of his symphony.
Kurt, as always, pretended to enjoy what was happening around him, but he never got to the point that the other guys did. So soaked into the game that nothing else existed. He could see it in their eyes, intent and focused. It was like Kurt was on the edges of the ecstasy the others got to enjoy but a barrier wall kept him from being able to join in. He was part of the team and he did want them to win, of course, but Kurt just didn’t see it as something special. Sometimes he wished he could take some of that joy and experience it himself. Because of the excitement radiating off of them, Kurt wished for it. His teammates never looked happier than during a game. And Kurt wanted that. But it never happened. As such, he was stuck going through motions like an actor. Smiling when he felt he should smile, cheering when everyone else cheered. But there was nothing real behind it.
Catching his dad’s eye from the sidelines he waved. His dad waved back with a wide smile mouthing him luck. Kurt looked over to Blaine, his eyes in that glazed trying to cope with his surroundings. He was barely holding on. Maybe it was a bad idea for them to come, Kurt reflected. He began his stretches.
The game started off with its normal bated breath everyone waiting to see what was going to happen. As the game wore on, though, it became more and more evident they were probably going to lose. Even the crowd could see this as the cheering became subdued and moaning more evident. They were losing, and pretty badly too. By half time they were down by two field goals, and unless they picked up their game, this would be their last.
Back in the locker room for half-time, Coach was furious. She slammed her towel into the lockers in anger. “Come on slackers, what the hell was that?! What is wrong with all of you!? They are killing us!” She pointed her finger outside in anger. “We are better than this! Get it together! Missing your catches, running the wrong plays, not blocking!” she yelled gesturing to various players. “What the hell is wrong with all of you! Where is the team I had last week!? I did not spend the whole season getting you guys in shape for this mockery! The only one scoring any points is Hummel. Because of him we can still pull through if you guys would just try!”
Finn stood up to have his say, “Do you want to want to make this our last game?”
Everyone mumbled a no.
“That’s not the attitude I want. Do you guys want this to be our last game!?” he yelled a louder.
Some people said no a little louder while others still grumbled.
“I said do you guys want to make this our last game!?”
Besides Kurt, everyone shouted no. Because of course they didn’t want this to be their last game. Of course they wanted to go to the finals. And Kurt could really care less.
“Do you want to make it to the finals and win this thing!?” Finn said shouting as he pushed Puck’s shoulder.
Puck shouted, “YEAH!” and shoved Finn back.
Kurt just sat trying to stay out of everyone’s way as he watched the madness build. This was their way of getting ready to go back into the game for half time, to ‘raise their spirits’. But they all looked like a bunch of lunatics who should be locked up for the rest of their lives.
“We can do this! Right?” said Puck pushing Sam’s shoulder.
“Right!” said Sam. It turned into a pushing mad fest and Kurt despised this part of the game.
The guys slapped him on the back. Kurt appreciated the sentiment, he really did, but he also wished they would stop. He gave them a tight smile each and every time, refusing to push back as was customary. Coach Bieste gave him a curious glance as Kurt sat there refusing to join in the madness, but he gave her a half-hearted shrug. Sometimes he wondered if she knew.
Blaine watched the marching and at half time thoroughly memorized. The marching band players were a kaleidoscope for the music they played. Moving in synchrony around the field, the flags created the color the players the movement. Blaine not only heard and felt what the music was about, but he saw it too. They left Blaine’s jaw open. This was the most spectacular thing he had ever seen.
Burt looked over at Blaine, and the intent stare he had while watching the band member and smiled. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to bring his foster child after all.
They were back on the field, and the football players and cheerleaders were trying to rile everyone up. Get them cheering and pumped for the second half. But no one would stand. No one would cheer. Everyone just looked on expecting McKinley to loose so why even try and show a little enthusiasm. The season was practically over for their school anyway. Burt grunted but remained in his seat. Kurt watched on as their efforts went down the drain as the crowd watched with boring faces. And he smirked.
Finn patted him on the shoulder, “We’ll win, they’ll see.”
Kurt smiled but Finn mistook his expression as sorrow when really Kurt was just as bored as everyone else, probably even more so.
They were now half way through the third quarter and the game was actually looking up. Every so often, Kurt glanced to the stands to see how his foster brother was doing. In the beginning, Blaine had that far off expression. Kurt knew he wasn’t really here and that he had no idea what was going on. But he was doing far better than Kurt expected thus far. However, right now, Blaine looked on edge. Tense. His hands were clutching the bottom of the stands. The crowd was getting more active than before; Kurt didn’t know how much more Blaine could take. After his next kick, he planned to call his dad to tell him to leave. He knew how hard it would be for his dad to abandon the game especially when almost everything was on Kurt’s kicking ability to win it. His dad had to know he wouldn’t take it personally. Blaine was suffering.
They were only three points down, and Kurt was up to kick. The crowd was hushed as he stepped up to kick. It was up to him to tie the game. He had 52 yards to kick the football and if he made it they would really have a chance to win. Most people would scoff and say impossible, and most kickers would try to get it as far as they could, not Kurt. He knew he could make a goal. Breathing in he focused on the task. A kick sent it soaring through the air and right through the goal. Every stood up and cheered. Kurt was buried in a mound of football players. Urgh, why did they feel the need to do that?
Burt waited with bated breath whispering encouragement to his son. Blaine had no idea what was going on or why everyone was so quiet all of a sudden, but he was grateful for it as the silence allowed him to hear his piano better. Suddenly every stood up, and Burt jumped to his feet.
SNAP. Blaine’s string, the one holding steady, instantly broke. The yelling, the fist pumping, the chanting. Burt yelling. Too much. Burt had never yelled before. His face. Scary. Too much too sudden. Weighing him down and Blaine was flailing. Falling down. Grasping for something, but there was nothing. Nothing to steady him. Nothing to hold on to. Retreat. Get away. Piano. The noise drowned out his sweet piano. His pulse raced, breathing became fast and difficult. Too much. Get away.
Blaine bolted from the stands. Not sure quite where he was going. Only thing he knew was get out.
Burt stood clapping and cheering with the rest of the crowd, his son had scored a goal and now they were tied with the other team. It was going to be a very close game. Sitting down, he looked over to check on Blaine, but his foster son was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? Burt quickly glanced over the stands, but his foster son wasn’t amongst the crowd.
“Blaine!” he called, but of course there was no answer. Burt left pushing people to the side frantically making his way through the crowd. Blaine was gone.
Kurt sat on the sidelines waiting for his turn as receiver and glanced up to the stands to see how Blaine and his dad were faring. They weren’t there. Rummaging through his bag as inconspicuously as he could, remembering that he was going to call his dad, he pulled out his phone. One ring, two rings, three rings, and the message machine. He called again. Nothing.
Of course, they could very well have gone to the bathroom. But the terrible sinking feeling in his stomach wouldn’t go away. There was a lot of yelling and cheering after his kick, and Kurt feared the worst had happened. It was just too soon to bring Blaine to a football game. He knew that it would only end in disaster. His face paled at the realization, they pushed Blaine too far.
“Coach, I think something has happened and I need… I have to go. Family emergency. I have to leave the game. Please forgive me.” And without a second look back, Kurt bolted from the game to find his foster brother and dad. This was so much more important than a stupid game. His dad wouldn’t know where to even start to find Blaine. Kurt knew if his foster brother was anywhere, it would be the choir room. It seemed the one place where Blaine took refuse away from the chaos of life when he couldn’t stand it. Kurt bee lined to it.
The door to the choir room was open and Blaine sat underneath the piano cross legged staring glazed eyed at the floor. The music carried him away to a faraway place. Away from the sights and sounds of the world that became too much for him. Quickly, Kurt sent a text to his dad telling him he found Blaine, and joined his foster brother underneath the piano. Reaching out hesitantly and slowly to make sure Blaine would be okay with it, and when no resistance came, Kurt rubbed his back in slow soothing circles.
At the feel of the touch Blaine came back to reality. Looking into Kurt’s eyes he found comfort there and leaned into the warmth of another body which he knew, for perhaps the first time in his life, wouldn’t hurt him. Blaine wept. Kurt was showing him kindness even after he drew him away from the game. Tears fell silently. Because Kurt was there for him. Because Kurt cared. Because he may have finally found a friend. He curled into Kurt deeper.
Kurt’s heart sank and flip flopped all at once as Blaine’s beautiful hazel eyes gleamed with trust. The fact Blaine allowed him to wrap him up in his arm and sought to be hugged. Even still, there was a dark shadow of fear looming just behind his eyes telling Kurt Blaine was far from being able to trust the world. Enveloping him into an all-encompassing hug, he tried to communicate to his foster brother that he was safe with him. That Kurt would never let any harm ever come to the boy. That he was special all at once. Blaine breathed in deeply sinking into the hug and rested his head on Kurt's shoulder.
Finally Burt arrived holding out his hand to help the two teens up from under the piano. Burt held out his arms offering a hug which Blaine backed away from remembering his face and yelling. Burt let him go looking down in sadness.
“It was too much for you, huh? I shoulda known that, and I’m sorry. It was very selfish of me.” Burt told Blaine honestly. Burt’s facial features had a calm warming feeling about them. Confusion wrinkled Blaine’s features, he shook his head. Burt was the kindest person Blaine had ever known. It was Blaine’s fault, not Burt’s. He was the one who ran away. He was the one who caused all of this trouble. He tried to stay strong, but he couldn’t. He failed. Burt should hate him right now. But he finally understood completely that Burt wasn’t going to give him up. Even though Blaine kept making mistakes time and time again, maybe he found a real home.
The thought was terrifying and exhilarating.
Walking back to the car Kurt saw that they had lost the game. Only later would he discover it was because he left. Kurt was terrified about what tomorrow would hold for him. But he kept silent and walked to school the next day head held high.
The football players weren’t just mad, they were furious. They surrounded Kurt almost immediately seeking their revenge. With slushies in hand, they doused him with the flavored drink. Between the shock that this was happening and the cold ice that hit his face, Kurt was quite literally frozen. Flashbacks of last year flared behind his eyes. Back to the days of when he was bullied every day. No, he couldn’t let those thoughts creep in again. Banishing them, Kurt wiped off the drink and began to walk away. But, of course, they weren’t done. They surrounded Kurt, pushing and forcing him to make his way to the football field. He tried to resist and looked around for help. All that met him were downcast eyes; just as before, no one would risk getting in their way.
At the field, they told him to get on his knees to do pushups. Kurt refused. They kicked him. He kept his eyes defiant, but inside he was trembling. They were angry and working themselves up in a frenzy. The mob played off one another. It was ten to one. Nothing Kurt did would be able to stop the hazing. Helpless but stubborn, Kurt refused to give in but accepted his fate nonetheless.
Blaine watched from a distance and saw everything they did to him. Every time they punched Kurt, Blaine flinched. When he was kicked, Blaine’s whole body shook. Kurt was a good person he didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. He knew why they were doing it; Kurt left and lost them the game and they were mad at him for it. But it was Blaine who made Kurt leave. Blaine was the one who caused them to lose. He was the one who was weak and couldn’t handle himself. He was the one who deserved to get beaten up. Blaine not Kurt.
Blaine’s body moved on its own accord, and without even thinking and yet knowing the consequences, he ran in the middle of the fight. Wanting them to hurt him. He should be punished; he should be forced to endure that pain. Standing there in the middle of the fight, everyone froze at the sudden unexpected interruption. The jocks stopped terrorizing Kurt due to their confusion. No one had ever interrupted their bullying before, and they didn’t know what to do except look at each other with odd expressions. Kurt stood there staring at Blaine a mixture of curiosity and horror written over his face.
Why was no one hurting him!? Blaine wanted to yell, but he stayed silent. Always silent. And waited. And sill, nothing happened.
After the moment of shock ended, Kurt pulled Blaine away leaving the jocks confused. Kurt had no idea why Blaine did what he did, but somehow knew it wasn’t to save him. Kurt couldn’t go back to the refuge of being a jock now. That door had slammed shut. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to go back to Glee.
What was he going to do now?
Yay! Glad you updated! Interested to see where you go after this.
Awww Blaine is finding his courage :) LOVE this story :)
Oh my gosh... every math class... It's like you make it a game: how to make me cry in school? People always look at me like I'm superbly deranged when I read this story. I LOVE IT! Seriously... This is fantastic. I honestly love every minute. I love how hard it is for Blaine to trust anyone, but he totally trusts Kurt. i love how Kurt's heart breaks for him. I love how Blaine is most important to him. I love how he would protect him, and Blaine would protect Kurt. I love how Blaine doesn't understand anything. I love how he just doesn't get why people would yell or be quiet or... I don't know. It hurts to read, I love it so... This is amazing! Great job!
Wow. This story kind of left me speechless. It is so well written, and is beautiful and sad at the same time! I can't wait for the next update.
You leave me speechless as my emotions are all over the place. I started with joy at seeing Blaine's joy in his lucky charms and closed with sadness at Kurt being bullied mercilessly by the jocks and Blaine wanting to be punished for it. A stunning chapter! I eagerly await the next chapter.
Wow! I just discovered this fic, and have totally fallen in love with it. I'm really interested to see what Kurt will do now, and how this new-found closeness with Blaine will develop. And poor Blaine! I just want to hug him :) Thanks for sharing such a powerful story!
I just thought you should know I made an account just so I could give this review. This is so beautiful. I'm on edge waiting for Blaine's voice.. God this is great :)
Silly me didn't think to look ahead at how many chapters there were, and now I'm left stunned by the cliffhanger and frustrated that there isn't any more to read! Honestly, there is so much tension in this story, that it builds and builds and I cannot wait for Blaine's voice to break out. Or Kurt's. His is just as ready to burst. And you write this so well! I was iffy at first to have the story from the multiple perspectives because I was afraid it wouldn't have been effective; but it has, and you've done it splendidly. We as readers get both sides of the story, feel the characters' conflicts, and just relate overall. Especially with Blaine, which is hard, because his is the most out there. But no, you portray his lack of awareness of self-worth wonderfully! I can't get over this.It's almost as beautiful as the progression in plotline itself. While I did expect a bit of backlash from Kurt, I wasn't expecting such a 180 with his status! Yet, it fits, and his struggle towards the end of this latest chapter is beautiful - not once does he regret looking for Blaine, not once do you feel he thinks anything bad coming from it. He knows what is coming and, while distraught, accepts it. And that's what makes your Kurt so beautiful. (As well as Burt, but that last part with Kurt really got to me - but it could be the lack of sleep talking. ;P)Please! I hope to see more of this soon! At least in regular updates because I'm just flailing over how much I absolutely love this story. Everything is great, from characterization, to plot, to the beautiful music that I play alongside the reading (and gosh do the pieces fit)!
I absolutel love this story! I can't wait to find out what happens next. ^_^