Potions and Barbies
Genies and Tigers Previous Chapter Story
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Jan. 15, 2012, 11:30 a.m.

Potions and Barbies: Genies and Tigers

K - Words: 1,062 - Last Updated: Jan 15, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Created: Jan 08, 2012 - Updated: Jan 15, 2012
774 0 0 0 0

Blaine was over at Kurt’s house eating macaroni and cheese for lunch with Kurt and his mom after having just watched Aladdin together for about the sixth time. It was a good thing that Blaine was aloud over to Kurt’s house almost every day because Aladdin was his most favorite movie and his parents never ever let him watch it. Sometimes Blaine wondered if he would go through Disney withdrawals if it wasn’t for his best friend.

“The genie is my favorite character,” exclaimed Blaine after swallowing his food as talking and eating at the same time wasn’t very polite.

“I like the tiger,” said Kurt who was taking dainty little bits, not out of being polite but because he didn’t like getting too messy.

“The tiger isn’t even in it that much! The genie is hilarious. Can you imagine having magical powers like him? You could have anything you wanted in the whole world!” countered Blaine.

“Well, anything except those three things genie said he couldn’t do. Can you imagine having a tiger for a friend? You could ride it to school. Then no one would ever pick on you!”

Blaine laughed at the absurdity of riding a tiger to school, but admitted to Kurt that it would be a wonderful thing. “What about being a genie and having a pet tiger!?”
“I think that’s the best idea of all,” said Kurt.

The two finished up their lunch and Blaine being the good guest that he was rinsed his bowl and fork and put them into the dishwasher. Kurt’s mom kissed him on the top of his head, “Thank you, sweetie.” Blaine beamed at the affection which was a common thing in Kurt’s house but rare in his own home. Turning to Kurt, he asked him what he wanted to do now.

“Follow me to my room and see what we can find,” said Kurt as Blaine tagged along to Kurt’s room playing follow the leader on the way there. He copied Kurt’s movements like a good follower would; when Kurt twirled in a circle, so did Blaine. Copying Kurt was difficult sometimes as he did a very bad cartwheel into the entrance of Kurt’s room after Kurt did an almost perfect one and laughing as he landed on his bottom.

Rummaging around in his closet, Kurt pulled out two broomsticks, “I have an idea! Let’s be genies and we’ll pretend that these are our tigers.”

“My tiger’s name is stripes,” said Blaine taking the broomstick from Kurt.

“Mine is Mainbocher!” exclaimed Kurt excitedly.

Blaine giggled, “Is that a designer?”

Kurt nodded enthusiastically. “My tiger is very fashionable,” he said as he tied a scarf around the top of the broomstick.

“Looking good, Mainbocher. Hey, can my tiger have a scarf too?”

“Of course! But I’ll get an orange one for you to accenupate his stripes.”

“I think my tiger would like that very much,” said Blaine as Kurt looked in his closet for an orange scarf and handing it to Blaine. Blaine tied it just like Kurt around the broom, “My tiger is fabulous now! If we are going to be genies don’t we need lamps to live in?”
Kurt looked deep in thought for a moment as he didn’t have a genie lamp. They could use little boxes, but the two of them agreed that their lamps should be awesome looking and simple boxes wouldn’t be the same. “We could be free genies! We’ll be like superhero genies saving the world from bad people.”

Blaine nodded to indicate he liked this idea. All the clattering that Kurt was doing must have brought in Kurt’s mom for she knocked on the door and peaked her head inside, “What are you boys up to?”

Blaine looked like a deer facing an oncoming car; his eyes went wide and dropped the broom. “Nothing, just talking!” mumbled Blaine with his head down clearly afraid that he was going to get into trouble.

Kurt on the other hand faced his mom with a huge smile and gave Blaine a curious look as to why he was acting like that. “We’re genies with magical powers like the one in Aladdin! And this is my tiger, Mainbocher. Don’t get too close, he only likes me.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to anger your tiger,” she said as she took a step back from Kurt. “I like that added scarf, good touch! Have fun you two!” she told them walking out of the room once again.

“Your mommy doesn’t care?”

“No, why would she?”

“I don’t know. My parents don’t like it too much. They say I aighn’t being sensible.”

“You have weird parents.”Blaine nodded in agreement. Maybe it wasn’t that his parents didn’t like him, maybe they were just odd. “Come on let’s build a town out of my movies!”

So the two children built a mini town out of Kurt’s VHS movies using Barbies as the town’s people. Dressing some of them up like cops, pretended that two of them were getting married, and had a little farm in the middle of the town. They called the different streets in the town based off of the videos that made them. When one of the town’s citizens got unruly Kurt and Blaine would act together to get everything under control again.

“Oh no!” exclaimed Blaine, “All of the horses have scattered from the stable at Little Mermaid Street! We have to get them all back and get the crimimal arrested. I’ll gather up the horses and you find who did it!”

Kurt used his magical powers go get the horses under control, but it was too much for him and the horses were too spread out for him to manage all of them, “Bwaine! I need your help! Can you get those ones over there? Something has them really scared! And my magic isn’t enough!”

Together they got the horses back into the stall and tried to figure out who it was. “I think I know who did this, Jafar,” said Kurt.

“Of course! How did he get out!? We must keep him from ruining the married peoples wedding!”

By the end of their play the town was in ruins and the movies were spread all around Kurt’s room. They did manage to move the newlyweds to another location so they could enjoy being married. The horses were in their stable and Jafar was locked away in his prison cell. Blaine high fived Kurt for a job well done and helped him put everything away.

End Notes: Review please!


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