Perfect Porcelain
Chapter 9: Blaine Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Perfect Porcelain: Chapter 9: Blaine

M - Words: 1,081 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Feb 29, 2012 - Updated: Apr 28, 2012
919 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Here's your second chapter for today! I could keep my promise xD Enjoy! I'm loving Blainers. And Kurt, of course.

Blaine freezes against Kurt's body, when he hears his boyfriend say "Dad." Great. Burt probably heard him kicking the door open.

Luckily, Kurt has already pulled down his sleeve. He's not sure how much more drama he can handle in one day. Besides, he wants to discuss the cutting with Kurt before he talks to Burt. Maybe he can even make the boy stop, so he doesn't have to tell Burt at all.

"Kurt, Blaine, what is going on here? I heard a bang and I thought something fell or exploded or whatever you kids are doing."

"Dad, we're fine. I was in the bathroom and I couldn't get the door open. I'll have to check the lock. Anyway, Blaine forced the door open, because I was getting claustrophobic and that's the noise you heard."

Blaine stares at Kurt, who lies so easily to his father and it even sounds convincing. No lame excuse like 'I fell over the threshold.'. It's scary how good Kurt is at lying, though. He feels a bit less stupid about not noticing what's wrong with the boy.

Burt is glaring at the two boys, but then his expression softens.

"I was just worried, kiddo. I'm glad you two are okay. Though I don't get why you need to make out on the floor, after getting locked up in the bathroom."

Kurt blushes and looks at the floor. Blaine clears his throat.

"Well, we're young and.."

"I get it, I get it. Sexual desire and such, hmm? Spare me the details, Blaine."

Blaine smiles and he can see a small smile on Kurt's lips, even though he's still looking down. He gets up and pulls Kurt up too, back into his arms.

"Kurt got really upset. That's why I had to kick the door in. I hope I didn't kill the lock, even though it wasn't working properly anymore, apparently."

Kurt nods and hides his face in Blaine's chest, while Blaine looks at Burt. The man smiles a bit awkwardly and gives him a nod.

"Everything okay with Kurt?" He says a bit softer, obviously referring to their conversation of last night.

Blaine hesitates and then nods.

"He's just stressed and tired. I'm sorry for worrying you. I'll take care of him. Is breakfast ready?"

Kurt flinches slightly, but Blaine gives him a soft squeeze. Burt nods.

"You two better hurry. Finn is eating all the pancakes."

"We can't let that happen, now, can we, Kurt?"

Kurt makes a soft noise and Blaine pets his back.

"That's what I thought. We'll be up in a minute." He tells Burt.

Burt smiles at him and turns around, moving back upstairs, leaving Blaine with a trembling, scared Kurt.

"Babe? I'm going to help you eat, okay? We're going to eat the same amount of food. That way you will see it's okay and not too much."

"But our bodies are different, Blaine."

"Sht.. I'm going to help you, okay? Trust me, baby. Please? I won't tell anyone, I will look things up to see how I can help you best, I will sign you up for therapy, I'll do anything."

Kurt looks up at him, tears visible in his eyes. Blaine tilts his head, confused.

"What's wrong, babe?"

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I love you. You believe that, right?"


"So I want the best for you. You need to trust me with this, alright? I think you're gorgeous and I will never think you're not perfect. But this.."

He softly moves his arms so they're around Kurt's thin waist. The pale boy freezes slightly, but doesn't pull away.

"This is bad, Kurt. You're too thin. I know you can't see it, I don't know why, but I'll show you how beautiful you are. So, when you get better, you'll feel stupid for ever doubting your perfection."


"Good. Now, let's have some pancakes before Finn eats them all. You like pancakes, right?"

"I- I do."

"Of course you do. Who doesn't? Not Finn."

Kurt smiles and Blaine takes his hand.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

The eating goes alright. Blaine has to feed Kurt a few bites when Finn has left the kitchen or when Rachel isn't looking, because the boy is really scared to eat, but he doesn't mind. He said he'd do anything to help Kurt, so he will keep that promise.

He eats as much as Kurt, even though he's still quite hungry after one and a half pancake, while he already ate breakfast before that, but he's not complaining – anything is better than nothing. After they finish eating, Blaine notices that Kurt looks tired, so he takes him back to Kurt's room, after excusing himself to Carole.

"Get some sleep, babe."

He lays Kurt down, who protests slightly, but can't hide a yawn.

"Blainey, it's so cold.."

Blaine smiles and gets into bed behind Kurt, pulling him into a spooning position, while nuzzling his nose into his boyfriend's neck, taking in his scent.

"Hmm.. You smell good."

"You should.. wash my hair.. more often.."

Blaine chuckles softly, because Kurt sounds so cute, already half asleep. He decides not to talk anymore. It doesn't take long before Kurt's breathing has evened out. He stays like that for a bit longer, but then gets up again, quietly getting his laptop out of his bag.

As soon as he types in Kurt's symptoms, one word is suddenly all over his screen.

Anorexia Nervosa

Blaine stares at the word, curses it, takes a deep breath and clicks the first link. Wikipedia should do it. He starts to read and feels himself getting sicker at every word. Why did Kurt feel like this? How could that have happened to someone as brave and beautifullike his boyfriend?

'Aneating disordercharacterized by excessive weight loss, and irrational fear of gaining weight and distorted body self-perception.'

'Has many complicated implications and may be thought of as a lifelong illness that may never be truly cured, but only managed over time.'

'Is characterized by low body weight, inappropriate eating and obsession with thin figure.'

He tries to swallow, but soon he's crying again. It looks so complicated and he still doesn't understand half of it. He looks up a few clinics, but it looks so depressing, that Blaine clicks it away again. No, he would fix Kurt without all the medication and therapy sessions.

Blaine closes his laptop and curls up behind Kurt again, his arm wrapped around the boy's waist. He closes his eyes, breathing in the addictive scent again, deciding he shouldwash Kurt's hair more often, even if it's just an excuse to shower with him soon again.

"I'll fix you. I promise."

He presses a soft kiss onto Kurt's shoulder and dozes off to sleep, exhausted after all the stress and crying.

End Notes: Hope you liked my chapter-that-doesn't-end-with-a-cliffhanger ~


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Of course I like your chapter. Omg. Seriously.

Oh yay 2 updates ^.^ I got so scared when Kurt locked himself in the bathroom I though he was going to end up in hospital and that's not what anyone needs

Luckily Blainers isn't scared to kill a door for Kurt xD

SOBBING. exceedingly loving protective comforting blainers is my absolute favourite :D