July 30, 2013, 9:39 a.m.
July 30, 2013, 9:39 a.m.
Leaving Lima has always evoked conflicting feelings in Kurt. Because leaving Lima means going to New York, the city where his dreams, his friends, and now also his boyfriend are, and that never fails to put the biggest smile on Kurt's face. But it also means leaving his family and, more specifically, leaving his dad, and that in turn always makes Kurt's heart ache in ways he's not sure he'll ever get used to.
Or at least, that was how it always had been. Because right now Kurt couldn't be happier to be back in the car and back on the road - between Finn still being away on training and his dad's incessant stabs at Blaine -on Thanksgiving he'd expressed his gratitude about having a 'fit and healthy son'- Lima had never felt so suffocating, and not even Carole's famous banana split brownies had been able to lift the mood. Maybe that's why, when he turns onto the Anderson's driveway, he decides to simply honk rather than get out and ring the doorbell - even if Blaine had told him the Andersons had been delighted to hear about him and Blaine, one set of parents to deal with was more than enough for him to deal with right now.
Fortunately Blaine doesn't take long to come out, dragging his trolley behind him as he walks up to Kurt's car.
"Move," he grits between his teeth after he's dropped his luggage in the back seat and climbs in the front seat, although the smile doesn't disappear from his face when he returns the little wave his parents give him from where they're standing in the doorway.
"Gladly," Kurt replies, copying Blaine's smile and wave as he puts the car into gear and slowly pulls out of the driveway, and a final wave and honk later they're finally on the road to New York.
"Oh god I thought this weekend would never end!" Blaine sighs, dropping his head back against the headrest, and Kurt shoots him a sideways smile.
"That bad?"
"Not really," Blaine admits. "Just... tiring, I guess. It's like after that talk with my dad they feel like they need to convince me that they still care about me or something, that they're really ok with the whole thing. But then for example at dinner you can just feel the conflict - because how do they acknowledge me taking my meds without either pulling too much focus on it or making me feel like they're ignoring it? And suddenly everything I do or say becomes so... significant. And then Ben and Gary left yesterday to go see Ben's sister so it was just me and them and it was just... it was tiring. Just really, really tiring."
"But they're trying, right?" Kurt asks, leaning a bit forward over the steering wheel to look left and right before turning onto the next street.
"I guess," Blaine says, but Kurt doesn't miss the skepticism in his voice, and he lashes out to give Blaine a soft smack against his knee, making Blaine jump.
"Ok ok, all right!" Blaine yelps indignantly. "They're trying! They're trying - no need to get violent here, I'll admit, they're trying."
"And what about you?" Kurt asks, shooting Blaine an investigating glance. "Are you trying?"
"Of course I am!" Blaine exclaims with an indignant tilt of his head, and when Kurt raises his eyebrows questioningly he quickly reiterates: "I am! I even asked them about the cat and everything!"
"The cat?" Kurt repeats, equal parts confused and amused and trying to keep himself from bursting out laughing, because exactly what a cat has to do with Blaine trying to fix things with his parents is less than clear to him.
"Your cat," Blaine clarifies, sounding as if he, in turn, is confused Kurt doesn't see the link. "You said you wanted a cat, right? So I asked. If you could keep a cat."
"Right," Kurt drawls, unconvinced, "because obviously me taking a cat is the way to rebuild your relationship with your parents."
"Hey, I was talking to them right? Wasn't that the idea, that we become, like, this boring family who talks about mundane things like keeping cats on an apartment? You can, by the way. Keep a cat, I mean. If you still want to."
It's all Kurt can do to just roll his eyes, although he knows the grin that has appeared on his face is wide enough for Blaine to know he's not actually annoyed.
"Maybe," he says, because a cat actually does sound nice. If they can find one with short hair that doesn't shed too much and has already been potty trained, at least. "But that doesn't- what are you doing?"
He's cut himself off, distracted by Blaine who's dragging his hands all over his body, looking himself up and down as if he's searching for something.
"Trying to find my handkerchief," Blaine replies, speaking through his nose, continuing to pat his pockets and lifting his ass to try to feel whether he's put it in his back pocket instead.
"I have some in my bag," Kurt says with a head nod before he shoots Blaine a worried look. "Are you getting sick?"
"It's a cold, Kurt," Blaine says as he retrieves Kurt's bag from the back seat, sounding just a little annoyed although his smile is warm and loving when Kurt catches his eye. "It's the end of November, half of the population in the Northern hemisphere is sniffing away right now, so don't look at me like that. Oh - here, you got a text."
He holds up the phone to Kurt as he pulls out the pack of tissues, but Kurt shakes his head.
"I'm driving, Blaine," he says. "Who's it from?"
"Nick," Blaine says, putting the phone down for a moment to blow his nose before he picks it back up. "He's... they're going to the bar tonight, he's asking if we want to come?"
Kurt scrunches his nose as he contemplates the idea.
"Karaoke?" he asks, and when Blaine nods he continues. "What time? Who's coming?"
"Nine," Blaine replies, "and so far Nick, Rachel, and Jeff. And us, maybe."
"We shouldn't," Kurt says with a glance at the clock on his dashboard. It's barely ten and they've only just left Kenton, which means they still have a solid ten hour trip in front of them.
"We really shouldn't," Blaine agrees, but when Kurt looks aside, they both burst out laughing - neither of them has ever passed up an opportunity to sing for an audience, and they won't start now.
"Tell him we'll be there," Kurt says, still chuckling, and as he pushes the gas pedal in a bit deeper he sends Blaine a cheeky wink. "Tell him we both have a lot of feelings that need expressing."
Between a little more traffic on the road than anticipated and Kurt insisting on taking a shower before they head out it's well past 9.30 by the time they finally make it to the bar. They quickly drop off their coats in the cloak room, but as they enter the bar, Blaine pulls Kurt back for a moment.
"What-" Kurt starts, but he's cut off by Blaine's lips on his and he lets the question unfinished, giving in to the kiss instead, fisting Blaine's shirt to pull him in just a little closer.
"What was that for?" he smiles when Blaine finally breaks the kiss, and Blaine shrugs, looking down in embarrassment about his own spontaneity, although his eyes are sparkling.
"Nothing," he says, pursing his lips. "I just... could."
It's all Kurt can do to just smile back at him, turning around fully so he can wrap his arms around Blaine.
"Oh, could you, now?" he asks teasingly, his smile only growing bigger when Blaine takes the challenge, snaking his own arms around Kurt's waist.
"I most certainly could," he confirms, "in fact, I did. In fact, I could do even more."
"Oh really?"
"Really," Blaine says confidently, pulling Kurt in a little closer, and the cheeky, hungry look in his eyes sends shivers down Kurt's spine. "For example, I could wrap my arms around you and not let you go all evening. I could get up on that stage and sing a love song to you, and I could tell everyone I sang it for you." He pauses, biting his lip as if he's contemplating whether or not to continue. "Or I could take you home and just show you what other things I could do."
The last words instantly turn the butterflies in Kurt's belly into liquid heat, and he feels his mouth go dry as he looks into Blaine's eyes, cursing himself for having taken so long to sort himself out, although he's sure he's never been more grateful he never gave up the fight in the first place.
"Yes," he whispers as he leans in for another kiss, "yes to all of that."
But then he steps back, pulling Blaine along with him, laughing at the dazed on his face.
"Come on, mr. I'm-not-very-good-at-romance," he grins, "I believe your plan for tonight included some serenading, did it not?"
He's so focused on Blaine that he doesn't really take notice of the looks on their friends' faces until they're standing right in front of their usual booth. Nick is sitting in the middle, grinning broadly, with next to him Thad and Rachel, who are staring at Kurt and Blaine inquisitively, and Jeff, who is looking inexplicably unhappy. But it's Mercedes who really gets to Kurt - not just because he didn't expect her to be there -although really he could've done with a word of warning- but also because she has the most curious expression on her face, equal parts discomfort and elation. Kurt has no interest in trying to figure it out however - even if in some twisted way she's the one responsible for him and Blaine getting back together, he hasn't forgotten what she said or did, and as such it's bad enough that she's here in the first place; he's not planning on ruining his night before it's even started by wasting his energy on her.
"Well, hello boys!" Nick pulls Kurt out of his reverie, the flicker in his eyes much too bright and the look at Kurt and Blaine's intertwined hands much too poignant. "How are you doing on this wonderful winter evening?"
"We are... fine," Blaine answers, shooting a confused glance at Kurt, but Kurt just shrugs - he's usually pretty good at reading Nick, but he has no idea what's gotten into him right now.
"Care to elaborate on that little display of affection you treated us with just now?" Nick continues innocently, and the unexpected remark immediately brings a bright blush to Kurt's cheeks. From the corner of his eye he can see the same thing happening to Blaine, and he squeezes his hand for support as he lifts his chin and forces his heartbeat to slow down.
"What of it?" he asks as coyly as he can manage. "Since when can't I kiss my boyfriend in public anymore?"
He expected a reaction -of course he expected a reaction, they way he and Blaine have been dancing around each other for the last couple of months hasn't exactly been a secret- but he didn't quite expect the amount of cheering and hooting that erupts in front of him. He definitely didn't expect Nick to high five Mercedes and then hold out his hands to the people on either side of him.
"Come on!" Nick says cheerfully, wiggling his fingers. "Pay up! I'd say 'hate to say I told you so' but I'm not. Even though I did."
He laughs, and both Kurt and Blaine are left speechless as Rachel, Thad, and Jeff all pull out their wallets and slap a few bills into Nick's hands, and it takes Kurt a few moments to understand what is going on.
"You... you were betting on us getting back together?" he asks, incredulous, and Nick immediately raises his hands in defense.
"Hey, I'm a poor college student, if I get a chance to earn an extra buck why not take it?"
"Earning money by betting on your friends' love life," Kurt says, unimpressed, raising his eyebrows as judgmentally as he can. "Classy, Nick. Real classy."
"At least it shows I had confidence in the two of you," Nick shrugs unapologetically as he counts down the money in his hands and divides it into two neat piles. "Miss Goldstar Bossypants over there didn't think you'd even make it this year."
He nods at Rachel, who shoots him an evil glare before turning her attention to Kurt and Blaine.
"What he's saying is that I was partial to the idea the two of you would get together with a New Year's kiss," she declares. "You have to admit it would have been an awfully romantic moment - the two of you under the starry sky, looking into each other's eyes as you realize your undying love for each other and the opportunities a new year will bring and ... " She suddenly cuts her own swooning ramble off, apparently aware of the way everyone is staring at her, and she takes a deep breath before she continues resolutely. "But of course I am extremely happy you found each other sooner."
Jeff mumbles something unintelligible at that, and Nick gives him a playful shoulder shove, winking at Kurt and Blaine.
"Never mind this guy - he betted on December," he grins, and much to Kurt's astonishment he passes half of the bills in his hands to Mercedes. "But we knew it wouldn't take them that long, didn't we, Mercedes?"
"Just one week," Jeff says unhappily to no one in particular, gazing longingly at the small stack of bills that passes right in front of him. "Couldn't they just remain blissfully ignorant for one more week? I'm saving up for a new camera..."
"Aawww, poor Jeffie," Mercedes coos, throwing an arm around him and pressing a kiss against his temple. "Tell you what, drink's on me tonight, all right?"
Jeff perks up a little at that, and Mercedes beams at him, but when she looks up and accidentally catches Kurt staring her smile immediately falters and she bats down her eyes, though whether it's out of embarrassment or any other sentiment Kurt can't tell.
Not that he cares.
"This calls for a song!" Nick exclaims, slapping his hands down on the table, and the invitation is met with instant approval of the others. "Go on, love birds - on the dance floor with you!"
Nick shoos Kurt and Blaine back as he gets up, sending Kurt pressed back against Blaine's chest, and it's all Kurt can do to let Blaine wrap his arm around him and relax in the touch as he watches their little group of friends dance their way up to the stage, loudly discussing which song they will pick. Thad smiles back over his shoulder, giving them two thumbs up, Jeff ruffles his hand through Blaine's hair as he passes them, and Rachel gives them a small wave as she climbs on the stage. The only one who doesn't look back is Mercedes, who's either incredibly occupied with the song choice or trying very hard to look as if she is.
"Are you ok?" Blaine whispers in Kurt's ear, and Kurt sighs. It's supposed to be a happy night for them - and it was, even though Kurt still couldn't believe their friends had actually been betting on them getting back together - he would definitely have a word with Nick about that. But really, it was kind of cute in an endearing sort of way, and to see them all be genuinely happy for them -even Jeff, who was bouncing up and down on the stage now- means more to him than he had expected it too. Which is why he really doesn't want to taint that by talking about how one of his best friends is really a homophobic idiot. Then again - they haven't even said a word to each other yet and already the awkwardness between them is threatening to suffocate him.
"Yeah," he finally replies resignedly. "Just... Mercedes. I'm not sure if I'll be able to remain civil to her for the rest of the night."
"Well, she apparently betted in favor of us, so that should earn her some credit, no?" Blaine says, and Kurt immediately turns around in his arms, glad that Blaine noticed that too.
"Seriously, what was up with that?" he asks heatedly. "She never even pretended to support us getting back together and then she pulls that? I mean, really?"
"Maybe you just misunderstood what she meant," Blaine shrugs, but Kurt starts shaking his head vehemently.
"Even if I misinterpreted her complete lack of support as, well, a complete lack of support, I sure as hell didn't misinterpret what she said to me last week. You weren't there, Blaine, you don't know what she said! I mean - forget ignorant, it was just plain rude! It was one stupid thing after another and I can't-"
"Yes, you can," Blaine interrupts him, raising his arms to grab Kurt by his upper arms and make him look back at him. "It's just prejudice, Kurt, that's all it is."
If it were any other time Kurt would have probably laughed -he's heard Blaine's little speech about prejudice once too often already- but all he manages now is a glare and an eye roll. But when Blaine raises an eyebrow and shoots him a questioning look, he sighs.
"Prejudice is just ignorance," he recites dutifully, making it sound as monotonous and boring as possible. "Kurt."
Immediately Blaine's jaw drops in confusion, and despite himself Kurt can't keep in a chuckle. He doesn't wait until Blaine has recovered enough to reply, though, and instead steps back, making use of the break in the conversation to drag Blaine along with him.
"Come on, I'm pretty sure Nick doesn't want to start without us."
Sure enough Nick's already standing on stage, pointing at them as they make their way to the middle of the dance floor.
"So this song is dedicated to those two love birds over there, I'm sure you all know them... Kurt, Blaine - I'm so happy you finally came to your senses and saw what we've seen all along: that you're made for each other. Now grab each other tight, this one's for you guys."
Applause erupts around them as the music starts up, and Kurt has to fight not to bury his face in Blaine's neck in embarrassment. They are in fact fairly well known in the bar, at least by the regulars, and so he knows most of the noise is really for them, and not just the patrons being polite and indulging Nick. But with Blaine smiling as brightly at him as he is, Kurt really can't mind, and he gladly wraps his arms around Blaine's neck.
Lover lover talk to me
We've both been here before
Takes a lot of time to see
You need less to become more
Not this time...
"So what was up with that 'Kurt' thing?" Blaine asks curiously as they start swaying, and Kurt smiles, both at the question and at the memory.
"You told me 'Prejudice is just ignorance. Kurt.'," he says melancholically. "You said my name at the end of that sentence. I would know - that was the first time I heard you say my name."
The little confession makes Blaine pull back and stare at Kurt in surprise for a moment, but when he starts smiling Kurt can't help but smile back, and he doesn't protest when Blaine pulls him in closer.
"Well. Kurt.," Blaine says, cradling Kurt in his arms, his intonation and timbre so eerily similar to the way he'd said Kurt's name that first day they met that it makes shivers run down Kurt's spine the same way now as it had then. "I stand by what I said. Prejudice is ignorance. But ignorance doesn't equal stupidity. One is intentional, while the other is not."
Oh lord - seems the best is yet to come
Oh lord - seems the best is yet to come
Screaming it out, boy, screaming it out
Oh lord - seems the best is yet to come
Their friends are singing their lungs out, but Kurt barely hears it anymore, the romantic atmosphere dissipated as soon as Blaine had restarted the conversation about Mercedes, and he rolls his eyes.
"That's all very nice, Ghandi," he says sarcastically, "but really I don't care whether it was intentional or not, it hurt just as bad."
"I know," Blaine concedes with a tilt of his head, "but do you remember what you told me after group? How you thought I should stand up and help people outside of group to understand?"
Kurt nods, although what Blaine's support group has to do with Mercedes' behavior isn't really clear to him.
"I'm not the only one who can stand up," Blaine continues. "And what Mercedes needs right now is not a lecture about how wrong she is, what she needs is a friend who explains to her why she is wrong. What she needs- who she needs, is you."
But Kurt just huffs, shaking his head.
"You really expect me to go talk to her? Make nice and forgive and forget? No way, Blaine. Just- no way. Not happening. I demand an apology and it better be a good one."
Lover please don't lose yourself
And don't let your promise die
'Cause you don't now how and you don't know when
There's nowhere left to hide
"Just two months ago you didn't want to kiss me."
Kurt's head snaps up at that and he glares at Blaine, because even if he is telling the truth Kurt doesn't really like to be reminded of that period.
"I apologized for that," he says, a little reluctant. "And I've changed since then."
"And why's that?" Blaine asks innocently, and even though Kurt sends him his most intimidating look he knows Blaine's going to make him say it anyway.
"Because we talked," he concedes unwillingly.
"Because we talked. Because you started looking things up. Because you came to group with me. Because you were informed. Look, Kurt - if you talk to her and she still stands by what she said then by all means go ahead and yell at her. But you have to give her a chance. Believe it or not but it's not that hard to remain oblivious about these things, even in this day and age: from what you told me I doubt McKinley had so much as a remotely decent sex ed program, and our parents' generation grew up with a very different view on HIV/AIDS. Honestly I'm more disappointed in David - because he certainly does know better."
Blaine takes a deep breath, glancing around before he returns his attention to Kurt.
"As tempting as it is - being better informed doesn't make you better than anyone else. It just makes you better informed. So until you know why Mercedes said what she said and did what she did don't judge her too hard, because I'm pretty sure that's going to have the opposite effect of what you want to achieve."
It's all Kurt can do to give Blaine an indignant huff.
"She still cheated," he says stubbornly, so caught up in his annoyance that he misses a few steps, but Blaine is quick enough to catch them and keep them from falling.
Lover lover talk to me
We've both been here before
Takes a lot of time to see
You need less to become more
All this time, evening cries
With no words, no words...
"Yes, well, I think that's really something between her, Sam, and David," Blaine continues as soon as they've found their rhythm again, "but whether she breaks up with Sam or with David, she's going to need her best friend."
"Of course," Kurt says sarcastically, "she screws up and I can help her pick up the pieces."
But Blaine just raises his eyebrows.
"Well, if you can't count on your friends when you screw up, what do you have them for?"
"You do realize I'm not one of your support group friends, do you?" Kurt retorts accusingly, because really, what else can he say to that? But when Blaine bursts out laughing he can't help but grin along.
"Come here," Blaine says, pressing a kiss against Kurt's temple as he pulls him in closer again, "let's just enjoy this, shall we?"
Oh lord - seems the best is yet to come
Oh lord - seems the best is yet to come
Screaming it out, boy, screaming it out
Oh lord - seems the best is yet to come
"Can I have a Coke Zero and a water, please?"
Kurt smiles where he's leaning against the bar, staring longingly as the bartender prepares his drinks -one for energy, one for hydration-, but when he takes out his wallet to pay he feels a soft pressure against his arm.
"Leave it, drink's on me this time," a soft voice tells him, and Kurt looks aside to find Mercedes smiling at him. It's not her signature confident smile, but it confounds Kurt enough for him to take a step back, and let her pay.
"Here," Mercedes says after she's pocketed the change, as she hands over the glasses to Kurt, "and congratulations. I knew you guys would make it sooner or later."
"Did you?" Kurt blurts out, unable to stop himself, and Mercedes freezes where she'd been turning around to walk away. "Tell me, when were those bets placed? Because if I remember correctly three weeks ago you were still trying to talk me out of it."
Mercedes swallows, eyes darting around before they finally settle on Kurt, and if Kurt hadn't been so preoccupied by the whole situation he might have seen how much effort it cost his friend to reply to his question.
"I wasn't trying to talk you out of it," she says quietly, "I was just trying to make sure you knew what you were getting yourself into. I knew you'd end up with Blaine again, even before you said with so many words that that's what you wanted. I just... worried. I think it's really great you still manage to trust Blaine enough to, like, be in a relationship with him. It's just... it's just something I don't think I could ever do."
"Not even for David?" Kurt sneers, although he immediately regrets it when he sees the flash of hurt that crosses Mercedes' face.
"Look, Kurt, ..." she starts, glancing down at the ground, and Kurt can practically see her steel herself before she looks back up, her jaw set and any of the warmth that had been in her eyes previously gone. "David's not my boyfriend. He never has been, and he never will be. It was bad enough coming clean to Sam over Skype of all things, I would really appreciate it if you would give me a break on this one. And not that it's any of your business, but if it makes you feel any better I haven't seen or heard from David since last week."
Kurt huffs as Mercedes turns away, because even if he still thinks she made a massive mistake in sleeping with David, his real beef with her lays somewhere completely different.
"Well, thanks for the info, I guess," he says condescendingly, "although that wasn't really my main concern."
"It wasn't?" Mercedes snaps in mock surprise, spinning around to face him. "Because last week you sure didn't hesitate to judge me for it!"
"I was judging you for not using condoms!" Kurt retorts heatedly, barely able to believe that seemed to have flown completely over Mercedes' head. "I was judging you for saying that only gay guys can get HIV!"
"I never said that!"
Mercedes spits out the words, looking so genuinely shocked and insulted that it's all Kurt can do not to burst out laughing.
"You said you didn't have to worry about condoms and HIV because David isn't gay! You said you weren't like Blaine! How the hell am I supposed to interpret that any differently?"
Kurt's positively shouting now, and he's never been happier that they're in a loud bar, because this really isn't an argument he would have chosen to have in public.
"I said we weren't like Blaine because Blaine didn't know the guy he had that- that- that one night stand with!" Mercedes shouts back. "David and I we know each other, we know we can trust each other! And David never had sex with another man so it didn't matter anyway!"
"W-wh�t?!" Kurt blurts, baffled, sure he's missing some vital piece of information. "What does that even have to do with anything?"
"Because women can't pass the virus, can they?" Mercedes declares haughtily, and Kurt can see she actually means it. "HIV is passed with sperm and women don't have sperm so they can get it but they can't pass it on - seriously, Kurt, I thought you did your research on this."
She folds her arms, cocking her head as she looks at Kurt who is momentarily stupefied.
"Mercedes - that's- that's not how it goes," he finally manages, "there are virus particles in all body fluids - blood, sperm, ... and vaginal fluids."
But Mercedes simply raises a skeptical eyebrow.
"So? You really expect me to believe that vaginal fluids can like, make their way into a guy's body? Like... like into their dick? Through that tiny hole?"
"Eh... yeah?" Kurt tells her. "Or there could be little wounds if you've been too rough or haven't used enough lube and it could enter through there. And even if it couldn't - anyone could have it since birth, or through contaminated blood products, or from intravenous drug use, ... Mercedes, you can't seriously tell me you didn't know any of that."
Mercedes huffs disbelievingly, and it isn't until she sees the way Kurt keeps staring at her, spreading his arms, that she seems to realize that Kurt's not joking around, and her face falls. And that's when Kurt understands that, in fact, she didn't know; that Blaine had been right and that Mercedes had honestly and truly believed she hadn't been doing anything wrong. For some strange reason, that suddenly makes the whole situation ten times worse.
"'Cedes..." he says softly, reaching out, but Mercedes steps back, out of his reach, wrapping her arms more tightly around herself, shaking her head as if she's trying to get rid of a really bad memory.
"No," she says determinedly. "No. That- that can't be right. David- he... he can't... Kurt, David can't- he's not-"
But when she looks back up at Kurt, he can see she doesn't really believe her own words. They both know David, they both know how much of a Don Juan he can be. They both know that if condoms weren't a priority when David was with Mercedes, they most likely weren't a priority when he was with anyone else either. And even though Kurt still wants to yell at Mercedes, still wants that apology, he knows that it hardly matters right now. Because Blaine was right: a lecture is the last thing she needs right now.
"Look, Mercedes," he starts again, but Mercedes shakes her head.
"I've got to go home," she says distractedly, turning around. "I've got to... I've got to think."
Kurt only just manages to grab her arm, and it takes him a few seconds to remember what he was going to say; the panic and desperation that are written all across Mercedes' face hitting a little too close to home.
"Mercedes," he finally manages. "Just... get tested, ok? I can- I can go with you, if you want. Or not, you know... It's probably nothing, anyway. But just... get tested, all right? Just to make sure?"
Mercedes' eyes widen when the real meaning of what Kurt's just said sinks in, as if she only now realizes exactly what their conversation was about and what it could mean for her.
"I'm really just a stupid girl, am I not?" she says self-deprecatingly, stepping back. "I'm just a stupid, silly, cheating girl. That's all I'm ever gonna be."
"Mercedes - no!" Kurt tries, because that wasn't quite what he had been going for, but his words lack power and Mercedes huffs, pulling herself free from Kurt's grip.
"I've got to go," she repeats dully. "I just... I just have to go, now."
And before Kurt can react she's gone, disappeared through the doors to the cloak room.
"I take it that didn't go too well?"
Blaine appears beside Kurt and Kurt sighs, closing his eyes as he lets his head rest against Blaine's shoulder.
"I don't know," he says honestly, suddenly feeling very tired. "It definitely didn't go any way I had expected it to, that's for sure."
"You don't seem to be as angry anymore, though," Blaine remarks carefully, shooting Kurt an investigating look, but Kurt shrugs, shaking his head as he straightens himself again.
"I'm still pretty angry," he says, even though even he can hear how unconvincing it sounds. "I mean, I still want my apology. But I feel like I don't really have the right to be angry anymore, if that makes sense?"
"Not everything is black or white."
"Nope," Kurt sighs. "It isn't. There's a whole range of greys out there. And don't even get me started on all the colors."
He feels more than he sees how Blaine lets out a small chuckle and he takes a step forward, making himself as small as he can so as to fit in Blaine's arms.
"I should probably run after her," he mumbles against Blaine's neck. In reality it's the last thing he wants to do now, but Kurt remembers all too well how he felt, those first couple of days after Blaine had disclosed, and despite everything Mercedes has said and done, he doesn't want her to have to go through it alone.
"You should probably give her some time alone now and come home with me," Blaine counters. "It's been a long day for the both of us, you should get some rest. Call her tomorrow."
"Coming home with you?" Kurt asks, going for playful although it really comes out more tired than anything else, and he abandons his attempt at flirting. "Your room or mine?"
"Mine," Blaine says determinedly, and when Kurt raises a skeptical eyebrow he quickly adds: "It's got the better view."
"It's also got the smaller bed," Kurt laments, mentally comparing his queen-size bed with Blaine's double, but to his surprise Blaine starts grinning.
11-25-2012 23:44-Finn!
11-25-2012 23:45-Finn!
11-25-2012 23:45-FINN!
11-25-2012 23:47-FIIIIIINNNNNNNNN!
11-25-2012 23:50-...Rachel?
11-25-2012 23:52-Finn, I've got the best news EVER!
11-25-2012 23:54-Did you get the lead in that school musical? Because if it's not that I'm sure it can wait until morning.
11-25-2012 23:54-It's not the school musical, it's the NYADA recital.
11-25-2012 23:55-And no it's not that.
11-25-2012 23:59-So?
11-25-2012 00:00-So what?
11-25-2012 00:02-So what is the best news ever?
11-25-2012 00:02-Oh.
11-25-2012 00:02-Kurt and Blaine are back together!
11-25-2012 00:09-Ah.
11-25-2012 00:09-'Ah'?! That's all you've got to say to that? 'Ah'? Finn, Kurt and Blaine are back together!
11-25-2012 00:12-That's... nice, Rachel.
11-25-2012 00:14-That's wonderful, Rachel. That's great, Rachel. Congratulate Kurt and Blaine from me, Rachel.
11-25-2012 00:15-A little enthusiasm wouldn't hurt, you know?
11-25-2012 00:19-Look, Rachel, it's great, it really is, but I've been crawling through the mud all day, it's past eleven, and I've gotta get up at 5 for even more mud crawling.
11-25-2012 00:27-Rachel?
11-25-2012 00:27-Rachel don't be like that.
11-25-2012 00:28-Rachel come on.
11-25-2012 00:41-Look, I'll call you tomorrow, ok? Tell my brother I'm happy for him.
11-25-2012 00:41-Good night. Love you xxx
11-26-2012 01:43-Love you too xxxxxxxxxx
No it's not what I expected because even though Mercedes was completely clueless about how HIV can be given to your partner she still had no right saying any of that regardless how homophobic (which I don't think she is but you mentioned that Kurt's bestfriend was) or prejudice you are, you don't say that to your bestfriend that you have always been there for and has always been there for you. And Kurt to be that forgiving I only wish I could be, I mean I would eventually but I would need so much time and the way she told Blaine to put distance between them, uh uh noo.