The Will of Fire
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The Will of Fire: Sweet Dreams

E - Words: 3,546 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Feb 09, 2012 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
289 0 0 0 0

Lady Sue absently flicked the black tipped brush across various scrolls, marking them with her approval. She glanced over to her three aides.
“Becky, go get me another bottle of sake, it should be in the cellar.”
“Yes, coach.” Becky said with smile and a slight lisp.
Sue thought Becky was adorable, and she was one of the last good things for the god-forsaken world to create.
“Mercedes, Sam, please go get me the reports from the autopsy on that Chunin that defected from the Sound. Something about that small village doesn’t sit right with me.” Sue brought the feather pen up to her lip and chewed at it. The small hidden village sprung out of nowhere about 40 years ago, without any approval from the other villages. Sue had a constant nagging in the back of her head when a rouge ninja from the Sound defected to the Leaf for solitude.
“Yes, milady,” Mercedes bowed, “C’mon Sam.”
The blonde junior-aide nodded. The two exited Sue’s office and as soon as they were out of sight joined hands.
“I love you.” Sam said breathlessly.
Mercedes rolled her eyes, “Autopsy reports. Then you can flatter me.”
Sam gave a smirk and pulled her into a hug. “Whatever, I know you love me too.”
Mercedes scoffed, but kept a smile plastered on her face.
“No.” Kurt crossed his arms and pouted. He heard Blaine crack a laugh, but quickly recomposed himself.
“Seriously Kurt,” Quinn rolled her eyes, “This is the seventh mission she’s pitched to us.”
Team Schue was currently at the Ninja Academy, in the administration wing. They entered the Mission Reception early to receive their third assignment. Lady Sue, Iruka, and two of the village elders sat at a long green desk that stretched across the room, various papers and scrolls littered across it. Behind Lady Sue were two of her aides, a black girl in a dark blue kimono, and a tall blonde boy with the same uniform.
“All Genin start out with D-rank missions,” Sue started, “Don’t make this harder on you.”
“I will not be belittled to another D-rank. I mean what are the choices? Dog wash? Scroll organizing? The hardest one so far was shopping for that Feudal Lord’s wife, and that was only because she insisted on wearing orange.” Kurt gave an inward shudder at the hideous color.
“It was like dressing a fruit cake.” Quinn admitted.
Sue slammed her hand down on the desk, making everyone behind and in front of her flinch. Lady Sue really scared Kurt, her cold green eyes, blonde hair, and extensive history. Lady Sue was one of the Three Legendary Sannin, a ninja team taught by the Third Hokage himself, not only that, but Lady Sue was the granddaughter of the 2nd Hokage, and the great granddaughter of the first. She was royalty. Sue stood up, her long flowing green gambling jacket flowing behind her. She walked up to Kurt and leaned over; Kurt noticed something dangling beneath her bust.
A necklace, He realized.
“Alright Porcelain,” Lady Sue started, “I’ll give you a C-rank is that acceptable?”
Kurt was about to call her out on giving him that absurd nickname, but his anger was subsided by immense gratitude. Before he knew it Kurt was hugging Sue fiercely.
“Thank you, thank you!” He squeezed her once more before pulling back.
“I trust you’ll watch after him?” Lady Sue said turning to Quinn.
“Of course milady,” Quinn answered with a nod.
Blaine felt a twinge of jealousy that Lady Sue had not asked him to watch after Kurt. He knew it was stupid, but it lingered in his stomach nonetheless.
“A C-rank, do you think they’re ready?” Schue was a little fidgety, “That’s a big difference.”
Sue turned and sat back at her desk, signing papers, not looking up as she answered, “Nonsense, you’ll be going with them.”
Will saw his team blink and before he could object Lady Sue held out a scroll.
“You will be escorting a bridge builder to the Land of Waves, protecting him from highwaymen, and burglars, nothing big.” Sue put a finger to her chin. “Actually,” she started, “You can leave tomorrow. I want you to do some scouting training.”
Will was confused, “We have no scouting ninja in our cell.”
Sue smiled and looked over to Mercedes, one of her aides, “Are they in the Academy?”
Mercedes flipped through the papers she was holding tightly against her body. “Yeah, actually they should be here now-“
Kurt looked over to the door as it slammed open. A bunch of the elders groaned, as did the blonde boy.
“Lady Sue,” a redheaded woman started curtly, “There was gum on the floor in the commons, and I think it got stuck to my heel…” She trailed off and lifted her right leg, inspecting the stiletto.
“Elmo do you mind? We would like to get their mission assigned before you start preaching about the amount of lint attached to the inside of your bra.” Sue lashed out.
The ginger clamped her mouth shut with wide eyes. Kurt doubted Elmo was her real name. She was very pretty, Kurt decided. She had a black and white striped blouse, a red pencil skirt and navy blue stilettos. Her navy Leaf headband was secure under her vibrant red locks.
“Emma.” The redhead said hesitantly.
Sue looked at her with disgust. “As much as I would love to throw you in the nearest mud puddle, I need your help.” Sue walked over to the door gesturing for unseen people to come in.
Three ninja stepped awkwardly into the room and stood behind Emma. He guessed she was their Sensei considering she was the first person the cell went to.
“With?” Emma asked after a while.
“Your cell is skilled in tracking and sensing, these ninja,” Lady Sue gestured to Team 10, “need help in that area of ninjutsu. Can you help them?”
Emma nodded and ran over to Kurt happily. “Oh, I can’t wait! We can all go to the field next to the river and have a picnic, we can bring chocolate and fruit and it’ll be wonderful!” Emma clapped her hand, further emphasizing her enthusiasm.
Kurt couldn’t help it, he thought Emma was adorable. Kurt heard Emma’s squad laugh, and with a gesture from their Sensei, they walked out the door. Schue Sensei went up to hug Emma.
“I haven’t seen you in forever,” Kurt caught the look in his eye, it was sweet, and he’d never seen anything like it.
“Will I’ve been so busy with my team,” She took his hands, “they’re wonderful! I can’t wait for you to meet them!”
Schue Sensei and Emma walked out of the Academy ahead of them leaving Kurt, Quinn, and Blaine in front of the elders.
“Something’s up with them.” Quinn whispered to Kurt with a small smile, she new love when she saw it, and she definitely just witnessed the sweetest form of it.
Kurt nodded, “I know, it’s so adorable.”
Blaine listened to Kurt and Quinn talking quietly about something or someone. He couldn’t help but feel left out. He lost his edge, crying in front of Kurt and Quinn definitely made him feel weak. He made up his mind to excel in whatever training Schue and the redhead was taking them to do.
They walked along a stone path next to the river. The warm noon sun shone across the village, and Blaine stared at the clear blue sky. He couldn’t help wonder If his brother was staring at the same sky. He balled his hands into fists at the mere thought. In the short week he’s known his team he’s been thinking about his brother more and more. At first Blaine was hoping he could add fuel to the fire in his heart, but he inadvertently doused it. Every time Kurt looked at him he could literally feel the hate disappearing, and he hated and loved that Kurt could do that to him with a small glance in his direction. Blaine let out a sigh and looked at the river. He saw vibrant green lily pads floating aimlessly along the bank. He came to a halt when he ran into Kurt’s back. Blaine fell backwards, dazed, and hit his back.
Kurt laughed, “Are you ok? When people use the term head over heels in love, I didn’t know there was a literal meaning to it.”
Blaine’s face was on fire. He was not in love with Kurt. His breathing picked up, and his palm started sweating. He glanced around looking for anything to get him out of this situation.
“I was joking Blaine,” Kurt said reaching out a hand, “Are you alright?” Kurt arched an eyebrow.
Blaine ignored the hand and walked away, leaving Kurt dumbstruck behind him. “I don’t need your help.” And that was it. Blaine regretted everything he said to Kurt, but he couldn’t take it. He needed to know he still had some control over his own heart. Between the thoughts of his brother, and the weird feelings towards Kurt, he felt like he was falling apart. He eventually joined up with Quinn and Schue.
“Where’s Emma?” He heard Quinn ask.
Schue looked around frantically, his gaze finally settling when he saw her. “Over there.” He said happily.
Blaine thought it was sweet the way Schue looked at Emma, and she obviously looks at him the same way. Emma came walking up to him, full smile on her face, heels clacking loudly on the stone floor. She had her team of Genin walking animatedly behind her, talking and laughing. He wondered why their team wasn’t laughing and conversing.
Oh yeah.
Blaine kind of told Kurt to fuck off, if that wouldn’t destroy the little chemistry they had nothing would.
After unpacking the picnic Emma brought, the two teams were sitting in the soft grass, eating peacefully. Everyone was talking but Blaine. He didn’t see any point. He took another bite into his cookie that was shaped like a puppy dog face.
He heard Quinn let out a laugh as she received her cookie, “Why is it shaped like a puppy Rachel?”
“Finn loves puppies; he is in the Inuzuka clan.” The brunette let out a smile and kissed Finn Inuzuka on the cheek. The brunette was a member of the Hyuga clan herself. Her bright lavender eyes lit up whenever she looked at Finn. Rachel wore a short yellow kimono with sleeves that fell long past her arms. She wore black mesh all down her leg, stopping at her blue sandals. Her Leaf headband was tied securely around her neck.
“Dogs are amazing, right Akamaru?” He scratched the ears of the dog nestling in his lap. Akamaru barked and Rachel laughed.
Blaine brought his glance back to Finn. He was tall, probably the tallest person in the Hidden Leaf Village. He had the standard red tribal stripes of the Inuzuka clan on his cheeks, and pointed fangs. He had a navy Leaf headband, and navy capris. He had a gray sleeveless jacket with the zipper halfway down his chest. Despite himself he smiled when Akamaru nestled in his jacket, the white dog’s small head protruding out of the small opening in the jacket.
Blaine hadn’t said a word all through lunch and Kurt was worried. Maybe the comment he’d made by the river really upset him. Maybe Blaine was the biggest homophobe ever, but Kurt said it anyway. Blaine’s eyes just gave him confidence, and that was probably the biggest problem ever. He glanced around at Finn and Rachel snuggled in together. It was sweet, but honestly Kurt couldn’t help feeling jealous. He wanted someone to hold him like that, to kiss him. He shook the thought and turned his attention back to Thad. He was a member of the Aburame clan, and sent a swarm of butterflies in Kurt’s direction. He was still laughing, and Kurt wanted to slap him. Not really, Kurt thought Thad was adorable. His light brown eyes shone whenever he laughed at a joke Kurt told, and he had the cutest way of doing things. He wore a navy headband around his brown hair, and had red capris. The pink hoodie he had on looked really soft and Kurt had to use almost all of his willpower to not reach out and stroke it.
“So you can manipulate bugs,” Kurt started taking a bite out of his cookie, “That’s really cool.”
Thad shifted his gaze and Kurt saw him blush. “Well, I mean, I only manipulate bees and butterflies. The beetles gross me out.” He fidgeted with his hands, and looked back to Kurt. “Do my bugs freak you out? I-if you don’t want to talk to me ever again it will be alright.”
He saw Thad frown, so he took his hands. “No! God, Thad you’re really sweet. And now that I know you, I don’t need bug spray anymore.” Kurt smiled and bit his lip before saying the next part. “Are we, um, friends Thad?”
Thad’s mouth parted as Kurt took his hands, the skin where Kurt was touching him felt on fire. He realized what Kurt was saying and cocked his head. “Do you want to be? I mean I do, but I don’t want to creep you out.”
Thad gasped as Kurt hugged him, he’d never talked to someone as funny or smart as Kurt. He stirred something in Thad. He’s never felt this warmth that emanated from his stomach whenever Kurt looked at him, and scared him.
Blaine watched as Kurt hugged a boy with brown hair. After a little bit of hesitation the boy hugged back and they went back to talking about ninjutsu. Blaine felt the same feeling in the pit of his stomach that he felt when Sue told Quinn he could watch over Kurt, except this time it was intensified greatly. He realized Emma was talking and tore his gaze away from Kurt.
“Ok, Lady Sue wants to teach you guys scouting skills, and my team has the perfect techniques for that. So can Finn and Rachel would help Quinn, and Thad can help with Kurt and Blaine,” She clapped her hands, “Good, good!”
Everyone moved to their respective groups and Blaine walked slowly over to Kurt, and the boy he knew now was Thad.
“I-I’m Thad.” He said looking towards the ground, “How can I help with your training?”
Blaine could see the appeal, his light brown eyes, and adorable boyish face, but he didn’t see what Kurt saw in him.
“No, I’m fine.” He said curtly, not paying him any attention. Thad backed away, looking towards the trees. Blaine saw Kurt give Thad an apologetic smile, and grabbed Blaine by the elbow and walked him away towards some trees.
“What’s your problem?” Kurt crossed his arms and looked Blaine in the eye.
“I just don’t need help from people who are obviously weaker than me.” Blaine spat, eyes shifting towards Thad.
Kurt balled his fist and started yelling, “He’s one of the only people to pay me any positive attention! And he may not be Hokage level, but he has an interesting jutsu, which I haven’t seen you perform any of. All you’ve done so far is cry and pout, just stay out of my way Blaine.”
Kurt left fuming and Blaine’s heart stuck in his throat. He hadn’t meant to anger him; he just couldn’t stand why Thad was getting more of Kurt’s attention than him. He sunk down to the floor, feeling the cool concrete beneath him and rest, dreaming of a certain blue eyed boy.
“I’m so sorry he was rude to you.” Kurt said for the millionth time.
“I told you it’s okay.”
Thad watched Kurt gaze at the numerous pink butterflies he had summoned. He looked so peaceful, so serene standing in the field while the bugs flitted around him.
“What else can you do?” Kurt asked curiously.
Thad smiled and walked up to him. “I can do this.”
Kurt watched in awe as hundreds of tiny butterflies swarmed out from under Thad’s clothes. They formed a spiral formation that stretched up to the blue sky above them, with Thad as the epicenter. He watched Thad form three slow seals, and clapped his hands together. He could feel all the chakra that released, shortly after.
“Butterfly Prison.”
Kurt watched as all the butterflies froze in place. When the sun hit them at the right angle, Kurt could make out a pink, almost glass like barrier.
“What-what is that?”
Thad laughed at Kurt’s confusion. “If I was in battle, no one could touch me. I guess it’s kind of a cowardly technique, but I think it’s good for protecting people.” He panicked, he didn’t want Kurt to think he was a coward, but he was really proud of this jutsu. He was knocked from his thoughts by the sound of Kurt clapping.
“That’s so cool Thad! You’re amazing!”
Thad’s face heat up and he smiled. He really liked Kurt, even if they only met three hours ago.
“Thanks, that means a lot.”
As the sun set Kurt, Quinn, and the rest of Team Emma were chattering next to a fire. Blaine watched as the flames flickered and disappeared into the night. They’d spent the whole day training, well everyone else did. Blaine just practiced on his own. Still, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling he got whenever he remembered Kurt’s face after Thad showed him that jutsu. Admittedly it was pretty advanced for a Genin, but it was probably taught by the Aburame clan. Blaine decided to stop waiting for the universe to do his work for him and got up and sat down next to Kurt, startling Thad. Even he had to admit, Thad was kind of adorable, but he wanted Kurt’s attention. It took all of Blaine’s courage to do what he did next. He laid his head down in the crook of Kurt’s shoulder.
“I’m tired.” He said lazily glancing up at Kurt.
Kurt felt heat rush to his head as soon as Blaine looked up to him, with those warm brown eyes. The color was only intensified in the night, being illuminated by the bright fire.
“Maybe you should sleep.” Kurt said with a lump in his throat. He glanced at Thad who was looking away, studying the blade of grass he was twisting absently in his fingers.
Blaine smiled at the way Thad turned away when he set his head on Kurt’s shoulder. He decided to push some more, just to make sure Thad doesn’t mess with him.
“You look tired too, Kurt, why don’t you sleep with me?”
Kurt’s face turned instantly red, and the sounds of Thad coughing broke the silence.
“Thad, are you alright?” Kurt placed a hand on the small of Thad’s back and rubbed it lightly.
“Yeah, I just got something stuck in my throat.”
Kurt new it was stupid, but his face turned even more red at the phrasing of Thad’s words. Thad realized what he said and shot up fast.
“I-I have find Emma Sensei, I have to ask her something. See you later Kurt.”
Kurt waved goodbye and sighed. He instantly missed Thad, and turned to the boy currently nestled in his shoulder.
“Do you just like messing with him? You’re such a jerk.”
Blaine lifted his head from Kurt’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I was just tired and you looked tired so…” Blaine trailed off because he didn’t know what to say. True, he had been trying to make Thad jealous, but he pushed it a little too far.
“Whatever,” Kurt said sharply, “We probably should get some rest for our mission tomorrow, though.”
Blaine smiled and put his head back in the crook of Kurt’s neck.
“Hey guys,” Schue Sensei started, “were goanna sleep out here today, is that alright?”
The group nodded their affirmatives and Kurt smiled at the adorable sight of Thad’s head resting on Quinn’s stomach, and Rachel and Finn snuggled up together. The stars shone brightly and accented their faces. They had their first C-rank mission tomorrow and Kurt was pumped with anticipation.
He gasped when Blaine wrapped his arms around him and snuggled closer. Kurt glanced down and saw that Blaine was asleep.
He moves in his sleep? Kurt thought with a crooked eyebrow.
Kurt finally gave in to the heavy feeling of his eyelids and lay back against the grass. He was out fast, dreaming of a world full of love and light, not hate and darkness.
Blaine woke up late in the night and opened his eyes drowsily. He had his arms lightly wrapped around Kurt, who was facing away from him. He traced the lines of Kurt’s clothed back absently, eyes flicking to his neck. He knew he should stop, he knew he should get up and sleep alone, but he hasn’t had human contact like this in years. He was going to enjoy himself for one night. Blaine sighed and snuggled as close as he could possibly get to Kurt, he wrapped his arms around his waist in a firm hold, like he was a lifeline. He felt warm around Kurt, he felt like all the troubles of the world and his past just melt away. And for the first time in nine years he fell asleep, having dreams of Kurt, instead of nightmares of his brother.


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