Boy, You're My Lucky Star
Gravity Hurts, You Made it So Sweet... Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Boy, You're My Lucky Star: Gravity Hurts, You Made it So Sweet...

E - Words: 4,310 - Last Updated: Mar 11, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Jun 12, 2012 - Updated: Mar 11, 2013
313 0 0 0 0

Kurt blinked.
More silence.
Kurt blinked again.
No sooner than it had come the silence was replaced by loud laughter. Sebastian’s cackling was infectious. So infectious that it had made Kurt laugh too. It was a manic laughter; the kind that you make when you’re trying to forget something, or couldn’t believe what you’d just witnessed. It wasn’t natural; Kurt wanted to stop laughing, honestly, but what… What was the boy’s name? Blaine. Blaine’s statement was just so ludicrous. And Kurt hadn’t laughed like this in a long time so… He let it all out. The sound was staggered; Kurt leaned forward clutching his ribs in an attempt to gulp down some air.
“I-I’m sorry,” Kurt said between breaths, still laughing.
“I’m not!” Sebastian cut in, “What he said was so damn hilarious!”
Blaine looked at the two boys laughing at him and furrowed his eyebrows. He didn’t know why the two animals were laughing at him. They did just ask him where he was from, did they not? A few minutes later the laughing still hadn’t died down. The boy with green eyes was tearing up, and Blaine felt himself start getting frustrated.
“I do not see what is so funny.” Blaine was annoyed. He didn’t know why they were laughing at him. He didn’t see anything funny with the situation at all.
The motherly looking woman shot the boys a look and their laughter gradually died down. She pat Blaine on the blanket clad knee and spoke softly, “We’re sorry, they didn’t mean to laugh at you. What you said was just kind-of unexpected, that’s all.”
Kurt seemed to realize that laughing at the poor boys expense was a little rough…Okay maybe more than a little, he just wasn’t expecting that kind of answer. At least we hadn’t called him crazy or anything.
“Mrs. Hudson-Hummel he’s got to be crazy if he honestly thinks he’s an alien.”
Whoops, spoke too soon.
“Sebastian! You’ve known me for seven years and you still call me that?”
“Sorry Mrs. Hu- I, uh, I mean Carole.” Sebastian looked down at the hardwood and Kurt thought it was a little adorable.
Carole nodded, “And as for Blaine, maybe he had a really intense dream. We don’t know what he’s been through mentally… Maybe he has a concussion.” She added as an afterthought.
Blaine hated them talking about him as if he wasn’t here. “I do not have a concussion! And I am not crazy! I promise. I am Prince Blaine Anderson from planet Arella from the second quadrant of the Galaxy!”
The woman known as Carole raised an eyebrow, and I could see the green eyed boy start to laugh again. I don’t remember his name; I didn’t like how he was still laughing at me. Does he have no respect?
The prettier, blue eyed boy let out a breath and walked towards the bed and sat on the edge of it. He looked into my eyes and I felt a jolt shoot through my body. I didn’t know what it was but I kind of liked the feeling. It made me feel alive.
“Blaine, umm, please forgive us if were wrong but… It’s hard to believe that you’re an alien. Much less that you’re from a planet that our satellites never picked up.”
“Oh and don’t forget the fact that aliens aren’t real.” Sebastian cut in. “A myth. A lie.”
Kurt noticed Blaine’s eyes darken. “I am not a lie.”
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the bedridden boy as well. This wasn’t good. If they want to make any progress they can’t be going for each other’s throats when it hasn’t even been an hour.
“Guys! It’s alright. We’ll figure this out.” He turned back to Blaine. “So Blaine, if you are an alien why didn’t you just stay on your planet?” He sounded skeptical.
Blaine fidgeted around; he didn’t want to talk about it. One moment he was having dinner with his brother, father, and other friends and family, and the next he was being shot through space on a one way course to Earth.
He fidgeted with his fingers and looked around. Suddenly the butter colored walls were very interesting. His sheets were soft too. I wonder what kind of material they were… Silk? Satin?
The taller boy snapped his fingers in front of Blaine’s face, “Earth to Blaine? Kurt I think he really is crazy.”
Ah, so the boy’s name was Kurt. Hmm. Quirky. I like it.
“Well?” Kurt pressed on. “How did you end up here?”
Blaine cleared a lump in his throat and tried to speak as clearly as he could, “His name was Aries Somerset. He was once my father’s, Michael Anderson’s, top general. Apparently, he had a plan in motion to overthrow my family.” Blaine took a shaky breath, “Luckily my father found out before he made any moves and sent me safely to Earth. But my family is still fighting for their lives there so I have to go back! I need to help them!”
Kurt was silent during Blaine’s story. It was captivating and heroic how Blaine wanted so desperately to help his family with the war. But Kurt didn’t know if Blaine’s story had any merit… He’s been told aliens weren’t real from such a young age. How could one just pop up out of nowhere?
Sebastian was skeptical. Did this punk actually think we believed his sob story? He was probably doing it for laughs, or he was part of some new twisted MTV show. He looked over to the “alien” again. Still… He had witnessed the rocket fall from the sky himself. And it didn’t seem like CGI could just magically conjure a fa�ade of that grandeur up for ratings. He looked so sincere… Sebastian honestly didn’t know what to believe.
Blaine didn’t know how he could make them realize he was telling the truth. He racked his brain for something he could show them as proof. Ah! All aliens did have that little ability didn’t they! He pulled the covers off and swing his feet off the bed. After stumbling a little he clutched onto the edge of the nightstand.
“Are you sure you should be standing?” Kurt looked worried and that was a look Blaine didn’t like to see on him.
“I am fine.” He actually found himself smiling despite the circumstances. He was finally going to show them some proof!
He walked over to the foot of the bed and turned around. He found three confused faces staring back at him.
“What are you doing honey?” Carole asked sweetly, “Aren’t you tired?”
Blaine nodded, “Very, but I have something that can prove to you I am not one of your average humans.”
Carole opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but thought better of it and nodded anyway. Blaine made sure they were all watching as he crouched down and slid his fingers under the wood of the bed. He almost laughed. It was as light as a feather. He easily lifted the giant king bed off the ground. He could have done it with one hand but he didn’t want to scare them. Well, scare them more than they were anyway.
Carole, Kurt, and Sebastian all gaped at the boy who just lifted a rosewood bed, which probably weighed more than three-hundred pounds, off the floor. Kurt could see a few of the toys he lost oh so many years ago litter the dust covered floor below the bed. Blaine set the bed down softly as if it never moved. Kurt was still silent. Kurt didn’t know what to say.
“What the fuck?” Sebastian burst out.
Kurt slapped him on the arm, “Language Seb!” He looked over to Carole but it seems she hadn’t batted an eyelash. He couldn’t blame her of course. Even if it was crude, Sebastian had summed up the situation pretty good.
“Do you believe me now?” Blaine asked tiredly. Judging by their faces It seemed to have surprised them enough. His plan had worked.
“B-but-“ Kurt stammered, “A-aliens aren’t real.”
Blaine sighed and walked up to Kurt. Only now did he realize how short he was compared to the Earth boy. His nose only peeked a little over his pale, smooth, collarbone. From this distance he could see the rise and fall of the boy’s chest. Blaine blinked.
Kurt snapped out of his daze and was shocked to see Blaine so close to him. He was slightly tanned. Did they have another sun near Arella? I guess it was possible. His dark hair was so adorably curly, and his eyes were the most amazing shade of goldenrod. Were all aliens this handsome? If so Kurt needed to get Blaine’s rocket fixed stat.
Kurt was shocked out of his daydream when Blaine put both of his hands on his shoulders. It was…interesting. Kurt thought his hands would be clammy, or slimy. But they were soft. He could feel they were calloused through his shirt. It was most likely from gripping the controls during his descent to Earth.
“Kurt, look into my eyes.”
Kurt obeyed. He glanced into the little alien’s warm, inviting eyes. They sparked with something Kurt couldn’t place. But he could think about that later.
“Kurt, I know it sounds strange and completely ridiculous… But I really am telling the truth. Can you please believe me?”
Kurt took a shaky breath, mostly from the closeness between them. But all of this newfound knowledge was starting to wear down on Kurt. He nodded after a while.
“Okay. I believe you.”
“What!?” Sebastian pulled Kurt away from Blaine, much to the alien’s dismay. He liked being that close to Kurt. It felt… he couldn’t place it, but it felt right.
“Do you realize how completely crazy this whole situation is!?”
Kurt couldn’t take the screaming, “Sebastian you saw the rocket crash too! Tell me that didn’t happen!”
Sebastian bit his lip and glared at Blaine.
“Exactly, now we need to give him a chance. If he is an alien then he has no other home here.” Kurt’s tone got softer, “He’s alone.”
Carole finally spoke as she was getting out of her chair. “Kurt’s right. We’re the only thing seemingly close to a family he has on Earth. Good think Kurt found you honey, who knows what anyone else would do if they found you.”
Kurt shuddered as he envisioned men in white with needles and probes. People would go to drastic measures for knowledge.
“Blaine you can stay here as long as you need.”
Blaine nodded and went to take Carole’s hand. “Thank you. Sincerely.”
She smiled and shook her head, “It’s no problem. Our home is your home. I’ll register you at Kurt and Sebastian’s school first thing tomorrow morning.”
Blaine was confused, “School? I am not familiar with this “school” you speak about.”
Sebastian leaned his head back. “Oh good God.”
Kurt gave Sebastian a look. “School is like,” Kurt searched his mind for a word that wouldn’t scare the young alien. “You go there to learn with a lot of people your own age.”
Blaine looked thoughtful, “Ah, I see. So it’s like tutoring?”
Kurt nodded, “Yeah, more or less.” He thought of something, “Blaine… How old are you anyway?”
Blaine smiled, “I am seventeen years of age. My birthday was back in June.”
“Wait,” Sebastian started, “They have months in space?”
Blaine rolled his eyes, “Yes. Our ancestors were the ones who gave them to you. Who do you think taught you how to make fire?”
Sebastian looked thoughtful. “Kurt, I’m just gonna crash here. Is that okay?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t let you drive home after tonight’s events anyway.”
“You know the drill boys,” Carole seemed to appear out of nowhere with a laundry basket. I guess she wasn’t fazed by Blaine’s big entry. “Separate rooms, separate beds. We don’t want a repeat of what happened to Finn.”
Kurt gawked, “Guys can’t even get pregnant!”
Sebastian turned away; a small blush was creeping up his face. “And like I would try that with Kurt!”
Since when did Sebastian blush? Other than that time in elementary school Kurt couldn’t think of one. And did he just imply what I think he did?
“Sebastian. Out. Before I ban guys from the house whenever I’m occupying it.”
Sebastian nodded and rushed out, a chuckling Carole behind him.
Kurt rubbed a hand over his head and turned back to Blaine.
“You can sleep in this room. I guess we’ll just call it yours.”
Blaine beamed at the prospect of being included so early.
“I’ll get you up tomorrow for school. You can borrow some of my clothes.”
“Thank you Kurt. I really appreciate all this.”
Kurt gave a small smile, “Yeah. That’s me. Always helping people.”
He walked away shutting the door while muttering something about his life being a Soap Opera. Whatever that was. And left. Probably to go to his own quarters.
The room was suddenly big and foreboding without the occupancy of the two teens and mother. The walls seemed like they were made to keep him in. Like he was some sort of lab rat. His father told him the story’s about why Blaine could never take a journey to Earth as a child. He told them of what happened to people who are different. Like the African-Americans, and the Jewish people. The stories were horrible and kept Blaine up at night for many years. His father couldn’t take that chance with him.
He sighed letting his mind wander back to Arella. He wondered how his family was holding up. Were they crossing arms this very minute? Had they already won? His mind came up with a dark scenario.
Were they already dead?
Blaine shuddered and rid himself of that thought. He couldn’t afford to think that way. He always had to have hope. That was the only thing he could hold on to. His father and brother were strong. They wouldn’t succumb to Ex-General Somerset. They had the will to live.
He blinked away the water in his eyes and crawled back into the soft silky sheets. He could smell Kurt on the pillows. They were so close before that he could smell him. He smelled of lavender and bubble bath. It was nice. He liked the scent. He dug into the pillow and let himself drift off into a much needed sleep.
The sun burned brightly despite it being sundown. The sky burst with color, pink and orange hues streaked across the skyline. The blue Arellan clouds were fluffy like cotton candy. Young Blaine could almost taste them. He stuck his tongue out and squinted at the sky. So close. Almost, he could just taste it. The sound of heavy footsteps caused him to regain himself. He was already nine years old. He didn’t need to be a kid anymore. He looked over to see his father walking towards the veranda. Blaine smiled at the sight of him. His father walked with such confidence, the expensive black suit he wore had an air of great class, and his curly black hair was styled to perfection. His eyes were dark, almost black. Blaine had always been jealous of his dad’s eyes. They made him look powerful, more…distinguished, unlike his own girly eyes. He was always being teased by his brother for them.
“Blaine.” Michael Anderson’s tone was sharp, that was expected of a King, but he could still sense the love that had always been there. “This is my newest General, my second in command. His name is Aries Somerset.”
Blaine blinked. He didn’t know why his daddy always introduced him to his co-workers and colleagues but Blaine liked it. He felt like he was part of something more important than he was aware of.
He didn’t know how right he was.
Blaine glanced up to General Somerset. He was tall. Taller than daddy, he had broad shoulders and was wearing a white general uniform with an angel wing, Arella’s symbol, embroidered on the right arm. The thing that stuck out about the General was his shocking blue hair. The Arellan’s had unique genes. The dominant traits were the ones that were passed on to humans, like blonde, brown, and black hair, along with basic eye colors. But the recessive genes were exclusive to people born of pure Arellan blood. Many people had exotic colored hair. Like blue and green, and sometimes even shades of vivid red.
Somerset’s hair was combed neatly to the side, his yellow eyes burned through Blaine. It was like he was staring into the sun. He couldn’t look away. He was in a trance; it was as if the yellow and gold hues were swimming together moving of their own accord. And it wasn’t for the better. They were terrifying. He didn’t want to look at this man. And he didn’t want his daddy to be in the same room as him either. He was dangerous. Of course it would be rude if he voiced this opinion so he shook the General’s hand. It was cold. Everything about this man put him off. He smiled.
“Why hello Prince Blaine, what an honor it is to meet you. Your father raves about you quite a lot. And I can see why. You are such a handsome young boy. Full of so much promise.”
Blaine gave a tentative smile and hoped it didn’t look too strained.
“Blaine,” his daddy cleared his voice, “This is the General’s son, Blair. He does not have many friends so I thought I could introduce him to you. You have seemed so lonely since your mother passed.”
That was a sore spot for Blaine. Two years ago his mother, as well as the former Queen of Arella, Vanessa Anderson, had passed away due to an unknown illness. Doctors and scientists are still trying to find out what the disease had been, so they can make antibiotics and prevent the sickness from taking anymore loved ones.
“Okay, sure.” Blaine gave the boy a smile, “I am Blaine Anderson. It is nice to meet you.” He held out a hand for the boy to take.
Blair stepped out from behind his father. He had the same striking blue hair, and it was less tamed even for a son of and important figure like Somerset. Unlike the General’s though, his eyes were a bright green. They were luminous. Was it a family trait to have eyes that shined like stars? Once again Blaine was a little jealous.
“Hi Blaine, I hope we get along.” His bright eyes lit up with the smile he gave. Blaine took is hand and noticed how soft the skin was. Blaine looked towards the beaming boy. When he smiled, it overtook his face. He could see his canines. He looked like a cat with green eyes gleaming like that and his feral smile. Blaine almost laughed. He thought it was cute.
“Well now that they boys are taken care of… How about we get down to business, my King?”
Michael Anderson nodded and turned to leave. “You behave Blaine; remember you represent the Anderson family name. Don’t tarnish it.”
Blaine nodded and watched his daddy and newly appointed General walk off into the manor.
Before he could wonder what they were up to Blair spoke up. “Come on Blaine, I heard my daddy sayin’ you have a bunch of toys! Don’t you want to go play?”
Blaine smiled and nodded. Blair reached down and grabbed his hand. Blaine was surprised by the bold contact at first but he decided he liked holding hands with him. Blair’s hand was soft, smooth.
They walked hand and hand into the manor to get to Blaine’s quarters. It was on the other side of the house so it was quite a walk. They passed by the dining hall and waved with their free hands when the workers smiled at them. Whenever Blaine walked this path by himself he felt afraid. The walls were large and the various works of art and statuettes could be intimidating when silhouetted by the shadows. But with Blair here he felt braver, like he had to protect both of them. They eventually stopped at a large oak door.
“Well, here we are. You ready?”
Blair was wide eyed staring at the Blaine’s large entryway. The boy had never seen a house with such splendor. And he thought his daddy’s house was nice. Blaine lived in a palace!
“Yeah. I am ready.”
Blaine turned the knob as he nodded and swung the door open into a room with ebony wainscoting up the side of the walls. The rest of the room had velvet carpet and a giant bed with blue satin sheets. There were various toys littered around the room, a few train tracks here and there. Toy cars spread across in the worse possible place. Blaine’s father once uttered a string of curse words when he stepped on one.
“Wow!” Blair gasped wonderstruck. “You have so many toys!”
Blaine laughed as Blair led him around the room still clutching his hand. He was about to pick up a soccer ball when Blaine’s door slammed against the wall. They both flinched an whipped around to see the intruder.
Of course. He always shows up at the worst time.
“Aw, look at that! Little Blainers already has a boyfriend?”
Blaine snapped his hand away from Blair’s like it was on fire. He could already feel the blush spreading.
“Cooper what do you want? Don’t you have sleeping to do? You are not good for anything else.”
Cooper leaned his head back and laughed at the ceiling. “Awful gutsy of you Blaine… You wouldn’t want to find a locomotive lodged up your butt would you?”
Blaine covered his bottom with his hands. “No! Daddy got you in trouble the last time you did something to me!”
Cooper looked thoughtful. “That is because I got caught. I will be more careful this time.”
Blaine stuck his tongue out. He had a love-hate relationship with his brother, Cooper Anderson. He was the most annoying thing to ever grace Arella. His obnoxious sixties hair swoop and gel. The annoying way he smiled when he knew he was getting under Blaine’s skin. And his stupid dark, chocolate eyes. And even with all of these flaws…
Blaine still loved him. Cooper was the one who hides with him from thunderstorms. The one who cried with him and held his hand through the hard first months of mommy’s death. He was always there. Even if Blaine didn’t want him to be.
Blaine jolted awake out of bed. He could still feel his heart pounding from the intensity of his dream.
He rubbed his neck, wincing when it came back damp with sweat. He had probably been thrashing again. He did that. Ever since he was a kid Blaine had always had vivid dreams. He couldn’t help it.
Blaine almost gasped when he realized he wasn’t home in Arella. Only then did his mind catch up with his surroundings. He was at Kurt’s house. He palmed the sheets. They were still dry so he couldn’t have sweat that much. He would ask Carole if he could take a shower. He swung out of bed and steadied himself on the hardwood. He felt much better after a good night’s sleep.
He sniffed the air. The savory scent of eggs and bacon enveloped his lungs. A shower could wait.
He opened the door and bounded down the stairs. He didn’t really know where to go he just followed the noise. It seemed to work because he came to a kitchen. The sound immediately died down upon his entry. His eyes raked over the scene. The kitchen was cute. The saturated yellow walls made the room seem much more southern than it probably was. Blaine didn’t even know where he had ended up. The curtains were checkered red and white and there was an island with food piled up in the middle. He looked over towards the table. First he spotted Kurt who gave him a smile and beckoned him to come over. Sebastian, Blaine recalled, was scowling with a piece of bacon lodged between his teeth. It made him smile. Carole was scrambling the eggs at the stove and a bald man who Blaine remembered from a picture leaned against the wall at the edge of the kitchen eating a biscuit.
“Blaine!” Kurt said as he pulled out a seat for him. “I saved you some breakfast, Carole’s an excellent cook.”
Blaine beamed, “Thank you Kurt.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes and went back to eating. Blaine wondered why he seemed so unapproachable. Maybe he was having a bad day.
“Good morning Blaine,” Carole said from the stove, “I hope you had a good night’s sleep.”
Blaine’s smile slipped a little as he recalled his dream. He quickly plastered it back on. “Of course. Your bed is very comfortable. Thank you for letting me sleep in it.”
“Oh please,” Kurt waved a hand, “Seb sleeps in it all the time when he’s over. It’s really no big deal.”
“Umm, it is a big deal.” Sebastian interrupted, “I had to sleep in Finn’s room. Do you know what that smells like?”
Kurt grimaced. Blaine wondered who this Finn person was.
“So he’s the alien? Looks normal ta’ me.”
Blaine’s eyes shot to the sound of a gruff voice. It came from the bald man, who now had a ratty gray hat on.
“Um, hello sir. Thank you for letting me stay. I promise to help out any way I-“
“Nonsense, kid.” The man cut him off. “Any friend of Kurt’s is welcome here. Call me Burt.”
Burt and Kurt. Cute.
Blaine was about to say thank you, but before he could a steaming plate of bacon and eggs were placed before him. His mouth was watering. It smelled delicious. He hadn’t smelt food so good since before his mother passed away.
He must’ve been staring because Kurt laughed. Blaine liked Kurt’s laugh.
“Go on eat. I swear it’s not poisonous.”
Blaine nodded and dug in. He surveyed the scene. They were all a family. They conversed with each other while eating and even let Blaine in on the topic. And even though this was the sweetest thing anyone could have done for Blaine he still felt a hole in his chest.
Where are you now, brother?


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