Boy, You're My Lucky Star
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Boy, You're My Lucky Star: Boy, You're My Lucky Star

E - Words: 4,167 - Last Updated: Mar 11, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Jun 12, 2012 - Updated: Mar 11, 2013
380 0 2 0 0

Kurt walked slowly to his table. He was a little scared and was wringing his fingers nervously around his Mickey Mouse lunchbox. It was his first day of first grade after all. He wasn’t a baby anymore, no more of those stupid naps that his teachers forced him to have, or getting scolded for coloring outside the lines. He was a big kid now.
But even big kids get nervous. Right?
Kurt straightened his baby blue bowtie, and adjusted his slate gray waistcoat. He made sure to dress better than he usually did today; he had to make a good impression, although, so far none of the other kids wanted to be his friend. Whenever he tried to talk to someone they always shifted away from him. Kurt wasn’t a quitter. Whenever something was tough, he just tightened his pea coat and forced on. But today was different; he didn’t have the comfort of his mommy or his daddy. He didn’t want to admit it but he was alone. He was afraid.
He shook off the depressing thoughts as he came in contact with a plastic blue chair. Gingerly, he placed his lunch box on the table and sat down. As Kurt munched on a red apple he looked around. All of the other kids had someone. There was a rather tall kid talking with a short brunette. Kurt wiggled his nose as he remembered her, she was always talking. Didn’t she ever run out of air? He felt sad as he noticed that everyone else had already made a friend. He always struggled; no matter what it was Kurt did it was always harder for him than anyone else. Be it making friends, doing homework, or playing at the playground. It was always a challenge and it usually took the fun out of things. Kurt wondered if he should just go eat in the library. It was quiet in there, and they had books. Kurt nodded as he made up his mind, as he was about to close his lunchbox a boy spoke up.
“Are you gonna eat that?”
He looked up to the boy. He had short styled golden brown hair and bright green eyes. Kurt thought he was pretty, but isn’t that weird? To think another boy was pretty? He shrugged the thought off and looked down to what the boy was pointing at.
It was his strawberry Twinkie. Kurt let out a laugh that surprised even him.
“No! Do you know how bad they are for you? My daddy always packs them for me but I never eat them.”
The boy nodded, “My daddy never lets me have them. Would you mind letting me have it? I mean, if you’re not okay with it… I guess…”
Kurt thought it was cute how the boy was stumbling over his words. He reached into his lunchbox and grabbed the Twinkie.
“Really?” The boy’s green eyes were wide.
“Sure, I don’t care.”
The boy gave a bright smile as he took the Twinkie. Kurt watched him eat it and laughed when there was a bit of pink custard left on his face. He pulled out a napkin and dabbed the mess off.
“You had a little bit stuck to your face.”
The boy turned almost as pink as the Twinkie and smiled, “M-my names Sebastian.”
Kurt looked up at Sebastian, “Mines Kurt.”
Kurt wrung his fingers nervously again, “Sebastian, do you mind… are we friends?”
Sebastian gave another bright smile, “Yeah! You gave me your Twinkie, were best friends for life!”
Kurt smiled despite himself, he made his first friend. He couldn’t wait to show the boy to his mommy.
A locker slammed next to Kurt. The impact made him jump and he cursed when he dropped his books. As he kneeled down to pick them up he glared at his soon to be ex-friend.
“Dammit Sebastian, give a guy a warning.” His glare faltered into a smile.
“Sorry, I just thought I could walk you to lunch. Besides, I can’t leave a damsel in distress.”
Kurt rolled his eyes and slammed his books into Sebastian’s chest as he walked on, “Then take my books. If you want to be a prince you got to commit.”
Sebastian laughed but did as he was told.
As they walked down the linoleum halls of McKinley a thought struck Kurt, “Oh! Sebastian do you have any song suggestions for Regionals?”
Sebastian scoffed, “No, but even if I did it wouldn’t matter. Whatever Berry says goes.”
Kurt nodded In agreement. Ever since he joined Glee club with Sebastian last year Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson have always been the stars. It really wasn’t fair considering Rachel can’t hit the high note in Defying Gravity that Kurt can.
“Yeah, but you do get a solo. Or at least a duet with Quinn, I’m really jealous of you. I’ve been waiting for my chance in the spotlight ever since sophomore year.”
Kurt turned to his shoulder to dust the invisible lint of his white Marc Jacobs shirt, therefore missing the frown Sebastian had set on his face.
“If you really want the solo I can give it to you. I’m sure you would sound better with Quinn anyway.”
Kurt blinked and stared at his friend, Kurt could tell he was getting fidgety under his gaze, “What? No! You really have an amazing voice, you deserve that solo. Besides me and Quinn’s voices wouldn’t sound right together.”
Sebastian gave Kurt a tentative smile, “If you’re sure…”
Kurt sighed and placed a hand on his friends shoulder, “it’s fine, really Sebastian. I’m sure you’ll be amazing.”
Sebastian turned a light shade of pink when Kurt’s hand was placed on his shoulder, “Okay.”
The two entered the cafeteria and immediately sought out the table that the Glee club usually sat at near the far end of the room by the windows. It really was a nice place, sure they didn’t get the giant table in the middle that the Cheerios and the football players sat at, but they did get a little bit of sun. And they all had each other. That’s all they really needed.
They were greeted by various members of the New Directions as they sat down.
“Hey Kurt,” Rachel started, “did you finish the French packet Mademoiselle Bouvier assigned?”
Kurt nodded, “Please, I could’ve done that in my sleep.” Once upon a time ago Kurt had wanted to learn French. Little did he know that Sebastian could speak it fluently. So they spent the whole sixth grade summer together learning the language. It really was fun, and it put Kurt and Sebastian ahead of the French III class greatly.
Rachel nodded, “I totally forgot, you two are like geniuses in that class. Really, even I have to work to keep up.”
Kurt laughed as Sebastian stood and leaned over to Kurt’s ear, “I’m gonna get us lunch ok? The usual?”
Kurt nodded with a smile. As Sebastian strolled away Rachel raised an eyebrow.
“So are you and Sebastian dating yet?”
The statement caught him by surprise and consequently, Kurt had to spend the next twenty seconds coughing and pounding his fist into his stomach, causing his graceful persona to falter for a moment.
“Rachel what the hell? No, me and Sebastian are best friends.”
Rachel nodded quickly, “Exactly Kurt! You’ve been best friends ever since first grade! Two gay guys just cannot be friends for that long!”
“Rachel that’s just a stereotype, besides Sebastian doesn’t even like me.” He said flippantly as he regained his composure.
As Rachel started to pout Kurt added, “And shouldn’t you be worrying about your own love life? I hear Finn’s back with Quinn.”
Rachel sneered at the two that sat a few seats down from them talking to Santana and Brittany, “Don’t remind me. I’m still working on it. I know Finn still loves me, I just have to make him see that.”
Before Kurt could reply Sebastian came back with lunch. And Kurt would be damned to say he didn’t notice Sebastian’s muscles flex under his black thermal sleeves. Damn Rachel.
“I got you your salad, but they were all out of water so I got you strawberry milk.” He turned to Kurt looking apprehensive, his green eyes full of…something. “Is that okay?”
Kurt scoffed, “it’s fine. Although I will have to break you of your habit with everything strawberry tasting. It’s starting to worry me.”
Sebastian laughed and started eating his own lunch. As he had a mouthful of burger he turned to Rachel, “Where’s Artie, Mike, and Tina? They usually eat with us.”
Kurt noticed the lack of his other friends too; usually they were already eating by the time Kurt and Sebastian got there.
Rachel rolled her eyes, “Those idiots ditched school to go buy some illegal fireworks. Artie’s decision of course. They said they wanted to, and I quote, “have a blast during tonight’s meteor shower”.”
Sebastian perked up next to him, “Hah, I don’t blame them. I can’t wait. Me and Kurt are gonna go to that clearing in the woods to watch it. You know where they said a few pieces of the moon crashed a few years ago?”
Rachel gave Kurt a smirk, “Yeah, but that’s pretty far out. Are you sure you guys are gonna be ok alone?”
Sebastian blinked, and Kurt didn’t miss the slight blush that rose to his cheeks, “Yeah, why wouldn’t we? We’re gonna buy drinks and junk before we get there.”
Rachel shrugged, “Oh I don’t know. In my opinion I think that place is pretty romantic-“
“Rachel!” Kurt interrupted hysterically, “We’ll be fine. Now eat your food. You’re looking a little skinny.”
Rachel pouted but did as he said; she was always obsessing over her image.
“Oh Kurt I almost forgot to tell you, Mercedes called to say she couldn’t come with us tonight. She said something about her family wanting them to be together for this joyous occasion.”
Kurt tried to mask his disappointment. He really wanted to witness this amazing spectacle with his two best friends. He’d have to at least call Mercedes to talk to her about it afterwards.
Sebastian seemed to sense his disappointment anyway, “It’s alright Kurt, and I’ll still be there. And I’m sure it’ll be amazing!”
Kurt smiled a little, “You’re right Seb, thanks. This kind of thing only happens once every hundred years.”

The road was bumpy and Sebastian couldn’t see a thing. His cherry red mustang didn’t fare to well on rocky roads but whatever.
Kurt’s more important to him than this stupid car.
“Are you comfortable? The roads kind of unsteady.”
He couldn’t take his eyes off what he could see of the road so he didn’t notice Kurt roll his eyes.
“Yes Sebastian, I’m not a baby. I can take care of myself.”
There was no underlying bitter tone in his words so he didn’t worry too much about upsetting him. This is the night things were supposed to change. The night he was finally going to admit to Kurt that he’s been in love with him for 7 years. At first he didn’t care to admit it, he thought it was just a phase. And he didn’t want to risk losing their friendship over such a silly crush. But over time he started to notice different things about Kurt. Like the way his hair curls over perfectly at the top, and his fair skin, or his eyes.
God, his eyes.
They’re amazing. At one moment they’re this haunting blue that pool you in, much like the ocean itself, then it’s this tame green that makes you feel like you’re floating. That everything in the world is alright. And then finally they turn to a slate gray, one that rivals any storm, one that could rival the sharp wisps of air in any tornado.
He was amazing.
And it was literally paining him not to admit his feelings. It was getting harder and harder to ignore the pang in his chest whenever he thinks about him, or the way his heartbeat thuds whenever he’s near. It was amazing how much of an impact this one boy had on Sebastian’s life.
“Sebastian? Seb, you haven’t spoken in like eleven minutes.”
Kurt’s light voice brought him out of his thoughts, “Sorry, just thinking about the meteor shower. I’m so excited.”
And he was, he couldn’t think of a more romantic way to admit his feelings. Under the stars, alone, while witnessing one of nature’s greatest miracles.
Sebastian pulled the mustang into the clearing. The green grass shone in the moonlight and the sky was a beautiful expanse of black. The stars shone brightly, as if they knew what was happening tonight and were challenging the meteors to outshine them.
He cut the engine and shoved his keys into his pockets. He ran around to the passenger side and opened the door for Kurt.
“Wow,” Kurt laughed, “You really took the prince thing to heart didn’t you?”
Sebastian gave a silent smile as he closed the door. “Here you take the blankets and set up a spot, I’ll get the picnic basket.”
Kurt nodded and went out into the field. Sebastian went to unlock his trunk and pull out the wicker baskets and a two liter of strawberry-banana soda.
Okay so he was a little addicted to strawberries. So? They’re delicious. And it may or may not have to do with the fact that the Twinkie Kurt shared with him was strawberry. Not at all.
He walked into the field and saw Kurt leaned up against a small white rock with the blanket underneath him. When he saw Sebastian approach he got up in an instant and took his arm.
“Kurt? What are you doing?”
“Shhh… look.”
He took his arm and placed Sebastian’s hand on the rock. It was smooth, warm. Almost like it was alive, breathing.
“It’s moonstone. You’re touching a piece of the moon that fell from the sky.”
Sebastian was speechless. It really was mind twisting once you wrapped your head around it.
“Wow, that is amazing.”
They sat down and ate their dinner slowly, Kurt cracked a few jokes about his choice of soda but Sebastian had a great time nevertheless. As he was cleaning up he saw a bright piece of light cut the sky. His eyes widened and he immediately dragged Kurt to his feet.
“Kurt! Kurt! It’s starting look!”
He did as he was told and stared in awe at the breathtaking spectacle. The sky was black no more. The millions of tiny and large meteors lit up the sky in hues of orange and white. The meteors glowed, illuminated everything on the earth Kurt and Sebastian were standing on. It was like it was raining but much more pleasant. Nobody was getting wet, and the rain wasn’t falling down, the meteors were skating across. It was beautiful. Kurt couldn’t think of a word expressive enough to capture what he was witnessing.
It could’ve gone on for hours. Sebastian had no idea how long they were staring for. For a while he completely forgot about his plan. The sky looked alive; it was no longer an obstacle in the way of greatness. When people say “reach for the sky” Sebastian always wondered why. He wondered what was so great about the sky to have to reach for it. Now he knew. It was hypnotic. The sky was this giant expanse of possibilities and beauty, and Sebastian was fortunate enough to witness this first hand. Only when he turned to Kurt did his initial resolve return. He looked so angelic staring up at the sky with the stars and light framing his face. He looked like fire. He looked so majestic and… and…
He had no more words. He looked down and saw Kurt’s hand dangling at his side. Free. And Sebastian was going to hold it. Sure they’ve held hands before, but only was support. Like when Kurt’s mother finally died. It was like a stab in the heart for Sebastian, and an even bigger stab for Kurt. Elizabeth was like a mother to him too, definitely more than his own. And when she died it just made him want to love Kurt even more. For them both.
As Sebastian reached his hand out for his loves’, Kurt let out a large gasp.
“What? What is it?”
The smile Kurt gave him made Sebastian’s heart melt, “That one. It looks so close. It’s beautiful.”
Sebastian turned to the sky and looked up. Sure enough standing out from the rest of the meteors was a brighter one. It was engulfed in flames, and far more striking than the rest. And it seemed to get brighter by the second. And then Kurt spoke.
“Sebastian…Is the meteor getting… err… closer?”
Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows and gazed back into the sky. At first he thought the thought was absurd, but then he started to panic. “Oh my God. Kurt move.”
Kurt turned to him, “Why?”
Sebastian didn’t have time to talk, grabbed Kurt into his arms and raced back to his car. As soon as they were safe he put Kurt down.
“Sebastian? What the hell?”
“Kurt. That’s not a meteor.”
“Than what is it?” Kurt looked skeptical. He was starting to get annoyed.
Sebastian swallowed a lump in his throat, “It’s a rocket.”
Kurt turned his head slowly. Surely, but slowly to his best friend.
“Are you fucking crazy?”
Sebastian blinked rapidly and turned his head back to the sky, “No! Kurt look!”
Kurt rolled his eyes and turned back to the blazing sky.
Whoa, why was it blazing?
Maybe because there is a rocket hurtling towards them at one thousand, seven hundred miles an hour.
And it was on fire.
“Sebastian! Oh my God what do we do!?”
Kurt was panicking; he’s never had this type of thing happen to him before. It was shaking Kurt to his core, he was on edge.
“Just… Uh,” Sebastian looked around the field for a moment when his eyes rested on something, “Kurt! The moonstone! It’s said to be far more dense than steel!”
Kurt nodded and the two scrambled up from their places from behind Sebastian’s car.
“Kurt run!”
“What else would I do!?”
Kurt’s sarcasm was just a wall he put up in complicated situations. He didn’t have anything else to cling to; if he started to analyze the situation he would probably go crazy. They made it to behind the giant block of pale white stone.
“I guess they weren’t lying when they said this was a crash-zone.” Sebastian started shakily.
Kurt was too distracted to reply. He watched in silent awe as the rocket descended from the sky. The friction of the fall caused the shuttle to ignite in flames. It looked beautiful, really. If you weren’t watching from up close one would view it as a falling star. Kurt watched as the rocket got closer and closer to the ground. He realized he wasn’t prepared for the impact, the explosion the landing would cause.
All he heard was Sebastian’s shriek and then he was tackled to the ground with a warm body atop of him. He clamped his eyes shut and waited for the crash landing.
It was hot inside the cockpit. All of the rockets defensive technology had either melted or shorted out when he entered the ozone layer. The lights had been shot, and even the emergency sirens had died out. It was silent. And hot. All he could see was red. And then the collision with earth happened. And then he saw black.
Kurt had to shield himself from the debris and broken shards of the rocket that shattered off during the clash. Sebastian was cut. Kurt was cut. And he could taste the blood on the inside of his cheek. He’d have to get Carole to help with their wounds. The impact was not as beautiful as the descent. It was like watching someone commit suicide. The rocket’s afterburner destroyed the moonstone of course, but if they hadn’t placed themselves behind it they would’ve been burned off with the inferno. The whole forest looked like something out of a horror movie. The whole area was shot in a second. There were no more luscious trees, or beautiful flowers and cute woodland critters. The blaze destroyed everything, not to mention Sebastian’s mustang. The trees looked dead, the earth was black, and Kurt hoped all the animals could sense danger or they would’ve been dangerously over cooked. And since Kurt was a vegetarian that was not an appetizing thought. The sound of a metal door hitting the ground shook Kurt out of his reverie. He looked towards the space craft and saw the twisted steel door lying on the earth. The inside looked dark. And the realization hit Kurt like a ton of bricks.
Someone had to be driving the ship.
Kurt was seeing stars. No pun intended, he had to grip Sebastian’s sleeve to keep from falling.
“Kurt? Kurt what’s wrong?”
Sebastian kneeled down in front of him and his worried green eyes almost caused Kurt to break down and cry.
“There’s-“ he struggled to get the words out, “there’s someone inside.”
Sebastian’s eyes widened and he bit his lip. “Do you think they’re even-“
“Don’t finish that.” Kurt quickly cut off, “let’s just take a look.”
Sebastian nodded and let Kurt keep his grip on his arm as they walked towards the destroyed rocket. The sound of crunching of glass and metal beneath their feet was sickening, and Kurt hoped he’d never have to hear it again. The crater the ship made was immense, at least the size of a football field.
“Here, Kurt, grab my hand.”
Kurt did as he was told silently and clutched unto Sebastian’s hand as they slid their way down into the crater. Kurt was dangerously close to fainting but he steeled onwards. He survived everything life has thrown at him this far, he can make it through this. They finally approached what looked like the cockpit and they peered inside. Darkness.
“Do you have a flashlight?” Kurt asked.
“Y-yeah,” He heard Sebastian fish into his pocket. After a few seconds a cold object was placed in his hand.
“Thanks.” He flicked the flashlight on and shined it inside.
What he saw made him gasp, or more likely, what he didn’t see. There was definitely a person inside. And he didn’t look too much older than Kurt or Sebastian. But the person was unscathed, there wasn’t as much as a scratch on the beautiful tanned skin. His eyes were closed but Kurt couldn’t believe he was dead. His clothes were burned and damaged but as far as Kurt could tell the boy wasn’t.
“We need to take him to Carole.” Kurt found himself saying before he could do anything else.
“My cars damaged so we’ll have to walk. But… I’ll carry him.”
Kurt nodded as Sebastian picked up the boy who quite literally, fell out of the sky. They made their walk towards home in silence. Not speaking a word about the events of tonight.
He could still only see darkness but he started to recognize voices. One was light and the other was slightly irritated. He didn’t know why the voice was irritated but he wanted to help. He couldn’t believe his engine’s got shot. His brother warned him about the enemies who were tailing him but he didn’t listen. Why did he leave anyway? He should’ve stayed to help his family fight; they could be dead by now. It was with that thought he forced himself out of his dreamlike state. At first his eyes were flooded with white, but then he started to focus. He was in a medium sized room. The walls were a warm cream, and his sheets and duvet cover were a nice shade of gold. There were pictures littered all around the various desks and shelves of a slightly balding man and a beautiful woman. He wondered where he was shortly before a shriek brought him back to reality.
“He’s alive! Kurt, Sebastian he’s alive!”
Who’s alive? Oh. Him.
“He is!?”
A tall boy came running into the room and whatever he was going to say vanished from his mind. He’d never seen a creature so beautiful, his soft white skin, and the impeccably styled brown hair. He was in awe. But then the boy looked at him and his heart started beating faster.
Holy hell his eyes. They were… translucent. They held more depth than the entire vacuum of space; the color, the hues, and the blue. He was simply in awe. He didn’t know what to do. As if one wrong movement would scare the boy away.
“Are you okay? We saw you crash and wondered if you had family that we could contact?”
He watched the boys eyes fill with worry and confusion, “but I didn’t know they let people so young into NASA.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. NASA? What’s that? Is it a food? Oh God, he was hungry.
“NASA?” He finally choked out, “what is it?”
Another boy’s eye widened. They weren’t as pretty as the blue one’s but they sure were a striking green.
“The space program? You don’t know what NASA is?”
He shook his head and studied all the faces and then a short motherly looking woman spoke.
“Honey, can we have your name and where you’re from? I’m sure your family is worried sick about you.”
He could do that. That’s a simple question. And if they have a space program maybe they could take him home.
“My name’s Blaine Anderson,” he spoke with the confidence his father drilled into him, “And I’m from Arella. My home planet.”


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Great chapter! Maybe you could try to "split" the text? It will make it easier to read. :) Please update soon :P

Love jealous Sebastian. Plzz keep writing