May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
May 15, 2014, 4:47 p.m.
Here is next chapter.
Thanks for your advice Steph I listened to you, I hope you won't find any errors here.
I hopey you'd like this chapter.
Thanks to beingalive for helping:)
'Wh ... w... but...'
He couldn’t believe what he had heard. It could not be happening. Kurt is just shocked. Sebastian will come in and Kurt will remember him. He'll tell him that he loves him and Sebastian would take him home.
'Sebastian, calm down.' The doctor took Sebastian's shoulders and made him look in his eyes. 'You have to pull yourself together. You have to be strong for him and listen to me OK?'Sebastian nodded. 'Kurt thinks it is 15th May...'
'That's good his accident was in May so...'
Sebastian's face was even more pale now, his eyes widened.
'What? But... how is that even possible?' He doesn't know what's happening anymore. He's just gotten his husband back and now he’s losing him again.
‘He hit his head very hard, it sometimes happens. We have to do some tests to check if something beyond his memory has been damaged, but first we have to talk to him.'
Sebastian looked at the doctor with tears in his eyes.
'How am I going to talk to him if he hasn't realized who the hell I AM?'
'Relax Sebastian...'
'How am I going to relax if my husband hasn't met me yet in his head?'
'Sebastian, we have to tell him that it is 2024 now and that he lost his memory. But you shouldn't tell him too much. I mean if he takes too much information now he could be in shock and his mind would close. He might not get his memory back. It's your decision but I want you to be careful. Do you understand?'
Sebastian nodded. He stood up and they walked to Kurt's room.
Kurt was lying on his bed, still looking tired and confused. The doctor stood next to Kurt’s beside and Sebastian was behind him, a little further from the bed to avoid scaring Kurt.
‘Kurt, I know it’s going to be hard for you but we have some information that could be startling for you.’
Kurt is looking at him with fear, but waits for the doctor to tell him the news.
‘Kurt, you had a car accident, a car hit the cab you were in and you hit your head pretty hard. You’ve been in a coma for 3 months…’
Kurt’s eyebrows rise.
‘Kurt, you lost some of your memories. It’s not May 2014, it is August 2024.’
Kurt’s eyes widened, he opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out. He looked like a fish, opening and closing his mouth.
‘Look, it is 20th August.’ The doctor handed Kurt his phone to look at the date. Kurt took it but still didn’t understand what was happening.
‘Kurt, you aren’t 19, you are 29 now.’
Kurt looked up at him.
‘You are kidding me right? It isn’t true, you brought some stranger here to play my husband and then everyone will jump out and started laughing because it is all just a stupid game right?’
Kurt couldn’t believe what he heard. The doctor looked at him with sympathy and pity. The other man was crying. He looked very sad now. It makes Kurt want to hug him, to take the sorrowful look off his face. But this won’t happen. This guy is insane, he kissed him and Kurt has no idea who the hell he is.
‘Kurt…’ The doctor took Kurt out of his reverie. ‘… It is not a joke. You have amnesia.’
Kurt looks at him for a while then put his palms to his face. But what is it? He felt some stubble on his jaw. Then he put his hands to his hair. It is longer than last time and not styled.
‘Give me a mirror,’ he said. He had to make sure. Is it true? Is he really 29 years old?
The doctor looked at him in confusion.
‘I need to see if it’s true. If I’m really 29.’
The doctor nodded and went to the bathroom to bring him a mirror. The other guy is looking at him with his eyes red and puffy from crying. Kurt feels uncomfortable under his gaze so he turned his head and looked through the window, waiting for the doctor to come back.
When the doctor walked out of the bathroom, he handed Kurt a mirror. Kurt took it more to cover himself from this guy than look at it, but when he looked at his reflection…
Kurt looks different. Not old, older but handsome even more than before. His hair is long and messy but there wasn’t any grey. His skin was soft but paler than normal. The stubble makes him look more appealing. He looks skinnier; it’s probably because he was in a coma for 3 months. But what’s most important, he definitely isn’t 19 anymore.
He put the mirror down and looked at the doctor and doesn’t say anything.
‘I’ll leave you alone.’ said the doctor and walked out of the room.
They stay silent for a while and then Kurt whispers.
‘Who are you?’ He finally looked Sebastian straight in the eyes. They were full of tears. Sebastian stepped closer and sits on a chair next to Kurt’s bed.
‘I’m Sebastian Smythe-Hummel, and I’m… I’m your husband.’ His voice is shaky and he is afraid. He doesn’t want to scare Kurt. Kurt is looking at him but doesn’t say anything.
‘We met in your sophomore year at NYADA.’ Sebastian wanted to take his hand but Kurt pulled back.
‘We met through my brother Tom, you had classes together. Do you remember him? Here’s his photo.’ He handed Kurt his phone. ‘Do you recognize him?’
Kurt nodded. Sebastian smiled.
‘We have been married for four years now…’
Kurt looked at his hand and saw the gold band on his finger.
‘Where is my dad?’ Kurt suddenly asked.
‘Oh… er… He is in Ohio. I should probably call him and tell him that you’re awake.’
‘Can you do it now?’
‘Are… sure, do you want me to leave or…’
‘Yes.’ Kurt said too fast and Sebastian’s smile faded. He nodded and went out of the room, leaving Kurt alone.
Sebastian had tears in his eyes again. He sat on the chair next to the door to Kurt’s room, pulled his phone out and called Burt.
Burt answered immediately.
‘Hey buddy. Is something wrong?’
Sebastian sobbed.
‘Did something happen to Kurt?’
‘He… he is awake.’
‘What?! Oh my God that’s great!’
‘Yeah, yeah it is.’
‘But you don’t sound happy, is something wrong?’
‘He… he doesn’t recognize me.’
‘Wh… what do you mean?’
‘He has amnesia, he thinks he is 19 and he doesn’t know who I am.’ Sebastian is blubbering now.
‘Sebastian calm down. He just woke up. He loves you. I am sure he is just in shock now.’
‘He asked me to leave his room. He doesn’t even want to look at me and before he yelled at me to leave him alone because he doesn’t know who I am. He doesn’t believe me.’
‘Sebastian calm down. I’ll be there as fast as I can OK?’
Sebastian nodded.
‘See you kid.’ and they hung up.
Sebastian was sitting on his chair and crying for a while. When he calmed down he walked to Kurt’s room again. Kurt didn’t even look at him. Sebastian sighed and said:
‘I talked to your dad. He said he’ll come to New York as fast as he can.’
Kurt nodded then turned his head to the side and pretended to go to sleep. Sebastian was staying there; Kurt apparently didn’t want to see him right now. He walked out of the room.
Sebastian had to talk to the doctor. He found Dr. Corcoran.
‘Oh… Sebastian, what can I do for you?’
‘How long will it take?’ Sebastian asked.
‘How long will what take?’ The doctor asked confused.
‘His amnesia. When will he get his memories back? When will he recognize me?’
‘Sebastian… It isn’t flu, this is a damage to the brain…’
‘How long?!’ Sebastian was so frustrated that he screamed.
‘Listen, amnesia is a very individual thing. There isn’t a medicine for it. He can recognize you in a few hours it can be just shock…’ Sebastian breathed out.
‘… but it can take a few weeks even months. He could never get his memories back.’
Sebastian froze. No, it is not happening. He can’t lose Kurt, not now, not when he just got him back.
‘Sebastian you should go home, get some rest, you should take care of yourself.’
Sebastian stood up and walked out. He couldn’t take this hospital anymore. It was all just a bed dream. He has to wake up.
When he arrived at their apartment he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to go to sleep but it was impossible with all his thoughts of Kurt. He turned the TV on but there was nothing to watch so went to the shelf with their DVD collection. That’s when he saw this CD. He pulled it out and turned it on. He was watching their wedding. He was smiling, laughing and crying. Then he fell asleep.
The ringing phone woke him up. He picked it up and said ‘Yeah?’ with his sleepy voice.
‘Hey buddy, sorry that I woke you up. I just called to tell you that me and Carole will be there in an hour is that OK?’
‘Yeah sure.’
‘Ok see you then.’ and he hung up.
Sebastian wasn’t sleepy anymore. The present hit him. Kurt is in hospital and he has amnesia. Sebastian doesn’t want to get up. He wants everything to be like before this fucking accident. But Burt and Carole will be there soon. He makes the bed (he sleeps in a guest’s room now) and went to take a shower. Then he makes himself coffee and waits for his parents-in-law to arrive. When they finally did Carole hugs him tight and then Burt did as well and then he cried it out. He told them how Kurt is afraid of him and he won’t talk to him. He said that Kurt could never get his memory back. Burt and Carole informed him that he would just need some time. After an hour Burt said that they will go visit Kurt and he should rest.
When Burt and Carole came to the hospital Kurt was already awake.
‘Dad! Carole!’ he called.
‘Hey kiddo, how are you?’ Burt asked.
‘Erm… I don’t know. I feel like I’m 19 but with an older body.’ He smiled but it was rather sad.
‘Kurt, sweetie it’s got to be hard for you.’ Carole said.
‘Well… I just woke up and I suddenly have aged ten years more so…’
‘And you have a husband,’ Burt reminded him.
Kurt gave him his best bitch look, but it softened immediately.
‘I don’t know who this guy is, I’ve just seen him yesterday and now he is my husband. What the hell is going on here?’ He asked himself more than Burt.
‘Ok, can you guys tell me what happened in these 10 years?’ Kurt asked. Burt and Carole smiled and started their story.
‘Ok, so I graduated from NYADA, got married, you dad are healthy, still lead the shop, and you Carole are still a nurse and you both live in Lima?’
‘Yes,’ they both agreed.
‘Rachel is engaged to Finn. He is a teacher and she is on Broadway?’
They nodded.
‘Great, but tell me more about me, what am I doing? Do I still live in Bushwick? Am I on Broadway as well?’
‘Kurt, we shouldn’t tell you so much so fast, it can make your mind close and you may not get your memories back,’ Carole said.
Kurt look at them dissatisfied but he nodded. And then Rachel and Finn came in.
‘Hey little bro how are you?’ Finn asked.
‘Good. A little out of the picture but…’
‘But you remember us right?’ Rachel asked, afraid that he could forget her.
‘I could never forget you Rachel,’ he smiled. Rachel came and hugged him.
‘The last time I remember I was in my freshman year at NYADA, so I remember all of high school and glee club, don’t be afraid.’
‘I was so afraid that you wouldn’t recognize me.’ She cuddled him tighter.
‘I heard that now almost all of New York recognizes you.’ She looked at him in confusion.‘I mean your Broadway career,’ he explained.
‘Oh… well I am not as well-known as you,’ she smiled.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked, not knowing what she was talking about.
‘Oh… erm… you haven’t told him yet?’ She turned to Burt and Carole. ‘Well then maybe I shouldn’t but your career is very impressive.’ She smiled to Kurt.
‘So what am I doing for a living?’ He looked around the room, searching for an answer.
‘Kurt it’s already too much information for today but you should be proud of yourself,’ Burt said.
‘Definitely bro,’ Finn agreed with his stepfather.
After a few seconds of silence Kurt spoke up:
‘You know guys now when I look at you, you indeed look older.’ And everybody started to laugh. That’s when Sebastian came in.
‘Hi,’ he said shyly.
‘Hi Seb, come in, join us,’ said Finn. Sebastian came closer to Kurt’s bed and everybody greeted him, everybody besides Kurt who was avoiding his gaze.
‘Hi Kurt.’ Sebastian so wanted his beautiful blue eyes to look at him but he didn’t.
‘Hi,’ Kurt said looking through a window.
‘Erm… we will leave you guys alone,’ Burt said and the four of them walked out of the room.
Sebastian sat on a chair, his back to the window and face towards Kurt. He wanted to make his husband look at him.
'How are you today?' He asked.
'Better.' Kurt didn't want to talk to him. He was just laughing with his family and now this guy came and ruined it with his presence.
‘I am happy to hear that,’ Sebastian smiled. ’Would you look at me?’ he asked.
Kurt turned his head to look at him and met his grey eyes. Sebastian smiled and pulled his chair closer to Kurt’s bed. But Kurt didn’t smile back.
‘Look… Sebastian right?’ Kurt started and Sebastian nodded. ‘I am lost. I don’t know what’s happening. I lost 10 years of my life…’
‘It’s ok Kurt we’re going to get through this. It is going to be fine, we will help you…’ Sebastian assured him.
‘No listen to me… When my family started talking about these years, about their lives, about what they were doing, I thought it was great. When they told me that I graduated from NYADA and have an amazing career, I think it’s unbelievable, these years were fantastic…’
Sebastian smile widens, he wanted to take Kurt’s hand but he pulled away.
‘But when they started talking that I have a husband… I can’t help but think how is it possible? How do they know that I love you if I do not know anything about you?... and I’m sorry but I do not know you.’
Sebastian’s smile faded. He thought that Kurt wanted to talk to him, that he might want to remember him, that he liked him and wanted to be a family again. He might even want to go home with him, but Kurt doesn’t feel this way. He doesn’t even want to hear about Sebastian.
‘I’d be thankful if you would leave and call my family back.’
Sebastian is looking at him with nothing but hurt in his eyes. He nodded and left the room, stopping the tears already forming in his eyes. When he went out through the door Burt saw the look on his face and asked: ‘What happened?’
Sebastian shook his head. Burt stood up and hugged him.
‘It’s ok buddy, tell me what’s wrong,’ Burt comforted him.
‘He said that he didn’t know me and that he wants his family back, not me.’ Sebastian cried out.
Burt didn’t know what to say. Sebastian was like a son to him. He wanted to assure him that everything will be fine but they don’t know if Kurt will ever get his memory back. Rachel came to them and put her hand on Sebastian’s back.
‘Sebastian, you should go home. We will talk to Kurt. He will remember you, you will see,’ she smiled at him.
‘Rachel is right,’ Carole said. ‘He woke up yesterday. He needs his time. Go get some rest Sebastian. We will take care of Kurt.’
‘They are right Seb, you should go home take care of yourself, give him some time,’ Finn said. Sebastian nodded.
‘Yeah, you’re probably right.’
Then they came to Kurt’s room and Sebastian went out of the hospital, but he didn’t go to his apartment. He went to the bar. He needed a drink.
Please reviev.