Dec. 19, 2012, 9:38 a.m.
Dec. 19, 2012, 9:38 a.m.
When Blaine woke up in the morning first thing he saw was Kurt peacefully sleeping next to him. Wide smile appeared across his face as he took all of Kurt`s awesomeness into his eyes. Beautiful, amazing, incredibly hot man was lying next to him and although there was no chance Kurt would ever be his, he was still happy that all the mess from previous weeks had been cleaned last night. He still had Kurt in his life and it was everything he needed. Low tone of alarm echoed the room and Kurt slowly opened his eyes to find smiling Blaine looking at him. The only logical respond was to smile at him too and Kurt did so because Blaine`s smile was contagious.
“I don`t want to get up.” Kurt whispered. He wished he could stay in bed with Blaine all day, just talking and being together because that`s everything they could have.
“Me neither. But I have to go to work.” Blaine whispered too. He made a mental note to whisper more often when he was with Kurt. Whispering made situation more intimate…Then he remembered they were not supposed to be intimate and erased thoughts of intimacy from his mind.
“Well. Then we have no choice. We need to get out of the bed.” Kurt was speaking in normal voice now. With too much enthusiasm for someone who had been complaining about getting up minute ago he stood up and went to his wardrobe. He took pair of black jeans and purple shirt and handed it to Blaine.
“Here is your outfit. I know this kind of shirt is not exactly your style but you`ll look great in it. Trust me. You can choose underwear from the drawer. And here is a towel. You should go to the bathroom now because Leah will be demanding access there in 30 minutes. I`ll be in the kitchen making breakfast.” And with that he left Blaine sitting on his bed, processing information he`d just got.
“No, you made breakfast, I`m cleaning up.” Blaine said firmly to Kurt after they finished their breakfast. He stood up and put the dishes into a sink and started washing it.
“Blaine, you have to go to work. And you are fully dressed in my clothes. If you leave there a stain because you can`t resist washing the dishes I`m going to kill you.”
“Don`t worry. I can manage do something without staining my or in this case your clothes.” Blaine sent Kurt a smug look and continued cleaning up.
Leah watched whole exchange from her spot in living room.
“He spent one night here and you already are like old married couple. I don`t think I can handle that this early in the morning. Could you just spend few nights in his apartment? He doesn`t have a roommate so you won`t be hassling anybody there. I mean, I`m all for new happy couple stuff and I`m really glad you two finally come to your senses and got together but you are too sweet for your own good.”
“We`re not together.” Kurt told her, regret in his voice.
“Are you kidding me? What are you waiting for Kurt? He is practically worshiping you. Can`t you see how he looks at you? I saw it yesterday and I see it now. How long will I have to deal with this shit? Are you still with that journalist, Blaine? Because it`s not cool spending night with Kurt if you are taken…” Okay, maybe Leah was overstepping a bit. Or a lot. But she was tired of it. Ever since Kurt came from the cabin Blaine was the main topic of their conversations. Leah knew Kurt`s relationship with Lucas had been sentenced to death from the beginning and she was patiently waiting till Kurt realized that too. She had been waiting for four weeks. How long would she have to wait for him to realize that Blaine was the guy he should be with? She kind of thought Kurt already knew that…
“I`m not with him anymore.” Blaine answered, feelings of being intimidated swamped him.
“Then why aren`t you together?!” Leah screamed desperately.
“Leah! Stop it. You have no idea what are you talking about.” Kurt tried to interrupt her but she didn`t seem to let it be until she got the answers.
“So enlighten me, Kurt.” She sat opposite him, her arms crossed at her chest.
“I should go to work…” Blaine stopped washing the dishes, his eyes searched for Kurt`s to get permission to leave. Kurt nodded with sad smile. He didn`t want Blaine to go but he had to go to work and Kurt had to explain Leah he was leaving soon.
“Thank you for everything. I`ll return your clothes intact. See you later. Bye Leah.”
“Bye Blaine.” She didn`t even spare Blaine a look as she was saying goodbye. Kurt just shrugged his shoulders and waved him. Blaine left their apartment and hoped Kurt would be okay. Leah was frightening sometimes.
“Blaine!” Nick screamed when he came to work and saw him sitting behind his desk, making Blaine jumped on his chair.
“What the hell, Nick! You scared me.”
“I scared you? You scared us yesterday! You ran from the bar and didn`t answer your phone!” Blaine remembered having missed calls on his phone when he had set his alarm but he hadn`t paid them attention. It had been around midnight, surely not time for making a phone call.
“Sorry. I turned my sound off when we have meeting with boss yesterday and forgot to turn it on. I found missed calls at midnight and didn`t want to call back so late.” Blaine explained and waited. Mathew just entered the office and he knew his friends. There were going to be questions. A lot of questions.
“Blaine, why did you leave like that? You practically ran out of there. We were worried.” Blaine stood up and joined Mathew on their sofa. He looked at Nick and then nodded on a free space next to him. Nick sat as well. He wanted to be patient and let Blaine start to talk when he was ready but his curiosity took over him.
“Is there a reason you are wearing Kurt`s clothes?” Nick knew the shirt Blaine was wearing. He had spent one whole Saturday afternoon in a mall with Kurt once. It had been the first and the last shopping trip with Kurt because that day he had reached his point of exhaustion and was wise enough not to repeat it. After hours of trying clothes, the shirt had been only thing Kurt had bought. Nick`s wardrobe had improved thanks to Kurt though. Kurt was still under impression it had been his best shopping trip with a straight man.
“What? How do you know?”
“So you`re not denying it…” Blaine tried to sum up possibilities of getting out from this without any harm but at this point telling the truth was the best option.
“Yes. He gave me his clothes so I didn`t have to go home before going to work.”
“Did you spend last night with him?” Mathew asked him.
“Yes. I did. But nothing happened, I swear. Please, don`t punch me again.”
“I`m not going to punch you. Can you just tell us the whole story? I`m really not for asking questions to get something out of you. You owe us, Blaine. We were worried about you…” Mathew sounded tired. Blaine felt bad.
“I`m sorry guys. I`ll tell you everything. Just listen.” And Blaine told them almost everything. He was talking about his conversation with Lucas, about his realization about Monday kiss, about his failed attempt to apologize, about kissing Kurt and telling him he wanted to be with him.
“So you two are finally together?” Nick asked with hope because Blaine didn`t say that in the exact words but he had spent the night and was wearing Kurt`s clothes now. It had to mean something, right?
“We`re not.”
“I don`t understand. He didn`t want to be with you?”
“No. I think he wants to be with me but there is this thing and…it`s not my secret to tell but you`ll find out soon.”
“But you spent the night…” Nick couldn`t believe it. After everything there was this thing?
“We were talking and it was almost midnight when we finished and Kurt refused to let me go home. I set my alarm on six but he reset it on seven and told he`d give me his clothes and make me breakfast so I wouldn`t have to go home in the morning. Then he ordered me to go to sleep.” Mathew and Nick started to laugh. That definitely sounded like something Kurt could do.
“Do you think when that thing,” Mathew made quotations marks with his fingers, “disappears, you two will get together?” Blaine shook his head.
“It`s a big thing. It won`t disappear. But I don`t mind because it`s a good thing. And Kurt is still willing to be my friend so I`m glad I have at least that.”
“When he is going to tell us? I mean, he is going to tell us, isn`t he?”
“Yeah, he wants to tell you tomorrow.”
“I don`t believe you are leaving…” Lucas told Kurt on Monday evening. They were at the bar as usual but no one was in mood for pool game this time. Kurt had told Lucas, Mathew and Nick about moving out to New York on Friday but three days after they still seemed to have problem to accept the fact.
“Come on. I`m not dying. You are ridiculous. It`s one and half hour flight there. You are making me feel bad about going.”
“That`s enough. We have a month with him so stop moping and let`s make the best from the time we have.” Blaine was cheerful, optimistic, enthusiastic, trying to find the good in the bad and if his friends didn`t know better, he would fool them. But they could see pass through him. He was as sad as they were if not even more miserable about whole situation. He just kept it inside. Kurt was his priority and Kurt deserved to be happy. Sad friends didn`t make him happy. Simple as that.
“Okay. I came here to have some fun. If you are not for it, I`m going home.”
“No! Please, don`t go.” Nick pleaded with his deep brown eyes.
“So stop looking like someone kicked your puppy!”
“It`s not that easy. We`re gonna miss you, Kurt. We are happy for you but it won`t be the same without you here.” Kurt didn`t know what to say. Lucas was right. Nothing would be the same as it used to be. But sometimes you had to change your habits so life could bring you something new. New life in New York wouldn`t make him forget his life in Pittsburgh.
“I`m gonna miss you too. But we`ll be in touch. You`ll come to visit me, I`ll come to visit you. We`ll call or skype or chat or email or I send you a carrier pigeon…I promise I`m not gonna forget you.”
Blaine was pissed off. It`d been two weeks since Kurt had told them he would be leaving and they hadn`t spent much time with him so far. Work was keeping them busy, they worked afterhours and it didn`t seem to change anytime soon. Blaine was wondering if it wasn`t some kind of karma getting on him for the time he was purposely avoiding Kurt.
“I need you boys to be here tomorrow at ten to present your project to our client.” Their boss told them and it was the last straw for Blaine.
“On Saturday? We`ve been working fourteen hours a day for almost two weeks and you expect us to be there on our free day?”
“Blaine, I know you all have been working hard and you are probably tired of it now but it`s a big thing that will help you in your career. You are doing great. I need you to focus on this project and when we finish it I`ll give you a week off.” Blaine shook his head and for the first time in his life he was disrespectful to his boss.
“I don`t give a damn about a week off! I`m tired and I`m not going to spend Saturday in work. I need a rest. I can continue in full force on Monday but I need weekend to relax. I`m not coming tomorrow. If you want to fire me you can do it. And now if you excuse me, it`s almost midnight on Friday evening and I`m still at work. I have to get out of here before I get crazy.” And with those words he left their office. He was so tired and so angry he didn`t think about consequences. All he could think about was Kurt leaving in couple of days.
“I`m sorry. He is stressed out.” Nick told their boss when Blaine was gone.
“Yes. I can see that. But it doesn`t change the fact I need you here tomorrow.”
“We`ll be there. Just let Blaine rest for this weekend.” Mathew said to him. He and Nick were stressed out from work themselves but they knew Blaine wasn`t dealing with Kurt`s moving out thing well and if they didn`t stand up for him he would probably leave his job at this point.
“Okay. But I want to see Blaine at work on Monday. And tell him if I have to face his outburst once more, he`ll be out of here. I don`t care how much talented he is and that your creative team is one of the best I have. I can replace him in a minute.” Nick and Mathew just nodded.
Are you busy? Need your positive energy right now. – B
In the bar with L&L&girls. Want to stop by? – K
Not in the mood for crowded place. See you tomorrow? – B
Where are you? – K
Just left the office. – B
Meet me in front of the bar in 15. – K
Thanks. – B
Kurt was waiting for Blaine outside with bad feelings in his stomach. Blaine, Nick and Mathew were busy with work lately and he knew they were tired but they acted like everything was fine. If Blaine had threw away his happy face something must have happened.
When he saw shorter man with blank expression he ran to him and hugged him tight. Blaine face had never been emotionless. What the hell had they done to him? Blaine held Kurt in his embrace, calming down just from his proximity, his anger slowly disappearing and after long time he actually felt something close to happiness.
“Sorry for ruining your evening.” He murmured to Kurt`s shoulder not ready to let Kurt go.
“Don`t be silly. You`re not ruining anything. Where do you want to go?” Blaine stayed in Kurt`s arms for a little while longer and then he took his hand and led him to his car.
“I know a perfect place.”