Oct. 4, 2012, 7 a.m.
Oct. 4, 2012, 7 a.m.
Blaine smiled as he felt fingers lacing through his own and turned to face the love of his life.
"Nervous?" he asked, giving the hand a light squeeze.
"Blaine, honey, I survived last year and I survived the anti-prom," Kurt sighed. "I think that I can survive this prom too." Blaine just gave him a look that said "Really?", slightly tilting his head to the left and raising his bushy eyebrows questioningly. He knew that Kurt was just putting on a brave front, knowing very well how scared Kurt was of being named Prom Queen again like he was last year.
"You're bigger than all of them, Kurt," Blaine said encouragingly, bringing his hand up and giving it a light kiss. "What we have they can't break. I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too, Blaine," Kurt smiled. Blaine felt his heart skip a beat at Kurt's words. He truly was the love of his life. He smiled back as he looked at his boyfriend, looking so cute in his white shirt, black vest, and adorable top hat. Blaine looked down at his own black suit, quickly adjusting his small black tie before looking back up at Kurt.
"Ready?" Blaine asked, gesturing towards the doors. Kurt nodded and, taking a deep breath, opened the doors and walked into the dinosaur-themed Prom. Looking around, Blaine had to admit that Brittany had done a good job. Everything had a prehistoric dinosaur kind of feel to it. But though it seemed like an awesome idea, Blaine did not like it for one big reason: Brittany had banned hair gel from the Prom.
No one had ever seen him without oober amounts of hair product in his hair, not even Kurt. It was like his signature thing, his slicked, perfectly styled hair. And now Brittany wanted to take that away from him. That was one of the reasons why he had been so tentative about coming to Prom, but Kurt needed him there with him and so there he was, standing in the doorway, looking out at all the dancing bodies. Up on stage, Joe, Rory, Artie, Sam, and Mike were singing One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful.
Hopefully if I can stay out of Brittany's sight, I'll be able to get away with having gel in my hair, Blaine thought with a smile. But that smile soon faded as Brittany walked right up to them dressed in her white suit top, light green skirt, and small white top hat. Blaine tried to hide behind Kurt, Finn, and Rachel, but she soon singled him out.
"No," she sighed. "Sorry, Blaine, I said no hair gel remember? I can totally smell it!" Santana suddenly appeared and pulled Brittany away to dance before he could object.
Kurt put his hands on Blaine's shoulders and lightly patted one side saying, "You can do this!", all the while giving him an encouraging smile.
With a sigh, Blaine turned and walked out the door.
I don't see why she couldn't make an exception for me, he groaned as he walked down the hall towards the bathroom. I'll look like a real caveman without gel in my hair!
"There you are!" a voice exclaimed from behind him as a hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. Something soft and moist touched his lips, gently at first but then suddenly more fiercely. As the lips pulled away from his, Blaine found himself completely breathless and speechless as he opened his eyes to find someone that he did not expect at all.
"Oh, Mike, that was amaz-" she stopped short as her eyes opened and she realized who her arms were wrapped around.
"Blaine?!" she gasped, letting go of him and taking a step back, her black dress swishing with her movements.
"Hi, Tina..." he replied, reaching up his hand to run his fingers through his hair, not caring that it would mess it up since he was going to have to wash it out anyways.
"Oh my God, Blaine!" she covered her face with her hands, trying to stop the red flush that was coming to her cheeks. "I'm so... I don't know how... I-"
"Tina!" he grabbed her arms, forcing her to stop stuttering and look at him. "It's fine, okay? It was just a simple misunderstanding. No biggie." He gave her a reassuring smile.
"But I-" this time she cut herself off. She shook her head as if to clear away what she had been thinking and then looked back up at Blaine and smiled.
"You're right," she replied. "Mike and Kurt will totally understand... What?" She caught Blaine's shocked expression.
"Nothing," he replied, blinking repeatedly. "I just didn't realize that we were going to tell them about this..."
"Why wouldn't we?" she asked. "They're our boyfriends!"
Blaine knew that she was right, but deep down he was afraid of telling Kurt for one big reason: he had liked kissing Tina.