Never Say Goodbye
Chapter 19 Previous Chapter Story
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Never Say Goodbye: Chapter 19

T - Words: 1,597 - Last Updated: Jul 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 08, 2012 - Updated: Jul 25, 2013
189 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: Merry Christmas! Apologies on how long it's been since I've updated, but I'm hoping to update on a regular basis soon! Enjoy!

After Kurt finished the phone call, he and Blaine returned to the choir room. They sat in the back and watched as the different members took turns singing songs before Mr. Schue paired them off for their assignments. 

It did not go unnoticed to Kurt that neither Finn nor Rachel had returned yet. 

"Do you think that we should go check on them?" Kurt whispered to Blaine. "Make sure that they haven't killed each other yet?" 

"I'm sure they're fine," Blaine replied causally. "We should just let then have their privacy." 

Kurt narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Blaine, but when he didn't say anything else, Kurt just shrugged it off. 

They probably just have a lot to talk through, Kurt decided. I hope that things are going well...

They ended up staying until the end of practise. Kurt stood up to talk to Mr. Schue after, periodically glancing back over to where Blaine was chatting with Sam and Tina. He had a huge smile on his face. 

He looks so happy, Kurt beamed to himself. This was good for him. He needs to be around more people than just me and my family. Maybe I should invite some people over...

"So how is Blaine really doing?" Mr. Schue suddenly asked. 

"He's doing good," Kurt replied. "Some days are harder than others, but he's getting better. I can see a change in him." 

"And how are you doing, Kurt?" Mr. Schue asked, his eyes softening. Kurt sighed. 

"Like I said, some days are harder than others," Kurt replied. "Some days it's really tough. Sometimes I wish that if I just closed my eyes, I'd suddenly wake up and this will have all been just a bad dream." 

"Well, just remember," Mr. Schue said softly, placing his hand on Kurt's shoulder. "We're all here for you, both of you, if you need us, okay? We all want to help Blaine make a speedy recovery. We miss him here." 

"I think he misses being here too," a small smile slipped onto Kurt's lips as he glanced over at Blaine again. "There's a part of him that does remember this place, these people, and I think that's why he seems so at peace here." 

"Well, I'm glad that he's able to find comfort here," Mr. Schue smiled. "That's what I've always wanted this place to be for you guys. Comfortable and safe." 

"Hey, Kurt?" Blaine's voice suddenly broke into the conversation. "You ready to go soon?" 

Kurt looked over at him and smiled. 

"Sure, Blaine," he said, before turning back to Mr. Schue. "It was nice seeing you again, Mr. Schue." 

"Kurt, you're not my student anymore," he chuckled. "You can call me Will now." 

"Okay, Will," Kurt grinned. "I'm sure that we'll be back to visit again sometime soon, so we'll see you next time!" 

"Alright, Kurt," Will nodded. "Take care then." 

Kurt turned and saw that Blaine was no longer in the same spot where he had been standing. Kurt quickly scanned the room, panicking only slightly until he spotted Blaine standing over beside the grand piano. His fingers were lightly skimming over the keys, not fully making contact with them, like as if he was afraid to even touch them.

"Do you want to play it?" Kurt asked, coming up beside Blaine. Blaine jumped in surprise, not having heard Kurt approach as he had been lost in thought. 

"C-Can I?" Blaine asked hesitantly, looking up at Kurt with big, hopeful eyes. 

"Of course," Kurt nodded with a smile. 

A small smile trickled onto Blaine's lips as he slid onto the piano bench and placed his fingers gently on the keys. 

And then he started to play. 

The tune was hauntingly beautiful. Kurt found himself being entranced by it. It wasn't anything he recognized, but it was beautiful nonetheless. 

Kurt looked over at Blaine and found that he too was entranced by the music, letting it completely take over as he played. The fear and worry that ever shadowed Blaine's face since he had woken up was gone, leaving only a tranquil, peaceful smile on his lips.

"That was beautiful," Kurt whispered once Blaine finished the song. "What was it?"

"I don't know," Blaine shrugged, turning in his seat to look at Kurt. "I don't remember learning it. I just put my fingers on the keys and they started playing it."

"I'm sure that it will come back to you," Kurt said softly. "In time… Speaking of things coming back to you… Have any other memories come back yet?" 

"No," Blaine replied quickly, turning back and looking back down at the piano. He could feel the heat rushing to his cheeks. 

Please don't notice! Please don't notice! he silently begged. 

Luckily for Blaine, Kurt didn't notice because he was too lost in his thoughts, upset over the fact that Blaine still hadn't regained any other memories except for his suicide and kissing Rachel. 

Not the best two memories to get back, he half-chuckled, half-grumbled to himself. 

"Well, I'm sure you'll get more soon," Kurt smiled encouragingly, sliding onto the bench beside Blaine and lightly patting him on the back. "Maybe you'll get one tomorrow when we see the Warblers." 

"Maybe," Blaine smiled as well, turning his head to look back up at Kurt. 

Kurt's breath caught in his throat as his eyes locked with Blaine's. There was something in the way that Blaine looked at him that felt different. It felt like how Blaine used to look at him, before the cheating, before the incident. Back when they were both happy and in love. 

That was it. In love. Blaine was looking at him with love

Can this really be happening? Kurt wondered with amazement. 

"Blaine, I-" Kurt started to say at the same time as Blaine started to say, "Kurt, I-" They both stopped, looking at each other with surprise, before breaking out into a fit of giggles. 

"I'm sorry," they both said at the same time, making them both laugh again. 

"You go first," Blaine said. 

"No, you," Kurt insisted. 

"Okay," Blaine grinned. "Kurt, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and everything that you're doing for me. I'm so lucky to have you looking out for me. I'm really thankful that I have you." 

"I'm thankful that I have you back too," Kurt replied shyly. "I really did miss you. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you."

"You won't," Blaine replied earnestly. "You'll never lose me. I promise."

As Kurt stared into Blaine's eyes, he felt something stirring in his heart. He wanted so much to believe Blaine's words, but he was scared. He didn't want to get hurt again. 

But, at the same time, he wanted to love again. He wanted Blaine's love. 

Suddenly overwhelmed by his feelings, Kurt slowly started to move towards Blaine, his head tilting down in the motion as if he were going to kiss him. Blaine's eyes slowly started to close, just as Kurt's did, as the distance between them lessened. Kurt was so close now that he could feel the heat of Blaine's breath on his lips. 

Slowly, they inched closer. Their lips were nearly touching now. 


The sound of a locker loudly closing somewhere out in the hallway startled them both, causing them to jump apart. Kurt quickly stood up, turning away to hide the blush that was growing on his cheeks. 

"I guess that we should probably head home now," Kurt said, suddenly looking around the now empty room.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I guess so," Blaine blushed. He had been so certain that Kurt had been about to kiss him. If only he knew how right he was. 

Kurt was internally panicking. He had almost kissed Blaine! How could he have done that? He could have destroyed all of the progress he'd made with Blaine! Sure, the younger boy was more comfortable around Kurt now, but he wasn't sure if Blaine was ready to get back into that type of relationship. Or if he even wanted to anymore. Having feelings for someone was a lot different than wanting to be in a relationship with them. 

But he has been flirting with you, his subconscious pointed out. That has to mean something. 

No, Blaine has always been a bit of a flirtatious charmer, Kurt rationalized. Remember my junior year at Dalton? I totally thought he was hitting on me when he wasn't. I could just be making this all up in my head again!  

"Um, Kurt?" Kurt blinked back to reality at the sound of Blaine's voice. 

"Oh, umm, right," Kurt sputtered, blushing slightly. "Let's go." 

As the two exited the room, neither was aware of the two pairs of eyes watching them. 

"Did you see that?!" Rachel gasped.

"Yeah, I've kinda been standing beside you this whole time," Finn pointed out. 

"They're totally both still have feelings for each other!" Rachel exclaimed. "We have to help get them back together!"

"But doesn't Blaine, like, need some more time or something?" Finn asked, scratching his head in confusion. "Since, like, he's still getting his memories back and stuff?"

"Yeah, but getting them back together will help the memories come back faster!" Rachel argued. 

"I don't think-" Finn started to say but Rachel quickly cut him off. 

"Trust me, Finn," she said. "I know what I'm doing. Blaine helped us get back together. Now I'm going to help him get back together with Kurt. They both want to be together, but neither will admit it." She grinned as she turned and looked up at the man that she loved. 

"Sometimes people just need a little bit of help with these types of things," Rachel stated. "And I'm just the person to do so! I'll be like their own Fairy Godmother!" Rachel turned and set off down the hallway, plans already starting to form in her mind. 

"I pity those two," Finn said, shaking his head, before quickly hurrying to catch up with his girlfriend. If Rachel was involved, those two would truly need all the help they could get. 


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