Never Say Goodbye
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Never Say Goodbye: Chapter 17

T - Words: 1,430 - Last Updated: Jul 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 08, 2012 - Updated: Jul 25, 2013
176 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: Short, but there is more to come soon!


Rachel wasn't at the restaurant when they arrived. Kurt immediately took charge of the situation, getting them a booth that would comfortably fit the three of them.

"Why doesn't she just talk to Finn?" Blaine asked as he slid into the booth. He was slightly disappointed when Kurt didn't slide in beside him, choosing instead to sit across from him, but he figured that it would be easier to talk this way anyways.

"I mean, it's obvious that Finn still has feelings for her," Blaine continued. "He made a mistake letting her go. Can't she forgive him for making a mistake?"

Kurt couldn't ignore the sharp pain that shot through his heart at Blaine's words. He had unknowingly pinpointed one of the main things that had resulted in them breaking up in the first place. Blaine had made a mistake and Kurt hadn't been able to forgive him for that. If he had just forgiven Blaine, things would have been much different than they were now.

"Sometimes it just hurts too much to forgive someone," Kurt replied after a few moments of silence.

"Wouldn't it hurt more not to?" Blaine countered. His words didn't sound defensive, rather more curious like.

"I guess it could," Kurt replied softly, his heart pounding madly in his chest. Hadn't it hurt more, holding onto the hurt that Blaine had caused him rather than forgiving him for making a stupid mistake?

Thankfully, Kurt didn't have to ponder on these uncomfortable thoughts for long because Rachel finally showed up, back to her former, happy self again.

"So, Blaine," she said as she slid into the booth beside him. "How have things been going at the Hummel household?"

"They've been really good, actually," Blaine smiled at her. "It feels like things are finally starting to feel more familiar again. That or I've just gotten used to being in the house practically 24/7."

"Do you never let this poor boy out?" Rachel exclaimed, her question directed at Kurt.

"Hey! Don't blame me!" Kurt exclaimed. "I've told Blaine many times that any time that he wants to go do anything, all he has to do is ask!"

"Maybe he's just too shy to ask!" Rachel countered.

"Actually, Rachel," Blaine butted in quickly to keep things from escalating. "I've just been enjoying my time with Kurt. He's really been a big help through all of this." He flashed Kurt a warm smile that made Kurt's heart skip a beat.

"However," Blaine continued, looking back at Rachel again. "I have been wanting to go back to, McKinley is it? I'd really like to get to know the people who apparently are my friends."

"Well, you've got more friends than just them," Rachel smiled. It faltered briefly when Blaine frowned, a look of confusion crossing his face.

"More?" he asked, casting a quizzical look at Kurt. "What does she mean, more than just them?"

"Well, before you came to McKinley, you went to a school called Dalton Academy," Kurt started to explain. "You were part of a... group called The Warblers and you had a bunch of really good guy friends in that group."

"The Warblers?" Blaine echoed. "That sounds familiar... Did we talk about them before?"

"Briefly," Kurt gave him a small, cautious smile. "Back when you first woke up." Blaine frowned again slightly, but then looked up at Kurt again with a look of determination.

"I'd love to meet them too, if that's okay?" Blaine asked cautiously, as if he was afraid that Kurt would say no.

"Of course you can!" Kurt smiled. "I'll call Jeff tonight and see when we can come by for a visit."

"Jeff is one of the Warblers?" Blaine guessed.

"Yes," Kurt chuckled lightly. "He was one of your closer friends in the group, as well as Nick, Wes, and David. The later graduated already, but Jeff and Nick, as well as Trent are still there. I'm sure they'd love to see you again!"

"Awesome," Blaine gave Kurt a bright, beaming smile before turning back to Rachel again. "Will you come with us to the school? Not Dalton, but McKinley, I mean. I'm sure everyone there would love to see you too."

"I don't know," Rachel replied tensely. "I'm just not sure I'd be very comfortable there..."

"Hey, I wasn't super comfortable there my first time either," Blaine remarked. "We can be uncomfortable together!" He gave her a cute, pleading, puppy-dog face, wide, begging eyes and all.

"You are just too adorable to say no to," Rachel laughed, ruffling his hair. "Alright, I'll come. But only for you."

"What about me?" Kurt exclaimed. "What happened to being my moral support?"

"Sorry, I already promised Blaine that I'd be his support," Rachel cooed, batting her eyes at him. "You're a big boy. I'm sure you'll be okay."

"Thanks a lot, Rachel," Kurt pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's okay," Blaine smiled, reaching across the table and taking Kurt's hand. "I'll be your support."

Those simple words, combined with Blaine's light touch, made Kurt's heart flutter with awe.

And in that moment, Kurt Hummel realized that he was falling in love with Blaine Anderson again.

When they got home later that night, Kurt was true to his word and called Jeff. Unfortunately, Jeff didn't know about this promise and did not answer his phone as he was already fast asleep, passed out on a couch in a house that was not his own.

"I guess that we'll just have to try again tomorrow," Kurt sighed, ending the call.

"That's okay," Blaine shrugged. "It's not like we were going to go there tomorrow anyways. Tomorrow we're going to McKinley..." Blaine fell silent for a moment, drawing Kurt's curiosity.

"What's on your mind?" he asked. Blaine blinked as he was pulled out of his thoughts, looking up at Kurt as if he had forgotten that he was still standing there.

"Finn's going to be there tomorrow, right?" he asked all of a sudden.

"Umm, yes?" Kurt replied, slightly confused. "He usually is. Why?"

"Oh, no reason," Blaine smiled, falling back into his thoughts again. "I just don't like to see good things broken." And with that, Blaine bid Kurt a good night before retreating to his room upstairs, leaving Kurt alone to puzzle over Blaine's words.

"Oh, hey man, you're home," Finn's sudden voice nearly startled Kurt. He turned around to face his step-brother and smiled.

"Yeah, we just got in a little while ago," Kurt replied. "How did you guys make out for supper without me?"

"Mom found some leftovers for us in the fridge," Finn replied, giving him a goofy, lopsided grin. "And then she lectured us about not knowing how to prepare a meal for ourselves. And by us, I mean me and Burt."

"I figured," Kurt chuckled. "You really do need to learn how to make more than just Hot Pockets."

"Hey, they taste good!" Finn argued.

"They're tacky!" Kurt countered. "And not very healthy. You know, it's not that hard to make a nice salad."

"No, it's just hard to swallow it down," Finn mumbled under his breath.

"Funny," Kurt remarked dryly. "Well, if you ate fruits and vegetables more often, they wouldn't be so hard to "swallow down"."

"This coming from the rabbit who only eats fruits and vegetables," Finn smirked.

"They're healthy for you!" Kurt objected.

"Whatever," Finn laughed. "Well, I'm heading to bed. See you in the morning." Finn started to turn to head upstairs to his room.

"Oh, by the way," Kurt called out after him, momentarily stopping his exit. "Blaine and I are coming to the school again tomorrow."

"Ok, cool," Finn nodded. "Mr. Schue is actually going to be back tomorrow, so Blaine will get to "meet" him too... Wait, are you sure this is such a good idea? After what happened last time..."

"It was Blaine's decision to go," Kurt stated. "And I told Blaine that whatever he wanted to do, we would do it. He wants to go, so we're going. Of course I'm scared and worried for Blaine, but if he's willing to take that risk, then so should I."

"That's pretty awesome, man," Finn grinned. "You being willing to do all that for him and all. I really hope that everything works out between you too. You guys were really great together."

"So were you and Rachel," Kurt risked saying.

"I know," Finn replied softly, turning back towards the stairs. "I'll see you in the morning, bro."

And with that, Kurt was left alone once again, with Finn's words hanging hauntingly above him. He had sounded so sad and dejected. Blaine was right. Finn did still have feelings for Rachel. But the question was, did Rachel still have feelings for Finn?

I guess we'll find out tomorrow, Kurt grinned to himself as he headed towards the stairs that would take him down to his room. I just hope that things won't end as badly this time.



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