Never Say Goodbye
Chapter 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Never Say Goodbye: Chapter 16

T - Words: 2,306 - Last Updated: Jul 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 08, 2012 - Updated: Jul 25, 2013
184 0 0 0 0

Blaine seemed to be getting better with every day that passed. He stopped freezing every time that Finn lumbered into the room. He stopped flinching away when someone brushed against him. And, most importantly, he was less tense around Kurt.

But yet Kurt was still worried. Blaine hadn't regained any other memories yet other than the one of his suicide attempt. Or at least if he had, he hadn't told Kurt about them.

"I'm worried," Kurt frowned, clutching the phone tightly to his ear. "It's been weeks but he's only regained one memory. What if that's the only thing that he ever remembers?"

"Well, maybe if you'd let him out of the house more or let more people come over, he'd be more apt to remember something," Rachel pointed out. "He's not going to remember everything cooped up in one place! Remember what the doctor said? He needs to see familiar people and places! He got his last memory when he was at the school. Maybe he needs a change of location."

"I know," Kurt sighed. "Honestly, I'm scared to take him somewhere new. Yes, the last time I did, he regained a memory, but it wasn't a positive one and it made him all panicked and distant again. I've finally gotten him to relax around my family. I don't want to ruin that."

"Kurt, you have to be willing to take those risks if you want Blaine to remember," Rachel sighed. "I know you're scared, but you're not alone. You have your family, me, and the whole Glee club family behind you, supporting you."

"Thanks, Rachel," Kurt smiled. "You always know how to help cheer me up."

"Glad to help," Kurt could hear the proud smile in her voice. "So now when do I get to come over and 'meet' Blaine? I only have a couple more days left until I need to get back. Brody's only covering for Cassie's class until Thursday, which means I have to be back for Friday's class, unless I want to get lectured by her in front of the whole class again."

"Oh, right," Kurt frowned. "How is class with Miss July going?"

"Brutal," Rachel huffed. "She is relentless! But it is challenging me and you know how I like a good challenge."

"Hey, Kurt?" Blaine's voice suddenly called out.

"Kitchen!" Kurt called back, pulling the phone away slightly as to not burst Rachel's eardrums.

A moment later, Blaine walked into the room.

"Hey, Kurt, I was wondering if-" Blaine started to say as he walked into the room. He noticed the phone in Kurt's hand and stopped mid-sentence. "Is that Rachel?"

"Good guess," Kurt chuckled.

"When do I get to meet her?" Blaine asked eagerly, causing Kurt to raise a surprised eyebrow.

"It looks like somebody's just as eager to meet you as you are them," Kurt said into the phone. "Finn's not home right now. How soon can you get over here?"

"Look out your window," Rachel replied, trying to hold back a giggle. Frowning, Kurt pushed away from the counter he'd been leaning against and walked over to the living room to look out the window. There, sitting in her car at the end of the driveway, was Rachel. She gave him an energetic wave.

"Really?" he chuckled, walking over and opening the front door for her, which she was at almost instantly. He closed his phone as he embraced her.

"What would you have done if I had told you that you couldn't come over?" Kurt asked as he pulled away and closed the door behind her.

"You wouldn't have, because I would have convinced you otherwise," she shrugged. "Now where's our boy? It's been too long since I last saw him. Not since..." She trailed off, frowning as she remembered the night that she had last seen Blaine... As well as Finn.

"H-Hi, Rachel," Blaine's timid voice quickly pulled her from her thoughts. She looked past Kurt to see him standing nervously by the living room doorway. "I-I'm Blaine."

"Hi, Blaine," Rachel smiled sweetly. "I'm Rachel Barbra Berry. Remember that name because someday it will be on all the billboards in New York. Rachel Barbra Berry, Broadway Star Extraordinaire!"

"I-I'll try to remember," Blaine said softy, making Kurt cast a warning look at Rachel, but she just laughed. Kurt turned back to Blaine to see that he had a slight, lopsided grin on too. Then Kurt realized what was going on. Blaine had made a joke.

Well, this is going better than expected, Kurt smiled to himself as he watched the two interact.

"It's okay if you don't want to, but do you mind if I give you a hug?" Rachel asked Blaine suddenly. "I know that I seem new to you, but it's been so long since I've seen you and I was so worried about you."

"S-Sure," Blaine smiled hesitantly. "Y-You can hug me."

Rachel smiled as she very carefully stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a light hug.

"I'm so glad that you're okay, Blaine," she whispered into his curly hair, which was surprisingly void of hair gel that day. Blaine slowly moved his arms to return the embrace.

"Thank you, Rachel," he replied. "I'm glad I'm okay too."

"I missed my awesome duet partner," Rachel teased lightly, picking up on Blaine's lightheartedness.

Suddenly, Blaine stumbled backwards, releasing his hold on Rachel. She quickly pulled away, looking at him with worry, to find him looking at her with confusion.

"Kurt..." he blinked a couple times as he turned towards the older boy. "I-I am gay, right?"

The question took Kurt by surprise.

"Umm, yes?" Kurt replied, quite confused. "I mean, you've always been gay for as long as I've known you."

Blaine blinked again, his brows furrowing together as he seemed to become even more confused. Then he turned and looked back at Rachel.

"Then why did you kiss me?" he asked suddenly.

The memory had hit him hard and out of nowhere. One second, he was hugging Rachel and then next, he was flashing back to a very hazy memory of Rachel's lips touching his and her voice saying, "I think I've just found a new duet partner!"

And then Kurt was beside him, gripping his arm lightly as he turned the confused boy towards him.

"Did you just remember something?" Kurt asked excitedly. Finally, after weeks of nothing, Blaine was getting more memories back!

"I-I think so?" Blaine replied, scratching his head lightly. "But you never answered my question. Why did you kiss me?"

"It was spin the bottle," Kurt explained quickly. "And then, for a short while, you thought that you might be bi, but a second kiss from Rachel cleared up that you are in fact one hundred percent gay." Kurt couldn't help but smile at the memory, how relived he had been that Blaine had realized that his drunk kiss with Rachel had just been a fluke in a non-sober moment.

"Huh," Blaine grinned, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Well, I must admit, you were a pretty good kisser. No wonder I was confused."

"Yeah, I have that affect on people," Rachel grinned, giving him a flirty little wink.

"Gay, Rachel," Kurt warned. "Off bounds. Doesn't play for your team. Already taken." Kurt blushed slightly as the last comment slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. His relationship with Blaine right now was... complicated. Kurt didn't know if they were actually together or broken up or kind of together but kind of not... He didn't know what title to put on their relationship because he didn't know where they stood with each other. Kurt loved Blaine with all of his heart, he knew that without a doubt, but he had no idea how Blaine felt about him.

"Sorry, Rachel," Blaine shrugged, giving Kurt a sudden, playful wink. "But you heard what Kurt said. I'm not available."

Kurt couldn't help but blush again. What had Blaine meant by that? Not available in the sense that he was not available to her because of his sexuality or not available because he was already with someone, namely Kurt himself. Kurt secretly hoped that Blaine had meant the second one, his hope fuelled by the thought of Blaine's flirty wink.

"That's alright, Blaine," Rachel smiled, giving Kurt a knowing smile. "I'm actually not available too. I'm seeing a guy named Brody in New York, where I live with Kurt. Well, not currently since he's back here now, but he did live with me. Oh and it's the cutest little apartment ever! It wasn't much when we first got it, but Kurt's amazing designer touch has made it look so good! Anyways, when you're well enough to travel, you should totally come visit! And once you graduate, you're more than welcome to come live with us too. And you could audition for NYADA with Kurt! Then you would be in the same year and-"

"Rachel, you're rambling," Kurt warned her sternly, though he couldn't stop the slight grin that slid onto his lips.

"Sorry," she blushed lightly. "All I meant is that you would be welcome with us in New York."

"Thank you, Rachel," Blaine smiled. "That means a lot to me to hear you say that."

"I mean it with all of my heart," Rachel smiled, pulling him in for another hug. "So you hurry up and get all better so that you can come to New York with us, ok?"

"I'll try," Blaine chuckled, returning her embrace.

"I don't want to cut this short," Rachel sighed, suddenly catching sight of the clock on the wall. "But I really shouldn't be here much longer... I don't want to be here when you-know-who gets home."

"Voldemort?" Blaine asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not exactly," Rachel giggled.

"Finn and Rachel used to date," Kurt explained quietly to Blaine, whose stomach suddenly grumbled.

"Are you hungry?" Rachel asked, instantly perking up. "Because we could all go to Breadstix if you want."

"Breadstix?" Blaine echoed, confusion flashing through his eyes. "What's that?"

"You don't remember Breadstix?!" Rachel exclaimed, her mouth dropping open in alarm. "Well then we are going there for sure! Grab your coats, boys! I'm taking you out!"

Rachel turned around to open the door but it suddenly opened before her. And there, standing with a surprised look on his face, was Finn.

"R-Rachel!" Finn exclaimed, the surprise in his face echoing through his voice. "W-What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Blaine," Rachel stated firmly, crossing her arms in front of her as she looked up at the tall man before her. "But we were just leaving."

She moved to pass him, but he reached out and lightly grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Rach-" he started to say, his voice soft and full of what sounded like guilt and regret.

"Don't," Rachel whispered quietly, pulling her arm out of his grasp. "Kurt, I'll meet you guys there. I need to make a phone call."

She pushed past Finn again and this time he let her go without a fight. He watched as she walked to her car and got in, his shoulders slumping heavily in defeat.

"Well, we should get going," Kurt said softly, lightly grabbing Blaine's hand as they moved to pass Finn as well. "Finn, can you tell dad and Carole that Blaine and I have gone out? We probably won't be home till later." Finn slowly nodded his head and Kurt had to wonder if Finn had even heard what he had said.

I'll just text my dad and let him know later, Kurt decided, leading Blaine away from the tall, somber man. He let go of Blaine's hand once they reached the car, moving around to hop into the driver's seat as Blaine got in on the passenger's side.

Blaine sat quietly in his seat as Kurt started the car and backed out of the driveway, all the while watching as Finn slowly turned around and sluggishly moved into the house.

"What happened between Finn and Rachel?" he asked after a couple of minutes, once the house was out of sight. Kurt glanced over at him in surprise.

"I guess I should have expected you to ask that after that awkward moment back there," Kurt chuckled lightly after a moment. "Rachel and Finn... well, they used to date. Actually, they used to be engaged, but Finn broke it off before Rachel moved to New York because he didn't want to hold her back. So, after months of not hearing from him, she finally started to move on and that's when she started seeing that guy she mentioned, Brody. But then Finn suddenly showed up again and they fought and then I guess they officially broke off their relationship? I don't know. It was all very confusing at the time. So yeah, they kind of had a bad break up and now things are just awkward between them."

They had a bad break up, Blaine frowned to himself. Kind of like me and Kurt... But things aren't really awkward between us...

Blaine couldn't help but smile as he ran his thumb over the hand that Kurt had grabbed. His hand had been so soft and warm in his own. Blaine liked how that felt, holding Kurt's hand.

"A penny for your thoughts," Kurt commented, noticing Blaine's thoughtful expression. Blaine blushed, even though Kurt didn't know that he had been thinking about him.

"It's nothing," Blaine shrugged, turning his head away as if to look out the window, though really he was trying to hide his pink cheeks from Kurt. "I'm just glad that things between us aren't awkward."

Blaine's comment struck Kurt hard. What Blaine didn't know was that things had been awkward between them. Only Blaine didn't remember any of that.

"I'm glad too," Kurt smiled, reaching over and lightly placing his hand over top of Blaine's, giving a brief, gentle squeeze.

But, because Kurt was looking away, he missed how Blaine glanced down at their touching hands and how a giant smile blossomed across his face. If he had been looking, he would have seen the love that he had been missing sparking in Blaine's eyes.

If only he had been looking.


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