Never Say Goodbye
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Never Say Goodbye: Chapter 15

T - Words: 3,355 - Last Updated: Jul 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 08, 2012 - Updated: Jul 25, 2013
183 0 0 0 0

Kurt groggily opened his eyes, groaning as his body slowly started to wake. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but holding everything in had been exhausting. It was nice to finally be able to let it all out.

As his senses finally focused back on reality again, Kurt remembered why he had been so upset.

"Blaine!" he exclaimed softly, abruptly sitting up. Worry instantly flooded him as he thought about Blaine's state before he had fallen asleep.

I hope he's okay... Kurt thought with a frown, moving to stand up. Maybe I should check on him... As he stood up, he noticed something was out of place on his dresser. With a puzzled expression, he quickly moved over to the dresser to investigate. He instantly noticed what had been moved.

The ring.

The promise ring that Blaine had given him for Christmas last year. A promise to always love him. Kurt sighed as he closed the box and set it back in its rightful place. How could he uphold that promise when he didn't even remember making it?

Would he even want to make it now, Kurt frowned, allowing his doubts and fears to creep in. Would he even want to love you.

Kurt remembered how excited he had been when Blaine had pulled out that red box. He had been so sure of their relationship that if it had been an engagement ring, he would have said yes. Heck, he literally did say yes just thinking that it was. But even though it wasn't, it was still one of the sweetest gestures that anyone had ever done for him. And that was why it was one of Kurt's most treasured items.

I wonder what life would be like if that had actually been an engagement ring, Kurt sighed. Would I have stayed here and waited for Blaine to graduate so that we could move to New York together? Would we have grown closer instead of growing apart? Would he have cheated? Would he have... Kurt stopped himself there. He couldn't think like that. Nothing could change what had happened.

Unless I got a time machine and went back and stopped all of this from happening, Kurt thought with a halfhearted chuckle. Heck, if I had a time machine, there would be so many things that I would go back and change. That hopeless crush on Finn... well, actually that led to Dad and Carole meeting, so that was actually a good thing in the end... okay, I wouldn't change that... maybe only parts of it... like the decorating of our new room... yeah, that was an awkward experience... I've never seen Dad so mad before... Okay! Focus, Kurt! I wouldn't have thrown that diva off to Rachel, I could have totally hit that high F, and I would have gone about my feelings for Blaine differently...

"Blaine," Kurt whispered softly, suddenly turning towards the stairs to go up and check on him. He had just reached them when Don't Rain On My Parade suddenly started to ring through his room. Startled, he turned back and noticed something that he hadn't before. There, sitting on his dresser, was his cell phone.

"How did I miss that?" Kurt wondered aloud, quickly walking back over and picking it up to answer it. "Hello?"

"Kurtie!" Rachel's voice blasted into his ear, making him have to pull it back slightly.

"Hi, Rachel," he chuckled lightly.

"How's Blaine?" she asked, getting right to the point. One thing that you could always count on with Rachel was that she wouldn't tip toe around anything that she wanted to talk about. "And how are you? I know that you don't want me to come yet till Blaine is ready, but I'm having a hard time just sitting around here, worrying about you. The apartment's so lonely without you here, even though Brody comes over all of the time, but it's not the same because it's not you and I really miss you and I'm worried about both you and Blaine because you never call and tell me anything and-"

"Rachel!" Kurt laughed, cutting her off. That was one thing that he did not miss about her. Given the chance, she would literally be able to talk Kurt's ear off. "I'm doing okay. Blaine is... well, he was doing better but then we had some unexpected problems arise when we went to see everyone at the school and he broke down again. Last time I checked on him, he was locked away in his room, talking to Cooper on the phone."

"What happened?" Rachel asked softly. "At the school, I mean." Kurt let out a heavy sigh.

"He remembered something," Kurt started to explain.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Rachel cut in quickly.

"It would be," Kurt sighed. "If it had been a good memory. No, he remembered... well, what he did before he woke up in the hospital."

"Oh no," Rachel exclaimed softly. "Oh Kurt, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Kurt smiled sadly. "I knew that he would have to remember that eventually. I just wish that it didn't have to be his first memory that he gets back."

"Well, just look at it this way," Rachel reasoned. "If he remembered that, then maybe he'll start remembering other things too, happier memories. Maybe he'll remember things about your relationship, back before things started to get strained between you two. Like, when you two first met, some of the duets you guys have sung, Christmases, Valentines, good memories like that."

"That would be nice," Kurt smiled. "Thanks, Rachel."

"For what?" she asked.

"For reminding me that there is still hope for us," Kurt replied honestly. "If he's starting to remember things, maybe everything will turn out alright."

"Oh, well, you're welcome," Kurt could hear the proud smile in her voice. "But I didn't just call to check on you or cheer you up."

"Oh?" Kurt replied curiously. "Then why did you call?"

"Well..." Rachel sounded nervous, like as if she had done something that she wasn't supposed to. "I was getting tired of just waiting around for you to call so... IkindofcaughtaplaneandnowI'minLima."

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Kurt laughed. "Slow down! I didn't catch any of that! What did you say?" Rachel let out a little huff, clearly not wanting to repeat herself.

"I kind of took the initiative to catch a plane," Rachel said slowly. "And now I'm in Lima."

"You're WHAT?!" Kurt exclaimed, slightly upset. "I told you that I would call you when Blaine was ready to see you! After what happened today, I am certain that he is no where near ready to be re-meeting more people right now!"

"I'm sorry!" Rachel pouted. "I just couldn't sit around and do nothing! Blaine is my friend too! I've been worried about him! And you too! You've taken all of this onto your shoulders by yourself! You need help! You need support!"

"I have support!" Kurt argued. "I have my parents here-"

"Who are away at work for most of the day," Rachel pointed out. "Admit it, it would be nice to have someone to lean, to support you while you're trying to support Blaine."

Kurt sighed. He knew that Rachel was right, but he didn't want to admit to it. He didn't want to admit that he needed help, even if he did need it.

"You know I'm right," Rachel pressed. Kurt could practically see the smug expression on her face.

"Fine," Kurt caved. "But you know that you can't stay here. One, Blaine is still unstable right now, so he might need a day or two to recuperate from today's fiasco. Two, Finn's living here again and I know that things are still strained between you two."

Rachel fell silent at the mention of Finn's name. They had both suffered rough break ups that night back in New York, which actually ended up strengthening their own relationship with each other as they turned to each other for comfort and support.

"It's fine," Rachel said softly after a moment. "I do have parents who live in Lima still, silly. I won't be homeless. And I won't come over until you say he's ready to see me... and when Finn isn't there."

"He's at the school most of the time, so during the day it's usually just me and Blaine here," Kurt admitted. "So when Blaine is feeling up to it, it would probably be best if you came over during the afternoon or something."

"That sounds perfect," Rachel agreed. "Well, I've got to go call my dads now and let them know that I'll be back in town for a little while."

"Hey, what about school?" Kurt suddenly remembered.

"Some of my teachers canceled their classes this week and Brody said that he'd cover for me in some of my other ones," Rachel explained quickly. "So I can really only stay in town for a week, but even if I could get one visit in before I leave, it would mean the world to me."

"I'll see what I can do," Kurt sighed. "I'll text you later, okay?"

"Okay," Rachel replied happily. "Say hi to Blaine for me!"

"I will," Kurt smiled slightly. "Bye."

He quickly ended the call and slid his phone into his pocket before turning and heading back to the stairs again. As he ascended the staircase, he could hear what sounded like a sports game of some kind echoing through the house.

That's odd, Kurt frowned. Dad's at work. Who would be watching sports?

Puzzled, Kurt quickly made his way to the living room, where he was surprised to find Blaine sitting in front of the television, watching the game with wide, observant eyes.

"Yes!" Blaine cheered, jumping up from the couch as one of the teams scored a goal. Kurt leaned against the doorway with an amused smile on his lips as he watched Blaine. It took ten minutes for Blaine to realize that he was no longer alone in the room.

"Kurt!" he exclaimed, slightly startled as he finally spotted Kurt standing in the doorway.

"Hi," Kurt smiled gently. "How are you feeling?" A puzzled expression crossed Blaine's face for a moment as he tried to comprehend what Kurt was talking about. Kurt could see the moment that Blaine got it as realization flashed through his eyes.

"Oh," he said softly. "Yeah, I'm feeling better now. Cooper kind of helped calm me down. Thank you... for giving me some space and giving me the chance to settle down. I-I'm sorry that I slammed the door in your face."

"It's okay," Kurt replied. "I didn't take it personally. I know that this isn't easy for you. But I just want you to know that you're not alone in this, okay? I'm here to help you."

"Thanks," Blaine smiled, before suddenly shifting over on the couch slightly. "Do you want to watch with me?"

Kurt's heart skipped a beat at the gesture.

"Sure," he nodded, sinking down onto the couch beside Blaine, whose eyes had already returned to the TV. Kurt tried to watch as well, but twenty seconds of staring blankly at the screen he sighed and looked away. He just did not get sports. What was so interesting about watching people run around a field, throwing a ball and tackling each other?

Now, Kurt did play a game once, but that was just to cover his lame alibi that he had given his dad back before he had come out of the closet. Though it had been a really exciting moment for him when he scored the winning goal, Kurt found that it was less exciting to watch other people do it. No, Kurt was more of a fashion person than a sporty person, preferring scarves over footballs.

"Do you not like sports?" Blaine asked, pulling Kurt from his thoughts and making him look at the younger boy.

"No," Kurt chuckled lightly. "I've never really been one for watching sports. That was always your forte."

"Oh," Blaine frowned, suddenly reaching for the remote. "Do you want to watch something else?"

"Oh, no, no, no!" Kurt shook his head quickly. "It's fine. I should probably start making dinner anyways." Kurt glanced up at the clock to see that it was nearing six o'clock. Where had the time gone?

"Can I help?" Blaine asked eagerly, his eyes perking up brightly.

This is definitely a complete flip in mood, Kurt thought, raising his eyebrows. But I guess that that's a good thing.

"Sure," he nodded. "If you want to, I'd love your help."

"Awesome!" Blaine exclaimed, jumping up from the couch and skipping over into the kitchen. Kurt chuckled as he followed Blaine, who was already pulling out some pots and pans.

"What are we making?" Blaine asked, pausing with a frying pan in one hand and a small pot in the other.

"I was thinking about making a pizza," Kurt grinned. "From scratch. What do you think?"

"Really?" Blaine almost squealed, looking very excited. "That would be totally awesome!"

"Alright, do you want to get some vegetables and cheese from the fridge then?" Kurt laughed. Blaine nodded, setting the pot and pan down before moving over to the fridge and opening it.

Kurt smiled as he pulled out the stone pizza pan, turning his back on Blaine and completely missing the shy smile that Blaine had on his face as he peeked over at Kurt. As much as Blaine didn't want to admit it, he was starting to have feelings for Kurt. What he wasn't sure of was if it was because they had been in a relationship before... the accident, or if it was because Kurt had been so nice to him. Either way, Blaine was definitely starting to feel giddy whenever Kurt was around.

After leaving Kurt's room, Blaine had wandered around the house for a little while, thinking over his feelings. There definitely was something there between him and Kurt. Part of him wanted to open up and fall back into that love that he had lost, that love that he didn't remember, but the other part wanted to stay closed up and blocked off from Kurt. He couldn't trust his feelings because they were all over the place.

At one point, they'd make him feel all giddy and shy around Kurt, but at other points, they'd make him feel confused and scared. But at that moment when he had spotted Kurt watching him while he was watching TV, his heart had chosen to go with giddy, eager, and shy. He just wanted to be near Kurt, because that felt safe. Almost as safe as he had felt when talking to Cooper.

Cooper was Blaine's one anchor throughout all of the chaos. He was the one thing that Blaine was sure of. But now Blaine was suddenly starting to find himself with a second anchor, one with perfectly coifed hair and beautiful glasz eyes.

"Don't forget to grab the green peppers," Kurt's voice snapped Blaine's attention back to what he was supposed to be doing. He quickly turned back to the fridge, easily finding the peppers and cheese.

"Do you have any pepperoni?" he asked, peeking over at Kurt again, who was greasing the pan so that the dough wouldn't stick.

"I was thinking that we could make a veggie pizza," Kurt replied, not looking up. "There's some zucchini and olives in there that we can put on the pizza as well."

"Ok," Blaine nodded, turning back to the fridge again. He found the jar of olives, but he couldn't find the zucchini. He was about to tell Kurt, when he suddenly felt a warm body press up behind him. Kurt's face peeked over his shoulder, his eyes searching the contents of the fridge until he spotted what he was looking for.

"Can you pass me that container?" he asked, pointing at a large blue one on the bottom shelf. Blaine wordlessly got it for him, not trusting his voice as Kurt's closeness was doing crazy things to his body. Kurt didn't seem to notice how close he was standing, his mind having completely fallen into cooking mode. He glanced down at the items in Blaine's hands before looking back into the fridge and pointing to one of the drawers.

"The zucchini's in there," he said before stepping away and returning to the pan, opening the container and pulling out some pizza dough from it. Blaine didn't move for a moment, trying to control his beating heart. Finally, he was able to bend down and open the indicated drawer, easily spotting the zucchini and grabbing it. When he turned away from the fridge, he found that Kurt already had a cutting board set up for him.

They worked silently, side by side, Kurt rolling the dough onto the pan while Blaine cut the vegetables and shredded the cheese. Kurt placed all of the ingredients perfectly onto the dough before gently easing the pan into the oven. Then all there was left to do was wait.

"Do you mind if I put on some music while we tidy up a bit?" Kurt asked, motioning towards the messy countertop. Blaine nodded, making Kurt smile as he walked over to the other side of the room and turned on the radio. A familiar song flooded the kitchen.


I kissed a girl and I liked it

The taste of her cherry chap stick

I kissed a girl just to try it

I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It felt so wrong

It felt so right

Don't mean I'm in love tonight

I kissed a girl and I liked it

I liked it


"I love Katy Perry songs!" Blaine exclaimed happily as he recognized the song.

"I know," Kurt grinned. "You used to sing her songs all the time..." He fell silent as Blaine gave him a wearily glance. Blaine had clearly told Kurt that he did not sing.

"You did," Kurt mumbled softly, going over to check on the pizza. As he peeked in, he softly began to sing along with the song.


I kissed a girl and I liked it

The taste of her cherry chap stick

I kissed a girl just to try it

I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It felt so wrong

It felt so right

Don't mean I'm in love tonight

I kissed a girl and I liked it

I liked it


Blaine found himself staring in awe at Kurt. He had never heard Kurt sing before (at least, not that he remembered) and he couldn't help but feel entranced by Kurt's voice. It was so pure and beautiful that Blaine would have almost defined it as being magical.


Us girls we are so magical

Soft skin, red lips, so kissable

Hard to resist so touchable

Too good to deny it

Ain't no big deal, it's innocent


I kissed a girl and I liked it

The taste of her cherry chap stick

I kissed a girl just to try it

I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It felt so wrong

It felt so right

Don't mean I'm in love tonight

I kissed a girl and I liked it

I liked it


"Wow," Blaine breathed, making Kurt turn back to him with surprise. "That was beautiful!"

"You should have heard us when we sang together," Kurt grinned. "Those were some of the best songs that I have ever sung. Please, don't argue with me on this. Just trust me when I say that you do have an amazing voice, even if you don't believe it. I only hope that someday that you will remember that."

"I-I-" Blaine stuttered, not sure how to respond to that. Luckily, he didn't have to worry about that as they suddenly heard the front door slam open and familiar voices flood into the house.

"Kurt? Blaine?" Burt's voice called out.

"In the kitchen!" Kurt called back. A couple seconds later, Burt, Carole, and Finn all filed into the kitchen.

"Ooo, are you making pizza?" Finn exclaimed, instantly moving towards the oven.

"Yes," Kurt laughed. "But it's not ready yet."

"How are you feeling, my dear?" Carole asked Blaine, turning everyone's attention on him. He blushed shyly, ducking his head to avert his eyes from all of the attention that he was getting.

"I'm alright," he replied quietly. "Thank you for asking." He snuck a glance up in time to catch Kurt mouthing something to his parents, something along the lines of, "I'll tell you later." Blaine assumed that he was referring to what had happened at the school today. He was actually kind of relieved that Kurt wasn't going to bring it up now, not when he had finally gotten over what had happened and was in a better mood.

And then Finn said something that put him into an even better mood.

"What? No pepperoni?"


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