Never Say Goodbye
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Never Say Goodbye: Chapter 9

T - Words: 1,176 - Last Updated: Jul 25, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 08, 2012 - Updated: Jul 25, 2013
820 0 4 0 0

The "first time" that Blaine saw Finn, he screamed. It probably didn't help that it happened in the middle of the night.

The scream had filled the house, instantly jolting Kurt awake. He flew up the stairs without a second thought, sliding to a stop outside of Blaine's room. He wasn't there. Kurt's heart pounded in his chest as he turned away and looked down the hallway.

At the end of the hall, he saw his dad, Carole, and Finn crowded around an closed door, which Kurt quickly noted was the bathroom. Kurt hurried towards them, intent on demanding an explanation, but the words fell short on his lips as he noticed Finn's guilty and sheepish look.

"Let me guess, he saw you," Kurt sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah," Finn nodded slowly. "I didn't mean to scare him... I didn't even know that he was up."

Finn had been staying at Puck's house for the past couple of days, so Blaine had not "met" him yet, and Kurt knew that seeing the tall man for the first time would be intimidating enough, but seeing him in the middle of the night when it was dark and spooky out would be traumatizing.

"Go to bed," Kurt ordered. "I'll talk to him." Kurt started to shoo his family members away, knowing that Blaine would probably be more comfortable if they weren't around.

"Are you sure you don't need us?" Burt asked, placing a hand comfortingly on his son's shoulder. Kurt shook his head.

"I've got this," he replied, feigning confidence. "Go to bed. Being up this late isn't good for your heart."

"Nothing is good for my heart anymore," Burt remarked jokingly. Kurt gave his dad an unamused glare, making Burt sigh. "I'm going, I'm going. Come on, Carole. Kurt's got this. If anyone can calm Blaine, it'd be him."

Kurt watched as Burt and Carole started walking back towards their room.

"I still can't believe that was Blaine who screamed," Burt commented to Carole as they entered their room. "I thought that Kurt was the only one able to hit a note that high."

Kurt couldn't help but smirk at his dad's comment. Blaine had hit a pretty high note in his scream. He was impressed.

I guess that's what happens when you've sung every single one of Katy Perry'ssongs, Kurt chuckled to himself. More than once.

A sudden sadness overwhelmed Kurt as he was reminded of the first, and last, song that Blaine had ever sung to him. Teenage Dream. Kurt sighed heavily, running his fingers back through his hair, something which he did not do often as that would ruin his perfectly styled hair. But, seeing as his hair was already a mess from sleeping, it did not matter how many times he ran his fingers through his soft, chestnut coloured hair.

Kurt took a deep breath before stepping forward and gently knocking on the bathroom door.

"Go away!" Blaine's voice came from behind the wood. Kurt noticed that there was a slight hint of fear behind the forceful words.

"It's me," Kurt replied softly. "Can you please open the door?"

There was silence for a minute before he got a response.

"I-Is he still out there?" Blaine asked tentatively.

"Finn?" Kurt asked, trying to keep the amusement from his voice. "No, he's gone to bed. I'm sorry that he scared you. He didn't know that you were still up."

The door suddenly opened to reveal Blaine in his deep blue silk pajamas. His dark hair was void of gel, the curls springing freely in all directions.

"He didn't scare me," Blaine replied bluntly, thought he avoided Kurt's eye contact. "He just... startled me a bit. You don't expect to see Mount Everest towering over you when you walk out of the bathroom."

"Mount Everest?" I replied, not hiding my amusement this time.

"He's really tall!" Blaine defended, looking up at Kurt.

"I told you he was," Kurt laughed. "But I also told you that he's just a big teddy bear! You should have seen the look on his face when I got up here! I think you probably scared, no sorry, startled him as much as he startled you."

"R-Really?" Blaine asked, a small grin lifting onto his lips.

"Would I lie to you?" Kurt replied, smiling as well. Blaine's smile dropped suddenly.

"I don't know," Blaine replied, looking away again. "I don't know you. I don't trust you. How would I know if you'd lie to me?"

That hurt Kurt more than Blaine realized. It was definitely a heavy blow to his heart.

"Oh," was all Kurt could say. He could feel unwanted tears starting to prick his eyes and he started to turn away, but he was stopped as Blaine suddenly grabbed his arm. Kurt slowly looked back at him and saw worry in Blaine's eyes.

"I said that I don't trust you," Blaine repeated, confusing Kurt. "Right now, at least. Please, Kurt, all I know is that one second, I'm at my high school's dance and the next, I'm waking up in the hospital being told that I have years of memories missing. You remember everything that's happened between us. I don't. I'm sorry, but I don't."

Blaine sighed, gently releasing Kurt's arm and using his now free hand to run his fingers through his unruly hair, an action that made Kurt inwardly smile as he had done the same thing only minutes earlier.

"I'm trying, Kurt," Blaine continued. "I'm trying to understand all of this. It's hard and none of it makes sense. It all feels unreal to me, but I know that it must be true, because why would so many people tell me that it is if it wasn't? My parents I can understand lying to me, because they've done it enough times, but I know that Cooper would never lie to me, so I have to trust in him and what he's told me to be true. I don't know you well enough to know if you would lie to me or not. I'm trying, Kurt. I'm trying to believe you. I'm trying to believe that you wouldn't lie to me. I'm trying to trust you."

"And that's all I ask for you to do," Kurt replied softly. "To try. I know it's hard, but I'm going to be here for you every step of the way. I'm going to help you get through this, Blaine. You're not alone."

Blaine smiled, one of the most genuine ones that Kurt had gotten from him since he had woken up.

"Thank you," he said. "You're a good friend."

Without another word, Blaine slipped past Kurt and returned to his room, leaving Kurt standing alone in the hallway, illuminated by the light spilling out from the open bathroom doorway. Kurt blinked a couple of times before he slowly stepped forward and flicked the light off, leaving him in complete darkness. He carefully made his way back down the hallway and back down the stairs to his room. Once he was back in his bed, he let his thoughts explode.

Blaine referred to him as a friend. Not a boyfriend, unfortunately, but a friend nonetheless. A smile slowly spread across Kurt's lips. It was a start.


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please please please please keep writting and update soon i love this storry sooooooo much

Thank you so much for your love and support :) Sorry it's taken me so long to get back on this, or even reply. (I only recently learned that I could do this). I hope that you are still reading and enjoying :)


kind of sad but happy at the same time ... feel bad for both our boy's but god this must be killing kurt