July 25, 2013, 6:35 p.m.
July 25, 2013, 6:35 p.m.
"What happened?" Cooper demanded as he and Doctor Wales stormed into the room. Blaine continued to scream as he clutched at his arm.
"I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen!" Kurt sputtered. "And then he saw it and started screaming!"
"Blaine, I need you to relax!" Doctor Wales said in a steady tone, trying to gently push Blaine back down on the bed. Blaine continued to scream as he thrashed against the Doctor's hold. "Cooper, I need you to hold him down so I can get a sedative into him!" Cooper quickly did as he was told, placing his hands on Blaine's shoulders.
"Blaine, it's me, Cooper!" he said, trying to get his younger brother to look him in the eyes. "It's okay! It's going to be okay! You just need to relax!"
As Cooper attempted to calm Blaine, Doctor Wales quickly injected a clear liquid into Blaine's IV. Blaine slowly stopped fighting and sunk back against the pillows, his eyes slowly fluttering shut. Once he was still, Doctor Wales slowly wrapped Blaine's arm back up, covering the name scarred into the skin. An uncomfortable silence fell across the room.
"He's never going to look at me the same way ever again, is he," Kurt said softly, tightly wrapping his arms around himself.
"It's going to be okay, Kurt," Cooper said softly, sitting down beside the younger boy and wrapping his arm around his shoulders. "It's just going to take some time for him to remember-"
"And what if he doesn't remember?" Kurt snapped, pushing Cooper's arm off of him and standing up. "What if he never remembers what we had, how we felt about each other? Will he just see my arm every day, wondering why it's there and hating me for it? Hating my name because it's scarred into his arm forever?"
"Now we don't know if it will scar-" Cooper started to argue before Kurt cut him off again.
"You saw how deep the cuts were!" Kurt exclaimed. "Those are going to scar, Cooper, and he's going to spend the rest of his life with my name plastered on his arm! What if he falls in love with someone else? What will happen when they see those scars? How is he going to be able to cope with that? How will I be able to cope?" Kurt broke down in tears, sobs spilling from his lips, as he sank back down into the chair.
"He's going to hate me," Kurt sobbed, burying his face in his hands.
"You don't know that," Cooper sighed, rubbing his hand comfortingly up and down Kurt's back. "Kurt, he's going to remember. He carved your name there for a reason. Because he didn't want to lose you. Somewhere, deep down inside of him, the Blaine we know and love is in there. The same Blaine that loves you and never wanted to lose you." Cooper gently pried one of Kurt's hands away from his face and held it in his own, giving it a light squeeze. "He's going to remember because we're going to help him remember. You can't just forget someone that you love, because you have a piece of their heart, just like he has a piece of yours. We just need to help him realize that and realize how much you mean to each other. You're not alone, Kurt. We're going to get through this. Together."
Kurt attempted a small smile.
"Thank you, Cooper," Kurt said softly. "I don't think that I'd be able to do this alone."
"You won't be alone, Kurt," Cooper smiled. "You don't just have me. You have your entire Glee club family too."
"Oh no," Kurt's eyes widened. "He won't remember any of them! He's going to freak with all of those new faces, all those people who know him but he can't remember them, and it's going to be too much for him and he's going to start screaming again and-"
"Breath, Kurt!" Cooper laughed, squeezing his hand again. "It's going to be okay. We're going to take this one step at a time, one person at a time."
"Okay," Kurt nodded slowly.
"Sir, you can't go in there!" a female voice exclaimed from outside the door.
"That is my son in there and no one is going to stop me from going in there!" a deep voice argued, one that Cooper instantly recognized. The door suddenly flew open to reveal a tall, dark haired man. His hazel brown eyes flashed as they took in the room, swiftly falling on Blaine in the bed, then Cooper sitting next to Kurt.
"Cooper-" the man started to yell.
"Dad, please! We're in a hospital!" Cooper cut him off in a hushed tone. "You need to lower your voice!"
"I will not lower my voice!" the man, identified as Cooper's father, yelled again.
Kurt stared at the man with a mixture of fear and shock. Kurt had never met Devon Anderson personally, as Blaine had never wanted him to go anywhere near his homophobic father, but he turned out to be exactly how Kurt had pictured him. He wore a dark tailored business suit and although a dark coat covered most of it at the moment, Kurt's fashionable eyes were still able to spot it in an instant. He noted the expensive look to the fabric before he realized that the attention had turned to him.
Mr. Anderson was glaring down at him, while Cooper, who was now standing, was looking at him with regret and concern. Kurt slowly stood up and held out his hand to the oldest Anderson.
"Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel," he said with a surprisingly strong voice. "Your son's boyfriend." Kurt noticed as Mr. Anderson's eyes quickly flashed over at the still boy on the bed before quickly flashing back to him.
"Yes, I've heard about you," he replied bluntly, not taking Kurt's hand. Kurt slowly let his hand drop, allowing it to fiddle with the hem of his shirt instead.
"What happened to him?" Mr. Anderson asked, turning his attention back on Cooper.
"He tried to commit suicide," Cooper replied softly, almost as if he was trying to hide his words from the sleeping boy. Mr. Anderson grumbled something and Kurt was just barely able to catch the words, "too bad". Kurt felt a spurt of anger start to flare up in him.
"What, too bad he wasn't successful?" Kurt snapped at the man. "Too bad you're still stuck with homosexual son? You're exactly the man that Blaine said you were! Cold and heartless! You never cared about Blaine! So what the heck are you even doing here?"
Mr. Anderson didn't answer his question. Instead, the dark haired woman who suddenly burst through the door and collapsed at Blaine's bedside sobbing did.
That must be Blaine's mother, Kurt realized. Cooper confirmed this theory when he went over to the woman and helped her stand back up, quickly guiding her over to the chairs beside the bed.
"What happened to my baby?" she sobbed as Cooper helped her sit down.
"He tried to commit suicide," Cooper reluctantly repeated the information, keeping the same hushed tone that he had used earlier.
"Why?" she asked. "Why would he do that?"
"Because of me," Kurt said softly, drawing her eyes to him for the first time. Kurt felt a shiver run through him as her hazel green eyes fell on him. "Hi, Mrs. Anderson. I'm Kurt Hummel." A flash of recognition flickered through her eyes.
"You're Blaine's boyfriend," she replied coldly, nearly spitting the word 'boyfriend'.
"Yes, I am," Kurt nodded, unnerved by the sudden coldness to her tone.
"What do you have to do with this?" she demanded sharply.
"Well, you see, ma'am, we kind of... got in a fight when he came to visit me in New York..." Kurt reluctantly explained. "And then I wouldn't answer his calls and..." Kurt took a deep breath to control his emotions. He would not cry in front of these people. "And then I got a call from Cooper telling me what had happened to Blaine and-"
"So it's because of you that my son is lying in a hospital bed!" she accused, pointing an incriminating finger at him. "It's your fault!"
"No!" Kurt exclaimed, holding up his hands defensively. "I mean yes, but no... I didn't know that he would do something so drastic! ...and I was going to forgive him and things were going to get better again and-"
"You called him, but you didn't call us?!" Mr. Anderson's voice snapped, the question pointed at Cooper.
"Of course I did!" Cooper exclaimed. "He's his boyfriend! And he cares about Blaine more than either of you two ever did!"
"So instead you let us find out when we come home to our house to find it blocked off by crime scene tape with police officers parading in and out of the front door?!" Mr. Anderson yelled.
"I was going to call you!" Cooper argued. "But things have been stressful this past week and I just got caught up in watching over Blaine and-"
"He's been here for a week?!" Mrs. Anderson cried. "And you didn't tell us?!"
"You would have found out eventually," Cooper sighed. "And I was going to wait to tell you until he woke up and the Doctor could assess the situation." Cooper gestured over towards Doctor Wales, the two elder Andersons finally noticing that he was there, who was standing warily at the door, ready to call for security if need be.
"And has he?" Mr. Anderson asked. "Woken up, I mean." Doctor Wales slowly nodded.
"He just woke up not too long ago, but we had to sedate him because he was having a panic attack," Doctor Wales explained. "And I'm afraid his condition is not great. He's suffering from a very severe case of amnesia."
"What do you mean?" Mr. Anderson demanded. "Like how bad is it?"
"He doesn't remember anything after what Mr. Ander- I mean, Cooper, has stated as being the Sadie Hawkins Dance incident," Doctor Wales said slowly. "Are you aware of this incident?"
"Yes," Mr. Anderson scowled. "That was the year that Blaine tried to take a boy to the dance, the year that he came out." He literally spat the last two words out, making Kurt cringe. Now he understood why Blaine had never wanted him to meet his parents. They were horrible!
"We don't know the full extent of his memory loss yet or how much damage has been done to his brain," Doctor Wales continued. "We'll have to run some tests when he wakes up, to make sure that none of his motor skills have been affected, tests like that. It's going to take him a while to get readjusted to the world, so he's going to need complete and utter attention and care while he heals."
"I don't have time to stay home and babysit him!" Mr. Anderson scowled. "I am a very busy man! I have to travel all of the time and I have business meetings that I have to attend and-"
"What about you, Mrs. Anderson?" Doctor Wales asked, turning his gaze on her.
"Me?" she exclaimed, surprised. "No, I can't do it! I have too much to do as well!"
Yeah, cause going on trips with your husband so that you can go shopping in different cities is much more important than caring for your hurt child! Kurt silently snarled.
"Cooper?" Doctor Wales turned his attention on him.
"I honestly would, truly, but I just landed a role in a new TV show, and this is the moment that I've been waiting for forever, you know?" Cooper sighed. "It's finally my big chance... But I guess that Blaine needs me more right now..."
"I'll do it," Kurt's own voice surprised him. Everyone turned to look at him, the Anderson parents with a mixture of disgust and annoyance, Cooper with a mixture of hope and relief, and Doctor Wales with a look of intrigue and understanding.
"Yes, I think that would work," Doctor Wales nodded.
"But he's just a kid!" Mr. Anderson argued. "He can't possibly care for my son!"
"Mr. Hummel has all of the qualifications needed to care for your son," Doctor Wales replied calmly. "And Blaine needs a stable place where he can recuperate."
"Then I'll hire someone to take care of him!" Mr. Anderson snapped. "I do not want my child being taken care of by him!"
"No, what Blaine needs is someone he knows and who knows him to care for him," Doctor Wales argued gently, shaking his head. "Blaine needs to be exposed to the people and places that he knows but has forgotten. That'll give him the best chance for him to be able to remember everything."
"Maybe he shouldn't remember everything," Mr. Anderson mumbled under his breath, though both Cooper and Kurt heard him. "Then maybe he'd be normal again."
"Normal?" Cooper exclaimed with anger. "Him not knowing what has happened, especially with him and Kurt, won't change who he is, Dad! Yes, he's gay! Get over it! That's never going to change! Why can't you just accept that? Blaine is gay! He loves Kurt! He may not remember it right now, but he will. He will because you can't just forget about someone you love. You can't forget about the person who completes you!"
"Look, I don't care who you have look after him, as long as it's not him!" Mr. Anderson scowled, pointing at Kurt.
"With all due respect, Sir," Kurt said calmly. "It's my fault that Blaine's in here. It's my fault that this happened. So I should be the one to fix it."
"Please, Doc," Cooper pleaded softly. "Kurt knows Blaine better than anyone. If anyone is able to help Blaine get his memory back, it would be Kurt." Doctor Wales slowly nodded.
"I agree with what Cooper said," Doctor Wales said at last, turning back to their parents. "One of you will have to sign some papers to confirm that Kurt may care for Blaine."
"I won't," Mr. Anderson growled. "Come on, Victoria, let's go. Since apparently we don't get a say in how our son is cared for."
"Like you ever cared," Cooper mumbled as his mother quickly followed his father out the door, slamming the door shut behind them.
"Now what?" Kurt sighed, running his fingers back through his hair, not caring that it may mess it up. How his hair looked was the last thing on his mind right now.
"Cooper, would you say that you would be classified as Blaine's guardian when your parents aren't around?" Doctor Wales asked suddenly.
"Yeah," Cooper nodded. "Which is like all the time."
"Well, after looking at Blaine's file again, I happened to notice that you are listed as Blaine's emergency contact number," Doctor Wales continued.
"Sounds about right," Cooper shrugged. "My parents were... are away a lot, so it'd make more sense for me to be called if anything were to ever happen."
"This may be enough to verify you as being Blaine's guardian," Doctor Wales smiled. "A guardian who can decide what he thinks would be best for his charge and could sign off on some consent papers for Blaine." Cooper finally caught on to what Doctor Wales was saying.
"I can approve Kurt as being Blaine's caretaker!" Cooper smiled. "Blaine can stay with Kurt, even without my parents' consent!"
"You are classified as a guardian of Blaine, so yes, I believe you can," Doctor Wales smiled. "I'll have to check a couple of things first, but I can almost guarantee that your name will be written down as Blaine's legal guardian, making your consent completely legal."
"This is great news!" Cooper exclaimed, doing a slight happy dance. "I know that with you, he'll make a full recovery in no time! No pressure though."
"No pressure," Kurt laughed, finally relaxing as he realized that things were going to be okay.
I'm not going to lose Blaine, Kurt smiled to himself as he sat down in the chair by the bed and gently took Blaine's hand in his. I can't lose him. Without him, I'm incomplete. Kurt suddenly grinned as he started to quietly sing their song.
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete
"You complete me, Blaine," Kurt whispered softly, pressing his lips to Blaine's hand. "You are my teenage dream. You are my only dream. I love you."
awwwwwww i hate blaines Rents they can die for all i care.. and i no hate you your to nice to me to hate.... i was sad and you hugged me... you are my new best firend shhhh don't tell the other might get jelly lol
Yay! New best friend! And I won't if you won't! :p
i hate blaine's parents