July 25, 2013, 6:35 p.m.
July 25, 2013, 6:35 p.m.
There was a cool breeze blowing that day as they walked down the street. Kurt yearned to reach out and hold Blaine's hand like he used to, but the younger boy had his hands stuffed firmly into his coat pockets, hidden from sight. Kurt sighed inwardly, missing the feeling of Blaine's hand in his. He shoved his own hands into his own pockets as they continued their stroll.
Blaine's eyes were wide with awe as he looked around. Everything was so foreign and new to him, though Kurt had told him that they had walked this street together many times before. He liked how cozy and warm the houses looked, nothing like the large, cold house that he lived in... or used to live in. Blaine shook his head slightly as if trying to clear his thoughts. It was hard trying to understand why he wasn't living in his own home, sleeping in his own bed.
Actually, everything was hard for him to understand. The new house, the new places, the new people. All of it scared Blaine. His brain seemed to be working in overtime as it tried to keep up with all of these new discoveries.
And it's just going to get worse once I go back to school... Blaine shuddered at the thought. The last time he had been at school, he had been attacked by homophobic jocks. Kurt had said that he didn't go to that school anymore, that he went to one called McKidley or something like that, but he was still wary of going there. What if this new school was no different than his last one?
Kurt's heart ached for Blaine as he watched him thinking. His cute, triangular-shaped brows were knit together in confusion and frustration as he thought, which, though it looked adorable, worried Kurt. What was on Blaine's mind right now that was causing him to look like that? Kurt wished that he could do something to help ease Blaine's mind.
And then he spotted it.
"Hey, Blaine," he said, pulling the boy out of his thoughts. "Want to go to the park? There are swings that we can go on, if you want." Blaine's eyes lit up at the suggestion, making Kurt smile. He had made the right call in asking.
"Sure!" Blaine smiled eagerly.
"Come on," Kurt laughed, holding out his hand to Blaine. "I know a shortcut."
He wasn't actually sure if Blaine would take his hand or not, but instantly felt relieved and ecstatic when he felt the smooth skin slid into his hand. Kurt's heart skipped a beat, filling with hope and happiness, as he led Blaine down a small side street. The small park quickly came into sight, though it seemed all too soon for Kurt as Blaine let go of his hand and sprinted towards the park.
"Last one there's a rotten egg!" Blaine called back over his shoulder, a huge, playful grin beaming on his face. Kurt couldn't help but grin as well, struggling to hold back the laughter that was bubbling in his stomach as he raced after Blaine. Though Blaine had a head start, Kurt's legs were longer and quicker, allowing him to catch up to Blaine easily. They both collapsed onto the swings at the exact same time.
"I win!" Kurt declared, breathless from the race.
"Did not!" Blaine retorted, just as breathless. "I did!"
"Only in your dreams, sweetheart!" Kurt chuckled, starting to swing slightly.
"I beat you, fair and square!" Blaine argued. "And I could beat you in anything else too!"
"Well, then I think it's about time that you put those words into action, Anderson!" Kurt grinned, starting to pump his legs to swing faster. "If you think that you can beat me, then try to see if you can swing higher than me!"
"You're on, Hummel!" Blaine grinned back, pumping his shorter legs as well. He quickly caught up to Kurt, swinging back and forth right beside him.
"You know what we always used to call this?" Blaine said suddenly, referring to their side-by-side swinging. "Double dating."
As soon as the words left his mouth, Blaine blushed heavily. He had no idea why he had just said that. He snuck a glance over at Kurt, who was blushing too. Blaine also noticed that Kurt had stopped pumping his legs.
He suddenly started pumping his legs faster, quickly breaking away from the double dating motion and swinging higher than Kurt.
"See!" he called out as he swung up past Kurt. "I said that I could beat you in anything!"
"Cheater!" Kurt replied, feigning a gasp. "You distracted me!"
"All's fair in love and war!" Blaine replied, flashing him a charming smile.
Blaine loved this. He loved the feeling of flying through the air. He loved how the wind blew across his face and whistled past his ears. He loved how free he felt.
"The war's not over yet!" Kurt exclaimed, suddenly jumping off of his swing. He landed on the sand covered ground in a surprisingly graceful way and turned back to Blaine with a huge grin on his face. "Winner take all round! First one to the top of the jungle gym is the ultimate champion!" He motioned at the large structure behind him. "I'll see you at the top, loser."
The term was used in a playful way, but it still stung Blaine to hear Kurt say it.
"Oh, you're going down!" he cried, jumping down off his swing as well. Kurt's eyes widened with surprise and a slight flash of fear before he quickly turned and dashed towards the jungle gym. He didn't even make it five steps before Blaine was tackling him to the ground.
"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed in surprise as Blaine rolled him over and sat on top of him, pinning him to the ground. "Get off of me!"
"Not until you forfeit and declare that I am the ultimate champion!" Blaine replied, grinning playfully.
"Never!" Kurt replied, placing his hands on Blaine's chest and trying to shove him off. Blaine just laughed as he grabbed Kurt's wrists and pinned them down to the ground above Kurt's head. In doing this action, though, Blaine was hovering very close over Kurt, his face just inches from Kurt's. Kurt's breath caught in his throat as he locked eyes with Blaine.
He's going to kiss me! Kurt realized, making his heart start to pound like a hammer in his chest. And sure enough, Blaine slowly started to lean down closer, their faces getting closer and closer, his lips drawing nearer to Kurt's, a bare sliver of space between them-
But then Blaine suddenly turned his head to the side slightly and whispered in Kurt's ear, "I win."
And then he pulled back, a huge, triumphant smile on his face.
"Ok, fine, I concede!" Kurt sighed, his heart aching for the lost moment. "You win! Happy?"
"Very," Blaine grinned, quickly rolling off of Kurt and allowing him to sit up.
"I hope so," Kurt glowered. "You got sand in my hair! Now I'm going to have to go home and shower!"
"Sorry," Blaine pouted, giving Kurt puppy dog eyes. "I didn't mean to."
"It's fine," Kurt sighed. "The least you could do is help me to my feet." He held out his hand expectantly, making Blaine laugh. He quickly leapt to his feet and took Kurt's hand, easily helping him back up on his feet again.
As he stood up, Kurt's foot slipped slightly, making him loose his balance, but, before he could fall back down again, Blaine's hand was suddenly pressing against his back, holding him steady. Kurt felt himself flush with heat as Blaine's body pressed up against his again, making his heart go into overdrive again. But that was not the only part of his body to suddenly go crazy.
Kurt quickly took a step away, hoping that Blaine hadn't noticed.
"T-Thanks," he smiled hesitantly. "F-For catching me."
"Anytime," Blaine smiled back. "So I guess we should get heading back then? So you can have your shower?"
"Uhh, yes, right, we should," Kurt nodded, turning his body away from Blaine slightly. "Come along then." He started to walk back in the direction of his house, knowing that he now needed a shower for a completely different reason, and this one would need to be cold.
I just hope that Blaine didn't notice, Kurt thought as he glanced back at Blaine to make sure that he was following him.
Unfortunately for Kurt, Blaine had noticed.
And he had no idea what to think.
This chapter was amazing!! Please update soon xx
I update as soon as I can! Hopefully at least once a week! And thank you! :D
oooooo hehe a almost kiss and happy kurt ... liking this story its cute