July 25, 2013, 6:35 p.m.
July 25, 2013, 6:35 p.m.
The next morning, Blaine was the last one to come downstairs. Kurt was actually surprised that he did, because he usually just stayed cooped up in his room, eating his meals there alone. But there he was, standing nervously in the kitchen doorway, shifting uncomfortably as he looked at the ground.
"Good morning, Blaine," Kurt smiled, making Blaine's eyes shoot up to him. He gave Kurt a small, cautious smile. "Would you like some breakfast? There's cereal or I can make you some pancakes-"
"I'll have pancakes!" Finn's voice suddenly announced from where he was sitting at the table, already eating a bowl of cereal. The sudden voice made Blaine jump, his eyes going wide.
"Finn, you've already had breakfast," Kurt replied, rolling his eyes before noticing Blaine staring at Finn with wide eyes.
"Blaine," Kurt called his attention back to him. "This is my step-brother, Finn. He's not going to hurt you, okay? I know he's tall, but he's a sweetheart."
"O-Okay," Blaine nodded, stepping slightly further into the kitchen. "You can make pancakes?"
"Yes," Kurt nodded eagerly. "Would you like some?"
"Yes, please," Blaine nodded shyly.
"Alright," Kurt smiled, turning away from Blaine as he set about to make the pancakes. "If you want to sit down, they'll be ready in just a few minutes." Kurt heard Blaine's feet shuffling over to the table as he started to whip the batter together. Thanks to his amazing cooking skills, the pancakes were ready in no time. When he finally turned around with a plate of pancakes in his hand, he nearly broke out in laughter at the site before him.
Blaine was sitting perched on the edge of his seat, watching Finn from across the table as he shoveled his cereal into his mouth. Finn seemed oblivious to Blaine's observation of him, flipping through a sports magazine as he ate. Blaine looked bewildered as he watched the food disappear inside Finn's mouth.
"Where does it all go?" Blaine whispered, partly to himself, as he watched with awe.
"Finn is like a human garbage disposal," Kurt laughed, setting the plate of pancakes down in front of Blaine. "He will eat practically anything! If you ever have something that you don't want to eat, give it to him. He'll most likely finish it for you."
Finn looked up with a sheepish grin. "Hey, what can I say? I like food."
"Finn, shouldn't you be leaving now?" Kurt asked, glancing up at the clock. "Aren't you subbing for Schuester?" Finn's eyes went wide and he shot up out of his chair, the sudden movement startling Blaine.
"Shoot!" he cursed as he barreled out of the kitchen. There was a loud crash somewhere near the front of the house, followed by a quick, "I'm okay!" before the front door was thrown open and then slammed shut, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone in the house. Burt and Carole had already left for work, long before Blaine came downstairs, so now it was just the two of them in the house.
"So, would you like syrup or butter with your pancakes?" Kurt asked, breaking the silence.
"Syrup, please," Blaine smiled, relaxing now that the gentle giant was gone. Kurt quickly went to the fridge and pulled out the small bottle, setting it down in front of Blaine before taking the seat across from him where Finn had been sitting before.
"So, Blaine," Kurt said as he watched Blaine drizzle a heaping amount of syrup over his stack of pancakes. "Is there anything that you'd like to do today?" Blaine looked up in surprise, a fork filled with pancake hanging just in front of his lips. Blaine would usually just stay in his room, never really going anywhere or doing anything outside of the house, and now he was being given the chance to do whatever he wanted.
Blaine thought for a minute before giving Kurt his answer.
"Can we go for a walk?" Blaine asked. He'd been cooped up inside so he thought getting fresh air might be nice. Plus, he also wanted to associate himself with the area, since he didn't really even know where he was.
"Sure," Kurt smiled, seeming happy with Blaine's response. "You keep eating and I'll go get our jackets ready." He quickly stood up and left the room, leaving Blaine alone to eat and think.
Kurt's a really great guy, Blaine thought as he shoveled another forkful into his mouth. He's trying so hard for me... I just wish that I could remember him... It feels like I'm missing something, like as if a huge chapter was ripped out of my life's story, and I need to get that back, tape up the broken pieces. Blaine sighed as he listened to Kurt rummaging around in the coat closet. I want to remember you. I want to know why you care so much about me. I want to know everything about you. I want to be able to love you as much as you love me... But I don't know you... How can you love someone you don't even know?
OMG I really LOVE this fic!! I can't wait to read the next chapter! Please update soon xx
Thank you so much! I love reading your comments! :) Your reactions make me smile so much. Thank you so much for your support and I hope to have a new chapter up soon! :)