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Hurricane 'Verse

Hurricane: In The Shadow Of Your Heart

E - Words: 4,757 - Last Updated: May 19, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Nov 26, 2011 - Updated: May 19, 2012
3,559 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: Warnings: Rough sex (gets right into it too, so if you don't like it, it's at the very beginning and easy to skim over), thoughts of self harm.I have some links to share with you! First, the lovely lokicorey on Tumblr made me two posters for the story! Go see them, they're perfect!! Click here!And secondly, I have posted on my tumblr a playlist for this fic and a graphic I whipped up really quick, complete with youtube links! Click here!Hope you enjoy the chapter!

It’s a Wednesday afternoon and Kurt is being slammed back into the wall, big strong hands gripping him tight and holding him up as Blaine’s hips slam up into his. His long legs wrap tight around Blaine’s waist and cling tight, his hands around Blaine’s biceps and squeezing hard enough to bruise. He doesn’t quite know how they got to this point but when Blaine thrusts up hard, pushing Kurt higher up on the wall, he can’t find it in him to complain. He groans loud, not caring about how sore his back will be later, or how much the neighbors must hate him for how loud they get when they have the chance. All around him is nothing but Blaine, Blaine’s hands on him and the low moans he can’t help but make, vibrating throughout his whole body.

“Yeah, right there,” Kurt gasps, but of course, Blaine knows that, knows him, knows every way to make him feel good. His hands scrabble at Blaine’s shoulders and arms and back, unable to decide where he wants to touch so he just settles for everywhere. Blaine pounds into him almost hard enough to hurt, but not quite - just enough to feel fucking incredible. Blaine is so careful with him, every time, even when he’s rough there’s always an edge of tenderness.

Kurt has almost given up on feeling guilty about what they’re doing. Almost. But the only way he succeeds is by not thinking about it too much at all. He lets himself go, when they’re like this together, sweaty and sticky and not caring one bit. He doesn’t care about anything but this, writhing under Blaine’s wandering hands and rolling his hips down to meet him, fucking himself down on Blaine’s cock.

He takes the hand that had been tangling itself in Blaine’s unkempt hair and lifts it to Blaine’s lips, letting Blaine lick and kiss and mouth at the palm of Kurt’s hand for a few moments before he tugs it away again. He wraps his slick hand tight around his own cock, pumping in time with Blaine’s thrusts, which stutter when he looks down at Kurt, eyes wide until his closes them. “Fuck,” he groans. He thrusts up again, not fast like before but hard, driving into him and making Kurt jolt and cry out whenever Blaine hits that bundle of nerves deep inside him. “Like that?”


It doesn’t take him long to come after that, his whole body arching toward Blaine’s, mouth falling open, unable to make any sound but tiny whimpers as come splatters over their chests. Blaine doesn’t last any longer, one more thrust and he’s stilling, muffling his moans into the crook of Kurt’s neck. They both go limp, sagging against each other, and Blaine’s breath comes hot and heavy in the aftermath of his release, panting against Kurt’s shoulder, eyes closed tight.

It’s strangely quiet after that, after their moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin die away. Kurt feels like the apartment is a bubble from the outside world, as if they’ve been taken out of time. Like they could just stay like this forever and it would be okay.

They don’t move for a long time, and Blaine is still inside of Kurt and holding him up while Kurt clings to him, probably looking ridiculous but not caring because there’s no one else to see. No one else knows about them, after all, not even Rachel, and he tells her everything. (He’s not sure if Blaine would tell Santana, but he assumes that she would mention it on one of her visits to see Blaine if she did know. She can’t help but provide a running, judgmental commentary on everyone’s sex life.) Rachel would judge him even if she said she didn’t, and he judges himself way too much to want any more of that.

It can’t be comfortable for Blaine, staying like this, and Kurt’s spine is starting to ache and they’re both oversensitive to every shift, hissing when they brush against sensitive skin. But Blaine is still stroking little nonsense patterns on Kurt’s hipbones and burrowing his face into the crook of his neck, and neither of them are in a hurry to leave. He shuts his eyes and lets his head tip back to thunk against the wall, still trembling with the intensity of it, absently letting his fingers card through Blaine’s sweaty hair.

Blaine nuzzles into Kurt’s skin once before he lifts his head, staring straight into Kurt’s eyes when he opens them. It’s almost startling, the way Blaine looks at him, for some reason that Kurt can’t quite explain. Kurt wishes that he didn’t have this ridiculous self-imposed rule against kissing, as if that actually removes any emotional connection that might come along with this, because Blaine looks sinfully kissable, now and always.

“We have to talk about this,” Blaine says softly. He lifts a hand, trembling imperceptibly, to touch Kurt’s cheek, stroke across his jaw and cheekbones with feather-light brushes of his fingertips. It’s impossibly tender, overwhelmingly terrifying.

Kurt tries to force his heart back where it belongs instead of letting it leap up into his throat to choke him, and gives a minute shake of his head. You’re the one who said we didn’t have to, Kurt thinks, but he knows that’s different. It was just a postponement, giving Kurt a little extra time to sort through his feelings… which he very much has not. He’s still just as confused as before, but he doesn’t want to figure it out. He knows that if he manages to think straight for once he’ll realize what a mistake this all is.

He’s not ready for it to be over yet. Not when Blaine is warm all around him and looking so beautiful it actually breaks his heart to see. Not now.

“Kurt,” Blaine says, and Kurt can’t do it, can’t make eye contact any longer. He looks away for something to focus on - the lampshade, the curtains, or the mess in the kitchen that he was supposed to be cleaning up before they somehow ended up here. Anything but looking into Blaine’s eyes and seeing the hurt, and worse, the hope there.

“I know,” Kurt says. Blaine’s breath shudders out of him, and he lets his hand fall away, leaving tingly spots on Kurt’s skin in its wake.He wraps his arms around Blaine’s shoulders and pulls him in close. “But not today.”

“Not today,” Blaine echoes, and Kurt takes that as an agreement, or close enough.


The time comes sooner than Kurt would have liked. Amelia is at her friend Max’s house for the night, her first full night away from one of her dads. Apparently the bullying incident - quickly resolved, thank god - had brought the two of them even closer together. “We’re like best friends now or something!” Amelia had exclaimed. Kurt had fretted over the sleepover until Blaine calmed him down and he was assured that she could call or come home the moment she needed to.

So they have the house to themselves for once, and Blaine is in Kurt’s lap and pressed all around him, sucking bruises into the sensitive skin of Kurt’s neck. It’s close enough to real kissing to make Kurt nervous but not close enough to make him put an end to it. Kurt groans, his hips bucking up into Blaine’s, the only thing separating them their underwear and Kurt’s undershirt. He shoves them down over the curve of Blaine’s ass, grabbing and squeezing and pushing them closer together, groaning when Blaine grinds down into his lap.

“Want you.” Blaine gasps out, suddenly close and breathing hot in Kurt’s ear. Kurt whimpers. They don’t really talk during, not often, but the sound of Blaine’s voice deep and growly with desire makes Kurt crazy. “Want you so bad.”

He kisses up Kurt’s jaw, a bit of stubble tickling Kurt’s clean-shaven skin, and that’s nice, all of that is good - until Blaine’s lips are covering Kurt’s, all at once like he was trying to do it fast before he lost his nerve. Kurt’s first instinct is to jerk away, making Blaine’s lips skim dry across his cheek instead, and lean back to put some distance between them, hands on Blaine’s shoulders to keep him from pursuing.

Blaine freezes, and Kurt’s heart plummets. It wasn’t out of shock that he pulled away, it was that stupid rule he’d put into place. Because kissing is still overwhelming for Kurt, sometimes - even after everything they’ve done to and for and with each other, it’s still a lot. It’s emotional in a way a lot of other things they do aren’t. It’s a connection, for lack of a better word, one that he’s scared to make again. Maybe he should have told Blaine that, established that boundary from the very beginning, but it’s too late now.

“Blaine -“

“This really doesn’t mean anything to you, does it?”

“I -“ Kurt chokes. He doesn’t have the words to explain, most of the blood that should be in his head is still much lower and he’s barely managed to figure it all out himself, anyway. But Blaine takes it as a confirmation before Kurt can say anything. Blaine lets out a frustrated huff and climbs off Kurt’s lap, grabbing his clothes from where they had been discarded. “Blaine, wait -“

“Can’t you see how screwed up this is?!” Blaine shoots Kurt a glare that makes him shrink back. He pulls on his pants, face etched into a scowl. “I’m not going to let you do this to me again! If you want me - and I mean all of me, not just treating me like some fucking sex toy - then fine. If you don’t want me, fine. But you can’t just act like you love me and then push me away as soon as I get close!”

It’s almost too big an outburst for this one incident. How long has he been keeping it in and why did it take Kurt until now to see his frustration? Weirdly enough, he’s almost proud of Blaine for standing up for himself, or he would be if the sick feeling in his gut would let him feel anything else. “That’s not - Blaine -

It’s too late. Blaine doesn’t look at him again before he leaves, slamming the door behind him and making Kurt jump even though he was expecting it. Then silence. Kurt dimly realizes he’s shaking a little, staring at the bedroom door with eyes starting to prickle with unshed tears. All this time, he knew it would come to this, but he let it happen anyway. Fuck. He’s never felt more disgusted with himself.

On trembling legs, any arousal he might have had before departed, Kurt pulls on his clothes and leaves the bedroom, wandering into the living room feeling lost and out of place. He sees Blaine immediately, out on the balcony, leaning on the railing and staring out at the city around them. Kurt doesn’t like going out there, hates Blaine being out there even more - it reminds him too much of his dreams, his nightmares, which he’s had more and more frequently in the past weeks. He pushes those thoughts away and steps out, closing the sliding door behind him. He starts shivering the instant he steps out into the cold December air. A few flurries drift around them, but nothing substantial.

“It’s cold,” he says quietly, feeling like an idiot because obviously Blaine knows that. Blaine shrugs. “Come back inside.” Kurt pleads. Blaine shakes his head.

Blaine’s hands are clenched into fists, so hard his knuckles are turning white. His fingernails dig into his palms, and Kurt’s stomach clenches as he sees tiny drops of blood there. “Blaine, your hands,” he says, stepping closer and taking one of Blaine’s fists in his hands. They’re so tense he can’t even relax them. Blaine looks down, eyes widening a little.

“Sorry. Nervous habit.” Blaine mumbles, and Kurt isn’t sure why he’s apologizing. At least it’s better than intentionally hurting himself - not much, but still. He cradles Blaine’s hand like it’s a bird with a broken wing, gently massaging the tensed muscles until they start to relax. His fingernails leave little red crescents in their wake.

Blaine doesn’t look at Kurt as they stand there, just lets Kurt stroke and rub the tendons of his hands until they’re pliant and warm. His brow is still furrowed, staring at their joined hands like they hold some secret. Kurt holds on tight as he whispers, “I am so, so sorry.” Blaine’s breath hitches. He looks away and doesn’t reply. “On a scale of one to ten, how mad at me are you?”

“I’m not -“

“You are and it’s okay. I just need to know how much I fucked up.”

“…Eight? Nine?”

“Wow. Okay. If you’re going to hit me avoid my nose.” It’s meant as a joke but Kurt feels sick just saying it.

Blaine jerks his hands away, snapping in a voice that almost sounds panicked, “Don’t.”

“It was just a joke.”

“I know. Just - don’t.” His voice breaks on the last word.

Kurt stares at him and wonders, helplessly, what to do. “Please come inside?”

This time Blaine nods, following Kurt into the warm apartment. Kurt sits down on the couch, gesturing for Blaine to sit too. He does, as far from Kurt as possible, though that isn’t saying much with such a small couch. Swallowing back the lump in his dry, scratchy throat, Kurt tries to figure out what he can possible say.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he begins, trying to meet Blaine’s eyes and show him how much he means it. It’s terrifying, being honest, but Blaine deserves honesty so he pushes through the fear and keeps going. “And it wasn’t about using you. I know that’s sort of how it ended up, but that’s not… I didn’t mean to.”

“I gave you so much time.” Blaine’s voice is barely above a whisper. “We could have talked about this any time and you just -“

“I know.” Kurt tries his best not to start crying already. It won’t help anything. “I know, I know, I’m sorry. I was… scared. I still am.”


“It’s going to sound so stupid, it was stupid, but - I don’t know. It felt like acknowledging what we were doing would end it. And I just couldn’t do that. I couldn’t let you go again. I don’t want it to be over.”

Is it? Over, I mean?” His voice wavers. It’s a little nice to know that Blaine is as reluctant to stop… whatever this is, as Kurt is.

Kurt shrugs. “It kind of has to be, doesn’t it? I don’t - I know this is hypocritical of me, but I don’t think we can be anything more than friends until we figure this out. Figure out what’s going on with us. I should have drawn that line ages ago.”

“That makes sense.” The silence stretches on for a time, and outside, the world starts to grow dark. In the light of the sunset, Kurt can’t keep his eyes off Blaine. “What we had was really amazing, wasn’t it?” Blaine says quietly.

“What, friends with benefits?”

“No, before.”

“Oh.” Kurt lets out a shaky breath and tries to smile. “Yeah, it was, it really was. Best years of my life. Even the bad ones.”

“Have I ruined any chance of having that again?” He looks terrified even as he says it, but his voice doesn’t waver, and he doesn’t break eye contact - which is more than Kurt has been able to manage, when the subject comes up. When did Blaine become better at talking about his feelings than Kurt?

“…I thought we’d agreed that this was all my fault?” Kurt says it with a sorry attempt at laughter that just makes Blaine look even sadder.

“No, I mean - ugh. Never mind.” Blaine looks away, the frustrated expression returning to his face. Kurt reaches across the distance between them - it feels like miles - and touches Blaine’s hand. He startles, but doesn’t pull away.

“I get it. I… I’m just scared, I guess. And still angry.”

“What about?”

Kurt shrugs. “Everything.”

Blaine closes his eyes. “That’s what this is about, then.”

“Yet another thing we don’t talk about.”

“I don’t want you to be afraid of me.” Blaine shakes his head. “But I guess you have every reason to be.”

“Sometimes I think I’m just as scared of how much I can hurt you as you can hurt me,” Kurt admits. Despite the lingering sick feeling in his stomach, it almost feels good to admit all of this. Like he’s lifting all of his burdens off his shoulders. It’s not that simple, of course, but he’s starting to see why Blaine looks forward to his weekly meetings with Naomi now.

“I am sorry, you know.” Blaine blurts out. “And I’m not just saying that. I’m sorry. For the drinking. For taking Amelia. For hitting you. It was so wrong and that’s not the person I want to be. That wasn’t me. Even if you can’t forgive me for it, please believe me.” It all comes out in a jumbled rush of words, and Blaine looks breathless by the end. He looks straight into Kurt’s eyes, silently pleading for him to understand, and Kurt feels ground has fallen out from under him. “Please.”

…Wow, Kurt thinks. Even his inner voice is wobbly, just like the rest of him. A real apology this time, and it’s obvious how difficult it was for Blaine to say, how he had to force the words out after basically pretending it had never happened for so long, that Kurt can’t tell if he’s feeling pride or anger or something entirely different. His feelings about the whole mess have always been just that, a mess, and it’s going to take a lifetime to sort through them all.

“I know,” Kurt hears himself say.He grasps Blaine’s hand in his, careful to avoid the fresh scratches in his palms, and tries his best to smile. It doesn’t quite work, but it’s the best he can do. “I know.”

Blaine returns the smile, but it only lasts a moment. “But you can’t forgive me.” His thumb absently strokes across Kurt’s knuckles as he talks, without anger - maybe a little disappointment but ultimately unsurprised. Mostly he sounds resigned.

Kurt doesn’t have a response to that, because he simply doesn’t know the answer. “Why did you do it?” He asks softly. “That’s the one thing I’ve never understood. The rest, I… I get it, kind of. But you don’t hit people. I don’t understand.”

Blaine stiffens up beside him, and Kurt immediately wants to backtrack. As far as he knows - and he’s heard more of the conversations than he wants to admit - Blaine hasn’t even been able to speak to Naomi, a neutral party, about this. It’s not fair, putting him on the spot. But before he can tell Blaine that it’s all right not to answer, he speaks.

“I don’t know.” He avoids Kurt’s eyes. “I - I feel like anything I say will be - making excuses. That fight was… it was one of most awful nights of my life. Worse than when Dad disowned me. Worse than when Cooper left.And everything you said - you just know me way too well. You know exactly how to hurt me, and - and I just needed to make you stop. Because it was like you were actually stabbing me in the heart.”

A lump rises in Kurt’s throat. He doesn’t remember most of what he said that night, but he knows that it was meant to hurt - because he’s good at that. He can to dig in deep and cut people with nothing but words. Maybe not as well as Santana - he still shudders to think of some of the insults she pulls out of thin air - but in highschool, he prided himself on it. He wasn’t strong or popular; words were his only weapon. Now he can feel only guilt and hatred for that aspect of himself, the part of him that, deep down, wanted to make Blaine feel as awful as he did. Maybe he understands the mindset Blaine was in on that horrible night better than he thought.

“I was drunk, so I couldn’t exactly... control myself.” Blaine goes on. “Obviously that was not the solution, but I wasn’t thinking about it, I just… I needed to make it stop. I needed everything to stop.” Blaine closes his eyes tight, breathing shallowly, like it was a physical effort just to remember all of it, let alone hash out every detail.

“You broke my heart.” Kurt whispers, gaining no satisfaction from the way Blaine flinches. It’s said without any blame, just a simple fact. The sky is blue. The ocean is wet. Blaine broke his heart into a thousand pieces. He’s also the only who could collect every one of those pieces in his tender hands, hands that were never meant to hurt anyone, and put it back together again, if he only had the patience. “Blaine,” he begins, trailing off when he realizes that he has nothing more to say and leaving the name to sit on his tongue, bittersweet.

“But it doesn’t make any difference, does it?” Blaine draws his hand away, and Kurt absently flexes his fingers, already feeling colder for the lack of contact. “Saying sorry. It doesn’t change anything. I still hurt you, I still can’t forgive myself. I have worked so hard to convince myself that - that it would be better this way, for us to be apart. I might have even come to terms with that someday. But you...” Blaine stands up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. “I should go to bed, or… something.” He mumbles, though Kurt’s watch only reads 7:30.

Kurt’s hand shoots out before Blaine can leave, fingers wrapping around Blaine’s wrist. “Blaine, wait.” The scars crisscrossing his wrists are strange under Kurt’s fingertips, paper-thin skin stretched over fragile bones. Blaine stops, looking back at Kurt with something painfully akin to hope. Kurt just hopes he isn’t about to crush it.

“It’s not about not wanting this. About not wanting you.” Kurt hesitates, sucking in a deep breath, fighting back the panic rising in him. He has to make this clear, now or never - he won’t get another chance. Here goes everything. “I do. Want it. Whatever this is, whatever we are - I want you.” It’s not ‘I love you’, not quite, but it’s enough to make Blaine stare at him, eyes bright and shining and wet, mouth half-open. “What that means, I’m not sure yet, but - yeah.”

Blaine swallows. “I’m still not sure what you’re saying.” His voice trembles.

“I’m saying that I’m sorry too, and know I’ve been selfish, and I know that how I’ve treated you is the furthest thing from okay. I’m trying to work through it, all of it, all my stupid issues. It’s just taking a long time, and that’s not fair to you, and I’m so sorry. We’ve both hurt each other in so many ways, Blaine, and I just…”

“Don’t know how to go back to how things were.” Kurt nods, letting his hand fall. There isn’t any more to say. Blaine sighs and his shoulders slump, looking more frustrated than ever.“I just wish I knew how to make this right.”

All at once, Kurt’s eyes start to burn, but he swallows back the onslaught of tears. It doesn’t matter what part of it all Blaine is talking about - everything is wrong. It’s pointless to keep pretending it’s right. “Me too,” he says sadly. “But you know I’m really trying, right? To figure this out. I just need time. If you can be patient with me…”

It’s not enough. Kurt can tell by the look in Blaine’s eyes, the way they seem to dim. A distant ‘maybe’ isn’t enough of a promise and Kurt doesn’t blame him for that at all. But after a while, Blaine nods, though he can’t seem to make eye contact. “How will I know when you’re ready?”

The short burst of laughter sounds foreign coming from Kurt’s own lips. “Um… I’ll be able to kiss you, if you aren’t too sick of me by then. That’s how you’ll know.”

“Okay.” Blaine hesitates. “Can I… still sleep with you? Just sleeping,” he adds quickly. “I think it helps.”

“Of course. I’ll try to keep my hands off you this time.” It’s supposed to be funny, but Blaine can’t seem to manage more than the tiniest smile. “Thank you for understanding. And for talking to me. I’m sorry I took so long to get over myself, but… better late than never, right?”

“Sure.” Blaine says - quiet, subdued. All at once, the openness they had just moments before is gone, and Blaine is withdrawn again, a mystery. Kurt doesn’t like it, but he doesn’t know what to do but offer a smile.

It was a good thing, talking about all of it, painful as it was. Kurt, at least, feels a weight lifted from his shoulders. But Blaine looks like his burden just got a hundred times heavier even though apologizing must have felt good, and as Kurt watches Blaine walk down the hall toward the bedroom, claiming to be tired, he wonders if they’ve really made progress at all.


“How do you feel today, Blaine?”

Blaine doesn’t reply, barely even hears her. He stares own at his hands, where there are four faint crescent scratches on each palm. They would be scabs by now but he keeps picking them off despite Kurt’s chastising. He doesn’t know when that habit started, digging his nails into his skin until he bleeds - he didn’t fully notice it until Kurt did - and he wonders if it counts as self-harm. He should ask Naomi, she would know. He probably won’t.

They don’t hurt anymore, the scratches, but they itch. The sharp, brief pain had only quelled it for a moment. All of him itches, his palms and fragile wrists and fingertips, begging him to keep scratching - as if if he can pick away at the scars and make himself bleed again, he’ll finally be okay. It’s not right. He knows that. But that doesn’t stop him from wanting to dig at his own skin with his fingernails until they come away red-stained.

It’s stupid, so utterly stupid. He’d apologized and meant it with all his heart, finally finding the words he needed to say sorry for all the wrong he had done after all these years. He and Kurt have made some sort of progress - at least he has a chance where he didn’t before, to put things back together. He should be ecstatic, but it doesn’t feel like enough. Instead, he’s miserable in a way he hasn’t been since Kurt brought him here, miserable enough that hurting himself would feel a hundred times better.

Knowing that he should be happy but very much isn’t makes it even worse.

“Blaine?” Naomi’s voice breaks through, making Blaine blink and shake his head in a futile attempt to clear it. She sounds worried, and though in all appearances she’s keeping up her fa�ade of neutrality, he can see a flicker of pain in her eyes. She’s so young, and clearly cares so much - he doesn’t know how she manages it, this job.

Blaine closes his eyes, and croaks out, “I’ve been better.”


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I hope they sort themselves out soon. I love this fanfic but I feel so sad for both of them! Thank you for a great read.

One step forward, two steps back? I wanted Kurt to just give in and kiss Blaine, darn it, but you have to go and be all realistic about it. ,) I continue to love this story, and when Kurt can someday kiss Blaine again, I know I'll be squealing with delight. I'd love to know how much time has passed since Blaine moved in at this point.

I would say... 2 months, maybe 3? but I haven't really been keeping track.

I love, love, love this story! You've really shown Blaine's journey and how he's struggling to get back. This just makes me so sad for Blaine though, "miserable enough that hurting himself would feel a hundred times better". What would Kurt's reaction be if he knew that's how Blaine felt after their talk? The talk that Kurt felt was a "good thing". I just wish Kurt could get a better handle on his issues. He could use some therapy too. This line seems to sum it up perfectly, "Kurt, at least, feels a weight lifted from his shoulders. But Blaine looks like his burden just got a hundred times heavier..." Oh, how I ache for these fictional characters. Wonderful writing as usual!

Oh, Blaine :( Really fantastic, beautiful chapter. They're really trying so hard. This is so brilliant.

Gah! Blaineyyy!!! Please update soon.

Oh, this is such a tough situation! Unfortunately, I think that no progress can be made in their relationship and in Blaine's healing until Blaine has broken down and truly revealed the terrors, the horrors and fears that drove him to that point of suicide, and has a genuine, sincere emotional acknowledgement of the problems he caused. I don't think he is sincere yet because he is still having very self-centered reactions that are all about himself, namely the "anger and frustration" stuff, which is superficial and doesn't tell us anything about the things that actually caused him to hurt himself. It's too bad that Kurt is kind of enabling this behavior by being too meek and timid around Blaine's anger. I think Kurt is hurting Blaine's process by being too willing to retreat and cry by himself; he needs to strengthen and realize that Blaine is depending on him, waiting for him to be ready to catch him, and that Blaine won't recover until Kurt ceases to cower around Blaine's superficial reactions and starts remembering that he's bigger and stronger than Blaine, that Blaine needs someone stronger to be that way right now. Because otherwise, I think Blaine will continue to have these tantrums that he thinks he can get away with, and he'll never truly acknowledge the terror, the fear, and the problems he's caused himself and others as well. And he'll never get back to being sweet Blaine until he's had a true good cry in Kurt's arms and learns to trust Kurt to take care of him when he's fallen into this pit that he can't scrabble out of with his pretending to be "angry" or "frustrated". I feel like that's the problem that has trapped them in this cycle of Kurt cowering away and Blaine believing the problem is thereby solved.... And so they just tread water. Be strong and stand up for yourselves so you can protect both of you, Kurt! I bet you'll be surprised to realize just what Blaine has been waiting for all along, that Blaine is not hoping for your sex or even for your forgiveness, but for your strength and comfort.