Dec. 30, 2012, 10:50 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2012, 10:50 p.m.
Kurt giggled slapping Blaine's hand away. "I said no touching"
"And I said no promises" Blaine quipped pushing Kurt against the cold tile wall and attaching his lips to Kurt's neck.
"someone's not very coherent" Blaine smirked before sucking harder.
"Fuck y-you"
"You wish Hummel" Blaine growled ducking his head to Kiss down Kurts chest.
"B-Blaine hmmm" Kurts fingers wound into Blaine's wet curls.
Blaine straightened up attaching his lips back to Kurts and rocking his hips hard against his boyfriends.
Kurt gasped.
"T-This okay beautiful?" Blaine asked.
Kurt nodded eyes dropping closed.
"Yes Blaine...I-I'm sure!"
Blaine smirked against Kurt's lips.
"Someone's eager"
"mmm...I hate you"
"Love you too" Blaine said rocking his hips hard against Kurt's causing the younger boy to cry out.
"Hmm Blaine!"
Blaine rocked harder in response causing the younger boys head to hit the tiled wall.
"Shit sorry, are you okay?"
"M'fine" Kurt whined trying to pull Blaine closer.
Blaine smiled moaning and kissing Kurt softly.
"We shouldn't be d-doing this...we'll be late"
"Blaaaine" Kurt whined.
"I need Mmm...please"
"Kurt we can't we've only got like ten minutes baby, we'll be late to the film"
Kurt pouted. "Y-You can't just leave me like this"
"Oh really?" Blaine said leaning in to whisper in Kurt's ear. "Watch me"
And with that he used all his will power to turn around and hop out of the shower.
Kurt stood mouth open in shock.
"Oh it is on Anderson!" He shouted smiling as he turned the shower off and wrapped himself in a towel.
He heard Blaine laugh quietly before walking back in a navy pair of boxers towel drying his hair and whistling.
He opened the bathroom mirror pulling out a tub of hair gel and turning on his puppy eyes face before turning around and pressing the tub of gel to Kurt's hand.
Kurt rolled his eyes and giggled reaching behind Blaine to shut the toilet lid and then pushing him down on it.
Blaine grinned up at him as Kurt took of the lid and rubbed some Gel in his hands.
"Hehe that sounds dirty" Blaine giggled.
Kurt swatted him before running his hands through Blaine's soft curls.
"Mmm" Blaine's eyes closed at Kurt's soft touch.
Kurt smiled expertly styling Blaine's hair. When he'd finished he stepped back.
"Open your eyes"
Blaine did so rushing to look in the mirror.
"Wow, I'm hot!"
Kurt giggled pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
"You are now go get changed and don't touch your hair!"
Blaine nodded skipping out the bathroom, Kurt smiled using Blaine's Gel to style his own hair.
When he'd done he walked into the bedroom finding Blaine sitting cross legged on the floor with his entire suitcase full of clothes scattered all over the room.
He looked up at Kurt sheepishly.
"You told me you had unpacked. When we get home tonight that's the first thing you're doing Mr!"
Blaine nodded rummaging through his clothes tongue poking out in concentration.
"Hmm...Kurt can I borrow your Black pair of skinny Jeans?"
Kurt nodded. "Sure, what are you putting them with?"
Blaine held up a purple/maroon coloured button down shirt.
Kurt nodded in approval placing the Jeans on the bed as Blaine cleaned up the mess he'd made.
Kurt pulled on a pair of tight red jeans and a Black shirt causing Blaine to stare for a moment before he pulled on his borrowed Jeans.
"Geez Kurt" Blaine said as he squeezed into them.
Kurt laughed "Tight?...You might wanna roll them up a bit"
Blaine Blushed rolling them up once.
"Do I look okay?"
"Perfect" Kurt smiled grabbing his phone and wallet.
Blaine copied staying behind Kurt on purpose so he could stare shamelessly at his boyfriends ass in those damn jeans.
Just before they got to Liam's apartment he pulled Kurt aside.
"Kurt...I need to tell you something"
Kurt nodded. "What's wrong?"
"I just...I haven't taken my medicine because well I have none...and I'm scared" Blaine admitted.
Kurt frowned cupping his cheek.
"I don't want to make a scene in public and...I don't want you to leave my side" He blushed biting his lip.
Kurt kissed his cheek softly.
"I won't I promise"
Blaine nodded letting out a slow breath.
"Okay...Lets go" He said hooking arms with Kurt and knocking on their friend's apartment.
Kate and Liam opened the door in seconds.
Katie in a Black dress that Kurt gushed over and Liam in jeans and a blue dress shirt.
Katie complemented both the boys' outfits before hooking arms with Liam.
"Guys, we're supposed to be meeting in reception...do any of you guys remember where that is?" Kate laughed.
All the boys shook their heads and all four of the burst into giggles as they came out the Group B corridor. Branching of them was a seating area straight ahead and Group A tot he left and C to the right.
"Well...I vote for getting in the lift and pressing random buttons!" Blaine said excitedly
"Isn't reception on the bottom floor?" Liam asked.
"I thought that was the laundry room?" Katie replied.
Kurt shrugged as they walked over to the elevator.
Blaine closed his eyes as the doors shut and the other three stared at him in confusion till he spoke.
"Eenie meenie miney mo!" Blaine poked the button with the Black number 2 on and the elevator began to move. The group broke into more giggles and Blaine opened his eyes and smiled sheepishly.
The doors opened at the four made to get out nearly walking in to a startled Amanda.
"You guys look lovely" She said breathlessly moving aside to let them past.
"Thanks....Wait Amanda...Is this the right floor for reception?" Kurt asked stopping the doors from closing.
Amanda smiled warmly at them and nodded.
"Yes just follow the signs you take a left, you should see the swimming pool through the glass and carry on straight"
"Swimming pool!?" Liam and Blaine chorused
"Man I love this place!" Liam said high fiving Blaine.
They thanked Amanda before following her instructions.
All four of them stopped to stare past the crystal glass out at the swimming pool. The smell of chlorine filling the air.
"It looks warm" Blaine said.
"How can you tell that just by looking at it" Katie laughed.
Kurt smiled at his boyfriend who shrugged.
"I just have a feeling!"
They carried on past the glass wall to the lobby and found Jack waiting in a big arm chair tapping on his phone. He looked up and smiled at the four of them.
"Sorry...we got a bit lost" Kurt said giggling.
Jack rolled his eyes good naturedly.
"Well you all look fabulous now come on!" He grinned leading them out a back door that lead to the place the coached had parked. The coached were no longer there though and instead a sleek Black Bmw was parked.
Blaine, Kurt and Liam stared in awe.
Katie rolled her eyes and thanked Jack when he opened the passenger side for her, leaving the three boys to sit in the back.
"Guys the cinema is inside of the mall complex, I'll give you my number and you can call me when the films finished. I'll pick you up where I drop you off Okay?" The four nodded silently.
"Good...have you all got enough money?" They all nodded again.
Jack laughed. "You're all full of conversation I see"
Kurt stifled Giggles against Blaines' shoulder.
Jack smiled turning on the radio. Everyone grinned as the five belted out Bon Jovi the rest of the way there.
Before they all got out Jack handed Katie a card with his number on that she slipped in her purse.
"Call me if you have any problems, enjoy your movie and don't try and sneak into anything you're too young for."
Everyone promised and waved to Jack as he drove off.
"Do you think he let our parents know?" Liam thought.
Kurt and Blaine nodded. "I'd say so, It being such a high maintenance camp...They wouldn't want a bad rep by doing something without parents consent" Kurt said.
Kate and Liam agreed as they entered the mall.
Finding the cinema wasn't hard. Even with Kurt stopping to stare longingly in every shop window. Blaine finally managed to pry Kurt away from and expensive looking scarf by promising a shopping trip when camp ends.
The four excitedly joined the line, Kurt and Blaine bickering over who would by the tickets.
"What are we even going to see?" Katie asked. Amused by her friends bickering.
The three boys turned to look at her and spoke simultaneously.
Liam looked at Kurt in surprise, who grinned. "I love Marvel" Kurt said.
He blushed. "And this has Andrew Garfield in" He added.
Blaine giggled. "Hot" He said. Kurt nodded in agreement.
Katie laughed. "Okay fine" She said leaning against Liam.
Kurt and Blaine compromised by Blaine buying tickets and Kurt buying food and drink for the couple.
They thanked the lady at the desk and followed the signs for screen room 2 Kurt carrying a bucket of Redvines that Blaine had his eyes on.
They found good seats and sat down just as the curtains opened ready for the adverts. Blaine and Liam got tucked in on the sweets immediately.
As more and more Adverts passed more and more people came through the doors. Until the empty spaces next to the group had been filled.
The warning for mobile phones came on just before the film started, the room suddenly quieting down save the occasional rustle.
The group fell silent and Blaine's hand slowly slipped into Kurt's. The younger boy smiled in the dark.
Throughout the film they shared hushed whispers over how hot Andrew Garfield was and laughing at funny moments in the film.
It wasn't until Kurt felt Blaine stiffen next to him that he became worried.
Blaine's breathing had gone weird as if he was purposely trying to control it.
He turned to face Blaine who had gone still, his eyes met Kurt's and he shook his head from side to side.
Kurt grabbed his hand, getting up and pulling him towards the exit, the boys palm sweaty against Kurts.
Kurt managed to pull Blaine inside the thankfully empty bathroom before he lost it.
Blaine's hands began to fist then uncurl, he walked over to the paper towel dispenser and began to pull them out one by one.
Kurt sat on the sink patiently waiting and watching.
Blaine turned and gave the bin next to him and hard kick causing it to crash against the wall.
He placed both his hands against the wall eyes closing as he breathed heavily.
Kurt hopped of the sink walking up to him and wrapping his arms around the shorter boy's waist.
"It's okay baby...you're okay" He whispered turning Blaine around.
Blaine nodded, head leaning against Kurts.
"I need my medicine K-Kurt" He whispered back.
"I know baby...They'll be here tomorrow okay? Do you want to go back?" Kurt asked.
Blaine nodded. Pulling away to go and splash cold water over his face. When he turned back around he smiled.
Kurt smiled back. "Come on, or we'll miss Spiderman beat the Lizard things ass!" Kurt grinned.
Blaine chuckled holding out his hand to Kurt.
Katie shot them a worried look as they sat back down but Kurt shook his head. She nodded continuing to watch the film.
This time Blaine sat as close as possible, head resting on Kurt's shoulder for the remainder of the film.
By time the lights came on Blaine's eyes were closed and he was fast asleep on Kurt's shoulder.
Kurt smiled softly brushing back Blaine's hair and leaning close.
"Blaine, wake up baby" Kurt said softly.
Blaine's eyes flickered open looking up at Kurt.
Kurt held his hand out helping Blaine up from his seat.
Blaine yawned leaning against him as they walked eyes flickering shut every now and again.
Katie called Jack as they got out the cinema and with twenty minutes to kill they decided to go to the arcade, Kurt first getting Blaine a sugary drink.
"Here" Kurt said handing him a coke and kissing his cheek. Blaine smiled happily sipping at it.
"Thank you"
Within a few minutes Blaine seemed to have perked up and dragged Kurt to a racing car stimulator Kurt grinned as they got on.
"Hey Kurt...Hold on tight!" Blaine said as he put money in to the machine.
Kurt giggled watching the screen as the simulator threw them against each other when they turned a tight corner.
Blaine reached across prying Kurts hands of the steering wheel and holding them up above his head.
Kurt laughed harder. "Blaine we're gonna crash!"
Blaine giggled steeping harder on the accelerator. Kurt yelled as they got closer to the side of the track wall. At the last second Blaine grabbed the steering wheel and turned so the car went spinning across the finish line.
The ride stopped but there laughter continued.
"I-I am soooooo taking you to Six Flags Kurt!" Blaine said through his giggles.
Kurt's eyes lit up.
"Really? I've never been!"
Blaine nodded quickly. "I promise. I used to sing there....they used to let me ride the rides at the end of the day!"
Kurt grinned leaning over to kiss Blaine.
"Hmm...Can't wait!"
"Me neither!" Blaine grinned helping Kurt down from the car and walking over to Katie and Liam who were shooting zombies on a screen.
They all burst into giggles when Katie beat Liam and did a victory dance around the arcade earning some strange looks from other people.
With five minutes to go they headed back to the car park to wait for Jack. Their timing was perfect because a few seconds later the BMW came into the car park, stopping in front of them.
They piled in the car Jack already beginning to ask questions about their night.
Jack cut of his sentence when he heard a soft moan from the back seat.
"Hey! No sex in the car!" Blaine pulled away from Kurt's lips blushing.
"Sorry, we weren't...we were just-." Blaine mumbled.
Jack laughed. "Joking Kid, I know" He grinned.
Blaine relaxed leaning against his boyfriend while they all chatted about the new Spiderman.
They pulled up and got out the car.
Kurt and Blaine were about to walk after Katie and Liam when Jack stopped Blaine.
"Blaine...A word?"
Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt's hand pulling him closer.
"W-What about?"
Jack sighed. "Unfortunately as Robert Anderson is your biological father we had to inform him on what happened"
Kurt held Blaine tighter.
"He's coming up tomorrow morning. I didn't want to tell him kid...But it's the law"
Blaine stifled a sob and gave a short nod.
Jack patted his shoulder.
"If he does anything slightly threatening towards anyone he'll be escorted out the building"
Blaine nodded again not trusting himself to speak.
Jack patted his back once more and walked off.
Blaine squeezed his eyes shut briefly when he opened them he straightened up beginning to walk back to their apartment.
He stayed silent all the way. He opened the door and began to strip of his shirt, shoes and jeans. He threw them to the side of his bead and got in the cover of his bed.
Kurt waited before copying his actions. Pulling back the covers and wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist.
Eventually Blaine spoke.
"He's not here...To have a go at Jacobs parents...He's here to have a go at my mom and I. I've had enough at been beaten and knocked down by him. He'll try again tomorrow and when he does...I'll be ready"
Blaine spoke in a way that made the hairs on the back of Kurt's neck stand up and a shiver run through him.
He was about to reply but Blaine's hallow breathing and rising of his chest told him Blaine had fallen asleep.
Kurt gulped staring up at the ceiling.
After a while he turned to press a kiss to Blaine's shoulder.
"I love you so much Blaine...please don't do anything stupid"....
(TBC) ...
Damn, Darren looks hot in that picture. *stares for a while*back to the story, which by the way is getting even better each chapter! Hopefully Blaine doesn't do anything stupid. I'd hate to see him get kicked out before they have sex (; This is the first story i've read and actually commented on every chapter! woo. its cause its too goood! and you deserve so many comments! Keep the chapters coming! Love it <3
Omg I need to know what happens! This is still my favorite story and I would love to see what happens next soon!!
I've update xxxx
are we getting more?
I've updated xxxx