One month only
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One month only : Chapter 14

E - Words: 2,270 - Last Updated: Dec 30, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Jun 25, 2012 - Updated: Dec 30, 2012
559 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Don't hate me :( I had writers block ;)

“Blaine keep still!”
Kurt said, trying to hold an ice pack to Blaine’s swollen eye. Blaine however, was having none of it.

“Kuurrt it hurts!” He whined, squirming away from the cold object.

“It will hurt twice as much if you leave it” Kurt reasoned.

Blaine huffed and stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend.

“Now hold this while I go fetch you some painkillers”

“I don’t need painkillers!” Blaine said jumping up of the couch.

Kurt laughed rolling his eyes, shocked when Blaine ran past him.

“Nooooooo I don’t!”
Kurt covered his ears. “Babe, don’t shout”

“Hey...Hey you believe in Dragons?”

“Do I what now?”

“You know those big things that breathe fire and go RAAAW!”

Kurt frowned. “Have you had sug-.” He broke off, one word from the bipolar web site flashing boldly in his mind…


Kurt tried hard to force a smile.

“Hey, baby…How about we go sit down and you can talk to me about dragons?”

Blaine scrunched his nose

Kurt jumped.

The curly haired boy made a dash to the windows.

“Hey, Kurt….Do you think I can fly?”

Kurt froze, panic setting in.

“B-Blaine you get back here right now, you hear me?”

Blaine spun around to face Kurt, a smirk settling on his lips as he walked over.

      Kurt sighed in relief as Blaine made his way back to him.

The older boy placed a hand on his belt and winked at Kurt before undoing his own trousers.

Kurt Gasped, more words filling his mind.

 Inappropriate and impulsive behavior.

“Um, Blaine…sweetie, do up your trousers?”

Blaine blinked looking down as if he never realized they had been undone in the first place.

The boy struggled with his belt letting out a disgruntled sigh.

Kurt smiled a bit, pulling Blaine forward by the loops on his Jeans and doing them up for him.

“Kurt, lets have sex”

Kurt stifled a laugh at the boys bluntness.

“Soon, How about you take a nap, and when you wake up….we can?” He lied.

“Im not tired!”

“I can see that” Kurt mumbled.

Blaine looked around the room, eyes trying to find something remotely interesting to him…

And then he bolted for the door.

Kurt leaped up from the couch just as Blaine’s hands made contact with the lock.

Luckily for Kurt the inability to concentrate allowed him to wrap his arms around Blaine’s waist and pull him back before the door was open.

Blaine whined, hands stretching out and reaching towards the locked door.

“Come on sweetie, shhh”

Kurt half dragged half carried Blaine back to the couch, pulling him onto his lap.

“Noooooooo” Blaine struggled to get up but Kurt held him tighter, rubbing soothing circles into the small of his back.

“It’s okay” Kurt whispered.

Blaine finally became still, head nuzzling into Kurts neck. This time when he spoke his voice was no longer loud but steady.


Kurt flinched. “Blaine, you don’t need to apologize every time something like this happens”

Blaine let out a long sigh.

“You know what pisses me off the most? I can hardly remember any of it!”

“I know sweetie, calm down”

Blaine nodded, eyes closing.



“There’s one thing, I can’t find the answer to on the internet”

“What’s that?”

“Well, Other people’s episodes sometimes last days, weeks and even months…and yours lasts like five minutes”

“Hmm…Doctors don’t know either…in-fact they don’t know much about bipolar at all. But, I came up with my own sort of hypothesis”

Kurt grinned. “yeah?”

“yup…The way I see it other people have longer episodes than me, but they have less. While I have them nearly every day, they might have them four times a year, see?”

Kurt nodded. “And nobody knows why?”

Blaine shrugged.

“They say the same old thing about chemical imbalances and stuff”

“Oh, the medication, it works though?”

Blaine paused. “Sometimes, there manly targeted at the depression, the main thing in it is just antidepressant medication, it doesn’t really help manic episodes…but I have them less anyway”

Kurt stayed silent. It must be horrible to have something even the experts don’t really understand, he thought.



“Um…Can I have those painkillers now please?”

Kurt smiled, ducking his head to press a soft kiss to Blaine’s lips.

“Of course, wait there”

Blaine smiled, trying to subtly stare at his ass as he walked away.

“Saw that Anderson!”

Blaine blushed a little.

“Yeah yeah Hummel! Not my fault those Jeans are painted on!”

Blaine smiled as Kurts laughed came from the kitchen.

Kurt walked back in carrying a glass of water and two tablets.

“mercy” Blaine smiled taking them from him.

“Can you speak French?”

Blaine nodded unable to talk with water in his mouth.

“And Spanish, German, Japanese, Tagalon, Irish, Italian and Portuguese” Blaine winked.

“Wow…Show off! What’s Tagalon?”

“Oh it’s spoken in the Philippines”

Kurt nodded slowly. “That’s amazing”


       Blaine chuckled kissing Kurt’s cheek.
“Still want to perform tonight?”

“Are you kidding, of course our duet is kick ass!”

Blaine rolled his eyes at his boyfriends wide eyes.

Kurt turned to look at him fully, hand reaching out to cup his cheek.

Blaine’s eyes closed on instinct.

“How’s your eye feeling?”

As if to answer his question Blaine winced slightly as he opened them to look at Kurt.

“A little sore”

“Hmm…If it helps, you looked really hot when your were fighting and angry”

“I did?” Blaine asked a grin forming.

“Yes, were did you learn to do all that?”

“Just numerous martial arts clubs” Blaine said.

“Well…You kicked ass!”

Blaine giggled. “That seems to be your favorite thing to say today MR Hummel”

Kurt grinned taking the glass from Blaine’s hand and setting it on the coffee table before wrapping his arms around his neck.

“Hmm…Now kiss me!”

“So demanding!” Blaine tutted but his eyes sparkled.

“Shut up and do as you’re told”

“Mmm Yes sir” Blaine said lips finding Kurt’s.

The two stayed on the couch for hours, doing nothing more but laughing, talking and kissing until it was time to go.

Kurt rechecked his hair in the mirror for the umpteenth time and Blaine ran through the lyrics in his head, not wanting to mess them up.


“Yes” Blaine held his hand out for Kurt to take and they left their apartment after making sure the door shut behind them.

They then proceeded to walk down to Liam’s apartment to find both Katie and Liam ready and waiting for them.

By time they’d arrived people were already beginning to set up on stage.

The first two on stage we’re two very gangly spotty teens with braces. The girls hair looked like it needed washing and the boy pulled awkward faces- enough to get the crowd giggling as he sang.

Duets came and went quickly and soon Kurt and Blaine found themselves anxiously waiting for their turn.

They were on next after two girls in short skirts screeched their way through a spice girl number.

They finished with some cheering and catcalls from some guys and Amanda took the mic.

“And next we have Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel!”

A few cheers got masked by booing, Kurt assumed by the same guys.

A reassuring squeeze of the hand was all it took for Kurt to give his boyfriend a big smile and push through the large crowd.

They finally reached the stage and Instead of walking towards the mic they sat at the piano. Kurt waited nervously as Blaine helped Amanda set up a microphone that they could use.

All setup Blaine sat beside him and bent down to whisper in Kurt’s ear.

“I love you”

Kurt grinned straitening up to take the first verse, their hands beginning to dance across the keys.

They sang in perfect harmony during the verses and their hands never faltered once.
Kurt found himself smiling as they came to the last verse. I didn’t matter if they won or not. He’d just sang a song that has a meaning that no other stupidly over the top love song could hold, and best of all he’d sung it with someone he loved.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowlyIt's hard to say that I'd rather stayAwake when I'm asleepBecause my dreams are bursting at the seams

They finished the last note together both boys breathing heavily and god did Kurt just want to lean over and Kiss him.

Instead he settled for a quick hug not wanting to upset anyone, they stood and walked off quickly still grinning happily as Blaine’s hand slipped into Kurt’s.

Next up were Katy and Liam they preformed an amazing mash up of Bruno marz songs that made the crowd scream and cheer. No one screamed as loud as Kurt and Blaine.

To no one’s surprise Katy and Liam won with the most votes, their performance was perfect and different from everyone else’s.

And while the crowd cheered Blaine wrapped Kurt in his arms and kissed him slowly, unnoticed by the people around them.

They broke apart smiling and happy.
“I love you to by the way” Kurt said smiling.

“I’m glad” Blaine replied pulling apart to give Katie and Liam hugs and pats on the backs.

“You two we’re amazing!” Kurt said hugging Katie.

Just then Blaine’s phone blasted teenage dream from his pocket. Kurt smirked at the ring tone but stayed quite as Blaine answered his phone.

“Hey mom!”
“Im fine, honestly…Just a bad eye, Kurt’s been taking care of me” He winked at Kurt.

“Yeah, they got flung everywhere during the fight, so I need new ones…Thanks mom, Love you too…see you tomorrow morning, I will bye”

Blaine smiled pocketing his phone. “My mom says hi and thank you for looking after me and she’ll see you in person tomorrow!” He said pulling Kurt close again.

Kurt smiled.”Can’t wait”

“Me neither, She’ll go ape shit on Jacobs parents!”

“Really?!” Kurt laughed.

“Yup! She’s small….but fierce!”

“Like you!” Kurt quipped.

“Cheeky!” Blaine replied nipping on kurts neck where he had begun to kiss.

Just then Katie came running back over with Liam , neither boy noticing they’d gone.

“Guys, guys! Guess what! As a reward Liam and I get to go to the cinema on a date tonight! Jake is going to drive us!”

“Wow that’s amazing guys well done!”

“And…” Liam cut in. “We get to take another couple so go pick your outfits guys!”

“What really?” Kurt squealed giggling as Blaine picked Katie up in a hug.

“Yup, so go dress up!”

“Don’t I always?” Kurt said.

“Touché” Blaine added giggling.

Katie laughed tiptoeing to kiss Liam’s check.

“Aww, Luck Blaine they’re cute!”

Blaine pouted. “Cuter than me?”

“No baby, nothings cuter than you”

“Yay…now lets go play dress up!” Blaine said pulling Kurt by the hand.

“WE’LL MEET YOU GUYS AT YOUR APARTMENT!” Kurt managed to shout before he was pulled into the crowd.

Once they were back in the building and could here each other’s voices Blaine turned puppy eyes on his boyfriend.

“Kurt…please will you tame me curls for me because your good at that stuff!”

Kurt giggled.

“Hmm I suppose”

“I’ll give you a piggy back to the apartment?”


Blaine crouched slightly and Kurt jumped up, arms wrapping round his neck and Blaine catching his legs.

“You love my piggy backs!”

“I do yes” Kurt agreed cheek resting on Blaine’s hair.

“You weigh nothing. It’s not effort at all”

“I Wish I had your body”

“Why? I like you how you are…perfect!”

“One cheesy and two …It would be nice to have some muscle”

“Well then I have to start jogging again anyway, you can join me in the mornings” Blaine said, hosting Kurt further up.

“You sure? You won’t go to fast right?”

“No, I’ll keep pace with you don’t worry”

“Thank you”

“Anything for you now get down so I can unlock the door!”

Kurt laughed sliding of Blaine’s back so Blaine could unlock the apartment door.

“Right, who get’s first shower?” Blaine asked.

“We can share as long as you keep your hands to yourself, okay?”

“No promises” Blaine said so seriously that Kurt was transformed into a mess of giggles.

Blaine rolled his eyes, flinging the younger boy effortlessly over his shoulder before making his way to the bathroom to get ready for their first official date…

End Notes: So, Scarves and coffee kinda messed up the font and the cap betwen sentences but It still makes sence...I think.Thanks to all who have reviewed and read. Really it means a lot to me and your reviews are always amazing.And I am not a doctor I just go by what I read online...If it's wrong..Oh well...Its a story. Please review with anything you want to see in the next chapters! xoxoxo


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good chapter <3 it was sweet! how bout smut???/ :) lol im patiently waiting for them tro just have sex :)

Smuts coming...hehe maybe just not full on sex yet! xx

Awwww what a cute chapter! Loved it so much.Blaines 'episodes' are cute but also sad! Poor Blaine.OHHHH shower. *-*have they had sex yet? i've forgotten. will have to read again :3

Nearly, Kurt freaked out and realised he wasn't ready. And yup...Shower ;)