Sept. 10, 2013, 9:13 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 9:13 a.m.
Kurt crossed his fingers as the crowd once again fell silent. Time seemed to stand still for both Kurt and Blaine.Every breath seemed to last an eternity and the room buzzed with excitement and electricity
Kurt let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding, which both confused, and excited him. Rachel took this sigh as one of disappointment.
Kurt watched in delight as Blaine's started bouncing around the stage with his friends, happy and laughing and looking more beautiful than Kurt could even describe.
"They weren't even that good," Rachel huffed beside him.
"They were amazing," Kurt shook his head and clapped as loudly as he could, whistling and cheering. Blaine was still jumping around with the look of complete amazement and disbelief on his face.
A part of Kurt felt sorry for the new directions, they were good, but the Warblers had been better, and the look on Blaine's face just made his heart sore in his chest.
One of the other blazer-wearing teens had taken the trophy and was passing it around for the rest of the members to touch before they all scrambled off the stage in a huge, excited swam of navy and red. However just before Blaine left the stage he looked around at the audience and his eyes locked on Kurt, giving a sheepish smile. Kurt grinned back at him enthusiastically and gave him a thumbs up before the shorter boy followed the rest of his team mates.
Rachel stood, being comforted by Finn as she droned on about how the Warblers were too 'cliché'. Kurt gathered it was time to leave as the audience began to pile out of the doors.
He followed out slowly through the lines of people, his mind drifting off to when he would see Blaine again, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw a member of Blaine's team standing behind him with a grin.
"Um, hi," Kurt smiled, "You guys were great."
"Thanks," The boy smiled, "I'm Nick."
"So, we're all going to have a little party to celebrate and we were all wondering if you wanted to come?" The boy asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"Why me?" Kurt asked surprised.
"Because you seem to have made quite an impression on our little Blainey," The boy explained. "And personally, if I have to listen to him describe your eyes in extreme detail any more times tonight, I may have to tie him up and leavehim somewhere far away" The boy said seriously.
Kurt blushed hard.
"My eyes?" he mumbled, blinking a few times and looking at the floor.
"Yep. He's driving us all insane, so please? We don't bite," Nick smirked, "It'll be fuuuun."
Kurt didn't really need to think about his answer, as sad as it seemed, he knew if Blaine was there, then he would go.
"Okay, I'll go"
Nick's face broke out in a grin, "Awesome! Okay. So do you wanna just catch a lift with us? Or you can follow behind us or something."
"O-oh, I didn't bring my own car...Do you mind?" He blushed.
"Of course not, as long as you sit next to Blaine so he doesn't rant amount how well you dress....Nice jacket by the way," Nick smiled.
Oh," Kurt blushed an even darker red, "Thanks. Can I just....Tell my friends a second?"
"Sure, meet you out by our bus. And Kurt?" Nick asked just before he left.
"Relax dude," Nick laughed and slapped Kurt's shoulder before he turned away, leaving Kurt feeling nervous and a little stupid. He stood there for a second before he shook his head clear and rushed off to find Rachel.
"Kurt where have you been we've been waiting for you for ages? come on" Rachel said, the moment she saw Kurt.
Err, change of plan," Kurt said, panting slightly from his rushing to find her.
"What are you talking about?" Rachel asked, "Come on..."
"Rach, I'm going out with Blaine...." Kurt rushed out.
"Now?" Rachel's eyebrows shot up on her forehead.
Kurt rolled his eyes, "Yes now so I'll...see you tomorrow I guess."
"Wait, wait, wait!"
Rachel called, "Where are you going?"
"The Warblers are having a celebration party and they invited me," Kurt called back to her as he left to find the warblers bus, ignoring her yell of.
"You can't party with the enemy!"
A group of the boys were stood outside the bus, Kurt smiled sheepishly at them. An Asian boy grinned at him. "Hey! Kurt right?!"
"Er, yeah. Hi, thanks for inviting me," Kurt stuttered, glancing around for a mop of curly hair.
"Blaine get your ass out here, lover boy!" A blonde head boy called.
Kurt blushed and took an unsure step back, the amount of red and blue in front of him was a little overwhelming.
Blaine came out of the bus with a confused expression, his bushy eyebrows pulling in adorably in the centre of his forehead. His eyes locked on Kurt's and they widened, a large breath of air leaving his lungs.
"K-Kurt" Blaine stuttered
"Oh my god, fuck already" The Asian boy joked. Both boys blushed and Blaine swatted the guy round his head.
What are you doing here?" Blaine asked, confused.
"Er...I can go if you want" Kurt offered, taking another step back.
"W-What? No!" Blaine shook his head "Please don't!"
Nick came and slung an arm around Kurt's shoulder.
"Lighten up Blaine, Kurt's joining the party tonight, maybe then you'll shut up abouthim....for five seconds" Nick winked.
"I don't talk about...I'm not..." Blaine stuttered before he sighed and looked at the floor in embarrassment.
Kurt grinned, and reached out to touch the boys arm... The blonde warbler wolf whistled.
Blaine looked up and smiled at Kurt.
"Alright...Alright, Let's get on the damn bus before I freeze to death" Nick said.
Kurt laughed lightly, "Can I sit next to you?" He asked Blaine softly.
Blaine nodded quickly, pushing back a lose curl of his forehead.
Kurt smiled at the adorable action and put his hand on Blaine's shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze before they all got onto the bus
Blaine's breath hitched as Kurt squeezed past him, the soft sent of Kurts cologne filling the air.
Blaine was taking in a deep breath of the smell before he could stop himself, freezing when he saw Kurt looking at him curiously, "Are you okay?"
"F-Fine," Blaine nodded, smiling awkwardly
Blaine led Kurt towards the back out the bus, Kurt noticed nick kissing the blonde guy rather passionately.
"Guys, geez. Save it," One of the other warblers called, "As much as I love ya, I don't want to see you two fuck each other."
Nick looked up and stuck out his tongue before he shoved it past the receiving boys lips, letting out a small moan and grabbing the boy's blonde hair.
Blaine smirked, and ruffled Jeff's hair as he passed. Kurt couldn't help wonder if all the guys here were gay.
Blaine sat down at the very backseat and looked up at Kurt with a shy smile, Kurt sat down next to him, their shoulders brushing
"So, um...Where's this party?" Kurt asked, as the rest of the warblers found their seats. He was painfully aware that he was the only person not wearing the dapper uniform, sinking down in the seat so he didn't stick out as much.
"Back at Dalton, K-Kurt...I need to confess something" Blaine whispered, head ducked.
Kurt's eyebrows shot up, "Okay, what's up?"
"I'm grounded. That's why I haven't been to the lima bean. I'm really sorry I lied to you Kurt" he whispered.
"Oh..." Kurt shrugged, "It's okay...But should you be going to a party if you're grounded?"
Blaine grimaced. "I'm hoping my parents will be in bed, when I get back. My dad...he only let me compete in the first place because it will 'look good on college applications' Blaine's face fell.
Kurt frowned at the boy's expression, "They wouldn't even have let you compete? What did you do?"
"I was two minutes late home" Blaine muttered ....
Kurt laughed, "No really, what did you do?
Blaine met Kurt's eyes, a pained expression on his face. "i-im serious"
"Really? But I...it had to be more than two minutes?"
Blaine bit his lip, tears swelling in his eyes as he shook his head.
"Hey, hey no Blaine, don't be upset," Kurt put his hand on top of the warblers, "I'm sorry, I should just mind my own business."
"i-im sorry" Blaine Sobbed.
"No, no Blaine shh, please," Kurt wrapped his arm around Blaine's shoulder, frowning when the boy winced away, "You haven't done anything wrong."
Nick looked up, about to make his way over. When Blaine suddenly buried his head in Kurts shoulder.
Kurt jumped a little in surprise before he pulled Blaine closer to him, "Shhh, Blaine. It's okay, it's okay. Why are you crying?"
Blaine shook his head. "hey, Blaine. Cheer up buddy" Nick said softly. Blaine stayed put, nuzzled close to Kurt.
Kurt looked up at Nick and bit his lip, "I, I didn't mean to. I swear I never meant to upset him."
Nick smiled understanding. "I know....He gets like this sometimes, Blaine.... He's had a tuff time"
Kurt frowned heavily and stroked the top of Blaine's head, rocking him back and forth slightly as he whispered, "it's fine, it's okay," over and over again.
Blaine looked up, teary eyed. Realisation hitting him and he jumped backwards. "oh fuck"
"Are you okay?" Kurt asked softly
Blaine nodded, looking out the window.
"Hey, look at me," Kurt requested, putting his hand on Blaine's shoulder, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
Blaine turned. Meeting Kurts sad eyes. "shit, I'm sorry Kurt it wasn't you I just... I have a lot on my plate at the moment, I'm so sorry"
"Don't apologize," Kurt shook his head, "As long as you're okay it doesn't matter."
Blaine blushed, staring at the beautiful boy before him. His eyes flickered to Kurts lips briefly.
"you must think I'm some sort of freak"
"What? No, Blaine no way. Of course I don't," Kurt shook his head, "I'd never think that."
Blaine raised his hand, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Kurt's ear and smiled. "I'm sorry the new directions lost"
Kurt blushed bright red and bit his lip at the action, "Oh-no, it's...you guys deserved it. You were all amazing...especially you, I couldn't take my eyes off you," Kurt added, his voice dropping lower so none of the other teens could hear.
Blaine blushed. "I love performing Kurt. When I'm up there... I dunno, it's silly. But I feel like I can do anything" Blaine whispered.
"That's not silly, I feel the same way," Kurt smiled and bumped his shoulder lightly against Blaine's, "I can see it in your face when you're up there. You're so happy and relaxed...it's beautiful to watch," Kurt whispered back.
"You're beautiful Kurt" Blaine said, seriously.
Kurt gulped and looked at his boots, chewing his lip as his cheeks heated up.
Blaine smiled to himself, the embarrassment of breaking down like that in front of Kurt evaporated as he relaxed.
"Blaine, I just...I feel like....every day in the coffee shop I'm..."
"We're here!" Nick yelled, un-attaching his lips from his boyfriends
"You're what?" Blaine asked curiously.
"Never mind," Kurt mumbled, shaking his head, "Let's go."
Kurt stood, leaving Blaine to wonder what he was about to say. Blaine reached down, intertwining their fingers as they walked of the bus.
Kurt blushed and couldn't keep the smile off his face when Blaine joined their hands together, squeezing Blaine's fingers lightly as they waited for all the warblers to check they had their things and to get off the bus.
Kurt shivered in the cold air, giving Blaine another smile when he looked up at Kurt in concern.
"Are you cold?"
"M' fine," Kurt shook his head, watching the puff of white smoke fill the air when he spoke.
Blaine was quick to shrug off his blazer, draping it around Kurt's shoulders.
"No, I'm fine. Now you'll be cold," Kurt frowned, unlinking their hands so he could pull Blaine close to his side and share their body heat.
"oh God, they're worse than nick and Jeff" the Asian boy groaned.
Blaine smirked, wrapping his arm around Kurt's waist.
Kurt blushed and buried his face in Blaine's hair, smiling when the curls tickled his chin. Blaine's hair smelt like coconut . Kurt noticed. Trying to hide the grin on his face.
How the hell had this happened?
Blaine was suddenly gripping to him tighter as the group of boys shuffled towards the school's entrance, and Kurt certainly had no complaints, he gazed up at the towering building and smiled, so this is what being in Hogwarts feels like, he thought with an amused expression.
"Should I be here?" Kurt asked as Blaine ushered him inside the school as quietly as possible.
"Not exactly" Blaine grinned.
"What?! Guys I don't..."
"Shh," Nick's boyfriend told him, "It's cool dude, don't worry about it."
"Even Wes is behind it, and he never breaks the rules," Nick said, gesturing to the Asian boy.
"Right Jeff?" He asked, slinging his arm around his boyfriend.
The blonde boy smiled, "Right Sweetie."
"Well...If you're sure. This place is amazing" Kurt said in awe.
Blaine chuckled, lowering his voice, "I'm actually Harry potter."
Kurt raised an eyebrow,
"How did you know I thought it looked like Hogwarts?" He asked.
"Everyone always does," Blaine smiled, "I thought so too when I first came here."
"it's beautiful"
"it is" Blaine nodded. "It's my home"
Kurt frowned a little bit at that but soon covered it up with a smile, sensing Blaine's home-life might be a bit of a touchy subject.
On the way to Blaine's dorm Kurt stopped several times to stare at something in amazement. The boys laughed, and Blaine had to drag the older boy up the stairs, threatening to flatten his hair if he stopped once more.
"But Blaine that painting is..."
"I know, come on, or they'll be no time to celebrate at all," Blaine smiled fondly at him before pulling him up the flight of stairs that lead to the dorms. Jeff pulled a card from his pocket and swiped open the lock to his and Nick's dorm.
He pushed it open, and the guys pilled in...
(to be continued)